- Wentworth-Nord council meeting of Jan 15, 2025, report and comments
- Households by Age, W-N / MRC, 2021 TO 2041 /51
- Wentworth-Nord council meeting of Dec. 18, 2024
- Three-year inspection program for fully emptied retention tanks Consultation of dec 10, 2024
- Wentworth-Nord's Council meeting of November 20, 2024 : report
- Private roads in Wentworth-Nord
- Consultation on private roads, Wentworth-Nord / Lake Assoc. / Public
- Wentworth-Nord's Council meeting of October 16, 2024: report
- Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of September 18, 2024 (report)
- Consultation on the draft concordance by-laws to the amended Urban Plan
- Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of August 21, 2024 (Report)
- Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of July 17, 2024 (Report)
- Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting of June 19, 2024
- Modifications to the Urban Plan: reflections and summary
- Wentworth-Nord council meeting, May 15, 2024 (report)
- Consultation on amendments to the Urban Plan of May 11
- Special meeting of May 1, 2024: truck - Coop Santé
- Special Meeting Of The W-N Council Of April 25, 2024, Report
- Wentworth-Nord Council meeting of April 17, 2024 (Report)
- Private roads
- Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of March 20, 2024 (Report)
- Social life in Wentworth-Nord
- Internet use (2018 - 2020 - 2022)
- Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting of Feb. 21, 2024 (Report)
- W-N Council Meeting of Jan 31 st , 2024 - Taxes, budget, PTI (2024-5-6)
- Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of Jan 17, 2023, Report
- Wentworth-Nord Council meeting of Dec 20, 2023, report
- Consultation of Dec. 9, 2023 , on amendment to the W-N Urban Plan , report
- Wentworth-Nord Council meeting of Nov. 15, 2023, Report
- W-N Council Meeting Of October 18, 2023, report
- Séance ext. du conseil De W-N, du 11 oct. 2023, Compte-Rendu
- Municipal statistics
- Montfort Pavilion Advisory Committee: our comments
- W-N Council Meeting Of September 20, 2023; report
- Montfort pavilion's Advisory Committee , Question To W-N Council
- Consultation of Sept. 13, 2023. Draft Bylaw 2017-498-21(Notes)
- Special Meeting Of The W-N Council Of August 30, 2023, report
- Wentworth-Nord's Council Meeting Of august 16, 2023, Report
- Consultation Of July 26, 2023: 1. Land Swap With Lac St.Victor E. 2. Pavilion
- Wentworth-Nord's Council Meeting of July 19, 2023, report
- Land-use planning elements in Wentworth-Nord
- W-N Council meeting of June 21, 2023 (some notes taken on the fly + comments)
- Séance Ext. Du Conseil De W-N, Du 9 Juin 2023, compte-rendu
- Special meeting of the W-N Council of June 5, 2023, report
- Meeting of W-N's Council of May 17, 2023 (Report)
- Consultation on Draft By-laws of May 10, 2023
- Meeting Of W-N's Council Of April 19, 2023 (Report)
- Wentworth-Nord : three realities
- The 2020 indice de vitalité économique
- The income gap in Wentworth-Nord
- The Income Gap In Wentworth-Nord (2020) : Histogram
- The Income Gap In Wentworth-Nord, W-N, PdH, QC (2020): histogram
- Meeting Of W-N's Council Of march 15, 2023 (Report)
- Consultation on tourist accommodation as a principal residence, March 8, 2023
- Special Council Meeting of February 24, 2023 (Report)
- Meeting of W-N's council of February 15, 2023 (Report)
- What about business?
- Special Council Meeting on Taxation 2023 (Report)
- W-N 2023 Budget & PTI 2023-4-5 presentation on Jan. 26, 2023 (report))
- Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of January 18, 2023: Report
- Consultation On The Facade Of Houses
- Migrants In The MRC Des Pays-D'en-Haut
Wentworth-Nord council meeting of Jan 15, 2025, report and comments
Note: Readers should refer to the recording for details and accuracy.
All members of Council, Colleen Horan, Lyne Chapados, Karine Dostie and Catherine Léger, and Régent Gosselin, except for Councillor Eric Johnston, attended the meeting, presided over by Mayor Danielle Desjardins. Ms. Léger did so via videoconference, a first thanks to a change in the rules governing these meetings. Ron Kelley, General Manager, assisted the Council. A handful of citizens were present at the Laurel Community Centre, while the Zoom counter showed around 30 people. The meeting lasted less than two hours.
The agenda was rather light, with the item on urban planning containing few projects, unlike usual. But the atmosphere in the gallery was quite different, as the conflict between the mayor and some council members turned into a real battle. It seems to us that it was the mayor's exclusion from the meetings of several municipal committees chaired by councillors that led to this confrontation, already well underway at previous sessions. We know that Ms. Desjardins, who was ill at the time, had to take a leave of absence and call on councillor Gosselin as deputy mayor.
Ms. Desjardins will comment negatively on the points relating to the work of these committees and the resolutions presented by their respective chairmen. Taking advantage of her right to chair the meeting, she refused the reply of the main interested party, Councillor Karine Dostie, who managed to add an item to the agenda (11.1) to refute the mayor's arguments.
Few resolutions, such as a mandate granted to the Wentworth-Nord Chamber of Commerce and Sustainable Development, found favor with the mayor, who marked her “dissent” (rather than a negative vote).
It seems to us, therefore, that the Council's actions and the very content of these adopted resolutions may suffer from this conflict. Unless there is a change of course, perhaps achieved through mediation, the entire New Year's program at Municipal Hall could be compromised. At the very least, Councillor Gosselin, with his experience, his moderation, his position in these conflicts and his geniality, seems to us to be the mediator of choice here.
Mr. Pierre Aubé, ex-director of the municipality's Public Works Department, who was present in the room, took advantage of the question period to ask the council to “explain itself” in caucus before the meeting, as the population was entitled to a presentation and work that favoured the good of the municipality.
If nothing is done to bring the council members into agreement, this conflict will only degenerate further. Shouldn't councillors and mayor put off their differences until the next election period, and leave the decision to the citizens? Shouldn't they agree to work together for the better, rather than trying to score points for their own cause? In our opinion, the present council cannot do without the experience and knowledge of the mayor; while the latter must agree that our councillors, like the committees they chair and according to their abilities, work for the advancement of our municipality.
3. Follow-up and adoption of minutes
At this point, the mayor indicates the right of veto she used against the resolution of the December 18 meeting, on the modification of Appendix B of the Policy concerning committees, excluding her, she explained, from her right to sit on all committees. She also vetoed the resolution concerning her statement about the Fire Department, which, according to Councillor Dostie, was untrue, and which she considered reprehensible. Council may return with the aforementioned resolutions at the next meeting, the present one, without the mayor being able to apply a veto this time.
4. Administration and correspondence
1 Acceptance of reports on salaries, purchases, disbursements and capital asset purchases for December 2024.
4.2 Notice of motion and filing of draft by-law 2025-580 decreeing the imposition of taxes, compensation and tariffs for municipal services for fiscal year 2025. Ms. Desjardins says she doesn't have the figures to present, as the council is very late in establishing them. She blames the committee responsible, saying that the situation has returned to what it was before the Council's present mandate.
Councillor Dostie points out that the work is well advanced (and will be presented this month). The Mayor, who points out that she has been excluded from this committee, will prevent Dostie from responding to her comments; consequently, she will have the item added to 11.2 of the Public Interest Subject, in which she will respond to the criticism.
4.3 Authorization to issue a call for tenders for an architectural professional for the Montfort Pavilion. The mandate and cost of this call are not specified. Ms. Desjardins will indicate that the professional will, among other things, have to specify the costs of the restoration projects envisaged, we understand.
4.4 Awarding of a mandate to the Wentworth-Nord Chamber of Commerce and Sustainable Development (CCD2WN). This grant, proposed by the committee concerned, contains several parts, including a needs assessment, or the implementation and management of such housing. The mayor denounced what she described as a vague mandate. She explains that municipal services can take charge of some of the actions requested of the Chamber, and that it is forbidden to delegate a municipal responsibility to the Chamber in this way. She adds that it is not the role of such an organization to manage buildings. She is opposed to this. Councillor Dostie defends the cause and the resolution is adopted, despite the Mayor's dissent.
4.6 Tabling of the list of pecuniary interests of a member of the Municipal Council for the year 2024. The mayor declares that she has no interest in the municipality other than her residence.
4.7 Volet 2 du Programme d’aide financière à la mise aux normes des barrages municipaux (PAFMAN). Financial assistance for work to upgrade the Lac Saint-François-Xavier dam/dam.
4.8 Québec gas tax and contribution program (TECQ) for the years 2019 to 2024.
4.11 Modification to Appendix B of the Policy concerning committees. This is the return of the resolution to which the mayor had applied her right of veto at the previous meeting. . This time, the mayor simply indicates her “dissent”.
5. Public safety
5.1 Report from the Chair of the Public Security Committee. Councillor Chapados has no report to submit this month.
5.2 Mutual assistance agreement for fire, disaster and rescue protection. The mayor reports that small municipalities are struggling to meet the new standards.
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 Report from the Chairman of the Roads Committee. Councillor Gosselin reports that the Director of Public Works, (Mr. James McMahon) has been involved in the preparation of the budget, including the identification of necessary cuts. It's a third of the municipal budget. We are looking into obtaining government subsidies for road repairs, but all the necessary details must be properly included in the applications.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Environment Committee. Councillor Horan reminds us that :
- Consultation on the municipality's draft environmental policy will take place this Saturday, January 18. It follows a meeting between the municipality and lake associations on November 9.
- A meeting between the municipality and lake associations will be held on ..., at 6 pm. A zoom link will be made available to them. The main topic will be the possibility of regulating the use of motorized boats.
7.2 Programme soutien technique des lacs – CRE Laurentides. The councillor explains that the municipality will take advantage of this program, with a contribution of $20,335, to conduct complementary surveys at the RSVL. The mayor, recalling that students were hired last summer for similar work, asked if this was not redundant. Ms. Horan specifies that it will be different and that it will be aimed at lakes that don't have an association. She adds that some of these lakes now have a lot of problems.
8 Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Urban Planning Committee Chairman's report. Councillor Johnston is absent.
8.2 List of permits from December 1 to 31, 2024.
8.3 to 8.6 Motions, tabling and adoption of draft by-laws concerning the replacement of residential zone H-04 by a commercial zone in order to permit the use “Résidence de tourisme”, as announced at last December's meeting and with the agreement of the owners of said zone.
8.7 Acquisition of lot 5 588 995 of the Quebec cadastre by the Municipality. Councillor Horan explains that this is a small private lot (west of Lac Saint-François-Xavier) enclosed within a group of municipal lots. The whole is zoned green.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. Report from the Chair of the Comité plein air, sentier et vie communautaire. Mme Chapados reports only that a meeting of the Comité plein air is scheduled.
9.2 Report from the President of the Recreation and Culture Committee. Councillor Léger reports that :
- The Laurel skating rink is in good condition.
- The film “Bergers” will be shown at theCiné-club this Saturday, January 18, at 7:30 p.m. at the Laurel Community Centre.
9.3 Appointment of a Director for Recreation, Culture, Community Life and Communication Services. Ms. Jamie Lee Paquette is confirmed in this position.
11. Topics of public interest
11.1. Ms. Dostie reintroduced this item, which would relate to a statement made by the mayor on fire services. However, speaking of a misunderstanding, she had used her right of veto to block the resolution, which she was not allowed to do again this time. Ms. Desjardins now describes the procedure as a waste of ink (without prejudice).
11.2 Mme Dostie returns to point 4.2, denying that the mayor was excluded from the budget committee, and asserting that she had been invited to its meeting. Mrs. Desjardins replies that she was informed, not invited.
Question period
Question received at the Town Hall from a resident. Why hasn't Georges Street (Lake Wentworth) been plowed under municipal contract, unlike neighboring Lebeau Road? Mr. Ron Kelley explains that the portion of chemin Lebeau cleared of snow belongs to the municipality, whereas this is not the case for rue Georges. An exchange ensued with the intervener present, Mr. Kelley, the mayor and councillor Gosselin. While the municipality has always cleared Georges Street of snow, we now find that the current standards for eligibility are not being met, depriving residents of this essential service.
Diana Zakaib Jegou:
- About the Montfort pavilion. We need your support to get people interested in using it.
- The pavilion kitchen hasn't been cleaned in 20 years, and we're ready to take care of it, with your permission.
- Concerning the Galerie d'art Montfort, I have to get the key every time I enter, and take it back to Laurel. Ans: We'll sort it out.
- There's an assistance program for municipal buildings that we could perhaps take advantage of to restore the pavilion.
- Concerning the mandate given to the chamber of commerce...
The resident returns to the issue of snow removal on Georges Street, to ask for the municipality's help for citizens who are in a bad way.
Mr. Pierre Aubé (in the audience),
- What will the cost be for the architect awarded the contract for the Montfort Pavilion? Mayor's reply We don't have the exact figures, but we can take the case of Saint-Michel church as an example. Mr. Aubé: $26,000 was granted for a mandate concerning Saint-Michel church... Karine Dostie replies to Mr. Aubé: ...
- In your meeting of March 20, 2024, there was a resolution on the maintenance of private roads, to fuel a discussion on snow removal. How far have you got? Régent Gosselin answers: We've looked at several alternatives, but we already need to make an inventory of existing roads. It's around 80 km. We're looking at ways to help owners and establish regulations. Mr. Aubé: We don't have to pay for private roads. Karine Dostie: We need figures. Moreover, we currently only have the point of view of the owners of these roads. The mayor indicates that a 17% tax increase would be required to clear the roads. (?)
By Carl Chapdelaine
Wentworth-Nord council meeting of Dec. 18, 2024
1. Adoption of the agenda
- The Mayor requests that item 4.8 (Modification of Appendix B of the Policy on Committees) be withdrawn to allow discussion among Council members on a resolution that concerns her in the first place. Ms. Desjardins says she was presented with a fait accompli, with the inclusion of this item on the agenda. The councillors, unanimously, will not, however, withdraw the item.
- Added :
o 4.11 Accounting technician position.
o 4.12 Alternation of pro-mayors.
o 6.5 Rendering of account to MTMD for local roads.
o 6.6 Accountability to MTMD for local roads (maintenance).
o 11.1 Concerning a statement (by the mayor), untrue according to Councillor Dostie, about the Fire Department (?).
- Withdrawn:
o 8.16 Acquisition of land.
Items 4. 8 and 11.1 gave rise to confrontations between councillors and the mayor.
2. Statements by elected representatives
- The mayor returns to item 4.8, to say how cavalierly this resolution was introduced, without her knowledge. “I was relieved of all committee duties, without even having been told.
- Ms. Desjardins announces that, for health reasons, she will not stand for re-election as mayor in 2025.
- She explains that she was attracted to politics by a concern for integrity and transparency, but that she had the impression that that was no longer the case.
- She hopes that committed citizens will come forward to serve on the council; a very demanding task, she stresses.
- She extends her best holiday wishes to citizens, boards of directors of organizations and lake associations, councillors and municipal staff.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Acceptance of reports on salaries, purchases, disbursements and capital asset purchases for November. Disbursements of $440k in 2024, versus $112k in 2023; higher snow removal costs partly explain the jump in expenses.
4.4 Schedule of regular City Council meetings for 2025. Always the second Wednesday of the month. Except, says Mr. Kelly, in October, when it will be the first Wednesday, in connection with the elections.
4.6 Recognition of an organization. Laurel Station Co-op convenience store.
4.7 Mandate to the law firm Prévost, Fortin, Daoust, to represent the municipality in a case.
4.8 Modification of Appendix B of the Policy concerning committees. As mentioned in the Declarations of Elected Officials, the Mayor states that this is a cavalier way of excluding her from these committees. She asserts that she was never consulted or informed. She ironically thanks Council for this “delicacy”. Councillor Dostie points out that the document was tabled on December 9, and even earlier for some of the documents. “I was in the hospital emergency room,” replies the mayor, calling for a vote. Council adopted the resolution proposed by Mr. Johnston. He indicates that changes can always be made later. Ms. Desjardins asks Mr. Ron Kelly to note her additions (remarks and request to postpone the resolution) in the minutes. Mr. Gosselin, who will have voted in favor of the resolution, requests confirmation of the content of the minutes, as described here.
4.9 Billing for SQ services. "It's disproportionately expensive for us,” says the mayor, ”but there's nothing we can do about it".
4.10 Improving cellular coverage. All citizens will agree with this request, explains the mayor.
4.12 The alternation between Councillor Gosselin and Councillor Dostie, as pro-mayor (mayoress), will be changed from every six months to every three, as the councillor will have obligations at the beginning of 2025, and will be less available.
5. Public safety
5.1 Report from the Chair of the Public Safety Committee. Ms. Chapados reports that the public safety department has responded to the calls.
5.2 Hiring of constables for the 2025 season. Mrs. Chapados gives the list of persons selected. The mayor dissented on the grounds that, as she explained, our firefighters are being brought in to fill the constabulary.
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 Snow removal contracts are being honored, says Gosselin. But regular roadwork, such as on Chemin Farmer, has not been completed. They are still being worked on, but with half the workforce due to seasonal layoffs.
The mayor reports numerous complaints about maintenance, claiming that quality has deteriorated this year. Mr. Gosselin, on the contrary, claims that maintenance is better than last year. He his often in sown clearing business and can see for himself. However, he cannot speak for the Montfort sector. He asks if there have been any complaints. Mr. Kelley replies. (From his comments, we hear the mention of MTQ; the rest is inaudible: accent, microphone noise, etc.).
6.4 Awarding of contract for snow removal on municipal portion of chemin du Lac Gustave for winter periods 2024-2025, 2025-2026 and 2026-2027. This concerns the 1.89 km owned by the municipality.
There is a discussion here on the clauses that allow the contract to be terminated in the event of non-performance. Ms. Desjardins asked whether the contract had been protected against possible lawsuits from unsuccessful contractors. Messrs Gosselin and Kelly express their confidence in the drafting of the contracts on these points.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Environment Committee.
Ms. Horan reminds everyone that there will be a public consultation on the Wentworth-Nord environmental policy, with workshops, at the Salle Gougeon in Saint-Michel, on January 18, at 10 a.m.. You can also participate by videoconference. As a lot of work has gone into developing this policy, the councillor hopes to see a good turnout.
7.2 Adoption of by-law 2024-623 governing a three-year inspection program for totally emptied retention pits. This follows the December 10 consultation (to which the reader may refer).
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Report from the Chairman of the Urban Planning Committee, M. Johnston. Nothing to report.
8.2 List of permits from November 1 to November 30, 2024. (Inaudible; but we hear the figure of $4M)
8.4 Repeal of Interim Control By-law no. 2022-608. (This item, which is of major importance to us, does not appear to be the subject of any reaction from the Council). Mr. Johnston will explain that the affected urban planning by-laws have been amended in line with the information, analyses, consultations and conclusions retained by Council. The moratorium can therefore be lifted.
8.5 Zoning change request 2024-0200. Mr. Johnston will explain (in the words and understanding of the undersigned) that this zoning will be changed to allow short-term rentals, with a 3-bedroom limit; since this reflects the current situation in this zone and the owners agree with this. (Cf. video version for full details and proper explanation...)
8.6 DM 2024-0383 - Distance of a spa from a lot line at 4815 chemin du Lac Grothé. This derogation request, deferred from the October 16 meeting, involves Councillor Karine Dostie, who therefore withdraws from the podium. The mayor, still against its adoption and the CCU's recommendation, explains once again that this would set a precedent, while the derogation, accepting a distance of only 1.5m, when the bylaw requires 5m, does not seem minor to her. Nor does it seem trivial to Councillor Horan.
8.9 PIIA 2024-0291 - Integrated housing project (Phase II) on lots 6 530 075 and 6 547 078, rue Ioan. This is part of the Projet du Mont. (Many citizens were concerned about this Phase II.) However, the developer has reduced the number of single-family residences from 38 to 35. He has increased the surface area of common areas, maintained vegetation zones, pathways and their connectivity, and so on. The CCU recommends acceptance, which is granted.
8.10 PIIA 2024-0301 - Construction of a main building on lot 5 589 278, rue des Érables. There has been a lot of discussion about this project, located near the common parking lot on this street,” explains Mr. Johnston. The CCU recommends its acceptance. Due to the topography of the site, some blasting work - limited, according to the councillor - had to be carried out. Ms. Horan says she has heard quite a bit of blasting... Mr. Johnston explains that there is a lot of movement in the area.
8.14 Park naming - Parc Louisbourg. The creation of this park is the result of an exchange of land between Lac-St-Victor Estate and the municipality. Louisbourg refers to the tennis court involved. However, the mayor points out that the name Val-Lisbourg or chemin Lisbourg is already used at the entrance to the municipality, which could lead to confusion.
9.1. Report from the Chair of the Comité plein air, sentier et vie communautaire. Ms. Chapados thanks: the boards of directors of the organizations she names, including the Groupe de citoyens de Montfort; volunteers; first responders and security; etc. All are indispensable to our well-being.
The mayor points out that the Garde-manger has not yet reached its objectives, but that there is still time to give.
9.2 Report from the President of the Recreation and Culture Committee. Mme Léger congratulates those responsible for the Christmas Market, ... the Galerie d'art Montfort, etc., on a job well done. Thank you to the Comité Loisirs-culture.
She announces the return of the Ciné-club on Saturday, January 18 at 7:30pm at the Laurel Community Center. The event will feature Sophie Deraspe's film, Bergers, which hit Quebec screens on November 15.Mr. Ron Kelley announces that the Internet is operational at the Montfort Pavilion.
9.3 Circonflexe program in the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut - Support and signature authorization. Ms. Dostie explains that this outdoor and sports equipment loan program will be deployed in the municipalities. However, the mayor wonders what will happen at the end of the program, with the need created, and whether the municipalities will be responsible for equipment breakage or loss.
11. Topics of public interest
11.1. Mme Dostie introduces this item, which we understand relates to a statement made by the mayor about the fire service (?). However, she refers to a misunderstanding.
Question period
Mrs. Diana Zakaib Jegou informs us of the death of Bob Clark, Dave Clark's brother and a much-appreciated member of the community. The Board offers its condolences to the family and loved ones.
Mrs. Denyse Pinsonneault:
- Asks for the code for the Montfort Pavilion Internet. Mr. Kelly replied that it was the known code: Internet 2020 (?)
- Wishes Mr. Yves Léveillé a speedy recovery.
- Congratulates Mrs. Zakaib Jegou.
- Thanks to Louise Lapointe, who is responsible for Galerie d'art Montfort, among other things.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version) & Linguee
Three-year inspection program for fully emptied retention tanksConsultation of dec 10, 2024
The installation of a full-drain holding tank is essential when all the more conventional options cannot be applied. It's also the most expensive option. The bylaw does not apply to existing compliant installations.
The Ecoprêt program for upgrading septic systems may be available to homeowners, enabling repayment to be spread over an agreed number of years.
Note: These are just a few of the points made by the undersigned.
Wentworth-Nord's Council meeting of November 20, 2024: report
Councillors Colleen Horan, Lyne Chapados, Karine Dostie, Eric Johnston and Régent Gosselin are present. In the absence of Mrs. Danielle Desjardins, mayor, the latter, as acting mayor, will chair the meeting, assisted by Mr. Ron Kelley, general manager. Mrs. Dostie, who is also entitled to chair the meeting, as is Mr. Gosselin, seems too busy with her baby to perform this task.
There are some 30 videoconference participants, including Ms. Desjardins. An unknown number are also present at the Laurel Community Center. The session will last two hours. The mayor will take advantage of the start of the question period, reserved for council members, to go back over a few points raised during the meeting.
This question period will bring to light conflicts between certain council members or with those in the administration. There are also rumours that, as we approach the next municipal election year, some behind-the-scenes games are being played.
A whereas is withdrawn from item 4.6. Item 8.6 is withdrawn. Items 4.8, 4.9, 4.10 are added.
2. Declaration by elected representatives None
4. Administration and correspondence
4.2 Notice of modification to the rules of procedure for council meetings. (Reading dispensed with) (This involves integrating the articles of Bill 57, passed by the National Assembly on June 6, 2024.) The mayor will explain during question period that, among other things, it allows council members to participate fully in its deliberations by videoconference when they are unable to be on site. (Article 30).
4.3 Notice of modification to the management of the Contractual Policy. (Reading dispensed with)
4.4 Adoption of a special directive concerning the use of a language other than the official language. Whereas the language policy was modified on June 1, 2023, + other whereas, and certain derogations are permitted, while being submitted to the Ministère de la Langue française, the Board adopts the directive.
For example,” replies Mr. Gosselin to a question from Ms. Horan, ”a person who is not fluent in French may, in this case, ask a question for the municipality in English. The municipal representative will translate the question (for the benefit of the room) and answer it in his language, then translate it into French. This will be published on the municipal website. (All reservations reserved.)
4.6 Request for support concerning the Newaygo bridge.
- Whereas this bridge is under the jurisdiction of the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable (MTMD);
- whereas the Ministère does not foresee any work on this bridge within a reasonable timeframe; whereas the distribution of services is affected;
- whereas a council resolution, in April 2023, asked the Ministère to bring forward the date of its repair; another called for the installation of a temporary structure;
- whereas that the MRC adopted a resolution (to this effect) in August 2024, but without having received a response from MTMD; that the Ministry is not respecting the lease with the MRC, which stipulated the presence of a bridge accessible to motorists, cyclists, etc.;
- whereas that the detour imposed on cyclists is not in keeping with the MRC's commitment to the environment; that the detour imposed on cyclists (via Route Principale) is too steep;
- whereas that the closure of the bridge affects the Corridor's recreational and tourism vocation.
- is proposed to ask the MRC to put pressure on the Ministry to install a temporary bridge, and to give it 60 days to respond; that the request be forwarded to Mrs. Agnès Grondin, the MNA, and Mrs. Geneviève Guilbault, Minister of the MTMD, as well as to their assistants, Mr. Stéphane Audet, Director General of the MTMD of Laurentides-Lanaudière. Also forwarded to all mayors of the Pays-d'en-Haut and Laurentides MRCs. Adopted.
5. Public Safety
5.1 Public Safety Committee Chairman's report. Ms. Chapados indicates that lake surveillance by constables will be increased in 2025. ...
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 Regular work
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Environment Committee. Mrs. Horan: Thank you to those who attended the November 9 meeting.
7.2 Wentworth-Nord's commitment and participation in the Municipalité Éco-Connectée program coordinated by Éco-corridors laurentiens.
7.3 Notice of motion and tabling of draft by-law 2024-623 governing a three-year inspection program for full-emptying retention pits. Councillor expresses reservations about this program.
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Report from the Chairman of the Urban Planning Committee, Mr. Johnston.
Presentation of one minor derogation and several PIIAs, with a number of residential construction projects.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. Report from Mme Chapados, Chair of the Comité plein air, sentier et vie communautaire.
- Bagatelle / Santa Claus, November 23 (to be reserved).
- Exhibit at Montfort Pavilion, December 7, 8, 14 and 15, from 1 to 4 p.m.
- Christmas market at Saint-Michel, November 23, 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.Karine Dostie: Counting for the children's Christmas tree on December 8. Register before December 1.
1st Wednesday in December (December 4): Dinner at Pavillon Saint-Michel, with the Filles de la Sagesse group.
Question period
At Mr. R. Gosselin's request, Council members were asked if they had any questions.
The mayor takes the microphone on Zoom. She thanks “Régent” for chairing the meeting and says, “I'm really not in the best shape to be chairing Council.”
She goes on to comment on items:
- 4.2, on a draft by-law amending the internal rules of procedure for City Council meetings. She begins by saying that she doesn't really like the exemption from reading that has been applied, and that she prefers a summary of the situation to inform citizens. This draft by-law will incorporate modifications decreed by Quebec on the holding of these meetings, and will allow, among other things, an absent council member, due to illness or other reasons, to participate fully from a distance.
- 4.3, on a draft by-law modifying the management of the Contractual Policy. Whereas it used to be forbidden to choose a supplier associated with an advisor, this will now be permitted. It used to be very complicated for a very small municipality to exclude people on whom it had to rely on or whom it wanted to invite to participate in municipal management, for example. Such a practice, Ms. Desjardins points out, presupposes adequate supervision.
- 4.6, on the request for support concerning the Newaygo bridge, to demand that the reconstruction date be brought forward and that a temporary bridge be installed. The mayor points out that the current situation affects the well-being of all the municipality's citizens. All councillors need to get behind this, and we need to get the support of the other municipalities on the Aerobic Corridor. We need Madame Grondin, our MNA, to get involved, and Madame Guilbault (Minister of Transport and Deputy Premier) to “wake up”. The situation has become unbearable for a group of citizens; and it's costing a lot in legal fees to all parties involved, including the ordinary citizens concerned.
- 5. concerning public safety. To Councillor Chapados: “We also have such a committee at the MRC. Why doesn't the fire department want to participate in the work of this committee? (Also,) our council has made requests to our public safety department and received nothing but a refusal. “How do you, the chair of this committee, handle the file?” Ms. Chapados says she won't be able to answer his question and tries to explain, while Ms. Desjardins sharply interrupts, taking her refusal as the answer!
Mr. Gosselin responds briefly to the mayor's initial comments, saying that the council would take them into account.
- Regarding the spreading of the gravel indicated for chemin Lundon, is this correct or should it read that it's another type of gravel instead? Mr. Gosselin explains that the gravel chosen is of sufficient quality and already superior to many others. DD: So this road can never be paved? RG: No, and I don't think it's in the municipality's best interest. DD: “It's important for the citizen to understand what it's all about. ... I recognize your great expertise in the field.”
A gentleman (Pierre Auger?) in the room.
- About the gravel on the (side?) of Chemin Sainte-Marie, which is worn out, and the MTMD's slowness. R G: It'll be for 2025, and maybe we'll do what we did for the Newaygo bridge.
- Aggregate = gravel, crushed?
- About signs (difficult to foresee?) on speed limits.
- About roadside advertising and other signs. R. Kelly explains. RG: We'll look into it.
R G: In 2025, we want to focus on missing ditches and road shoulders, but for bigger projects, you need grants and good preparation to apply for them.
Mme Denyse Pinsonneault. Imbroglio concerning the nurse's visits to the Montfort pavilion, as part of Entraide bénévole. Mr. Chartier accompanied her, as he should. I'm doing it in the meantime, with Mr. Ponce taking over by agreement with the municipality. Jémilie Paquette tells me that this service is no longer available in Montfort, although the nurse did come. I'd like the nurse to have the support she needs. RG hands over to RK: We'll sort it out. The mayor intervenes to say that the situation at the Pavillon is distressing, and that services must be offered there as they are in Laurel and Saint-Michel. Régent Gosselin says the director will contact Mr. Ponce next week.
Mr. Yves Charron(?). The neighbor is a car company and it's a nuisance for us. Everything gets picked up there, in terms of used vehicles and parts. My house is for sale, but this is detrimental to the sale. RG: It doesn't comply with regulations.
Mrs. Myriam Rioux. About the light... RK: We've put it in the hands of... MR: Well, we'll have to wait and see... She'd also like to thank the Highway Department for the restoration of Côte Lafleur, on chemin du Lac-Farmer, a masterpiece!
Mrs Désirée Till. About snow removal on chemin du Lac-Noiret. (Cf. 6.2) The (private) section has always been plowed by David Riddell Excavation; what will happen this year? Mr. Ron Kelley: Contact Mrs. Cronier.
Mr. Adrian Hausermann. He asks permission to make five comments.
- He congratulates councillors and administrative staff for their attendance and, in particular, for their involvement in municipal committees.
- He states that, according to his calculations, we would be under the $300,000/year mark by hiring three patrol officers and providing them with a car and equipment; that's half the cost of dealing with the Sûreté du Québec. Let the SQ handle municipalities with high crime rates
- He disagrees that the poor should pay for the snow clearing of the rich.
- He disagrees with the denial of minor exemptions to citizens, while others benefit through connections with a council member. And criteria that apply to other (non-comparable) municipalities should not be applied to situations here.
- Some councillors play tricks on citizens, as did our former mayor. Our mayor has the citizens' interests at heart, not her own, unlike her predecessors.” “And, I will fight F. Ghali's return to Wentworth-Nord City Hall to the bitter end. ...”
- His question to the councillors: Name one value that must come first in their office?
R. Gosselin will explain to Mr. Hausermann that, here, we operate by resolution and that all councillors take the best possible steps for the well-being of the citizens in their sector. They made this commitment as soon as they took office.
Ms. Horan also agrees with Mr. Gosselin, but concedes that councillors can make mistakes.
Ms. Chapados doesn't want to answer “for fear of saying things I'd rather not say”.
Private roads in Wentworth-Nord
At its March 2024 meeting, the Wentworth-Nord council mandated its administration to provide information to enable it to assess the situation regarding private roads and to determine, prior to the presentation of the 2025 budget, whether the municipality should become financially involved in this maintenance or maintain the status quo. It was a question that had been raised since the last administration and brought back by Councillor Eric Johnston..
On November 9 at 9:00 a.m., the municipality held a meeting with lake associations on the subject. It was held at the Laurel Community Centre. One can imagine that the Director of Urban Planning Services, Mr. Benoit Cadieux, would present the results of the mandate on private roads received and consult participants on possible avenues. This would be followed by the expected meeting on relations with associations and on the environment, chaired by the new Environment Coordinator, Mr. Sébastien Poncelet.
It was not clear whether the public had also been invited to this event; but they would certainly not be given the opportunity to participate by videoconference. It is now customary for such a meeting with lake associations to take place late in the fall, after most cottagers have left. The undersigned, who still expected a Zoom link to be available to participate in this meeting, was not going to set off at seven in the morning and make the Montreal-Laurel round trip to try to access the information and exchanges that would take place there.
The council cannot be blamed for bringing lake associations, in a municipality where they play a key role, to contribute to the determination, dissemination and implementation of its policies. In such a position, however, these associations inherit the obligation to transmit any information or directive, not only to their members, but to the entire community of the lakes concerned. It is a chain of transmission that can, unfortunately, often be dropped out and that cannot replace direct communication between the municipality and citizens.
At the council meeting of October 16, 2024, Mayor Danielle Desjardins stated that there would eventually be a public consultation on the subject of private roads. Régent Gosselin had also announced this at the September 18 meeting. Is this the November 9 consultation, or will we be entitled to a real public consultation? In the meantime, a moratorium was imposed on all requests for contributions related to this subject. (We know when moratoria begin; we don't know, despite promises, when they will end...)
This thorny issue of private road maintenance, like that of the environment in Wentworth-Nord, concerns all citizens, as we pointed out in our article on the issue of private roads last April. We won't repeat our presentation and analysis of that time, but simply point out that there doesn't seem to be a global solution to this problem. The pros and cons have continued all the way to the courts, with rulings adapted to the circumstances. In fact, there are many aspects to consider, concerning private roads, among others, in terms of acquired rights or precedents not to be created. The cost of municipal participation in their maintenance could also be a deterrent. Obviously, attendance at the November 9 meeting must have given guests a better idea of the problem in Wentworth-Nord.
It would seem unfortunate if the municipal council had not chosen to address the majority of its citizens directly, to inform and consult them on the conclusions of the mandate given to its administration. Meanwhile, these issues, and the decisions that might result from them, concern them first and foremost, and could already be reflected in the budget being prepared for 2025 and all those that follow.
Par Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with DeepL.com (free version) & Linguee
Consultation on private roads, Wentworth-Nord / Lake Assoc. / Public
For Nov. 9 at 9:00, a public consultation with associations on private roads,
and at 10:30, discussion of summer shoreline inspections, and presentation of water analysis results from 19 lakes between June and September. (With Mr. Sébastien Poncelet, environmental coordinator; at the Laurel Community Centre)
Wentworth-Nord's Council meeting of October 16, 2024: report
There are some 30 participants by videoconference. Five people are also present at the start of the meeting, at the Laurel Community Centre. The meeting will last two hours.
Items 6.7 are postponed. Information item 7.2 is withdrawn. An item, 8.13 (hiring of an urban planning and environment inspector) is added.
Mrs. Desjardins:
- Praises the late Mr. Gérard Chartier, a Montfort alumnus, and offers Council's condolences to his family. He was an unconditional volunteer, especially for the Pavillon Montfort. She also considered him, among other things, a walking historian of her village's past. She confirms that there will be a ceremony to pay tribute to him as soon as possible (October 19), at the Montfort Pavilion.
- Announces that the council is working on the issue of private road management, and that there will eventually be a public consultation on the subject. Consequently, there will be no decision on any project concerning such roads. A member of the audience then wishes to speak, but Ms. Desjardins takes it away, reminding him that question period is at the end. The man and two others leave the room, slamming the door.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Acceptance of reports on salaries, purchases, disbursements and capital purchases, dated September. The total was $11M in 2023, due to exceptional expenses for road repairs. It is $639K for 2024.
4.2 Renewal of animal control mandate for Patrouille canine. Mrs. Chapados asks if we can call on this firm if there is a particular problem. The mayor replies that we can, through the administration.
4.3 Request for financial assistance from the Galerie d'art Montfort, an organization accredited by the municipality. $375 granted.
4.4 Hiring of an administrative assistant for reception and complaint management, Ms. ... Cardinal.
4.5 Request for financial assistance - Prévoyance envers les aînés des Laurentides, accredited by the municipality. Council votes for a donation of $250. The mayor indicates that there will be a deadline for submitting such requests for assistance, for the following year. This will facilitate the preparation of the municipal budget.
4.7 Authorization for Mr. Kelly to hire personnel.
5. Public Safety
5.1 Report from the Chair of the Public Safety Committee. Ms. Chapados gives some statistics on constable interventions and reminds us that we must respect speed limits on the roads. She also reports on an accident on Route Principale.
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 Report from the Chairman of the Roads Committee. M. Gosselin reports:
- That the new Director of Public Works has taken office.
- The focus is now on maintenance and safety, while road signage is being completed.
- The necessary preparations for winter are being made: shoulders, snow removal, etc.
The mayor reports a notification from the Ministry that the municipality is behind in its road maintenance. The reason she gave was that Wentworth-Nord is a large municipality with a small budget. One person per 9 km2.
6.2 and 6.3 Notice of motion and tabling of draft by-laws decreeing the terms and conditions for the assumption of responsibility for the maintenance of private roads on the territory of the Municipality of Wentworth-Nord for the 2024-2025 winter period in the Montfort and Saint-Michel sectors.
6.4 Termination of on-call (seasonal) employees.
6.5 and 6.6 Awarding of contracts for snow removal on municipal facilities and certain roads in the Montfort and Saint-Michel sectors for the 2024-2025, 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 winter periods. Ms. Desjardins explains that three-year contracts are preferred to simplify the process.
6.8 TECQ 2019-2024 program (government contribution via a tax on gasoline). The municipality undertakes to respect the agreement and to communicate to the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation its programming, application and costs, as agreed, for the five years of the program.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Environment Committee. Ms. Horan:
- Announces a meeting with lake associations on November 9 at 10:30 a.m. at the Laurel Community Centre. Associations will receive a document prepared prior to the meeting.
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Report from the Chairman of the Urban Planning Committee. No report due to Mr. Johnston's absence.
8.2 List of permits from September 1 to 30, 2024.
The mayor presents the list, reports on the CCU's recommendations, invites applicants involved in minor derogations to intervene and comments on the series of minor derogations and PIIAs.
In 8.4, a minor exemption is requested for the distance of a spa from a property line at 4815 chemin du Lac Grothé. While the co-owner, Councillor Dostie, withdrew from the podium, the co-intervenor, Mr. Vincent... intervened, via videoconference, to explain and justify the request. But the CCU proposed its rejection. Here, some councillors question this recommendation, while Ms. Desjardins believes that granting the derogation would set a precedent. They nevertheless led the Council to defer the request to a later meeting. The mayor expresses her disappointment.
On two occasions, Ms. Desjardins points out that the CCU is independent, and that applicants who have obtained a permit use it for a modified project.
In 8.12, mandate to PFD Avocats for a demolition request, Councillor Horan, against, will ask for a vote; but the mandate will be granted by a majority.
8.13 Hiring of an urban planning and environmental inspector, Ms....
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. Report from the Chair of the Outdoors, Trails and Community Life Committee. Ms. Chapados congratulates the team of volunteers for their work on the trails.
9.2. Report from the Chair of the Recreation and Culture Committee. Ms. Léger reports on the success of the Cultural Week and Ciné Club activities.
- Ciné-club at 7:30 p.m. this Saturday, Oct. 19, with a suspense film.
- Halloween on Saturday, Oct. 26, with a play for youngsters at 4 p.m. in Laurel.
- Christmas market on Nov. 23, at Saint-Michel church.
Question period
Lady in the audience: There are no benches at the Laurel lookout.
Mrs. Myriam Rioux:
- Thanks to Mr. Kelly for the chemin du lac Farmer; but the burned-out light has not been replaced.
- She received a rock while driving on the road. The municipality doesn't pick up rocks.
- What's the status of the church?
- Your regulations are very, very strict!
Lady in the audience: The footbridge ... needs maintenance.
Mrs. Jayne Pollock (Lake Notre-Dame) asks :
- Any news on the future of the Montfort Pavilion.
- Why the lack of trail maintenance (La Montfortaine). The mayor tells her that this trail is under the jurisdiction of the MRC. Line Chapados explains that a new committee chairman needs to be appointed for the Orphans.
Mr. Jean Paquin (Ch. du Lac-Gustave):
- Will the municipality become the owner of the government portion of Ch. du Lac-Gustave?
- Here, the mayor says that the matter has been discussed with another delegate (Ms. Lacasse) and asks that a spokesperson for the petitioners' group be appointed to defend the case.
- When will the culvert be repaired?
- Who will clear the snow from this section? The mayor recalled that, at the start of the meeting, she had indicated that the issue of private roads was under consideration, and that a consequent freeze on decision-making was necessary.
Ms. Lacasse takes over:
She repeated the questions and arguments put at the August meeting:
- Where do you stand on the proposed transfer of ownership of this section of ch. du Lac-Gustave? The mayor did not answer. Ms. Lacasse: “Never an answer! Mr. Kelly: MTMD says it is studying the file.
Ms. Diana Zakaib Jegou :
- To Mr. Ron Kelly: Disappointed that the consultation on the future of Pavillon Montfort is scheduled to be held in Laurel on Saturday, October 26, she says that He had given assurances that the Internet would be reinstalled at the Pavilion. Ms. Desjardins assures that this is the will of the council and administration; but, while Mr. Kelly explains that he only has two hands, the mayor adds that it won't be ready for the 26th.
- Is the cost of snow removal the same everywhere? DD: It averages $15,000/km.
Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of September 18, 2024 (report)
Ordre du jour Version vidéo Minutes
Councillors Colleen Horan, Lyne Chapados and Catherine Léger are present, as well as Councilor Réjean Gosselin. Mayor Danielle Desjardins, wearing a mask, will preside over the beginning of the meeting; but she will let Mr. Gosselin continue the presidency, assisted by Mr. Ron Kelley, the Director General. Ms. Karine Dostie and Mr. Eric Johnston are absent.
There will be approximately thirty participants by videoconference, in addition to those present at the Laurel Community Centre. The meeting will last two hours.
2. Statement by elected officials
Ms. Desjardins, who confirms the departure of the Coordinator of Environmental Services, Mr. Benjamin Plourde, thanks him for his good services.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Acceptance of reports on salaries, purchases of disbursements, purchases of capital assets for the month of August. The total was $1.3 million in 2023, and it is $672,000 for 2024.
4.3 Donation to the Fondation médicale des Laurentides. This cooperative organization contributes to the operation of health cooperatives, and therefore to that of Wentworth-Nord. A contribution of 25¢ per citizen is suggested; which, for the 1,672 people in the municipality, gives $418.
5. Public safety (Here, Ms. Desjardins leaves and gives her place to Mr. Gosselin)
5.1 Report from the Chair of the Public Safety Committee. Ms. Chapados indicates that the number of calls is increasing. The discussion is about washing boats, fire safety, for which she congratulates the members; etc.
5.2 Hiring of Mr. Benjamin Deschamps as a firefighter and first responder.
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 Report of the Chair of the Roads Committee. Mr. Gosselin indicated that the work is continuing to restore the roads. Efforts are being increased to develop or restore ditches, in order to avoid the expected spring flooding.
7. Environment
7.1 Report of the Chair of the Environment Committee. Ms. Horan:
• Invites residents to be vigilant (concerning the launching of visiting boats?).
• A word for the coalition on mining claims.
• She invites residents to participate in the consultation on the Montfort Pavilion, the ?.
• …
7.3 Hiring of an environmental coordinator: Mr. Sébastien Poncelet.
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Report of the Chair of the Urban Planning Committee. No report, due to the absence of Mr. Johnston.
Here, Mr. Gosselin will read a long series of adoptions of draft by-laws amending the current by-laws; which is necessary to ensure their compliance with the amended urban plan. The motions and filings of these draft by-laws were presented at the meeting of August 21.
8.11 Compliance of the by-law on minor exemptions, the construction by-law and the by-law relating to the demolition of buildings with the amended urban plan. A public notice will be posted.
8.12 DM – Encroachment of a garage in the front and side margin at 2847, chemin Marr. The council will follow the recommendation of the CCU to reject this application.
8.16 PIIA – Construction of a main building on a lot on chemin de la Rivière-Perdue. Accepted, with the recommendation to apply an appropriate coating on the windows overlooking the lake, to reduce light pollution from the interior.
The other PIIA are also accepted.
9. Recreation, Culture and Community Life
9.1. Report from the Chair of the Outdoor, Trail and Community Life Committee. Ms. Chapados:
• You can reach a health professional by dialing 811; see Info-Santé 811
• Saturday, the 21st, at 4 p.m.: Public meeting for our Laurel convenience store.
• Community dinner in St-Michel, according to the usual schedule. (Subject to change.)
• Community dinner in Laurel, according to the usual schedule. (Subject to change.)
9.2. Report from the Chair of the Recreation and Culture Committee. Ms. Léger:
• Ciné-Club, Saturday, 7:30 p.m. “Nos belles-sœurs”, directed by René Richard Cyr.
• Laurel Community Centre, September 28, starting at 10 a.m. Children's workshop, led by local artist Ms. France Paquette, for the Journées de la Culture 2024.
• Galerie d’art Montfort: Les Essentiels Participate in the creation of works, on September 29, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., as part of the Journées de la Culture 2024.
• A visit to the artist's studio, on September 27, 28 and 29, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; at 3165, chemin de La Maison Rouge.
• October 12, 2 p.m.: Theatre at the church of St-Michel. Admission $5.
• Presentations at the Ciné-Club on October 19 and November 16: (See Facebook page)
11. Public interest topic
Mr. Gosselin reminds that there will be very soon:
• An information/consultation session on private roads.
• Same on the future of the Montfort pavilion.
Question period
• Question in the room about the danger to children, due to the non-compliance with the speed limit on (La Maison Rouge Road?), particularly by trucks.
Inaudible response from Mr. Ron Kelly. Mr. Gosselin indicates that the municipality is not equipped to install a speed bump there, but that it has awarded the contract to a contractor who should see to it this year.
• Ms. Myriam Rioux:
o No one stops at the corner of Route Principale and Chemin du Lac-Farmer (?).
o The light does not work at the corner of …
o The police do not come, because we are not important enough.
• Ms. Catherine Lacasse, on behalf of the residents of Chemin du Lac-Gustave.
o (We know that the owner of a portion of the road, the Ministry of Transportation and Sustainable Mobility, does not maintain it, and that it is the municipality that does.) When will the municipality own it, and can we have answers from Mr. Kelly? R. Kelly: We provided the documents to the Ministry. The resolution was registered at the council meeting of April 17, 2024. R. Gosselin: We want to acquire the portion in question. We cannot give you an answer before having the answer from the MTMD.
o And for its snow removal? R. G.: We will have a consultation on private roads. C. L.: It is not a private road. It has been a year since we submitted a request to you. You are snow removal on a section of Jackson Road belonging to the Ministry of Natural Resources, but not the section of Lac-Gustave Road. R. G.: We will look into that.
Ms. Lacasse will not spare the council and the administration in her intervention, recalling that we do not get many answers and suggesting that the request to the MTMD, prepared by the resigning coordinator, Mr. Benjamin Plourde, was never sent to her.
• Ms. Farinaz (on Zoom): (Property on ch. du Lac-Thurson) We had made a request to Mr. Cadieux, but we did not receive a response before (everything was frozen?). For us, it is about building private cottages; but nothing is moving, causing us serious harm. We submitted our projects at the same time as that of the Projet du Mont. For them, it is moving forward; for us not!
• Ms. Brigitte Thomas (on Zoom): On the Route Principale, between St-Michel and Laurel, there is an inconsistency in the signage; it indicates higher speeds on curves (?) than on straight lines. R.K and R.G: We are looking at the signage; it will be checked and adjusted.
Report by show of hands and with all reservations; by Carl Chapdelaine
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Consultation on the draft concordance by-laws to the amended Urban Plan
Present were Mayor Danielle Desjardins, Councillors Colleen Horan, Line Chapados and Réjean Gosselin, and the Director of Urban Planning Services, Benoît Cadieux, who chaired the consultation.
Public consultation informs and invites citizens to share their understanding or opinion on these modifications. It is therefore primarily an administrative exercise. You may learn and notice that severalelements, sometimes quite specific, have been added to the original bylaws in a number of areas: subdivision, zoning, public access to waterways, outdoor lighting, building maintenance, right of first refusal, contribution for park purposes, PIIA, etc.
(This is followed by an overview of the contents of the Power Point and clarifications from Mr. Cadieux or council members present. To shorten our overview, the phraseology is not always that contained in the Power Point plates).
Background - Concordance by-laws
Municipality of Wentworth-Nord
Presentation of the various subjects concerned by the draft by-laws:
1. Contribution for parks, playgrounds and natural areas
2. Cession for access to a lake or watercourse
3. Additional dwelling and house
4. Short-term cottage rental
5. Tourist accommodation business
6. Integrated project development
7. Parking area
8. Density of dwellings per hectare and other uses
9. Ecology and sustainable development
10. Light pollution
11. Building occupancy and maintenance
12. Special projects
13. Right of pre-emption
14. Questions and comments
By-law amendments:
- subdivision;
- zoning;
- on permits and certificates;
- on site planning and architectural integration programs (PIIA);
- concerning the control of outdoor lighting (light pollution);
New regulations
- Building occupancy and maintenance by-law
- By-law respecting specific construction, alteration or occupancy projects for an immovable (PPCMOI)
- By-law concerning the exercise of the right of first refusal on an immovable
These draft by-laws are still subject to change:
- Comments received during the public consultation meeting:
- Examination of conformity with the Schéma d'aménagement et de développement of the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut
Adoption of the concordance bylaws (final versions) is scheduled for the September 18 municipal council meeting.
Topic 1: Contribution for parks, playgrounds and natural areas
- Ensure the conservation, protection and enhancement of natural environments and biodiversity.
- Preserve trails.
- Improve access to housing.
Objectives: ...
Actions: ...
(Extract) : Increase contribution from 7% to 10%.
Topic 2: Cession for public access to a lake or watercourse
Orientations: Promote access to bodies of water for the benefit of the population, while ensuring their protection.
Objectives : Plan access development while respecting the environment's carrying capacity ...
Actions: ...
Topic 3: Housing and additional house
Orientations: Aim for better access to housing.
Objectives: Young families and seniors.
Actions: Encourage soft densification.
(Extracts) :
- Modification of provisions relating to the development of an additional dwelling.
- No longer limits the number of bedrooms in an additional dwelling to one (1).
- Replacement of the concept of “guest house >>” by << additional house >>>.
- Additional house: Accessory building used as an additional dwelling: Authorized as an accessory building for single-family detached residences (located outside an integrated project only).
o A minimum lot size of 8,000 m² is required.
o May have a maximum footprint of 75 m², but never exceed 80% of the footprint of the main building.
o Must be equipped with a separate septic system.
o May be located above a detached garage.
o Must be located at a minimum distance of : 10 metres from the main building / 3 metres from any accessory construction / 6 metres from for terrain.
Subject 4: Short-term cottage rental use
- Repeals provisions relating to this use, which is complementary to the residential use.
- This use will no longer be authorized throughout the territory.
- Current uses will become derogatory uses protected by acquired rights.
- ...
- Impossible to add additional bedrooms.
(Excerpts) :
- Post a summary of nuisance and boat-washing regulations in a visible place inside the building.
Subject 5: Tourist accommodation business
Orientations : Ensure harmonious cohabitation of uses and plan for the future...
Topic 6: Integrated project development
Orientations: Promote better supervision of projects...
(Excerpts) :
- Repeal provisions relating to integrated projects (residential, recreational, commercial or industrial)
- This type of development will no longer be authorized throughout the territory.
- Existing integrated projects will now be protected by acquired rights.
- Possibility of extending a private driveway, as long as this extension does not increase the number of private portions intended for main buildings.
- Possibility of increasing the number of main buildings under the following conditions:
o No new private areas are created.
o Only one main building per unit.
o For an integrated housing project, compliance with the housing density per hectare.
Subject 7: Parking areas
New requirements for parking areas of ten spaces or more.
Subject 8: Housing density per hectare and other uses
Subject 9: Ecology and sustainable development
Bylaw on PIIA. New objective: The project promotes the environmental performance of the building and the site... (For the construction of a new main building.)
Subject 10: Light pollution
Orientations : Protect natural environments by controlling interventions that take place there.
Subject 11: Building occupancy and maintenance
New by-law
(Excerpts) : Occupancy of dwellings (new)
- All dwellings must be equipped with a drinking water supply and a sewage disposal system, which must be maintained in good working order at all times.
- A permanent heating system insulated to maintain a temperature of at least 20 degrees Celsius in all habitable rooms.
- An electrical system in good working order to ensure lighting in all habitable rooms.
- A toilet and washbasin, as well as a shower or bathtub.
- Space for the installation, operation and use of a cooking appliance and refrigerator. A functional sink.
Possible powers and procedures of the Municipality: infringement notices, etc.
If the owner fails to carry out the work requested, the ... may authorize the Municipality to carry it out and claim the cost ...
Subject 12: Special projects (PPCMOI)
New by-law
What is a by-law on specific construction, alteration or occupancy projects (PPCMOI)?
A by-law designed to allow, under certain conditions, a project to be carried out despite the fact that it derogates from one or other of the municipality's planning by-laws.
(Excerpts) :
- A tool for regulating urban development on a case-by-case basis. ...
- Each application is evaluated according to the criteria set out in the by-law.
- The resolution authorizing the project is subject to public consultation, referendum approval (where applicable) and MRC approval.
Subject 13: Right of first refusal
New by-law concerning the exercise of the right of first refusal on an immovable.
(Excerpts) :
- The municipal council designates by resolution any immovable in respect of which a notice of right of first refusal may be registered, which is served on the owner and registered in the land register.
- Allows municipalities to specifically designate an immovable that they may be interested in acquiring, for the benefit of the community, in priority to any purchaser, in the event that it is put up for sale.
- Develop a public space, park, green space, water access or playground.
- Develop recreational trail networks.
- Protect a natural environment or wetland.
- Develop a public thoroughfare or bicycle network.
- Develop public transit.
- Promote the creation or development of social, affordable or family housing.
- Develop spaces for social, community or recreational participation.
- Develop municipal infrastructure or public utilities.
- Protect buildings of heritage interest.
- Support economic development.
- Create a land reserve.
Question period
The undersigned
- Concerning the parking lots. Will this change the current layout of Newaygo Marina, which has lost its tree fence?
- Concerning building maintenance. Will you penalize those who don't have access roads or the means to maintain their own?
- Concerning light pollution. Will regulations govern the use of garlands of lights at night on lakeshores?
Someone in the audience: On the question of the right of pre-emption. (Inaudible)
(No questions from videoconference participants.
Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of August 21, 2024 (Report)
Ordre du jour Version vidéo Minutes
Councillors Colleen, Lyne Chapados, Catherine Léger and Karine Dostie, with her baby, are present. In the absence of Ms. Danielle Desjardins, Mayor, Councilor Réjean Gosselin will chair the meeting, assisted by Mr. Ron Kelley, the Director General. Councilor Eric Johnston is also absent.
There are two dozen participants by videoconference, including Ms. Desjardins. An unknown number are also present at the Laurel Community Centre, including former councilor Myriam Rioux, who will speak during question period (Saint-Michel Church and Lac-Farmer Road). The meeting will last two and a quarter hour, due to the reading of the many urban planning resolutions.
2. Statement by elected officials
Ms. Dostie indicates that she has her one-month-old baby by her side.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Acceptance of reports on salaries, purchases of disbursements, purchases of fixed assets for the month of July 2024.
Total disbursements for maintenance, etc.: $712,286 (or $412,286?) in 2023, compared to $424,781 this year. Adding net salaries, reimbursements, fixed assets, etc., we have a grand total of $643,991 in 2023, and $710,307 in 2024. (To be recalculated…)
4.3 Adoption of the Occupational Health and Safety Policy. Here, Mr. Gosselin tells us that a flagman has just been hit by a backhoe on the Saint-Michel side, hence the municipality’s press release indicating the temporary closure of a section of road and a detour.
4.4 Request for financial assistance from the Association pour la protection du lac Wentworth. A donation of $467.35 is granted.
4.6 Authorization to hire an Environmental Coordinator. (This is following the departure of Mr. Benjamin Plourde.)
4.7 Authorization to hire an administrative assistant.
4.9 Financial assistance to the Coop de solidarité santé Wentworth-Nord. In order to support it in its projects, a donation of $20,000 is granted. Either by a payment of $10,000 on January 15, 2025, and a second to come; all conditional on the submission of progress reports on said projects.
5. Public Safety
5.1 Report of the Chair of the Public Safety Committee. Ms. Chapados congratulates the firefighters and Public Works departments who were particularly in demand during the recent flood. This was a strong initiation for the new director of this department, Mr. ?.
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 Report of the President of the Roads Committee. Mr. Gosselin indicates that the Public Works Department had to, among other things, clean several half-full culverts. He emphasizes that it will be necessary to see if all the culverts are suitable for the eventuality of such weather disasters.
7. Environment
7.1 Report of the Chair of the Environment Committee. Ms. Horan:
• Very productive meeting with the Urban Planning Advisory Committee (CCU), the Environmental Advisory Committee (CCE), Mr. Benjamin Plourde, Mr. Cadieux and elected officials. It was about the document (?) that the services (?) worked on for a year and on which there will be a public consultation.
• Concerning mining claims, a memorandum will be published to explain the Coalition's position. The latter, composed of volunteers, will have to call on professional expertise to draft said memorandum. There will therefore be a fundraising campaign with lake protection associations and MRCs. Thus, if the twenty-one lake associations of Wentworth-Nord each gave $100, our total contribution would be $2,100.
There is a documentary highlighting a situation in Abitibi. Watch it on Facebook, at "Malartic".
7.2 Adoption of By-law 2020-155-1 amending By-law 2020-155 concerning nuisances, peace and order of the Municipality of Wentworth-Nord. The councillor indicates here that launching boats is only permitted between 8 a.m. and 1 p.m. at the landing stage (?). She recalls certain prohibitions, including swimming and fishing at the Montfort pavilion.
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Report of the Chair of the Urban Planning Committee. No report, due to the absence of Mr. Johnston.
Here, Mr. Gosselin will read a long series of notices of motion, filing of corresponding draft by-laws, and their adoption, amending the current by-laws; which is necessary to ensure their compliance with the amended urban plan.
On this occasion, Councillor Dostie and Ms. Horan will vote against the adoption of certain urban planning resolutions that they have deemed inappropriate.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. Report of the Chair of the Outdoor, Trail and Community Life Committee. Ms. Chapados congratulates the Laurel Lake Association for organizing the event that took place at this lake, as well as Sophie Community Resources.
9.2. Report of the Chair of the Recreation and Culture Committee. Ms. Léger: f
- Congratulates the team that worked on the success of Ciel d’août 2024.
- Announces that every Saturday …
- A Ciné-club film every third Saturday of the month, at 7.30pm, beginning September 28.
- Culture Days.
11. Matter of public interest
11.1 Return to resolution 2024-07-3246 of the minutes of July 17, 2024. Councillor Horan will vote against the adoption of this resolution proclaiming the independence of councillors and against the adoption of which the mayor had used her right of veto; a right that can be reversed by a new adoption by the council. It will be adopted by a majority.
Question period
• Written question about the maintenance of Chemin du Lac-Gustave. The owner, the Ministry of Transport, does not maintain it, and it is the municipality that does it.
R. Gosselin: If Wentworth-Nord owned it, it could obtain subsidies; but a transfer of ownership involves legal measures: notary, etc.
• (Ms. Myriam Rioux?) The surfacing of Chemin Farmer needs to be redone. R. Gosselin: We must first think about the deep structure of this road. It’s on the agenda.
Ms. Rioux (in the room): (On the project with the Saint-Michel church) Mr. Ron Kelly: We need to calculate the costs so that the municipality can obtain subsidies. …
Charleen, on Zoom: It would be good to set up four spaces at the Préau de Laurel for pickleball (light tennis); it’s very popular in Morin-Heights. R. Kelly: We’ll look at that for 2025.
Speaker in the room:
• Thank you for the donation to the Coop de santé.
• When… Ans.: That’s for Mr. Cadieux.
Diana Zakaib Jegou:
• We need internet at the Montfort pavilion. R. K. The signal isn’t strong enough right now.
• No news on the future (?) of the Pavilion. Colleen: There will be a consultation in early September (?)
• Heating coming soon to the Pavilion. Colleen: Yes.
With all due respect; by Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with DeepL.com (free version) & Linguee
Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of July 17, 2024 (Report)
Ordre du jour Video version Minutes
Councillors Colleen Horan, Catherine Léger, Réjean Gosselin and Eric Johnston are present. Mrs. Danielle Desjardins, Mayor, will chair the meeting, assisted by Mr. Ron Kelley, General Manager. Lyne Chapados and Karine Dostie are absent, as Ms. Dostie is about to give birth.
Council members will present the agenda items for the sectors whose committees they chair; for example, Mr. Johnston will give a lengthy reading of item 8, Urban Planning and Economic Development. There will be almost thirty participants by videoconference, and an undetermined number in the room at the Laurel Community Centre. The session will last nearly two hours.
1. Adoption of the agenda
Item 7.8 (Grant to the Lac Laurel Association) has been added to the agenda.
Item 11.1: Ms. Léger requests the addition of another item, as a matter of public interest, 11.1 (Clarification of the respective roles of the mayor and councillors). The mayor, indirectly concerned by this draft resolution and who had not been informed of its addition, in extremis, explains that she has no document on this point; whereas information and the pre-session(?) meeting of council members should enable them to prepare for its presentation. A discussion ensued, during which the mayor's different reading of the municipal code was opposed to that of Mr. Johnston and Ms. Léger. Ms. Desjardins complies. (The resolution would specify that the mayor's comments are not binding on other council members).
2. Declaration by elected officials
a. Ms. Desjardins, in what appears to be a reference to the draft resolution on the respective roles of elected officials, apologizes for unfortunate statements she let slip at the June council meeting, which she explains were misinterpreted. (The recording of this meeting was not programmed).
(The undersigned, who was unable to attend, understands that the mayor attended by videoconference. During question period, she would have had great difficulty using the Zoom; this would have led her to say such things.)
b. Mr. Johnston asks (for a review of the policy concerning service providers, including Bell Canada) we believe we understand. The numerous power outages are also mentioned.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.4 Recognition of organizations. Added :
a. Le Garde-manger des Pays-d'en-Haut.
b. Ressources communautaires Sophie.
c. La Table des arts et de la culture de Wentworth-Nord.
4.5 Problems with the Hydro-Québec network. Approach Hydro-Québec.
4.6 Request for review of Municipal Taxation Act for Sûreté du Québec taxes. Ask Quebec to reduce SQ funding imposed on municipalities.
4.7 Request for financial assistance from the Association du lac Laurel. $350 to the Association for its August 17 event at the beach. (All are invited.) 4.8 Authorization to hold the event, on condition that the municipality is not liable to insure it.
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 Report from road committee chairman M. Gosselin. Roadside damage caused by heavy rain (inaudible continuation).
6.2 Authorization to purchase a pick-up truck for the Roads Department. Maximum authorized ($63,000 + $2,300?), for pick-up truck and signage accessories.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Environment Committee, Mrs. Horan.
- Good idea to complain to Hydro-Québec about the frequency of power outages. They say they weren't aware that Wentworth-Nord was suffering more than its share...
- Likewise, we should all complain to the Ministry of Transport about the poor condition of our roads.
- Meeting with the Qlaim Coalition (Coalition québécoise des lacs incompatibles avec l'activité minière) Few of the coalition's demands were received by Québec. There was a gain in terms of distance from lake shores, private and agricultural lands, and woodlots (see Québec meilleure mine).
7.2 Commitment to protecting and improving water quality in the Rivière du Nord watershed.
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Report from the Chairman of the Urban Planning Committee, Mr. Johnston.
8.10 PIIA 2024-0206 - Construction of a main building on lot 6 530 056, rue du Domaine-du-Mont. (This is contained in the accepted overall project.) Ms. Horan asked if the impact of the digging work (by blasting), and on the water table had been assessed. Mr. Johnston explains that, as far as he knows, there is no such requirement in the regulations. Ms. Desjardins provides information to the effect that a study has shown that this type of work has no impact on the water table in Wentworth-Nord.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. Report from the Chair of the Comité plein air, sentier et vie communautaire. (Mme Dostie is absent.)
9.2 Report from the Chair of the Recreation and Culture Committee. Ms. Léger reminds everyone that the 2nd edition of the Festival Ciel d'août will be held from July 31 to August 4. (Table de concertation + W-N + MRC)
And, in advance, on July 27, a free show by an international artist from Wentworth-Nord (singer?) Le chant des oiseaux.
Resumes August 3. August 2, Montfort pavilion: Le chant des oiseaux.
August 3: Market (under the courtyard).
9.3. Modification to the Policy on the use of municipal premises and infrastructures. The councillor presents a resolution to the effect that lake associations may use municipal premises (pavilions) free of charge for their AGM. Ms. Desjardins explains that the $45 charged for rental of premises is not an obstacle for an organization; that it costs the municipality much more to provide them; and that this will set a precedent for any association to use. We already offer 100% of the cost of water analyses requested by lake associations. Mr. Johnston and Ms. Léger explain that this is a (symbolic) gesture of recognition to these associations.
11. Subjects of Public Interest
11.1(Clarification of respective roles of mayor and councillors) See 1. Adoption of agenda and 2. Declaration by elected officials. Mayor and councillors interpret the rules concerning the aspects of this distribution. Mr. Gosselin wishes to see this only as a clarification of roles, and not as a judgment on what happened during the question period at the June meeting. Mr. Johnston and Ms. Horan express their disappointment with Ms. Desjardins' comments at this event.
Question period
Mr. David Clark has:
- A request for the municipality, more than a question. He explains that the first difficulty encountered when tackling a problem is knowing which jurisdiction is responsible for it. He would like the municipality to publish on its website a list of authorities according to their responsibility for the environment: which authority is responsible for what, and who is the contact person? Here, the mayor tells him that the best person to answer this question is Mr. Benjamin Plourde.
- Regarding the analysis criteria for the PIIA, he never sees any specific requirement concerning the discharge into the environment of materials likely to follow the watershed pathways of watercourses and end up in one or other of Wentworth-Nord's lakes, as we understand it. During his presentation and the interventions of Mr. Johnston, the president of the CCU, we would have heard mention of: ...watershed...; ...critical factor... and ...Hunter Road... Mr. Johnston, on the contrary, asserts that this consideration has received increasing attention in the analyses. He invites Mr. Clark to consult the municipality's website to see all that the PIIA and (the regulations) of the urban planning services have to say on the subject. Mr. Clark has promised to submit all this in writing.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version) & Linguee
Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting of June 19, 2024
Modifications to the Urban Plan: reflections and summary
(The amended 2017 Urban Plan describes in great detail and from many angles the portrait of Wentworth-Nord and the opinions of its residents, confronted with the pressures of development that we hope will be sustainable. You'll find most of the questions, arguments, issues and respective positions of residents, developers and entrepreneurs that have been raised in recent years. The fundamental orientations may not have changed much, so they seem to have been agreed upon by successive administrations. But they have had to adapt to new realities.
These variables are usually put into context, with authors past and present pointing out, for example, the impact of low population density on municipal infrastructures. But in the face of ambivalent issues, such as access to the lake for more citizens vs. protection of the environment and the peace and quiet of lakeside residents, the options suggested or left open will still need to be approved by residents and municipal authorities.
With the many changes, both minor and major, contained in this document, we feel that the council has a formidable tool at its disposal to keep abreast of the issues and proposals towards which it must direct the destiny of Wentworth-Nord. In a free economy, however, its means of action are limited to setting guidelines or imposing prohibitions, by means of regulations. The developers of real estate projects remain the ones who can make this destiny a reality; unless the municipality or other public body is, themselves, part of it.
Will the valuable information and consultation session on the Plan modifications held on May 11, attended by a good delegation from Lac Argenté in the room but only by some twenty participants via videoconference, compared with some fifty for the first, held on December 9, have enabled sufficient exchanges of information and opinions to enable the council to know which way to go?
What's the point of so much information, so much analysis, so many suggestions, if the citizens only had an overview? And last year's outcry against the moratorium and announced restrictions on short-term rentals, whether from developers, investors or affected residents, hardly prevailed this time.
We had hoped to include here a summary table of the various options put forward in the modified Plan, with the choices they present to residents, perhaps accompanied by a few comments. But there's too much material to digest here for such an exercise.
Could Microsoft's artificial intelligence assistance tool, Copilot, summarize the modified Plan and give us another version than the one delivered by its authors? We'll present here, in full, what this tool has come up with for us. Clearly, this overview can't give us even a summary of the Plan, but it does give us a certain idea of it, with an ... intelligent orientation! With the same tool, we could probably obtain a more in-depth analysis and the points to remember.
We have no doubt, moreover, that the Urban Planning and Environmental Services, who introduced interactive tools in their December presentation, will take advantage of artificial intelligence in the future. Could the latter itself take everything into consideration and dictate policy to the council? Indeed, by comparing the issues and other variables of the Wentworth-Nord Urban Plan with those of all the other urban plans on the planet that have seen their proposals realized, artificial intelligence will probably already have a better answer for us than similar research could provide for our administration.)
Here is a summary of the first part of the document on the modification of the urban plan for the municipality of Wentworth-Nord :
Revision and Objectives: The document presents a revision of the 2017 urban plan, with major modifications in 2024 to respond to the concerns of the population and the municipal council, particularly following the Covid-19 pandemic.
Sustainable Development: The focus is on environmental protection and sustainable development, recognizing nature as Wentworth-Nord's greatest asset.
Demographic Growth: It addresses population growth and the increase in permanent residents, while highlighting the challenges of dense land use and the lack of local services.
Typological diversity: The plan aims for greater typological diversity and better integration of new construction, while preserving the environment and promoting access to nature.
Reference: wentworth-nord.ca
Use of 2017 Urban Plan
Here is a summary of Part 2 of the document:
Integrated development: The pandemic has sparked interest in the development of integrated projects, but these do not always meet expectations for eco-responsible development.
Land Conservation: A significant portion of Wentworth-Nord's territory is protected from development, including nature reserves and crown lands.
Property Values: Average property values increased significantly between 2011 and 2021, influenced by lakefront home values.
Rental pressure: The increase in short-term rentals in residential areas poses problems for the cohabitation of uses.
These key points reflect the main issues addressed in this section of the document.
Reference: wentworth-nord.ca
The following is a summary of Part 3 of the document:
Park-specific zoning: Creation of a zoning zone for the park with exclusive authorization for extensive recreational activities.
Conservation Easement: Establishment of a perpetual conservation easement on park lands.
Residential use: The population of Montfort wishes to prioritize residential use and limit the recreational and tourist offer to reduce nuisance.
Proposed actions: Concentrate commercial uses in the village zone, limit the number and type of businesses, and control the tourism offer to avoid adding additional infrastructure.
Reference: wentworth-nord.ca
- The following is a summary of Part 4 of the document:
- - **Traffic lane layout** : The document describes the **projected traffic routes** and the **trails to be protected**, including the Lac Notre-Dame trails, the Club Viking cross-country ski trails, and others.
- - **Lake statistics**: Provides an indicative table with data on the number of waterfront properties, average lot size, and other statistics concerning the main lakes in the municipal territory.
- - **Watershed analysis** : The document provides an analysis of properties by watershed, including surface area, number of built and vacant properties, and other relevant measures.
- - **Appendices**: The document also includes appendices, such as an updated land use map, which complement the information provided in this section of the document.
- This is a concise summary of the key points in Part 4 of the document, opened in the browser.
By Carl Chapdelaine …et Copilot!
Wentworth-Nord council meeting, May 15, 2024 (report)
With, at item 4.3, but at the beginning of the meeting, tabling and acceptance of the financial statements for the year 2023 and the report of the external auditor, Raymond Chabot.
Ordre du jour Version vidéo Minutes
Councillors Colleen Horan, Lyne Chapados, Karine Dostie, Catherine Léger and Réjean Gosselin are present, as is Mayor Danielle Desjardins, who will chair the meeting, assisted by General Manager Ron Kelley. Councillor Eric Johnston is absent. Accounting Manager Martin Larose is also on the rostrum.
There appear to be only a few people in the Laurel Community Hall, while two dozen are participating by videoconference. The session will last 1 h 15.
4. Administration
4.3 Mr. Michel St-Arnaud, from the Saint-Jérôme office of Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, accompanied by his manager, Mr. Danick Richer, will present the financial statements for the year 2023. The mayor began by recalling that the current administration had made up for the backlog of these presentations and deficits of the former.
Revenues: $8.4 million; expenses: $7.7 million, surplus: $432 k?
Operating surplus: $374 k
Balance sheet :
- Cash on hand: $805 k
- Taxes, expected grants, etc. : 3,1 M$
- Total financial assets: $3.9 M$
- Long-term debt: $2.5 M
- Supplies, salaries, etc.: $16.2 M
- Total: $18.8 M
- Net debt: $14.8 M
- Non-financial assets: $23.5 M
- Other assets (supplies, etc.): $269 k
- Total assets: $23.7 M
- Accumulated surplus: $8.9 M
(Note: the following in telegraphic mode, according to our notes and some listening to the recording or other verification).
4.4 Recognition of the Lake St-François-Xavier Association as a municipal organization entitled to special status for use of the Montfort Pavilion. Ditto for the Fonds environnemental du lac St-François-Xavier and the citizens' group that requested such recognition.
5. Public safety
5.1 Councillor K. Dostie.
- Several firefighter and first responder interventions, as usual...
- Hiring of constables planned, including Patrick Wilhelmy.
6. Public works and municipal asset management
Mr. Réjean Gosselin
- Mr. Aubé, Director of Public Works, is leaving his position. Hiring criteria have been established for his future replacement.
- ... street shoulders, etc.
- Mr. Fr. Bertrand will coordinate...
- Dust suppression planned...
6.4to 6.6 (Reading dispensation!)
7. Environment
Chair of the Environment Committee, Councillor Horan reminds everyone that the lake associations' meeting with the municipality will be held this Saturday, May 18, at 9:30 a.m. at the Laurel Community Centre. Everyone is welcome to attend. (The undersigned will not be able to attend, in the hope that a participant will be able to take some notes and photos, for publication here).
Next, Ms. Horan passes an amendment to By-law 2018-530 concerning the EcoLoan Program - Assistance Program for the Replacement of Septic Systems. She also deals with a request from a resident under this program.
Lastly, she announced a $5,000 donation to the Fonds environnemental du lac Saint-François-Xavier to enable it to carry out a project to cover with a geotextile fabric an alley at the bottom of the small "Church" basin, over which boats passing through this basin travel, and to prevent the spread of sewage upstream by the passage of said boats. The aim is to suffocate the invasive pondweed. Broad-leaved pondweed is a native plant, but it can become invasive and a nuisance when it encounters an environment conducive to its development.
8. Urban planning and economic development
In Mr. Johnston's absence, the mayor described the items on the agenda. Four PIIAs were adopted, on the recommendation of the CCU.
8.3 Adoption of by-law no. 2022-608-4 amending interim control by-law no. 2022-608 to add a waiver of prohibitions with respect to certain buildings and categories of residential activities.
Several notices of motion, tabling or adoption of draft by-laws concerning zoning are presented.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1 Ms. Chapados reminds :
- MRC roadside bulky items collection on May 19.
- June 1: Neighbours' Day. You can meet community organizations (Entraide bénévole, etc.) in the Town Hall courtyard.
- Journée DécouVerte Saturday, May 25, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
9.2 Ms. Catherine Léger :
- The Table des arts et de la culture has received a grant from the MRC.
- Ciné-club, May 20, 8 p.m.: "La Fonte des glaces": (At a slightly later hour, due to the lengthening of the day?)
- Half and half at Galerie des arts Montfort.
9.3. Hiring lifeguards for Laurel and Lake St-François-Xavier, if available...
9.4. Setting up a MADA committee. The mayor indicates that Véronique Cronier, the assistant general manager and clerk-treasurer, is in charge of...
Question period
Mr. Mario Baril, Club de chasse et pêche Vaudreuil: You're charging non-residents $100 to wash their boats. This violates our rights; the lakes belong to everyone. I'm a resident of the neighboring municipality. My group has already paid over $2,000 to repair the boat ramp. I'm going to have 20 fishermen (on Lake Louisa); it's going to cost us $2,000! Can't you make it free here?
The mayor: That's the current regulation, but we'll discuss it again at council.
(Will this gentleman come back with a question about boat washes?) The station (in St-Michel) is asphalted, so the water leaks outside... Rep. We'll look into it.
Mrs Linda Proulx (Ass. Lac St-Victor) wants to know what exactly the problem with the Newaygo bridge is. The mayor summarized the situation, which she described as ridiculous, and indicated that the mayors would be lobbying MTMD for a rapid restoration of this crossing.
Without reservation; by Carl Chapdelaine
Consultation on amendments to the Urban Plan of May 11
Councillors Colleen Horan, Lyne Chapados, Karine Dostie, and Eric Johnston are present, as well as Mr. Cadieux, the Director of the Urban Planning and Environment Department, who chairs the presentation, and Mr. Antoine David, from the same department, replacing the Assistant Director, Mr. Benjamin Plourde, who is absent. Mayor Danielle Desjardins participates via videoconference. A strong delegation from Lac Argenté will be attending in person, while the Zoom counter will climb to some twenty participants.
Mr. Cadieux will present, with annotations, some forty plates, on which the content of certain sections of the 2017 Urban Plan and proposed modifications are noted. The original Plan document, with proposed modifications, is also available here. The director will first outline the context in Wentworth-Nord (demographics, development, corresponding issues, etc.) He will recall that a first consultation took place on December 9, 2023, (and a second last February???). He will point out that adoption of the by-law should take place in June and will, we understand, be subject to the referendum process.
Question period
The mayor and councillors will explain the reasons and precautions for this measure; they will be supported by a few participants, including the undersigned. The same outcry from property owners will be heard regarding the direction to be taken to ensure access to, and the perpetuation and development of, trail networks throughout the territory.
A first question/remark came from Mr. Jacques Leblanc, of the Villas du lac St-François-Xavier (the Villas are accessed from rue Principale via the first section of rue du Chemin-de-fer). Referring to the MTMD's assertion that it would be advisable to establish alternative routes to Chemin-de-fer, in the case of vehicular traffic on this Aerobic Corridor, a project that would entail astronomical costs, he notes the opposite intention of one of the Plan's orientations. The latter proposes instead to "limit the length of roads and maximize the number of buildings they serve". He asks whether we still need to build pharaonic roads, like the one on chemin du Lac-Thurson, to serve a few residences?
A gentleman in the room complains that he doesn't have the urban planning document, with amendments, in hand, so he can ask appropriate questions. Mr. Cadieux indicates that the document is available online. (There seems to have been some paper distributed in the room.) There is also an exchange about the 7% in money or land taken by the municipality during subdivisions.
Ms. Chantal Laurin, president of the association des riverains du lac Argenté :
- - What is this right of pre-emption on the sale/purchase of land that the municipality wants to grant itself? (It's a new municipal tool: "The municipality can then match a purchase offer submitted to the owner for the sale of his property on which the municipality had indicated it wanted to exercise this right." Fédération québécoise des municipalités)
- Mr. Eric Johnston: We give ourselves rights that are granted throughout Quebec. In this way, we can protect access to lakes that are not yet urbanized.
Ms. Laurin: All property owners are afraid of what the municipality will be able to do with this bylaw; afraid that land will be taken away from them. Another resident of Lac Argenté adds: You're going to take our private land... Eric Johnston: I have nothing to apologize for; this right of first refusal is only available in the case of a subdivision operation.
Councillor Dostie also explains the municipality's position; and Ms. Horan reports that it's a policy that comes from Quebec.
Another stakeholder from Lac Argenté: He supports his president, giving the example of a lakeside property owner who gives access to visitors.
This stakeholder also spoke of a mine being dug in small Lac Baptiste, which feeds Lac Argenté. Won't this pollute our lake?
- The municipality has trouble coordinating its actions with those of the lake associations; instead, it asks them to do all the work. Mr. Cadieux: We'll have an update at the May 18 meeting. Ms. Laurin: It's not a meeting where we listen to the associations.
Other speakers:
- You want to build trails everywhere, when we know that humans are the cause of most forest fires.
- Your right of pre-emption is expropriation.
- Public access to the lakes will harm their environment. A member of the Trails Committee is concerned about this right of access. Is anyone going to take the shoreline residents' side?
- Ms. Archambault (Lac Argenté) : Why not ask shoreline residents if they want to see lake access? Other municipalities regulate this. Are you going to take easements on our land? Ignore Quebec's directives, as you say you have the right to d
The undersigned:
- There is the property right of residents vs. the right of access to lakes and forests (nature). It seems reasonable that the municipality should make public lands enclosed by private property accessible. Lakes belong to everyone; shoreline property owners need to be made aware of this reality.
- You're proposing to further dedicate the green land zone that helps enclave property owners without road access to Lake Saint-François-Xavier, such as between the head of the lake and Lac à la Croix. Yet we must have the right to eventually build an access road to open them up. Or are they doomed to disappear?
- You note the real estate development in the Montfort sector; but you don't seem to have the tools to calculate the infrastructure and other needs, apart from parking, that this will entail. How will the only public access to a lake in the area, Lac Saint-François-Xavier, meet the demand?
Ms. Diane Loranger: The roads are of poor quality.
A stakeholder from Montfort :
- I support the direction of your changes.
- We should start by making existing trails permanent before developing new ones.
- When will the bans imposed by Interim Control be lifted? Mr. Cadieux answers.
Mme Le Beux :
- Good orientations in general.
- The challenge is to make nature accessible to all, while protecting it.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version) & Linguee
Special meeting of May 1, 2024: truck - Coop Santé
(Purchase of a truck - Grant to Coop de solidarité santé Wentworth-Nord)
All Council members are present, as well as the General Manager. A few people are participating by videoconference. (There is no sound, and the meeting lasts only five minutes).
- Purchase of a truck for the First Responders service. The mayor gives some figures and the name of the dealer for the purchase of a Ford truck and the consequent loan. She reminds us that this purchase was provided for in the Programme triennal d'immobilisations (PTI) ($85,000 in the Public Safety line item).
- Grant of $10,000 to the COOP de solidarité santé Wentworth-Nord (CSSWN).
- Question period
By Carl Chapdelaine
Special Meeting Of The W-N Council Of April 25, 2024, Report
- Quorum is reached when the majority of members are present. At 3 out of 6, there would be no quorum.
- Subject to article 12.0.1, each electoral district must be delimited in such a way that ... the number of electors in this district ... in the case of a municipality with a population of less than 20,000, is not more than 25% greater or less than the quotient obtained by dividing the total number of electors in the municipality by the number of districts. Ex. for W-N: 1990* voters /6 = 332 voters X 25% = 83 voters. Therefore, there could be no more than (332 +83 =) 415 voters, or less than (332 - 83 =) 249 voters per district, in Wentworth-Nord, we understand.
* According to Article 1 of the draft by-law.
Wentworth-Nord Council meeting of April 17, 2024 (Report)
About ten people were present in the Laurel community hall, and about twenty participated by videoconference. The meeting lasted 1 hour 40 minutes.
Item 4.2, concerning the tabling and acceptance of the 2023 financial statements and the external auditor's report, was postponed as the document had just been received. It will be resumed, probably at a special session of Council.
Item 6.4 is added. It concerns the assumption of responsibility for the maintenance of part of chemin du Lac-Gustave.
The mayor reminds us that, at the last council meeting, councillors presented the items that concerned them, in place of the mayor. The experience seems to have been appreciated and is hereby repeated.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Acceptance of reports on salaries, purchases, disbursements and capital purchases for the month of March, for a total of $498,986. The mayor points out that snow removal accounted for a large portion of these expenses.
4.3 Recognition of certain municipal organizations.
Whereas the purpose of this recognition policy is to strengthen ties between the municipality and organizations... Whereas the form of recognition of an organization has a bearing on the policy for use of municipal premises, etc. (At present, the Association du lac Saint-François-Xavier does not appear to be on the list of such recognized organizations).
4.4 The register for the referendum procedure, concerning an expenditure of $250,000 and a loan of $250,000 for the acquisition of a backhoe with attachment, was accessible at the municipal office on Thursday, April 11. (It appears that there was no vote to request a referendum).
5. Public safety
Ms. Karine D'Ostie will present the report. The mayor will indicate that the councillor is pregnant with her third child.
5.1 Important meeting with firefighters and first responders, to remind them of certain rules. ...
5.2 Adoption of an amendment to the by-law concerning fire prevention on the Wentworth-Nord territory: Fireworks prohibited on shorelines or lake ice, with certain exceptions. ...
5.3 Fire safety - Bilan 2023 - Schéma de couverture de risque en incendie (SCRI). Adoption of this report by the municipality is required by the MRC.
(Note: The following, sometimes in telegraphic style and mainly according to our notes).
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 Report from the Chairman of the Road Committee. M. Gosselin
- Restoration of thaw-damaged roads to be completed. The shoulders are still soft, but we've started filling the holes (potholes). We're relying on contractors to complete the work and snow removal, (even though the contract deadline was March 31?).
- Sweeping and collection (of gravel and sand) should start in 2 weeks.
- Work with the grader has begun on the Saint-Michel side. But it's still not perfect.
- 2 accidents requiring ambulance and police, last week, on the Perce-neige (or Canadian Tire) curve ...
- Ask me your questions during the question period, if any.
6.3 Awarding of contract for marking and lining municipal roads and public places
for the year 2024. The lowest(?) bid of $7,498 won.
The mayor remarks that having competition here is good.
6.4 This item is added. It concerns the assumption of responsibility for maintenance of the part of Chemin du Lac-Gustave belonging to the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable. We are asking them to municipalize this poorly maintained section. Subsidies will enable the municipality to do better.
Mr. Gosselin mentions here that certain anomalies have been noted in the work of contractors on the Saint-Michel side, and that this will be looked into.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Environment Committee, Ms Colleen Horan (Unfortunately, we were unable to hear what she had to say).
- Reminder of the lake associations' meeting on May 18.
- ...
- Water tests at the Journée DécouVerte. Sterile bottles would be available at the Montfort pavilion.
- Entertainment (at the Journée DécouVerte?).
- Fireworks prohibited...
- Beware of forest fires....
7.2 Programme d'aménagement durable des forêts (Sustainable Forest management program) (adopted by the MRC) - A shared municipal vision of public land use in the Laurentians.
7.3 Notice of motion and tabling of draft by-law concerning the EcoPrêt Program - Assistance program for the replacement of septic installations. (Reading dispensed with)
7.4 Support for the creation of a protected area on the Municipality's public lands.
- To ...
- To facilitate wildlife movement.
o R. G.: In a way, it will also protect our natural heritage.
o D.D.: We want to prevent misuse of the land: by mining claims, for example.
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 In Mr. Johnston's absence, the mayor will present this item.
8.2 33 permits in March, against 10 in 2023. 63 permits since the beginning of the year, versus 50 in 2023.
8.3 Adoption of draft by-law 2017-495-1 amending the 2017-495 Master Plan (readoption). Ms. Desjardins will point out that a (general?) consultation is scheduled to take place on May 4, at 1:30 pm (May 11, at 1 pm?). New government standards will be incorporated into the Plan.
8.8 to 8.13: PIIA series. The mayor reminds us that the CCU submits its recommendations, etc., to the Council.
8.16 Agreement with Morin-Heights for permit processing, inspection and geomatics services. This will save costs for Wentworth-Nord, explains the Mayor.
8.17 Offer to purchase a small lot on rue du Chemin-de-fer, by Mme Lapointe and M. Roch. The lot adjoins their property.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. Mme Chapados, Chair of the Comité plein air, sentier et vie communautaire, presents her report:
- Thank you to our two golden age organizations, La Sagesse and l'Étoile du Nord, as well as Ressources communautaires Sophie, for their involvement in our community. They bring their users together over a good meal. The mayor would like to point out that the head volunteer at Ressources communautaires Sophie, who prepares these meals, is Councillor Chapados.
- Thanks to the Cercle des fermières, of Saint-Michel, for their knitting and other activities.
- The volunteers of the Trails Committee, formed a few months ago, are working to see trails everywhere in the municipality.
- Thank you to the volunteers from the Chamber of Commerce and the Coop de santé, and to all those I'm forgetting, who (improve living conditions in Wentworth-Nord) and whom we really need. It's Volunteer week!
9.2 Report from the President of the Recreation and Culture Committee.
- Councillor Léger, Chair of the Recreation and Culture Committee, explains that this committee serves as a bridge between elected officials, the administration and the population. It seeks to identify activities to be supported. It includes a place for a representative of the Galerie d'art Montfort, for a member of the Table des arts et de la culture de Wentworth-Nord, and for another of the Cercle des fermières. There are also two positions, currently vacant, for citizens. The Committee meets four or six times a year, often by Zoom. You are invited to apply.
- Ciné-club this Saturday, with Lucy Grizzli Sophie, a film shot, in part, in the immediate area, Harrington and perhaps Wentworth-Nord. Actor Guillaume Cyr will be zooming in.
- Sugar shack dinner at Étoile du Nord, also this Saturday. We may wait for those who dine there, before starting the film (at the Town Hall).
- Mother's Day, Saturday May 11, at the library, with activities scheduled.
- Many thanks to the Ciné-club and library volunteers.
Question period
Ms. Diana Zakaib Jegou:
- Do snow removal contracts continue beyond March 31? D.D. It's a private agreement.
- We want to start up Le Café again, at the Montfort pavilion (now owned by the municipality), whereas the MRC no longer wanted to do so. But you don't recognize us as an organization of the municipality, and we'll have to pay the required fees. Like potlucks and other events, it's a volunteer activity.
Mr. X (in the room):
- Concerning the purchase of a backhoe...
- The choice of contractor and the cost of snow removal...
R. Kelly: We take the lowest bid. There are rules imposed by the government on this: publication of a notice on the government website and in the local newspaper, etc. Ditto for the backhoe purchase.
- Thank you for having the collapsed gazebo picked up at the park (de la Plaque-tournante), which was rebuilt this week.
- Are you also going to bring back the bins along rue Principale, which I've been taking care of personally for several years? It's become a task I no longer feel up to?
(Mr. Genest can no longer be heard here. He will speak again after other speakers).
(Roughly speaking) "If you have a good memory, the passage of vehicles on this section of the shared lane has been blocked by two barriers for a number of years."
(This exchange, fortunately exceptional, reminds us somewhat of what we sadly experienced under Mayor Ghali's administration).
Ms Denyse Pinsonneault returned to the question of recognition of organizations and the use of the Montfort Pavilion. We mustn't put obstacles in the way of those who try to offer services. There's the arrival of the nurse, and opportunities for residents to meet have become rare.
To a written question (?) on the maintenance of chemin du Lac-Gustave. Mr. Kelly explains that he doesn't understand the first point. On the question of culverts that don't always provide the necessary drainage, leaving the road flooded, he says that we want the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable to cede this section to the municipality, which he doesn't see maintaining it properly. In its resolution, Wentworth-Nord states that it could be better taken care of, by obtaining subsidies. But that's not going very fast with the Ministry... "Mr. Paquin has a good relationship with us..."
Mr. Peo:
- Congratulations to Councillor Horan for her work and for standing up for good values...
- Thanks to community organizations...
- Bravo for the ciné-club.
Ms. Diana Zakaib Jegou: In summer, Montfort is overrun with visitors; it is to be hoped that the situation and use of the Pavilion this summer will ...
Translated with DeepL.com (free version) & Linguee
Private roads
At the March meeting of the Wentworth-Nord council, the issue of private road maintenance, already put forward by Councillor Eric Johnston under Mayor Ghali's administration, who was in favour of the municipality assuming financial responsibility for it, was included under the Public Works and Municipal Asset Management item on the agenda. The cost of maintaining these roads is currently borne by their owners. Council has therefore mandated its administration to provide it with information to enable it to assess the situation this summer and determine, prior to presentation of the 2025 budget, whether the municipality should become financially involved in this maintenance or maintain the status quo.
The Chairman of the Roads Committee, Councillor Réjean Gosselin, began by giving some figures to illustrate the situation of the owners of these roads, faced with the costs they assume, both for their own roads and for public roads. He indicated that their contribution represented 33% of the municipality's tax bills (?) Some of these owners are asking to benefit from the service offered to those served by public roads, by having the cost covered, in whole or in part, by the municipality.
During the question period and faced with the despair of a resident who claims that the financial burden of such maintenance is disproportionate, Mayor Danielle Desjardins explains that the aim here (for the Council, General Management, Urban Planning and Public Works departments) is to stimulate discussion on the subject. Some municipalities (like Val-des-Monts) contribute to such maintenance, and there are several models for such interventions, she points out. She had already questioned Mayor Ghali on the subject, pointing out that transferring the maintenance of all private roads to the municipality would represent a sum (around 10% of its annual budget) that the latter simply couldn't afford. Former councillor David Zgodzinski also insisted on this last point. Val-des-Monts : à qui revient la responsabilité d’entretenir les chemins privés? + Programme d’aide financière
It's clear, then, that there are pros and cons when it comes to assessing the problem and the measures to be taken. And everyone's interests are affected. Indeed, the status quo will continue to allocate the costs of maintaining private roads to their owners, in addition to contributing to those of public roads; while the assumption of these costs by the municipality will be reflected in everyone's taxation.
But there is a moral question at the heart of this assessment: is the current situation fair? We don't think so. Private roads may date back several generations in Wentworth-Nord, as in other municipalities. At the other extreme, others have been built more recently, or are planned, to serve future housing developments, sometimes estates with dedicated roads. We could sum it up by saying that some are victims of historical circumstances, while others are more or less at the origin of their situation and able to provide for it.
In Montfort, the presence of Chemin-de-fer street represents a special case. As in the case of owners without road access, it seems that the status of their property, as former mayor André Genest occasionally reminded us, is one of access by boat. However, the transformation of the railroad into a carriage road enabled them to access the property by vehicle.
The owners at the time, who were not on the edge of the railroad line, were not so lucky. Today, as for those who bought such properties, they are isolated and always condemned to be served by boat. Almost all of these houses are summer cottages, as they are not accessible in winter or in between seasons, such as during thaw periods. The people who live there are deprived above all of the emergency, medical and fire services that are now defined as essential for everyone. Nor are they able to take advantage of the many services enjoyed by all other citizens: construction using heavy machinery, transportation of large materials, waste collection, home deliveries, etc.; or even Cogeco's new cable Internet services.
Some of these Newaygo homeowners, who inherited their house from their parents and grandparents, have seen it demolished by natural elements, such as falling trees or the weight of snow. Without a road, without the Bachmann barge, and without the possibility of calling on outside contractors or the talents of self-builders, skilled in using their boats to transport the necessary materials, they cannot, today, see to the rebuilding of this house, even on the existing foundations.
At the same time, regulations were already prohibiting them from rebuilding so close to the shore, even though it was the shore that had moved closer as water levels rose. In fact, some of their lots are too small or too steep to consider relocating the house. And regulations still prevent them from doing so, precisely because of the absence of a road... Those who own undeveloped lots there have nothing left to do but pay the taxes.
As any possible access road to this area has been blocked by a green belt of "orphan lots", on the one hand, and prevented from connecting to the Aerobic Corridor shared-use road, on the other, there seems to be no way out. The situation is similar for the residents of Rue du Chemin-de-fer, now landlocked in a residential area with no permanent right of occupation or circulation, and no possibility of adding to the existing housing stock there.
Only an access road could, for example, connect the western part of the landlocked Newaygo sector to the municipal road network, by envisaging a connection to the private Lac-à-la-Croix Road. But not only do current regulations and rights-of-way constraints prevent such construction, but the cost and its distribution among the owners concerned are almost insurmountable obstacles. And this is all the truer given that, if such a road were to be eventually municipalized, along with the Lac-à-la-Croix Road that would ultimately provide access to it, it would have to meet the criteria for standardized road construction set out in municipal bylaws.
In our opinion, the current mandate to evaluate the possibility of the municipality becoming financially involved in the maintenance of private roads, therefore, addresses only part of what should be a mandate on the future of the roads department at the service of all Wentworth-Nord citizens.
As many municipalities are experiencing similar situations, and their responses range between the two extreme approaches envisaged by Wentworth-Nord, we must draw inspiration from the models they may have developed, and which would have proved successful. The courts have also had to settle disputes between private individuals or public bodies over private roads.
DHC Avocats reports that "... since its creation in 1915, the Municipality of Lac-Tremblant-Nord has had the peculiarity that a large proportion of its properties are accessible only by boat from a marina on the shore of Lac-Tremblant." The Court of Appeal's decision overturned the Superior Court's January 17, 2012 judgment, which ordered the creation of servitudes bisecting 34 lots to allow the construction of a 5 km road to provide vehicular access to the respondents' properties. L’enclave et l’ouverture de chemins
The two courts analyzed differently the notion of enclave found in article 997 of the Civil Code of Québec. The Superior Court spoke of a fundamental right: "... in modern times, I find it difficult to argue that the respondent can only access his property on foot and not by car". The judge of the Court of Appeal, for his part, "held that it is the notions of use and exploitation of a property that are fundamental in determining whether the circumstances give rise to an opening-up within the meaning of article 997 C.c.Q.".
The Court of Appeal judge also noted "that since its creation in 1915, the Municipality of Lac-Tremblant-Nord has undergone little development, and that its resort vocation still occupies an important place in its bylaws. The municipal bylaws favor very low-density resort development and promote the preservation of the natural environment by authorizing minimal land clearing. Thus, despite the occasional difficulties encountered by the respondents who are unable to access their property during periods when the lake freezes and thaws, there is no reason to conclude that there is an enclave situation."
The law firm points out that, "on the strength of the Superior Court's declaration of the existence of a fundamental right to access, any developer could now use this precedent to claim the right to build a road to open up his property or properties".
Like the Municipality of Chelsea and others, Wentworth-Nord has adopted a Politique de municipalisation des chemins privés, (Policy for the Municipalization of Private Roads), giving its citizens the opportunity to make such a request. It also determined the terms and conditions under which maintenance of these roads would be carried out during the summer and winter periods. However, the costs of maintaining these roads remain the responsibility of the owners they serve. "The municipalization of private roads offers undeniable advantages to owners, such as reduced annual maintenance costs (e.g. snow removal, grading, dust abatement, etc.), as well as improved safety for residents thanks to better access to residences by emergency services." Municipaliser un chemin
"Whereas the objective of this by-law is to promote equity with respect to the maintenance of private roads on its territory, the City of Saguenay, even if it receives such a request for maintenance, has no responsibility with respect to private roads, but wishes, by the present by-law, to participate in the summer and winter maintenance thereof, but under certain conditions: ... To be accessible to machinery, (etc.)".
There do seem to be solutions for cost-sharing by the municipality, as envisaged in Saint-Sauveur: "The Ville de Saint-Sauveur and the Regroupement des voies privées de Saint-Sauveur (RVPSS) are currently in discussions to develop a financial assistance program for owners of private roads. With more than half of the roads in Saint-Sauveur private, the group is requesting that the Town grants subsidies to private road associations, as maintenance costs have risen." Journal Accès
With a mandate extended to the future of the roads department serving all its citizens, shouldn't we expect the municipality to present us with a clear picture of the issues, equity, and legal considerations, as well as the budgetary and other impacts of a change to the current status quo?
By Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) & Linguee
Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of March 20, 2024 (Report)
1. Adoption of the agenda. Item 4.7 is postponed.
2. Statements by elected officials. Mrs. Desjardins indicates that she has had an accident, which explains her absence in recent weeks.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Acceptance of reports on salaries, purchases, disbursements and capital purchases for the month of February. The mayor points out that snow removal accounts for a large portion of these costs.
4.2 Adoption of a by-law amending by-law 2019-562 imposing a special tax on vacant lots. Councillor Dostie will vote against this adoption, which does not respect the promise to abolish it. The mayor will explain that the new tax system has changed the situation (?)
4.3 and 4.4 Adoption of by-laws decreeing an expense and a loan of $275,000 for the acquisition of a 10-wheel truck with gravel dump body and, similarly, of $250,000 for the acquisition of a backhoe with attachments, for the Highway Department.
4.6 Awarding of a mandate for a feasibility study, conversion of Saint-Michel church and presbytery. Out of two bids, $27,560 was selected.
5. Public safety
5.1 Report from the Chair of the Public Safety Committee. In Ms. Desjardins' absence over the past month, Ms. Chapados presented the item.
- ....
- Busy month.
- We're still recruiting.
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 Report from the Chairman of the Roads Committee. M. Gosselin speaks of a strange month of March, given the weather.
- We're in the thaw period (with its attendant restrictions on truck traffic).
- As water levels are lower than in previous years, the risk of flooding or overflows seems minimal.
- List of costs.
- Citizens request that their roads be serviced (like residents of public roads). The idea here is for the council (and administration) to discuss the matter," explains the mayor. Then, to decide on a status quo or a modification.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Environment Committee, Mrs. Horan.
- We attended a Coalition meeting (on claims). A newsletter will be issued, which you can request from me.
- Ask MTQ to take care of our roads in poor condition. Anyone can call 511 and put pressure on the Ministry. The more, the better.
- New by-law ...
- Next municipal meeting with lake associations, May 18.
7.3 Garbage collection by pick-up truck on Wentworth-Nord territory. It will be recalled that, at the MRC council meeting held in Laurel on March 12, the use of small trucks on roads too narrow for current trucks would depend on the willingness of municipalities and the budget. (?) Considerations were also added, depending on whether the roads were privately or publicly owned. The number of collections, as with residual materials, could be reduced. Ms. Horan indicates that the municipality will avail itself of this pick-up option.
Ms. Desjardins explains that there isn't much competition in this field, and that contractors have criteria for the quality of the roads on which they must collect by large truck. "It's going to cost a little more by using pickups."
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Report from the Chairman of the Urban Planning Committee. Mr. Johnston indicates that we are still working on the revision of the Urban Plan, with Contrôle intérimaire. ... We must make sure that everything is perfect.
8.2 List of permits from February 1 to 29, 2024. The councillor gives the usual figures.
8.3 Adoption of by-law 2022-608-3 amending the interim control by-law in order to modify the lifting of prohibitions against the creation of a private portion within an integrated project. This is just a minor adjustment," explains Mr. Johnston.
8.4 to 8.10 + 8.14 These are PIIAs, details of which will be given in the minutes, explains the councillor.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. Ms. Chapados, Chair of the Outdoors, Trails and Community Life Committee, presents her report:
- Committee evaluates trail development plan. Mr. Johnston indicates that Lac Notre-Dame residents would like to meet with the committee. Councillor Chapados sees no problem.
- Community life. a. Policy update. The document will be available. b. I'm visiting organizations to get their feedback. They are all invited to a (discussion) meeting on June 1.
The next Ciné-club film, Lucy Grizzli Sophie, by Anne Émond, will be presented on Saturday, April 20, at 7:30 p.m. "Actor Guillaume Cyr will be with us by zoom to answer all your questions!"
Ms. Marie-Chantal Prévost:
- Thank you to Ms. Dostie for voting against the adoption of the by-law imposing a special tax on vacant lots (4.2) Why affect the little ones? D.D. Only lots over 10,000 sq. ft. are affected.
- What did you decide, in point 6.2, on the maintenance of private roads? The less fortunate, like me, have to count up to 25% of their tax bill for snow removal (which they don't benefit from?). D.D.: We'll evaluate the options. We need to look at models from other municipalities.
Social life in Wentworth-Nord
Point the mouse over the columns to see the ‰ (945 = 94.5%).
In Wentworth-Nord, as elsewhere, pandemics, telecommuting, videoconferencing, the absence of a community pavilion in Montfort, and the occasional lack of initiative have certainly affected social life. In such a situation, don't households find themselves more isolated from their neighbors?
The Internet and digital technologies have changed our lives. Social media, e-mail exchanges and virtual participation in meetings are probably creating a new form of socialization, but it's not yet clear whether it's having a positive or negative impact. Facebook and the like are said to develop the social network of their followers.
More Nord-Wentwortois now seem to attend municipal meetings in front of their screens than in person. What if these meetings were held, as they used to be, once in Laurel, once in Montfort or Saint-Michel? But it's hard to imagine a return to the situation that prevailed then. Telecommuting is here to stay, as is the preponderance of virtual communication and participation.
For summer vacationers, there's no doubt that videoconferencing gives them the opportunity to stay in touch with what's going on in their second place of residence, especially at the municipal level. They can also take advantage of the information provided by the website of the local weekly newspaper, or blogger. But this contact can't make up for the scarcity of popular gatherings, community meals and events, and certain nautical activities, which would enable them to develop essential links with their surroundings during the summer months... "Between solitude and social life, a third path has opened up: connected isolation.
Urban vacationers know all about isolation. If there's a chance to get to know your neighbor, that's about as far as it goes. Childhood friends are scattered to the four winds, as are former colleagues from school or work. For them, the community of the lake or the small village undoubtedly allows for a more developed social life; provided they are willing to lend themselves to it. You can imagine the parallel with a campsite or mobile home park, with its common areas and services, as well as, sometimes, an entertainment and leisure service.
But the Internet has also given rise to a certain form of exclusion. Today, online transactions have replaced the post office, in-store shopping and even bank ATMs. Aren't older people who haven't made the switch to computers, who haven't become cell phone enthusiasts, and regardless of their level of education, experiencing a kind of illiteracy? And, if they do venture into this new experience, they need to avoid the scams that abound.
Communications with government agencies (income, health, transport, etc.) are essentially via the Internet. Doesn't familiarization with car driving aids and their increasingly developed applications become a heavy burden for those who haven't learned to surf the web and slide their fingers across a touch screen?
We had already suggested that computer and cell phone training courses be offered to Wentworth-Nord residents who hadn't yet taken the plunge. But this didn't seem to be a priority, or even the responsibility of a municipality with limited resources.
In an individualistic society like ours, what could make a difference? Wentworth-Nord's current plans to develop multi-purpose community pavilions certainly seem to be a beneficial intervention in the social life of its residents. But they need a container - the right building - and a content, and a simple return to the good old days is already proving difficult. The Comité aviseur sur l'avenir du pavillon Montfort (advisory committee on the future of Montfort Pavilion) must plan well. The Comité aviseur sur l'avenir du pavillon Montfort (advisory committee on the future of the Montfort pavilion) must be working on the nature of this building and on the the recipe for success likely to justify its existence?
In Montreal today, a group is considering the construction of cohousing communities, as in Denmark and Quebec City. Individual housing units, purchased or rented, will benefit from common rooms and services. But the owners or tenants of these buildings will first have to demonstrate an aptitude, if not a desire, to accept a lifestyle quite different from the norm. It's tempting to draw a parallel with a private residence for independent seniors. But in these cohabitats, and while adhering to the rules of cohabitation, each person will be more or less master of his or her own home. For most of us, such an undertaking seems unimaginable; but perhaps it's a sign that we need to move towards more community living in our environment, and that Wentworth-Nord needs to think about this.
Those who have worked in voluntary organizations, lake protection associations or otherwise, have sometimes found it difficult to mobilize residents, or even their own members, on issues that affect their interests. On the other hand, such mobilization has occurred on the occasion of significant events, such as the closure of the Aerobic Corridor, the Newaygo Bridge, etc.; and provided that a few leaders have taken the initiative. It therefore seems difficult to assess the willingness of residents to participate in the activities that could be offered to them in these future multi-purpose community centers.
Alongside municipal actions likely to improve social life, as well as the sense of belonging to this municipality, it seems likely that lake protection associations could continue to play, locally, a major role towards such an objective. Can we also hope that a few citizens will propose activities of their own, or get back into the swing of things, to bring people together over a cup of coffee, or even at a potluck like the one that drew a crowd at Pavillon Montfort, without language or partisanship being an obstacle?
Utilisation d’Internet par groupe d’âge, Canada/Québec
By Carl Chapdelaine
Utilisation d’Internet par groupe d’âge, Canada/Québec
Translated with DeepL.com (free version) & Linguee
Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting of Feb. 21, 2024 (Report)
Ordre du jour Video version Minutes
Councillors Colleen Horan, Lyne Chapados, Karine Dostie, Catherine Léger, Réjean Gosselin are present. Danielle Desjardins, Mayor, and Eric Johnston are absent. Mr. Gosselin, as acting mayor*, will chair the meeting, assisted by Mr. Ron Kelley, general manager. There is one man in the room, and two dozen videoconference participants, including the mayor. The meeting will last 1 h 05.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Acceptance of reports on salaries, purchases, disbursements and capital asset purchases for January 2024. For a total of $553,272.
4.4 Notice of motion and tabling of draft by-law 2019-562-2 amending by-law 2019-562 imposing a special tax on vacant lots. (A copy of the notice was given to council members; but the audience will not know the content of the amendment. Will the tax finally be abolished?)
4.7 and 4.8 Notice of motion and tabling of draft by-laws decreeing an expense of $275,000 and a loan of $275,000 for the acquisition of a 10-wheel truck with gravel dump body, and an expense of $250,000 and a loan of $250,000 for the acquisition of a backhoe with accessories for the Road Department.
5. Public Safety
5.1 Public Safety Committee Chairman's report. In Ms. Desjardins' absence, Ms. Chapados thanks the firefighters and first responders ...
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 Report from the Chairman of the Roads Committee. Mr. Gosselin reports that machinery is being inspected, and purchase requirements, etc., are being identified for the coming season. We are also following up on the work of snow removal and other contractors.
6.2 Request to the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable concerning the Newaygo bridge.
- Whereas this bridge is under its jurisdiction;
- no repair work on the bridge is planned within a reasonable timeframe by the Ministère;
- vehicle traffic is no longer possible, making it difficult to provide services such as fire safety, etc;
- that the municipality has received a bid for its temporary repair.
It is resolved to ask the Ministry to consider proceeding with such a repair.
(The municipality anticipates that) the associated costs will be paid according to the responsibility of each of the parties involved.
A copy of this resolution will be sent to each mayor of the MRC, as well as to MNA Agnès Grondin and Minister Geneviève Guilbault.
6.3 Authorization for the purchase of a 2023 Ford F-150 pickup truck for the Service de la voirie. The accepted bid, from Auto J.G. Pinard et fils ltée, is $61,433 + taxes. Also included is signalling equipment, at a cost of $1,800 + tax.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Environment Committee, Mrs. Horan.
- The committee has been working actively, with Mr. B. Plourde at the helm, on the environmental policy. This will soon be ready for presentation to all.
- Two boat wash stations have arrived and can be installed in the spring.
7.2 Notice of motion and tabling of draft by-law 2023-526-1 amending by-law 2023-526 respecting the protection of and access to bodies of water on the territory of the Municipality of Wentworth-Nord (Reading dispensed with; a copy of the notice was given to the members of Council. This procedure will have been repeated throughout the meeting, offering no details to citizens).
7.3 Appointment of an Assistant Director for the Urban Planning and Environment Department. Mr. Benjamin Plourde, Environmental Coordinator, is promoted to this position, retroactive to January 1.
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Report from the Chairman of the Urban Planning Committee. (Mr. Johnston is absent, but Mr. Gosselin will acknowledge everyone's hard work in this regard).
8.2 List of permits from January 1 to 31, 2024.
8.3 End of probation for Mr. Spiro Trent, who is confirmed in the position of Inspector in the Urban Planning and Environment Department.
8.6 to 8.11 A series of PIIAs are accepted.
In 8.10, it concerns the reconstruction, on the original foundations, of a two-storey waterfront main building at 1025, rue du Chemin-de-Fer. At a previous meeting, the CCU had recommended postponement of the adoption of this request, imposing conditions for its adoption; in particular, greater integration with its surroundings. The applicant has, for the most part, met these requirements, and Council is granting the permit.
8.13 Awarding of a mandate to Prévost Fortin D'Aoust s.e.n.c.r.l. Avocats, in connection with the case of lot 5 708 186 of the Quebec cadastre (No details.)
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. The President of the Outdoors, Trails and Community Life Committee, Ms. Chapados, has no report to submit at this meeting.
9.2 Report from the Chairman of the Recreation and Culture Committee. Ms. C. Léger submits:
- The library, inaugurated in June 2010, is celebrating its fourteenth anniversary. Congratulations to our volunteers...
- The next Ciné-Club, on March 15 and 16, will present " L’océan, vu du cœur ". One of its directors, Marie-Dominique Michaud, from Wentworth-Nord (?), will be present. Full details are on the municipality's website and will appear in its newsletter.
Question period
Ms Linda Proulx wants to know what the legal case is about, in 8.13. Mr. Gosselin declares it confidential.
Ms. Lys-Anne wants details about the Ciné-club film.
A gentleman in the audience also has a positive comment on the film.
Without prejudice; by Carl Chapdelaine
*Councillor Gosselin and Councillor Karine Dostie are acting mayor and mayoress. Each should alternate after six months; but are exchangeable.
Translated with DeepL.com (free version) & Linguee
W-N Council Meeting of Jan 31st, 2024 - Taxes, budget, PTI (2024-5-6)
The adoption of the taxation by-law is just a formality for council members. Ms. Desjardins gives only a short presentation. The question period will take up most of the fifteen-minute session.
The Mayor: The by-law determines the tax rate, or cost of the various services rendered to citizens, as well as special taxes, for the collection of residual materials, etc. (A notice of motion for the by-law had been presented at the regular meeting of January 17 (item 4.3); but no enumeration of rates was offered).
Question period
Ms. Denyse Pinsonneault asked for clarification of these tax rates, while Ms. Linda Proulx, of The Lac St-Victor Association, requested details of how the tax was allocated to the various municipal or external services (MRC share, SQ, etc.). We believe we heard the mayor referring to the presentation made at the last council meeting. She adds that the budget presentation, which follows, also gives these figures.
General property tax rate: $0.3652 per $100 of assessment; for the SQ: $0.579; ...; $1,000/year for short-term rental, justified by a huge volume of waste; $57.75 as basic tax rate; etc. Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Desjardins remind us that the tax rates will also be available on the municipal website, as they are every year.
This is followed by comments from Ms. Desjardins and, in particular, Councillor E. Johnston.
The mayor will point out that half a million dollars will be spent on snow removal, whereas we would have preferred to allocate the sum to projects that wouldn't melt... But she excuses the suppliers, who have no choice, given the rise in their own costs.
One councillor (Ms. Dostie?) will vote against the budget. (Her rapid speech did not allow us to fully grasp her arguments, but she seems to have alleged that the tax on vacant lots has not been abolished, etc.) The mayor replies that current financial resources unfortunately do not allow this promise to be fully respected.
Mr. Johnston also spoke.
- Like Councillor Dostie, he thanks those who worked on this budget.
- He congratulates the turnaround in the administration, which now has a complete and well-functioning team.
- He also congratulates ...
- He points out that it will be important for the council and administration to work closely together in 2024; to improve services, increase revenues and subsidies, etc.
- Significant transportation costs (roads, snow removal, etc.).
- $668,000 of "social tax" for road improvements, a tax that has existed since ..., but which has been integrated into the general tax(?). There is no tracking of where these funds are going. Hopefully, the new finance director (Mr. Martin Larose) will investigate how they are being used.
- A councillor must ensure equity of service to citizens. It seems to him that not contributing to the maintenance of private roads for the municipality, particularly snow clearing, is not fair.
The mayor tells the councillor that he is out of order here, in relation to the adoption of the budget.
Mr. Johnston, insisting that these remarks are directly related to the budget, continues with the question of private roads. 34% of the municipality's revenue comes from the owners of these roads. Some municipalities have adjusted and are contributing to snow clearing on private roads. Wentworth-Nord must study this question, while considering both its budgetary resources and the equity sought. He votes against adoption of the budget. The budget was nevertheless adopted by a majority.
Mr. Kelly continues with the presentation of the PTI. (Cf plates)
Following the presentation of the PTI, Mr. Johnston calls for a vote and votes against. He points out that the future projects for the St-Michel and Montfort pavilions are major. No final development(?) has been allocated to them, even though the St-Michel project dates back to 2011. The Montfort project, for its part, has not yet got off the ground. I can't vote to grant $3.4M for "projects that aren't finalized enough". The by-law will nevertheless be adopted by a majority vote.
The mayor concludes the presentation by reading the letter that will accompany the tax bill, in which she highlights the turnaround at Town Hall, the improved financial balance sheet, collaboration with the administration, road repairs, special attention to the environment, culture and recreation.
Question period
Mr. Jean-Claude Gaétan(?): The municipality's expenses for certain services, such as culture and recreation, the environment, and salaries, appear to him to be those of a large city. Ms. Desjardins explains that some of these services involve high capital expenditure, not to mention heating, etc.
Former councillor Myriam Rioux complains that the repairs(?) to Chemin Farmer, promised three years ago, have been postponed yet again. The mayor admits that, unfortunately, there are other priorities.
Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of Jan 17, 2023, Report
- 4.4 deferred: Municipality's share of MRC park fees.
- 6.5 added: Winter maintenance of 23rd Street.
2. Declaration by elected officials
4.2 Awarding of contract to Daniel Monastesse for cleaning of municipal buildings.
4.4 Request to the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut for adjustment of the municipality's share of park fees (Wentworth-Nord: Aerobic Corridor). (deferred)
The mayor reminds us that, as for other MRC municipalities, Wentworth-Nord's share is usually defined according to the number of residents* (4% for W-N) and the property value (5%). *Permanent residents (=population)
However, the municipality's share of park fees is close to 12%, as it is also based on a set of assets that do not belong to the municipality (public lands, ubiquitous in Wentworth-Nord, and others). These lands are non-constructible and generate no taxes or other financial contribution to the municipality.
This distribution is therefore inequitable. For example, while Piedmont's budget and population are almost double those of Wentworth-Nord, its share of park fees (the former P'tit Train du Nord station) is only 6%. The resolution will be presented in greater detail at the next municipal council meeting.
4.5 Request to the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut concerning snow removal from parking lots under its responsibility on the Aerobic Corridor in the portion located on the Wentworth-Nord territory.
Whereas include:
- The MRC has a 60-year lease with the MTQ to manage the Corridor.
- The MRC is responsible for infrastructure and maintenance, including culverts and a bridge (not to mention La Montfortaine, which has not been maintained for three years).
- The MRC manages the three parking lots on the Corridor (2 in Montfort, at the intersection with rue Principale, 1 in Laurel).
- The MRC manages a fourth parking lot (on Route Principale, at the entrance to Montfort, owned by the Ministère des Ressources naturelles.
- The MRC is responsible for clearing snow from these parking lots.
- In July 2021, the MRC closed the Newaygo bridge, and then the carriageway between it and Route Principale, where it had initially allowed traffic, depriving landlocked residents of vehicular access to their property. Then, in October 2022, it closed the entire section of the Corridor within the municipality for the winter (and stopped snow clearing).
- Wentworth-Nord continues to pay its share of snow removal costs (on the other sections of the Aerobic Corridor).
- Wentworth-Nord no longer has management of the Corridor, granted by the MRC.
5. Public Safety
5.1 Report from the Chair of the Public Safety Committee, Ms. Desjardins. The mayor reports that calls concern forest fires, chimney fires, accidents, etc. ... There were 176 in 2018, 243 in 2019, 166 in 2020, 159 in 2021, 259 in 2022 and 169 in 2023.
The mayor, Mr. Johnston and Ms. Karine Dostie remind us that this service is essential and thank its members once again. However, recruitment is very difficult and is becoming a recurring activity in itself, so the Council is appealing to residents.
5.2 Hiring of two first responders.
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 The Chairman of the Roads Committee, Mr. Gosselin, explains, among other things, that :
- Staff is reduced in winter.
- Snow removal (by the municipality and contractors?) is going well. Few complaints.
- We're starting to plan for the summer season's work, particularly about high water: equipment, manpower, etc.
6.2, 6.3 and 6.4 RIRL (Programme d'aide à la voirie locale) accountability - ch. Millette, ch. Jackson and route Principale.
6.5 Winter maintenance of 23rd Street awarded to Martin Demers. The mayor reminds us that the municipality can help property owners organize this service, and that the cost will be charged to the property owner's tax bill.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Environment Committee. Ms. Horan simply reminds us that medicines, etc., should not be flushed down the toilet, sink or washbasin, but should be handed in to the pharmacist. At the end of their journey, they will end up in and pollute watercourses. The mayor points out that fish have already been contaminated in this way.
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Report from the Chairman of the Urban Planning Committee. Mr. Johnston reports that the revision of the Urban Plan (with Interim Control) continues. Further consultations are planned. It will be interesting to look at the MRC, from early February, when the revision of the spatial planning could be enriched by your comments. The same goes for Morin-Heights, Saint-Sauveur and others.
Ms. Desjardins reports that the updated delimitation of flood-prone areas could make many properties uninsurable against flooding and make it impossible to resort to government assistance. The impact of climate change will be very real, not least on urban and land-use plans, and municipal finances.
8.2 List of permits from December 1 to 31, 2023. .... 382 permits issued in 2023 ($22.5 million), compared with 434 ($20.7 million) in 2022. A decrease in the number of permits, says the mayor, but an increase in the value of investments.
8.3 Adoption of a by-law limiting the number of "off-road vehicle trails" in zone H-10 to one and defining a maximum area that may be used for this purpose. Ms. Desjardins indicates that there were not enough signatures in the register to call for a referendum.
8.5 Awarding of a coaching mandate to Hélène Doyon, Urbaniste-Conseil, for the preparation of urban planning by-laws. 50 hours, at $175/hr = $8,750 + taxes.
9. Recreation, culture, and community life
9.1. Report from Mme Chapados, Chair of the Comité plein air, sentier et vie communautaire.
- Trails: The Outdoors Committee will prepare a plan for 2024...
- Family policy: Things are going well.
- ...
9.2 Report from the Chair of the Recreation and Culture Committee, Mme Léger.
- Thanks to the Table de concertation des arts et de la culture de Wentworth-Nord for its December achievements.
- Ciné-Club : The film "Ru" will be shown on Friday, January 26, at 7 p.m., for young people, and on Saturday, January 27, at 7:30 p.m.. The Saturday screening will be followed by a zoom meeting with director Charles-Olivier Michaud.
Mr. Johnston emphasizes the popularity of the Ciné-club. Ms. Desjardins adds that people have come from Saint-Michel, Montfort, Morin-Heights and Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard.
Question period
Mr. Richard Wilson: Is the parking dispute related to the Newaygo bridge dispute? D.D. After an overview (cf. 4.5), the mayor confirmed that the dispute goes back to the MRC's request to Wentworth-Nord to pay 40% of the cost of repairing the bridge.
In conversation with Mr. Watchorn (mayor of Morin-Heights), the latter admitted that Wentworth-Nord could do nothing more. The mayor concludes that the situation is beyond its control. She explains that the municipality has no insurance to cover any intervention (snow removal) on these parking lots. She suggests that skiers park in Morin-Heights since the Montfort trail is closed.
Ms. Horan would have indicated that there was always the possibility of using the parking lot (on des Érables street), which gives access to the Orphelins trail.
Mr. Peo Rousseau:
- Can users of the Corridor, in Laurel, clear the snow themselves from the parking lot there, as well as maintain the cross-country ski trail? D.D.: Clearing snow from land that doesn't belong to you?
- Bravo for the Ciné-club.
Ms. Linda Proulx (Association du Lac St-Victor) :
- Bravo for the Ciné-club.
- Would it be possible to put more space reserved for residents in the Montfort pavilion? D.D.: First, we're thinking of creating a resident's card, so that users can already be identified. We're also thinking of building another parking lot at Montfort.
Wentworth-Nord Council meeting of Dec 20, 2023, report
At the start of the meeting, Mr. Michel St-Arnaud, from the Saint-Jérôme office of Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton, presented the financial statements for 2022. Few people are present in the room, while the videoconference counter shows two dozen participants. The session lasts less than an hour.
1. Adoption of the agenda
Items 8.3 and 8.10 are postponed. An item, 6.10 (Safety), is added.
2. Statement by elected representatives
- The mayor recalls the sad news of the passing of Montfort centenarian Minnie Johnson.
- Strong attendance at the Christmas Market, organized by the Table de concertation des arts et de la culture de Wentworth-Nord.
Thanks also to Councillor Catherine Léger and Ms. Jamie Lee Paquette, Coordinator of Recreation, Culture, Community Life and Communications at the municipality, who worked hard to make this happen.
- Some sixty children received gifts at the Christmas tree Day, a testament to the community's revitalization.
- The mayor sends her best wishes for a Merry Christmas, good health, and a Happy New Year.
- "It's your turn to be generous to those less fortunate."
4.9 Tabling and acceptance of the financial statements for 2022 and the external auditor's report. Ms. Desjardins will take this opportunity to announce that the financial statements for 2023 will be filed at the end of February. The delay (incurred under the previous administration) in presenting this valuable information is finally behind us. Our thanks to Martin Larose, Director of Accounting, and Kelly for their diligence.
Mr. Saint-Arnaud, accompanied by his colleague, will briefly present the financial statements to December 31, 2022:
- Total revenues: $7.1 M
- o Operating revenues: $6.6 M
- o Investment income: $0.4 M
- Total expenses: ($7.7 M) ?
- Surplus: $63 k ?
- Operating surplus: ($354 k)
- Reconciling items: $358 k
- Surplus: $4 k
- Assets: $3.0 M
- o Cash: $659 k
- o Accounts receivable: etc. $2.3 M ?
- Liabilities
- o Long-term debt*: ($2.9 M) *Decreasing
- o Other items: ($5.0 M)
- Total liabilities: ($7.8 M)
- Infrastructure assets, etc. : 13, 0 M $
- Other assets: $265 k
- Cumulative surplus: $8.5 M ±(3M + 13M - 7.8M)
The auditor concludes; "In two years, we've got the municipality out of the red, and 2023 looks even better, depending on the budgets we have."
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Acceptance of reports on salaries, purchases, disbursements, and capital purchases for November 2023: $4 M, compared with $763 k in 2022. The huge difference is due to the amounts allocated to the rehabilitation of chemins Jackson, Millette and route Principale. This work is now complete. But that's no reason to speed, especially in the Saint-Michel sector.
4.3 Schedule of regular Council meetings for 2024: Always the 3rd Wednesday of the month, at 7 p.m.
4.6 Renewal of animal control mandate with Patrouille canine Inc.
4.11 Resolution in support of Club l'Étoile du Nord Inc's request for financial assistance from the MRC.
5 Public safety
5.1 Report from the Chair of the Public Safety Committee. Ms. Desjardins gives the number of calls.
6 Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 Road Committee Chairman's report. M. Gosselin explains that this is the time to plan orientations and actions for 2024, essentially maintenance, in accordance with the budget.
6.7 Authorization to pay second instalment of roadwork on chemin Jackson. According to the recommendations of Équipe Laurence (site supervisor), $581.6 k to ??? Excavation.
6.8 Authorization to pay fifth and sixth instalments for roadwork on Route Principale. $2.4 M and $446 k to Claude Rodrigue.
6.9 Authorization to pay the fourth and fifth installments for road repairs on chemin Millette. $125 k and $53 k to Claude Rodrigue.
6.10 Council wishes to install speed cameras to indicate vehicle speed, to encourage drivers to respect speed limits. The municipality is seeking subsidies to help carry out this project.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Environment Committee.
- Ms. Horan thanks the large number of people who took part in the consultation on the modification of the Urban Plan, both in person and by videoconference.
- (inaudible)
7.2 Appointment of a new member to the Environmental Advisory Committee, Ms. Martinet.
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Report from the Chairman of the Urban Planning Committee. Further to Ms. Horan's comments on the Consultation, Mr. Johnston adds that a report will be published in 2024, and that there will be further public consultations. The mayor reminds us that this is part of the Interim Control; that citizens and their recommendations have been well listened to.
8.2 List of permits from November 1 to 30, 2023. 47 permits, for $4 million, compared with 33 in 2022, for $1.4 million. Activity is therefore sustained, despite the downturn elsewhere in the real estate market, concludes Ms. Desjardins.
8.6 PIIA 2020-0525 - Lac-à-la-Croix Sud integrated housing project, ch. des Berges-du-Nord (phase 2). This will be for a maximum of six family residences. There will be interconnection with the surrounding trail network, etc. There was a consultation session on August 10, 2022, and phase 1 has already been accepted on August 17, 2022, explains the mayor.
8.8 Planning Advisory Committee meeting schedule for 2024. The CCU will now meet three weeks before the Council meeting, to give the latter time to analyze its recommendations.
9. Recreation, culture, and community life
9.1. Report from the Chair of the Outdoors, Trails, and Community Life Committee. Ms. Chapados has no report to present this time.
9.2 Report from the President of the Recreation and Culture Committee. (Mrs. Léger is absent).
9.3. Appointment of members to the Family Policy Committee. As citizens : Mmes Catherine Jacques and Marie ... Millette , MM Yves Léveillé and Normand Tremblay. As representatives : One from the MRC and one from the Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux (CISSS).
Question period
E. Johnston: "I hope we'll clear it ... as soon as we get authorization from the Ministry to ...". (?) The mayor interrupts the councillor to remind him that this meeting is not a council caucus. Councillor Horan points out that the Corridor is currently closed and wonders what to do about it. Ms. Desjardins points out that the MRC has decided not to operate this section for the current winter season.
Ms. Linda Proulx: She applauds the Coop Santé initiative and asks how things stand. D.D.: The Coop is an independent structure. It has formed committees that will begin work in January. L.P. Which professionals will be working there? D.D. We're looking for people from all disciplines. Priority will probably be given to Coop members.
D.D.: Enjoy the holiday season, everyone.
Consultation of Dec. 9, 2023, on amendment to the W-N Urban Plan, report
(Règlement de contrôle intérimaire)
Urban Planning Director Benoît Cadieux, assisted by Environmental Coordinator Benjamin Plourde, chaired the consultation. An undetermined number of citizens attended in person, while nearly 50 participated by videoconference. Mayor Danielle Desjardins, Councillor Karine Dostie and Councillor Eric Johnston also took part. The session will last around three hours (?).
If they don't get a chance to present their views during the session, participants will be able to send their questions or comments by e-mail. But they will already have had the opportunity to ask questions following the presentation of each of the six issues. In addition, they are invited to use an interactive tool available on the Internet, Menti.com, to answer a few survey questions during the session. The content and follow-up of the presentation will be faithfully accompanied by the Power Point. Here and there, the director will add a few details or clarifications to complement this visual information.
Ms. Desjardins welcomes participants and explains that the Urban Plan is, in a way, the backbone of the municipality's administration. No one is forgotten, whether a permanent resident, cottager, or visitor. After the first few Power Point slides, a series will explain in greater detail what such a plan is. Another slide will give the timetable for the whole operation; with adoption of the modifications scheduled for spring 2024.
Of the six issues, at least one addresses the question of lake access. The director points out that only two such public accesses exist in Wentworth-Nord, one at Lake Laurel (?) and the other at Lake Saint-François-Xavier. There is therefore a serious lack of public access to the municipality's waterways.
A question on the interactive tool probed participants on their ranking of issues by priority. The graph of results (see plate) shows that protection of waterways, with 23%, is followed by conservation and protection of natural environments, with 21%. The other seven choices take only 5 to 11% of 100%, with economic development in the lead.
A second question, related to the first issue of access to housing and an aging population, asked participants to estimate the average age of the municipality's population. Participants made no mistake, choosing the 50-60 age group with 48%, the 60-70 age group with 39%, and the 40-50 age group completing the 100%. The Statistics Canada table confirms this. An older population than that of the MRC, Quebec or Canada. And when asked if these are indeed the only permanent residents, Mr. Cadieux agrees. The participant then asked what the proportion of cottagers was, and if we hadn't forgotten them; they are the lifeblood of the municipality, he added. The answer was that they far outnumber the permanent residents.
The second issue concerns development pressure and interest in integrated projects, particularly in Montfort. A question on the interactive tool asked participants if they were concerned about the pressure of real estate development. Yes, for half; not so much for the others.
Population and construction are on the increase, and we need to promote the optimal use of the land, i.e., the use of existing infrastructure, densification, the creation of second ranks, etc. There is also a need for a better framework for real estate development. We must also provide a better framework for innovative, individual or large-scale projects. However, regulatory changes in this area could lend themselves to an exemption using a new tool, the PPCMOI, which makes it possible to evaluate and accept specific projects. However, some participants questioned this way of bypassing regulations and the Urban Plan.
The third issue concerns the cohabitation of uses and the problems caused by short-term rentals. On this last point, the discussions that have been taking place at council meetings since the introduction of interim control are resuming in earnest, but we can't be any further ahead at this stage. In response to the question "Are you in favor of the establishment of new short-term rental uses in your area?", those not in favor, on the interactive tool, made up 59%, against 39% for those in favor.
The fourth issue concerns the conservation, protection, and enhancement of natural environments. This priority came out on top in the seven-option survey on environmental protection measures, with 22%. The objective of targeting 30% conservation of natural environments, in line with that of the provincial government, provoked several exchanges, with participants asserting that more than 30% of natural environments are already protected in Wentworth-Nord, due to the presence of public land, etc.
The plan for the acquisition of land by the municipality, to protect it or convert it into green zones, by means of the 7% contribution for park purposes when applying for a subdivision or building permit, by the new municipal tool of pre-emption on the sale of land, or otherwise, will also prompt renewed debate on this subject. The Plan must also integrate the MRC's approach to wetland protection.
The fifth issue concerns adaptation to climate change. Here, the heightened fear of forest fires tops the list of participants' concerns. Among the measures considered by the urban planning department in this regard are interventions to limit sedimentation in lakes and streams.
The sixth issue is access to nature. The theme of access to bodies of water prompted participants to reiterate their respective positions on this controversial subject. The mayor intervened, specifying that all access to the lakes must be controlled, and that we couldn't be more accommodating than the surrounding municipalities, whose residents could then benefit from easier access to Wentworth-Nord lakes.
Our comments
This consultation, like the previous ones under this administration, seems to us to be above all a formidable exercise in information. It provides us with details of the points and issues involved in the proposed modifications to the Urban Plan, as identified by the municipality's Urban Planning and Environmental Services, under the supervision of Council.
We can only applaud this essential step in a democratic approach to public decision-making. However, this approach runs the risk of repeating certain shortcomings associated with the democratic process. For example, the perception and will of citizens, if they become a determining factor in the elaboration of modifications to the Urban Plan, could distort the validity and legitimacy of the regulations.
Thus, if it were up to the will of most residents, measures concerning short-term rentals or public access to lakes, for example, could run counter to legitimate rights invoked by promoters and investors under our liberal regime, in the first case, or against Quebec law in the second. And that's without considering the negative economic repercussions for the municipality, and even for its very development, as invoked by developers.
In the case of public access to the lakes, a proportion of lakeside residents are opposed, citing a sort of acquired right to collective ownership of the lake and a role as guardians of its environment. The mayor seems to limit this access to residents of Wentworth-Nord. Amended regulations in line with this opposition, or the simple status quo, unless they are limited to control measures, would run counter to the national law affirming the collective nature of water resources, notably to allow any person to circulate there under certain conditions provided for in article 920 of the Civil Code.
Faced with opposition to certain orientations contained in the various issues presented in the consultation, the Director of Urban Planning, like the Environmental Coordinator, always indicated that the decision had not been made and that consultations were still part of the process retained by Council. Yes, but postponing the decision or subjecting it to more consultations won't resolve the differences. We're not out of the woods yet...
Director and coordinator risk copying the approach of the then Director of Urban Planning, Mr. Emmanuel Farmer, who, in his Urban Plan, bowed to the desire of Montfort residents, and no doubt elected officials, to limit the recreational and tourism offer in the area. The introduction of interim control seems to us to be largely the result of the impasse created by this orientation; will the new regulations be able to resolve it?
We have come to believe that, as is probably the case, amendments to the Urban Plan will have to respect the framework of orientations decreed by the State, occasionally transmitted by the MRC, and which must prevail over the perception of a municipality's residents, as well as their elected representatives.
In fact, by opening the door to certain demands that are contrary to the common good of the State, the municipal council and administration, which must represent both the State and its own residents, would be neglecting one of their duties, that of making citizens aware of societal issues.
Without prejudice; by Carl Chapdelaine
Wentworth-Nord Council meeting of Nov. 15, 2023, Report
Two people were present in the room, while the Zoom counter showed 24 participants. The meeting will last only 50 minutes.
2. Statement by elected representatives
- The mayor expressed her satisfaction that Wentworth-Nord had been awarded a 4th fleuron, crowning its beautification efforts. The beautiful Belvedere structure in Laurel Park is nearing completion, offering a magnificent view of the lake.
- Work on road rehabilitation is underway.
- The lake associations met to unveil new boat-washing signs.
- The purchase of the Montfort pavilion was completed. We'll be moving forward with the Advisory Committee.
- Public consultation on interim control, December 9, with presentation of suggested guidelines.
- Presentation of the financial statements at the start of the meeting. At a time when there is talk of extravagant spending by directors of certain municipal administrations, the mayor stresses the great reserve of council members with public funds. No expenses for council members, apart from the occasional coffee and a small purchase of $50 last year.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Acceptance of reports on salaries, purchases, disbursements, and capital purchases for the month of October 2023. $3.2 million this year, versus $732.9 k in 2022, due to current disbursements for roads rehabilitation (which will be 90% subsidized, the mayor reminds us).
4.2 Modification of resolution number 2023-09-2874. This concerned the payment of the grant to set up the Coop Santé. The donation would be in two instalments of $5,000: the first to the Chamber, and the second to the Coop Santé, in 2024, for its operation. As the Coop is not yet incorporated, the second instalment will still go to the Chamber of Commerce.
4.4 Tabling and acceptance of the financial statements for 2021 and the external auditor's report.
Mr. Michel St-Arnaud presents:
1. Summary results to Dec. 31, 2021:
- Total revenues: $6.8 M
- Total expenses: ($7.3 M)
- Deficit: ($0.5 M)
- Amortization, etc. : $0,3 M
- Net deficit: ($0.3 M)
2. Balance sheet on Dec. 31, 2021
- Cash: $0.1 5 M
- Accounts receivable: $1.9 M
- Total financial assets: $2.1 M
- Long-term debt, etc. : ($7.0 M)
- Net debt: ($5.0 M)
- Non-financial assets: $13.3 M (furniture, etc.)
- Other assets: $0.2 M
- Total non-financial assets: $13.4 M
- Surplus: $8.4 M
The mayor thanked the auditor and commented that this deficit, like the previous year's, was the result of the previous administration. At the time, there had been extraordinary expenses for lawyers, severance agreements, etc. However, the big clean-up was over. But the municipality had very little room for manoeuvre; it had to manage very tightly and create a financial cushion.
4.6 Guarantee of $49,000 for a loan from Coopérative de solidarité Laurel Station. A risk-free bond, explains Ms. Desjardins. The Coop wants to renovate its store to make it more attractive, among other things. Many municipalities support their cooperatives in this way, but by becoming members, citizens make all the difference.
5. Public safety
No report from the Chair, Mayor.
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 Report from the Chairman of the Roads Committee. Mr. Gosselin reports that
- the temporary workers are ending their season;
- repairs to chemins Jackson, Millette and route Principale are being monitored and are going well.
6.2 Repeal of the by-law decreeing the terms and conditions for the assumption of partial maintenance of the private portion of chemin Lanthier by the municipality for the winter period; (not enough signed agreements to exceed the required 50%).
6.3 Adoption of by-laws decreeing the terms and conditions for partial maintenance of private roads on the municipal territory for the winter period. The roads in question are rue du Chemin-de-fer, east and west.
6.6 Awarding of a $1,200 (?) contract to Martin Demers &... for snow removal at the covered courtyard parking lot.
6.7 to 6.10 Authorization to pay scheduled installments for road repairs on 12th Street, Jackson Road, Principale Road and Millette Road.
6.11 Snow-clearing contract for Montfort Pavilion grounds. The winning bid, for 2023-24 with an option for the next two years, would award $6,036 to the firm XXX, for 2023-24, $6,640 for 2024-25, and $6,972 for 2025-26. Councillor Horan finds the cost exorbitant for such a small lot and proposes that the option be dropped. The mayor added that the increase would be higher than the 3% inflation forecast. The amended resolution was passed.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Environment Committee. Ms. Horan:
- Reports on the success of the November 11 meeting of lake associations, chaired by Environmental Services Coordinator Benjamin Plourde.
o Participation by members of 15 lakes and other residents.
o Two billboards on boat washing.
o New permanent coloured boat stickers.
o Wash stations.
o Water quality surveys (coliforms, phosphorus, chlorophyll a) conducted for the municipality, downstream from the main lakes.
o The presence of an invasive snail on Lac Louisa.
o Aquatic plant inventory pilot project.
o Drone monitoring of riparian buffer strips.
o Presentation on invasive plants (large-leaf pondweed at Lake St-François-Xavier).
o A warning against the multiplication of mining claims.
o Inventory of problematic septic tanks.
- The mayor pointed out that the results of these tests on the presence of coliforms in these lakes showed a good ranking, and that they were all fit for swimming.
7.2 Financial assistance program for recreational, sports and outdoor infrastructures.
7.3 Authorization to submit a request for financial assistance to the Fonds Région et ruralité (FRR) for the purchase and installation of two new boat washes (in Laurel and Montfort).
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Report from the Chairman of the Urban Planning Committee. (Mr. Johnston is absent.)
8.2 List of permits from October 1 to 31, 2023. 34 applications in 2023, for $2 million, compared with 53 in 2022, for $5.4 million. Since the beginning of the year, there have been 323 permit applications, for $17.5 million, compared with 393 applications in 2022, for $20 million. The value has therefore remained relatively stable this year, despite the drop in the number of applications.
8.9 Purchase of land by the municipality, at a cost of $4,000, for the installation of semi-submerged bins on chemin du Lac-Thurson.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1 Ms. Chapados reports on the 2nd meeting of the Trails Committee, and that a meeting is also scheduled with the Family Policy Committee.
9.2 Ms. Léger announces:
- The presentation of the film Testament at the Ciné-club, this Saturday, November 18, at 7:30 pm. Doors open at 7 p.m. at the Laurel Community Centre.
- Christmas Market, November 25, in Saint-Michel.
- 2 plays for children. (Table des arts et de la culture + the municipality)
- Christmas Day Countdown, December 16, 11 a.m. (Gifts for children. Registration required).
The mayor congratulates the members of the environmental and urban planning advisory committees. They work very hard and are highly motivated.
Question period
Mrs. ?, on the snow clearing of the parking lot on the Aerobic Corridor, which was not done last year. Ms. Desjardins explains that a piece of equipment was missing last year.
W-N Council Meeting Of October 18, 2023, report
1. Adoption of the agenda. Item 8.5 is postponed. Item 8.13 is added.
2. Statement by elected officials. The mayor congratulates the councillors on their dedication to their work. She notes that Mmes Dostie and Léger have two young children.
4. Administration and correspondence.
4.1 Acceptance of reports on salaries, purchases, disbursements and capital purchases for the month of September. In 2023, it's $2m, compared with $385k in 2022. The sharp increase is due to the start of repairs to chemins Millette, Jackson and route Principale.
4.4 Request for financial contribution - Opération Nez rouge Sainte-Adèle campaign. The municipality will contribute $250.
4.5 End of probation for Accounting Manager Martin Larose.
4.6 Request for use of public land. Recalling that the municipality is in the process of acquiring the Montfort pavilion, we request the management of the parking lot located at the entrance to Montfort, on land belonging to the Ministry of Natural Resources.
4.7 Filing of the median proportion and comparative factor of the property assessment roll for fiscal year 2024. Mr. Kelley explains that this is an annual administrative measure, requested by the Ministère des Affaires municipales (to assess property wealth in the municipality).
5. Public safety. No report tabled.
6. Public works and municipal asset management.
6.1 Report from the Chairman of the Road Committee. Councillor Gosselin reports that the contracts for the repair of the three roads included are being monitored.
6.2 to 6.9, 6.12 and 6.15: Adoption of by-laws decreeing the terms and conditions for the assumption of responsibility for the maintenance of private roads on the territory of the Municipality of Wentworth-Nord, or the awarding of contracts for the snow removal of municipal facilities and certain roads, for the 2023-2024 winter period.
In 6.8, for the Montfort sector, it is explained that some of this is municipal land (parking lot "des Orphelins?", Mount Street, etc.). The mayor notes that two sectors have been omitted, "because we don't know if we'll own them". Here again, she alludes to the process of acquiring the Montfort pavilion.
6.11 End of probation for Public Works Director Pierre Aubé.
6.13 Authorization to pay second instalment ($207,159) for road repairs on chemin Millette; by Claude Rodrigue.
66.14 Authorization for payment of third installment ($2.2 million) for road repairs on Route Principale; by Claude Rodrigue.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Environment Committee, Ms. Colleen Horan (Her words were partly covered by the crumpling of paper in front of a microphone). She reminds us, we understand, that the second (annual) meeting of (lake) associations will be held on November 11.
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Report from the Chairman of the Urban Planning Committee. Mr. Johnston notes that too many residents are starting work before obtaining a municipal permit. He urges compliance with regulations in this regard.
8.2 List of permits from September 1 to 30, 2023. 39 permits, for $1.6 million, compared with 33 permits in 2022. Demand is still there.
8.3 Adoption of by-law 2017-498-21 amending zoning by-law 2017-498 to reduce the minimum lot area in zone H-60, to authorize the use of "off-road vehicle trails" in zone H-10 and to amend certain problematic definitions and provisions in the by-law. There were no valid requests for a referendum. Item 8.13 will propose limiting to one off-road vehicle trail in zone H-10.
8.12 Adoption of a new resolution concerning the exchange of land with Lac-Saint-Victor Estates. Minor changes to land area.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. Report from the Chair of the Outdoors, Trails and Community Life Committee. Ms. Chapados announces that :
- The Outdoors Committee held its first meeting the previous week. It is with great interest that we embark on this trail enhancement project. Among other things, the need for increased trail maintenance was emphasized.
- The (Families?) Committee will work on developing a family policy.
9.2 Report from the President of the Recreation and Culture Committee. Ms. Catherine Léger:
- Praises the success of the Journées de la Culture (Sept. 30 and Oct. 1), with France Paquette's workshop, geographer-historian Claude Martel's presentation on Wentworth-Nord's postal heritage, and the opening of Mr. Levine's gallery for the Journées.
- Underlines the same interest in the 1st Ciné-club, with an attendance of 30 people to see Le temps d'un été. The next one will be on November 18, and the choice of film will be announced in the municipal newsletter. We try to have the films available soon after their screening in theatres.
- On October 28, at 3 p.m., there will be children's storytelling here at the library, and candy...
- Announces the Christmas party, Nov. 25, at Saint-Michel church, with children's show in the afternoon.
- Reminder that this is the last weekend to see the Grandeur nature exhibition at the Montfort art gallery.
- Christmas gift distribution in December. (Watch the Newsletter.)
11. Subject of public interest
Mr. Johnston points out that there have been several items on snow removal on private roads on this agenda. It's about time we started talking about this, because not all residents receive the same services. The subject is all the more topical as the cost of these services has soared.
Question period
(Maximum 5 minutes)
Mr. Jean (Patie?), Association du Lac Gustave :
- Thank you for the work on chemin du lac Gustave (culverts to solve the problem of water overflow in the spring).
- We have asked you to clear the snow on the portion of the road that belongs to Crown Lands. The mayor suggests that suggestions to this effect be sent for the 2024 budget, before October 21. Council will follow up on these suggestions and has also begun to reflect on the maintenance of private (and other) roads. But the mayor doesn't want to go into detail in public at this meeting. Mr. Johnston will have given some details (inaudible).
Mr. Daniel Champagne says he bought a house and applied for a garden shed on August 23. He has yet to receive a reply and wonders if he will have to put his stock in the snow...
Mr. B. Tremblay complains that Saint-Michel de Wentworth receives no news from the municipality. What do you do with the seniors in Wentworth-Nord who don't have Internet access? And notices from the municipality are not posted on our mailboxes. Can't we receive the notices and bin collection schedule with our increased tax bill? The mayor asserts that this calendar is mailed every year. She points out that we're developing ways of communicating all the information to citizens, to mailboxes, while we're demanding that the authorities concerned, including the MRC, deliver the Accès newspaper to Saint-Michel; since we publish our public notices in it, as does the MRC. We are obliged to post our public notices on the boards available: one in Montfort, one in Laurel and one at the Saint-Michel church, where everyone passes by.
Mr. Tremblay: What is the proportion of seniors in Wentworth-Nord; 60%? What are you giving to seniors? Nothing; and you've been studying, like the previous mayors, for 20 years! You've just bought the Montfort pavilion, but you can't even provide services to Saint-Michel. The mayor says that there are services for seniors in Saint-Michel, that he's misinformed and that she doesn't want to discuss it here.
Mr. Johnston confirms that the council is looking for formulas and solutions to keep the population better informed, but that this is not happening as quickly as we would like.
Mrs Denyse Pinsonneault:
1. I haven't received a collection calendar, and others haven't either.
2. Bravo for the Ciné-club: good film, good organization, good popcorn...
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) & Linguee
Séance ext. du conseil De W-N, du 11 oct. 2023, Compte-Rendu
Councillors Lyne Chapados, Karine Dostie, Catherine Léger, Eric Johnston and Réjean Gosselin are present in the Laurel Community Hall, along with Mayor Danielle Desjardins, who will chair the meeting, assisted by General Manager Ron Kelley. Councillor Colleen Horan is absent due to illness, but participates via videoconference. A couple are present in the room, while the Zoom counter shows 15 participants. The session will last fifteen minutes.
2. Authorization for the purchase of two boat washes. Expectations include the current stations not supplying water hot enough and at the recommended pressure. The cost of the transaction with Ozéro solutions will be $141,045.
3. Appointment of members of the Montfort Pavilion Advisory Committee. Numerous candidates were put forward, including the mayor, as chair, and councillors Colleen Horan and Catherine Léger. Added to these were Line Bédard, Jayne Pollock (?), Dean Barriere, Charles Boyer, Pierre Faucher and Yves Jegou.
To Councillor Gosselin's question about voting within the committee... : DD. This is an advisory committee; there will be no vote.
4. Resolution of support for the COOP Santé project presented by the Wentworth-Nord Chamber of Commerce and Sustainable Development.
5. Request for support from the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut for the aforementioned COOP Santé project, given that it responds to an essential need to the community.
Question period
The gentleman in the room, who says he and his wife (residents of Montreal and Morin-Heights?) are elderly and need care, would like to see a doctor in Wentworth-Nord and asks what the co-op will be like. The mayor explains that it will be very much like the one in Morin-Heights. We don't know when it will open, because we need to attract doctors, among other things. We'll be working with the Saint-Adolphe and Morin-Heights’s co-ops.
The applicant seems to have indicated that a minimum number of residents is required to justify the formation of a health co-op, and asks what the population figure is for Wentworth-Nord. The mayor replies that the minimum is 7,000; but, although the project is for Saint-Michel, which has only a small population, the coop will also serve the more populous villages of the neighboring municipalities of Brownsburg-Chatham and Grenville, as there are no such services closer to Lachute.
Here, the gentleman seems to be giving us his opinion on a project he considers too ambitious, like those of Mayor Ghali who, he says, saw himself in Montreal. He thinks it would be better to improve Route Principale to attract people...
Without prejudice; by Carl Chapdelaine
Municipal statistics
"Your municipal council, with the assistance of the administration, is currently working on the 2024 budget. Do you have projects you'd like to see implemented? Do you have ideas to share? Send us your suggestions... "1
The municipal council may have a vision of what tomorrow's Wentworth-Nord should look like: a school in Laurel, a medical clinic in each of its three sectors; the same goes for seniors' residences or early childhood centers; a small shopping center, a road system designed to better link the three villages, a multi-purpose community center (pavilion), etc. All based on current and foreseeable growth in both residents and budget.
In support of its vision, the council can, among other things, rely on its Urban Plan. This plan makes extensive use of available statistics, both from government sources and from the municipality's own departments: demographics, population distribution, property assessment, building permits, and so on. But government data is only published at the level of the entire municipality. For sub-municipal analysis, which is essential when drawing up an urban planning or development plan, there are few relevant statistics. Is one geographic sector developing more or less rapidly than others? Will its future population justify the council's vision? What type of road will be appropriate for its vehicular traffic? How much of the budget should be allocated to it?
We regret the absence of public statistics that would enable us to assess the pace of development of a geographical sector of the municipality, its various infrastructure needs, and so on. In drawing up the Urban Plan, Mr. Emmanuel Farmer probably had to make a laborious compilation. We therefore suggest that the municipality set up a directory of available statistics. This directory, mainly made up of historical statistical data, would include those collected and presented by governments at the municipal level (census subdivision for Statistics Canada).
The municipality would also draw on its various departments to add its own data (building permits, etc.) It should be remembered that vacationing, which accounts for a good half of the housing in Wentworth-Nord, is not included in government statistics and, among other things, in the Economic Vitality Index. It may therefore be risky to use, for example, the Census (permanent) population figure to determine the appropriate level of services. The municipality and MRC, on the other hand, collect unique data on all residents and properties within their territory, whether they comprise permanent or secondary residences.2
Above all, where possible, this data should be broken down by sector, as in the case of the six electoral districts. The latter delimitation is used in Montreal; a municipality that can afford it, of course. We then obtain valuable demographic statistics for the said districts, while comparing them with those of the boroughs and the city as a whole. For example, the Sault-au-Récollet sector, in the Ahuntsic-Cartierville borough, has a much lower percentage of 15- to 34-year-olds, and vice versa for its retired class, than the city as a whole.3 Such data can guide, for example, the choice of socio-recreational and health facilities in the district. In terms of governance, the 19 arrondissements have elected councils and a degree of budgetary autonomy. But, of course, "this sub-municipal decentralization is often considered excessive by local players".4 And it's hard to imagine that the 6 districts of Wentworth-Nord will ever have any form of autonomy or budget of their own.
It is conceivable that appropriate, recurring questionnaires, such as those used by the Canadian Census, and accompanying tax bills, could also provide valuable data.
To set up such a directory, the municipality could hire a firm; or attach an additional resource, possibly temporary, to its Urban Planning Services. An application to some specific grant program should also be considered. Such an undertaking should not be attempted, however, without close collaboration with the relevant departments of the MRC. The search for a model, which may already exist in Quebec, would facilitate the choice of approach and content for such a framework, while enabling a comparison between municipalities, as the RSVL does for lakes.5 and 6
In a future budget, in a future call for projects, and if the one suggested here ever sees the light of day, perhaps you'll have the opportunity to present and better fit the “projects you'd like to see implemented” into the socio-economic reality of Wentworth-Nord, and its budget!
Sent to Wentworth-Nord Town Hall by Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) & Linguee
Montfort Pavilion Advisory Committee: our comments
The answer to our question reminds us of the reality, in Quebec and elsewhere, of the omnipotence of the municipal council in its jurisdiction, once in power.
Ordinary citizens can only ask brief questions at council meetings, without expressing an opinion. They only have the right to speak once every four years. Fortunately, videoconferencing and e-mail chains have brought a certain openness of information to the citizens of Wentworth-Nord.
On the other hand, municipal advisory committees are creatures of this same council and totally subject to its directives, with the exception of the CCU, whose decisions can lead to a referendum process. Candidates' professions of transparency and openness during election campaigns should be taken with a grain of salt. ...
One wonders whether the cottager is not also, here, considered a second-class citizen or a foreigner. Thus, the participation, in person, of a Montreal cottager in a meeting that may concern him, or even in a referendum (chemin du Lac-Thurson), during the winter cottage closure period, seems to us unjustifiable in a municipality where cottagers make up the majority of residents, pay the same taxes as permanent residents, even if they don't use the services as much, and contribute, in this way and in other ways, to the development of Wentworth-Nord. The example of the consultation on the protection of and access to bodies of water in Saint-Michel, last January and on a road made hazardous, is striking.
By Carl Chapdelaine
W-N Council Meeting Of September 20, 2023; report
Items 4.6.1 and 7.2 (Purchase of two boat washes) are postponed. An item, 5.3, is added.
- The mayor is delighted that the financial statements for 2021 will finally be available, after many corrections. Those for 2022 should follow shortly.
- Work has begun on Route Principale and 12th Street.
- The acquisition of the Montfort pavilion is almost complete; and the advisory committee will have to be set up. 20 quality applications have been received.
- You should have received the first newsletter from Wentworth-Nord's Loisirs et Communications, with its help in naming this newsletter. We look forward to hearing from you.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Acceptance of reports on salaries, purchases, disbursements and capital asset purchases for August 2023. 1.2 million compared with $0.5 million in August 2022. The increase is due to initial disbursements for road repairs on Route Principale, Chemin Jackson and Chemin Millette. Subsidies will offset these disbursements.
4.3 Request for financial assistance from Association pour la protection du Lac Wentworth. $262 granted.
4.5 Update on municipal committees. Mrs. Desjardins will chair the Montfort Pavilion advisory committee.
4.7 Request for financial assistance for the Coopérative santé. D.D.: "We're working with experienced people to set this up. The Wentworth-Nord Chamber of Commerce and Sustainable Development will get the project off the ground. It is requesting a grant of $10,000 for (among other things) the hiring of a dedicated coordinator. This grant will be paid in two instalments of $5,000: the first to the Chamber, and the second to the Coopérative santé, in 2024, for its operations.
5. Public safety
5.3 Request to increase tax credit for firefighters and first responders. This credit is deemed clearly insufficient. Deputy Agnès Grondin is being asked to sign this resolution. Thanks to the work of Director Martine Charron.
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 R. Gosselin says he is aware of the work; the Public Works Director is keeping a close eye on things.
6.2 Renewal of the Gas Tax and Quebec Contribution Program 2024-2028 - Negotiations between the governments of Quebec and Canada. This program is important for the realization of projects. The municipalities (via their federation?) are asking the federal government to double its participation. ... Negotiations should be concluded by early fall, so that a new agreement can be signed as early as January 2024. ... The federal government should not add any conditions to the current ones, or additional reporting requirements (too onerous for municipalities). Include municipal buildings, retention works (water?) and adaptation work to combat climate change.
6.3 Request to Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable - Work on Municipalité de Wentworth-Nord territory. This concerns the section of Route Principale from the Town Hall to Montfort. Whereas certain parts of this road are in very poor condition and represent a danger. The resolution calls on the Ministry to take the necessary corrective action.
6.8 Notice of motion and filing of draft by-law 2023-612 decreeing the terms and conditions for the assumption of responsibility for the maintenance of private roads of Lake St-Victor Estates Inc. by the municipality of Wentworth-Nord for the 2023-2024 winter period.
6.9 Authorization to pay the first instalment for road repairs on chemin Millette. Équipe Laurence (site supervisor) recommends a first payment of $44,495 to Claude Rodrigue.
6.10 Authorization to pay second instalment to Claude Rodrigue, in the amount of $1.5 million, for road repairs on route Principale.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chair of the Environment Committee.
- Ms. Colleen Horan (not very audible) speaks of close maintenance on the subject of septic tanks, washing stations, etc. ... 16 lakes have benefited attention from (W-N services...?), while their lake associations have contributed (to these operations).
- Apart from the environment, the councillor is saddened by the fact that, during a presentation on neighborhood protection, homes, cars, etc., held in Saint-Michel, not a single citizen showed up.
8. Urban planning
8.1 Report from the Chairman of the Urban Planning Committee. Mr. Johnston is absent.
8.2 List of permits from August 1 to August 31, 2023. 44 permits, for a value of $984,172, compared with 65 permits in August 2022, for a value of $3.9 million. Year-to-date, 250 permits, valued at $14 million, compared with 310 permits, valued at $15 million, in 2022.
8.3 Hiring of an urban planning and environmental inspector (Mr. Spiro Trent).
8.4 Adoption of second draft by-law 2017-498-21 amending zoning by-law 2017-498 to reduce the minimum lot area in zone H-60, to authorize the use of "off-road vehicle trails" in zone H-10 ... Whereas there was a consultation on September 13; whereas ...
Councillor Horan, reporting the disappointment of Montfort citizens concerning this modification in the Lac à la Croix (H-60) zone, and citing a lack of explanations, calls for the vote. She will be the only one to vote against the adoption of this by-law. After pointing out that she was also voting against authorization for zone H-10, etc., the mayor pointed out that the 40,000 m2 represents a very, very, large area of land; 15 times larger than that of the councillor's lot (housing density will therefore be minimal). Councillor Gosselin points out that only 6 properties are still authorized for construction.
8.5 Minor derogation and 8.8 PIIA - Roof pitch and right-of-way coefficient at 1336, rue des Outardes. The CCU recommends refusal of the application, due to the construction of a flat roof. The applicant, Mr. Davidson, explains that this shape is justified. Councillor Gosselin, for his part, sees that a pitched roof would throw water towards the house, and will vote for acceptance of the derogation and the PIIA. His colleagues will follow suit.
All other PIIAs will be favorably recommended and adopted.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. Report from the Chair(s) of the Recreation, Culture and Community Life Committee.
Ms. Catherine Léger reminds :
- The Journées de la culture are coming up soon, with France Paquette's workshop in Laurel on September 30 and a presentation on October 1 on the history of post offices in Wentworth-Nord.
- The Levine Gallery will open its doors on Sept. 30 and Oct. 1. and Oct. 1 (see Municipal Services newsletter).
- The Grandeur nature exhibition continues at the Montfort art gallery.
- A film will be shown on October 14.
The mayor adds that a Volunteer Day is also being organized.
Question period
Mr. Yves Jegou asked whether it would be possible to install speed indicators, especially for cyclists, on the shared way of the Aerobic Corridor. The mayor replied that the same problems exist elsewhere. It's up to the Sûreté du Québec to enforce speed on the Corridor, and our constables aren't authorized to do so. She appeals to cyclists who might be able to hear her.
Mr. Falardi (?): Wentworth-Nord is not served by the Centre sportif régional. Shouldn't we join (the managing body) of this center? D.D.: There was a survey of our residents regarding our possible participation; the result was negative. It's too far away, and there are only five local people currently using it. It would be $70,000/year (?) and we'd have to pay for the years already gone by. The cost-benefit equation doesn't justify it.
Falardi: But, without a municipal membership, we individually have to pay more than others to take advantage of it. Could we have a $100 discount? D.D. The previous council decided this. As for the discount, we already have a program that gives you up to $150.
(Spouse of) Gail: Request for information on taking over maintenance of private roads at lake St-Victor Estates (see 6.8).
(Linda Proulx's spouse): We'd like to go back to the reduction in the minimum surface area for a property on Lac à la Croix (zone H-60) (see 8.4).
Response (D.D.) reminding us that the committee must advise:
1. The composition will be reduced to a manageable number, but other residents among the twenty or so who applied will be able to give their opinions.
2 (We understand that the committee will operate in a closed environment).
3. There will be a face-to-face meeting.
4. There will be no communiqué after each meeting. The committee will be asked to provide overall recommendations at the end of its mandate.
5. Themes will be submitted to the committee for analysis.
6 (No response to this implied question.)
Montfort pavilion's Advisory Committee , Question To W-N Council
Question to Wentworth-Nord Council for its meeting of Sept. 20, 2023
Subject: Montfort Pavilion Advisory Committee
The Advisory Committee (for the Montfort Pavilion) is a non-decision-making committee whose mandate is to give advice, formulate opinions or make recommendations on issues under study (in the realization of this collective project) * [and on the use of the building (renovation, transformation, etc.)]** "... The members of this committee will meet on a regular, monthly basis, and will be responsible for the development of the project.
If you are interested, you (should) submit a letter of interest and a curriculum vitae... "*.
The question: What is the composition of the Committee and how will it operate?
The implications :
- Its composition: Who are the members?
- A collective project: Can all residents (permanent and vacationers) have their say, and how?
- Regular meetings: What about seasonal vacationers? Participation by videoconference?
- Will there be a public communication of information and follow-up after each Committee meeting?
- Who will study the issues? Who will evaluate the advice or recommendations, and how?
- Ambassadors: Who will tell them what to say or do?
Submitted for your attention by Carl Chapdelaine, Sept. 17, 2023
*W-N’s Communiqué
**Stated at the Special Council Meeting of August 30, 2023 (LSFX’s Friends' Report)
Consultation of Sept. 13, 2023. Draft Bylaw 2017-498-21(Notes)
The meeting, held in Laurel, will last over an hour. There will be a dozen participants by videoconference and very few people in the room.
- reduce the minimum lot size in residential zone H-60 (Lac-à-la-Croix);
- authorize the " off-road vehicles trails" use in residential zone H-10 due to the proposed relocation of a section of the Club de motoneige le Hibou Blanc snowmobile trail, as proposed in zoning change application 2023-0264;
- modify certain problematic definitions and provisions in the by-law.
Mr. Cadieux will religiously follow the content of his slides, with multiple explanations.
The changes to the by-law's definitions and provisions (point 3) are, for the most part, merely adjustments.
Question period
Mrs. Proulx and her spouse:
- The gist of their argument is that reducing the minimum lot size (from the current 40,000 m2 to 35,000 m2, rather than 30,000 m2) for a property in this H-60 zone would constitute a new concession to developers and an increased burden on the environment of Lac-à-la-Croix* and Lake Saint-François-Xavier. In addition, the change in the urban planning by-law could have future repercussions on development north of Lac-à-la-Croix.
- Has there been an environmental analysis, by a biologist, of the impact of this project on the two lakes? And who is the developer?
Mr. Cadieux explained that an error in the delimitation of the building lots, as well as the amputation of the whole by the land acquired by the municipality, would have allowed the construction of only 5 residences, instead of 6, as originally agreed with the developer.
He points out that this project has already been the subject of consultation, etc. He adds that the council worked hard on this file; that it obtained a gain of land in the transaction, and that this land will be protected from any private construction. The council was not even obliged to proceed as at present. The draft by-law will be submitted to the referendum process, as will any eventual amendments.
*A large pond, the result of a dam built by beavers, it seems, and a fragile environment.
Mr. Yanick Bouchard:
- Why change the regulations for the entire H-10 zone, when the derogation would affect only a tiny part of it? Ans: Because you can't change the uses for only part of a zone.
- Some lots seem to be smaller than the minimum required. (?) Ans: In an integrated project, properties can share the whole space and be built on smaller lots. It's the whole that counts, we understand.
Special Meeting Of The W-N Council Of August 30, 2023, report
All councillors are present: Colleen Horan, Lyne Chapados, Karine Dostie, Catherine Léger, Eric Johnston, and Réjean Gosselin. Danielle Desjardins, Mayor, will chair the meeting, assisted by Ron Kelley, General Manager. Three or four people can be distinguished in the room, while the videoconference counter will indicate two dozen participants. The session starts at 6 p.m. and will last about half an hour.
The meeting concerns the final offer to purchase the Montfort pavilion from the MRC; the call for candidates for the creation of an advisory committee; and the authorization of payment of the first instalment for the road repairs on Route Principale.
2. Final offer to purchase Montfort Pavilion. Lots 5 588 463, 5 588 471(?). Resolved to accept the purchase... Carried unanimously.
3. Call for candidates for the creation of the Comité aviseur in the Montfort Pavilion file. The mayor explains the role of the committee: to make recommendations on
- its future community service;
- the use of the building (renovation, conversion, etc.).
5. Authorization to pay first instalment of road repairs on Route Principale. Équipe Laurence, as site supervisor, recommended conclusion of the $400,000 contract with Claude Rodrigue.
Question period
Mr. Raymond Noël (Pres. ALSFX): What are the conditions attached to the sale of the Pavilion? D.D.: Mainly the guarantee of public access to Lake Saint-François-Xavier.
R.N.: What about parking? D.D.: The municipality will have complete control over parking lots.
Ms Diane Jegou: When can we resume our Café meetings? D.D.: There are 45 days to sign the documents.
Mr. Wilma Wiemer: Will there be only Wentworth-Nord citizens on the advisory committee? D.D.: Yes.
X: How do I apply? D.D. Send an e-mail to the secretary's office.
Mr. Rick Leckner: What are the financial implications of this purchase? D.D. We've estimated them roughly, but it will be up to the advisory committee to work out the details. Mostly, there will be subsidies; the municipality can obtain up to 80% from the government (on such purchases). The remainder will be covered by a 25-year borrowing by-law.
R.L.: Are the subsidies guaranteed? If we don't, it's going to cost us a lot of money. Shouldn't priority be given to road maintenance, for such sums? D.D. How often do you go to the Pavilion? R.L. About ten times in my 35 years at the lake.
E. Johnston: The scope of the project has not yet been determined (it will have to be adapted to our needs and resources). This is just a first step.
R.L.: What about repairing the building?
The undersigned: What about the dike? D.D.: The municipality will own 100% of it. But, if it's another buyer, we'll remain co-owners (as we are now). The MRC and Wentworth-Nord will pay 60-40% of the upgrades already required.
D.D. This purchase will satisfy all but a few of us; that's to be expected.
Without prejudice; by Carl Chapdelaine
Wentworth-Nord's Council Meeting Of august 16, 2023, Report
All councillors are present: Colleen Horan, Lyne Chapados, Karine Dostie, Catherine Léger, Eric Johnston and Réjean Gosselin. Danielle Desjardins, Mayor, will chair the meeting, assisted by Ron Kelley, General Manager. Seven people are present in the room, while the videoconference counter will indicate up to thirty participants. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. and will last two hours.
1. Adoption of the agenda : Item 8.19 is deferred to the next meeting.
Note: On the event of a technical incident, the mayor reminds everyone that meetings can be attended by videoconference and are broadcast. She emphasizes the Council's concern for transparency.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Acceptance of reports on salaries, purchases, disbursements and capital purchases for July 2023. 620,000 vs. $385,000 in 2022. The increase is due in part to legal fees related to a lawsuit by citizens against the MRC, which they accuse of wanting to enclave them. The municipality is not being sued, but it is being challenged. For all parties, these expenses approach a quarter of a million dollars, while no solution is yet in sight.
4.2 Addition of an authorized representative to clicSÉQUR: Mr. Martin Larose.
4.3 Notice of motion and tabling of the draft by-law concerning the Code of ethics and professional conduct for elected officials of the Municipality of Wentworth-Nord. To (ensure the independence) of advisory committees, we wish to add that no elected official may communicate with an employee to discuss his or her mandate, except through the committee chairman, the general manager or the mayor. Committee recommendations are submitted to Council members, who generally discuss them at the caucus preceding the Council meeting...
4.5 Termination of employee #61-47. The employee, hired in January 2023, has not met the requirements of the position.
4.6 Repair of Chemin Notre-Dame-Sud (Costing over $200,000?) Resolution presented by District Councillor E. Johnston. D.D.: This order has been completed; however, the work, carried out in 2021, would have to be resumed.
At this point, Councillor Johnston asks to speak, saying he has presented the resolution and has comments to make. The mayor tells him to let her continue reading whereas. Confrontation ensues. Ms. Desjardins tells the councillor that the elections (for the position of mayor) are in two years' time and that he seems bored with Mr. Ghali's era.
Among the whereas, it is said that the then mayor and administration dictated the choice of materials other than those set out in the resolution; ... that a new call for tenders had to be submitted; that the wrong type of gravel was chosen, of which the employees warned the Director General and Councillor Johnston, (The Councillor shows his indignation at this last clarification.) Whereas the Director ignored this warning and this gravel was used. Whereas the errors have been acknowledged by the current Mayor and General Manager. Whereas Council received a verbal report from Équipe Laurence on the (situation) on August 1, 2023; whereas a written report will be submitted on the 20th of this month.
The mayor summarizes and comments by recalling that the Director of Public Works is an engineer specializing in roads, and that the General Manager was himself a Director of Public Works in Gore. The administration believes that the situation of the (planed surface) of the road will improve with the addition of sand in winter and time and that, given the estimated cost of the (complete) repair work is substantial, we can dispense with it.
The vote is taken. Roger Gosselin votes against. At this point, Mr. Johnston asks to speak, after the others have made their comments, if any. Mrs Chapados then says she will vote against. Ms. Horan believes that Public Works should be trusted. Mr. Johnston acknowledges that, as Gore's director(?) told him, sand spreading seems to be improving the situation. But two winters have passed (and the problem still exists). He doesn't want to say how it should be done, but simply whether we're going to respect what the council said.
The mayor calls for the vote. Here, Mr. Johnston says he finds the way she addresses him insulting. The resolution is rejected. Ms. Desjardins points out that she lives on Notre-Dame-Sud, but that she must first and foremost look after the interests of the municipality. Hundreds of thousands of dollars will be saved here.
5. Public safety
5.1 Report from the Chairman of the Public Safety Committee. No report from Mrs. Desjardins.
6. Public Works and Municipal Asset Management
6.1 Report from the Chairman of the Roads Committee. Mr. Gosselin reports that he travelled the roads of the municipality to report on the situation to committee members. Among other things, he drove quietly on Notre-Dame-Sud. He believes that, in order to bring the road up to standard, as provided for in the 2019 resolution, certain sections of its foundation would have to be reworked, as they are ill-suited to the supporting soil. You can't rebuild a road by starting with the surface.
And other roads in the municipality are in far worse condition than Chemin Notre-Dame-Sud. We're prioritizing and aiming for a three-year application, because we can't do and spend everything in a single year. The roads budget is close to 30% of the municipality's total budget. The problem of defective culverts, which cause spring flooding (water hammering?), neglected in the past, will be prioritized. Citizens can address their questions to me at the appropriate time. Mr. Johnston thanks Mr. Gosselin for his involvement in analyzing the situation, particularly at Lac Gustave.
6.2 Adoption of a by-law governing the construction and municipalization of roads and the construction of accesses to a property. The purpose is to standardize the way these roads and accesses must be designed... and to improve the documentation to be submitted for applications. Certain comments received during the August 2 consultation in Laurel were taken into account.
Mr. Johnston commented that this by-law is very important, as it concerns many developers as well as the administration. He says, however, that he has not had every opportunity to study it and would like more time to evaluate changes to this by-law in the future.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the Chairman of the Environment Committee. Mrs. Horan reminds us of the municipality's financial contribution to RSVL expenses ($200 to $300). (Comments not taken.)
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.1 Report from the President (acting) of the Comité consultatif d'urbanisme (CCU). R. Gosselin says that he has already presented the essentials; that all went well with the Advisory Committee.
8.2 List of permits issued from July 1 to July 31, 2023. 55 permits were issued, for a work value of $?M compared with 49 permits in 2022, for a value of $?M. Year-to-date, the total value was $13M versus $10.5M in 2022; demand is therefore sustained.
8.6 Notice of motion and filing of first draft by-law 2017-498-21 amending zoning by-law 2017-498 to reduce the minimum lot area in zone H-60 (Lac à la Croix) ...
8.7 DM 2023-0134 - Creation of an irregular-shaped lot, lot 5 708 186, route Principale. The CCU considers that the purpose of this request is to authorize the developer to convert an access lane into a private road that would allow him to subdivide lots (with a view to building lodging units), we understand in summary. Such a process, at this time, could also bypass the current interim control. Such a derogation would also have a major impact, concerning the distance between the entrance to said street and an intersection. The CCU recommends refusing the request.
The angry promoter takes the floor to say that his request could have allowed the construction of ten homes, each costing $1 million and bringing in large revenues for the municipality. He would have built a paved street that he would have turned over to the municipality. Etc. The mayor thanks him and ends his presentation. The derogation is refused.
8.9 PIIA 2023-0258 - Land development Domaine de la Musarde. The CCU's recommendations refer to the reforestation of a property where trees have been felled by mistake, and to landscaping that respects nature, etc. But Councillor Johnston, contrary to his colleagues K. Dostie and R. Gosselin, does not believe that the project is sufficiently respectful of the conservation of the natural environment, and will vote against it. The application will nevertheless be accepted.
All PIIAs will have been accepted.
8.20 Offer to purchase lots, rue des Érables, by Mrs. and Mr. Young, at a cost of just over $1,000. This purchase will give the applicant direct access to Lake Saint-François-Xavier. But, in the spirit of restricting access to this lake, a clause will prevent any third party from taking advantage of a servitude to do so. Mr. Johnston, expressing his feeling that the municipality is not asking fair value, at least $5,000, from the owners for these lots, will vote against this resolution. The mayor will justify the decision by pointing out that the value of their property (and their taxes) will increase sufficiently at the next property assessment, and that surrounding properties (lots) of similar size were valued at only a few hundred dollars. Carried.
8.21 Land exchange with Lac-Saint-Victor Estates. A public information meeting was held on this subject on July 26. The agreement between the Estates and Wentworth-Nord is now complete. It includes the exchange of lands and the acquisition of others by the municipality, for a total of around one hundred thousand dollars(?). It will enable the latter to become the owner of the land on which the Orphans' Trail was built and which belonged to the Domaine. 9, 500 in tax reimbursements will also be disbursed by the municipality.
A small lot, which could have provided a connection between the Lac à la Croix and Lac Saint-François-Xavier habitats, will be municipalized. A servitude will oblige the Estates (or any owner) to let a trail pass through... A clause in the resolution stipulates that certain lots will be offered for permanent greening. For the benefit of Mrs. Linda Proulx, Ms. Desjardins adds that the tennis court will become municipal and that a trail will link it to the Orphans' Trail. She concludes by affirming that the municipality has made gains in this transaction and that land will therefore also be protected in perpetuity.
Mr. Johnston expresses his appreciation of this approach.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. Report from the Chairman of the Recreation, Culture and Community Life Committee. (Ms. Chapados reminds us that community life falls under her mandate, while recreation and culture are now Ms. Léger's domain).
Ms. Léger underlines the colossal work done by the Table de concertation des arts et de la culture de Wentworth-Nord in producing the Festival Ciel d'août, which was a resounding success. Workshops, exhibition, public market, show. On Saturday, there will be three literary authors at the Montfort pavilion...
On Saturday, August 26, at 8 p.m., there will be an open-air cinema in Laurel, with a film for the general public.
The mayor wishes to highlight the work of the Table, the financial contribution of the MRC and the growing involvement of the population, following the impact of the pandemic.
9.2 Appointment of the person responsible for Réseau BIBLIO. Jamie Lee Paquette, the municipality's coordinator of leisure, culture, community life and communications.
11. Subject of public interest
Ms. Desjardins reminds the meeting that the Montfort Pavilion purchase was the subject of consultation. The purchase offer was turned down by the MRC, but a new proposal was studied. But the mayors now want to replace the agreed condition of allowing MRC residents access to the lake for ten years, with a perpetual permission. The Wentworth-Nord council is due to discuss the matter. The mayor is open to receiving communications from residents on this subject.
Councillor Johnston now shares with his colleagues the concerns of Lac Gustave residents, regarding ownership of the road (Lac Gustave?) which was perceived as municipal (but which would be partly the responsibility of the Ministère des Transports). M. Gosselin replied that the Comité voirie would look into the matter at its next meeting, in early September. The mayor adds that the general manager is in constant contact with the MTQ (to remind them that a portion of the road belongs to them, and that they are responsible for it). In the meantime, the municipality's Public Works department provides good service to Lac Gustave residents on this road.
Councillor Gosselin, for his part, recalls the workings of the Consultative Committee on land planning (CCU). Under the chairmanship of Councillor Johnston, this committee ensures that applications comply with regulations. Given the importance of urban planning (construction, roads, etc.) to the municipality's operations and budget, its role is very important.
Mayoral candidate. Before the question period, and to return to what the mayor had said, Mr. Johnston apparently stated that if he announced his candidacy for mayor in two years' time, his wife would not let him come home, so he would not be a candidate.
Question period
Ms Linda Proulx (Association du Lac St-Victor) asked whether the reduction in the minimum lot size at Lac à la Croix (see 8.6) meant that more houses would be built than expected. The mayor explains that the number of houses remains the same, but that the municipality needed the land taken over from the developer.
Mrs. D. Pinsonneault expresses the opinion that, with regard to the MRC's condition to allow perpetual (and free?) access to Lac Saint-François-Xavier for its residents, this could one day lead to the lake being the most frequented in the region; that this would therefore be catastrophic.
A resident of 12 Rue: ? Rep. from D.D.: The plans were made by an engineer.
Mr. Jean Paquin, Association du lac Gustave:
1. Wants municipality to maintain road from Morin-Heights’s boundary. D.D. We maintain roads under municipal jurisdiction. R. Kelly: That's up to MTQ...
2. The culvert needs replacing. R.G. It will be done.
Without prejudice; by Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) & Linguee
Consultation Of July 26, 2023: 1. Land Swap With Lac St.Victor E. 2. Pavilion
Wentworth-Nord's Council Meeting of July 19, 2023, report
Present: Mmes Colleen Horan, Karine Dostie and Catherine Léger, M. Réjean Gosselin and M. Eric Johnston, as well as Mme Danielle Desjardins, mayor, who will chair the meeting. Mr. Ron Kelley, General Manager, assists the Council members. Councillor Lyne Chapados is on vacation. A dozen people are present in the room, including the prefect, while the videoconference counter will reach two dozen participants. This time, the session lasts less than two hours.
1. Adoption of the agenda
Items 7.2 and 8.12 are withdrawn.
2. Statement by elected representatives
The mayor indicates that the first Coopérative de santé is being set up in Wentworth-Nord; it is on the Saint-Michel side.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Salaries, disbursements, and capital purchases for June 2023: $931,590, compared with $566,220 in 2022.
4.2 Status and filing of the final results of the vote held on July 9, 2023, (where a referendum was requested) in connection with By-laws 2017-498-19-H-70, 2017-498-19-H-71, 2017-498-19-I-04 and 2017-498-19-CONS-08. The mayor recalls that the question was: "Do you accept (the adoption of the bylaw; in order to prohibit the use complementary to a residential use "tourist accommodation of principal residence type")?" The vote was yes in zone H-70; no in the other three zones. Ms. Desjardins points out that the majority of residents who voted to reject the by-law in these latter zones were not affected by it.
4.3 Finance and Budget Committee update. We were able to note the names of Karine Dostie, Eric Johnston, Ron Kelly and the Mayor(?) as members of the committee.
5. Public safety
5.1 We were unable to note the comments of its chairwoman, the mayor.
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.1 Report from the Chairman of the Roads Committee. M. Gosselin reports that the normal course of work was briefly disrupted by the need to unblock culverts and repair other damage (due to bad weather in May?).
Ms. Desjardins adds that the roadworks for which the municipality is responsible are progressing smoothly, with work underway on chemins Jackson, Millette and route Principale. She urges drivers not to take advantage of the improved pavement.
6.2 Request to install a flashing light at the intersection of the Aerobic Corridor and Route Principale. This is where users on the Corridor have to cross the road," explains Ms. Desjardins. We'll be asking the MRC to submit a request to the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable.
6.3 Local roads assistance program - Maintenance component
6.4 Notice of motion and filing of draft by-law 2016-462-2 amending By-law 2016-462 governing the construction and municipalization of roads and the construction of accesses to a property. Ms. Desjardins indicates that this draft by-law must be submitted to the referendum process.
7. Environment
7.1 Ms. Horan reiterates the importance of participating in the consultation on Wednesday, July 26, which will focus, among other things, on the resolution to purchase the Montfort Pavilion. Ms. Desjardins points out that it appears that MRC representatives will be attending.
7.2 (?) Spending authorization for the acquisition of boat washes. The councillor indicates (that there will be an initial installation of these three super-stations). The mayor adds that the first installation was to be at the Montfort pavilion, but that delays in the MRC's involvement have forced the municipality to look at Saint-Michel instead.
She reminds us that the MRC will be obliged to enforce the by-law on boat washing at the Montfort station.
8. Urban planning
8.1 M. Gosselin ....
8.2 Tabling of list of permits for June 1 to 30, 2023. Ms. Desjardins speaks of 29 permits for this period; a value of $3M; versus 65 in 2022, but for a value of only $2.7M.
8.3 Increase in septic system permit application fees. The mayor explains that some applications require a great deal of work on the part of the administration, whereas these fees are supposed to constitute revenue for the municipality.
8.4 to 8.11 All PIIAs will receive a positive recommendation from the CCU, and permits will be granted by Council. Ms. Desjardins reminds us that CCU members, like the developers, work very hard to ensure that projects comply with regulations, etc. Then, council members study them too, and ask for explanations. The professionalism of the process should not be questioned.
8.13 Cession for parks, playgrounds, and natural areas. Here, the municipality takes the 7% in cash, as it has no need for these lands. Ms. Desjardins points out that this money goes into the fund dedicated to this type of project, and that this fund is at $300,000.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1 The Committee Chair, Councillor Catherine Léger, reminds us of the following:
a. Courses for 5- to 7-year-olds (To be specified.)
b. Next Ciel d'août workshop on July 26 at Saint-Michel.
c. Don't miss la Route des Arts,with Mme France Paquette.
The mayor answers in detail:
- Yes, the municipality has an emergency plan that sets out all the measures to be taken, who is in charge, what contacts need to be established, and so on.
- During last May's meteorological event, we were better prepared than the towns of Saint-Sauveur and Sainte-Adèle.
- The municipality will nevertheless work to improve the plan.
- Climate change must be taken into consideration.
- Certain points will be affected in the regulations currently being analyzed under the Interim Control umbrella.
- Citizens also have a duty; among other things, to have the necessary reserves to last three days. To be able to heat their homes by an alternative means.
- We want to draw up a list of vulnerable people (handicapped, elderly, etc.) who would require special attention during such events. Neighbors need to help each other out.
- The use of the municipality's website should also be encouraged.
Mrs. Dominique Savio and Mr. Delphis Babin, Association du lac Saint-Louis (?)
The municipality-wide parking ban poses serious problems for us; especially in the summer, when we have family and friends visiting. We have no (public) parking. Why can't we park on the side of the road, as we do in the cities? Last year, while we were all at the beach, a series of parking tickets were handed out here.
The mayor, while sympathetic to the plaintiffs and many others throughout the territory, explains that the regulations are uniform with the other municipalities in the MRC; that this is a measure that facilitates the work of Sûreté du Québec officers. Wentworth-Nord's narrow roads must also always leave room for emergency vehicles. Yet few tickets are issued. Residents should agree to share their parking space with their neighbors. We're working on this parking problem.
The man: We're in the country, but we're more penalized than in the city. Couldn't the MRC come up with a formula that makes sense?
Ms. Denyse Pinsonneault
Why are these surveyors on Chemin-de-fer Street for a second time? R. Kelly: It's for the MTMDQ. C. Horan and D. Desjardins: It's about the right of occupancy on the Aerobic Corridor. Some people have encroached on the right-of-way (for docks?). We've already spoken to you at length about this.
A building permit applicant in the audience
- The CCU gives itself a lot of rights over the design of our projects.
- Postponing decisions, such as the one that was to be passed at this council meeting in my case, has a negative and financial impact on our projects.
- We were once granted a logging permit, and now we're being asked to reforest this land...
- In the Parc de l'Orignal blanc, a great architect drew up the plans, but the CCU didn't like them!
- In our project, the CCU recommends that Council refuse all requests for minor derogations. This is a violation of our rights!
D.D. You make comments; only questions are admissible here.
Sir: Can't you simplify the PIIA rules?
Mr. Djerfi (12 th Street)
The poorly designed asphalt on our street continues to cause flooding and other problems. D.D.: It will be repaired shortly since the contracts have been awarded.
Mrs. Myriam Rioux
- We haven't received the Accès newspaper. D.D. The newspaper isn't distributed in the Saint-Michel sector, or even in Laurel. However, both the municipality and the MRC pay for information for all their citizens. We are in contact with Mme Pilote, who is responsible for the weekly. But they don't cooperate.
Mrs Rioux : I'm in contact with Mr Labelle...
- No news on the Brewer Lake parking lot. It needs to be enlarged. D.D.: We're waiting to hear from the Ministère de l'Environnement, de la Lutte contre les changements climatiques, de la Faune et des Parcs. It takes a long time...
Mrs. Rioux: We had to make arrangements with a landowner.
Mrs. Diana Frias
- Is there a date set for the end of the Interim Control? D.D.: We're about to hold a consultation, after which we'll (adopt the regulations?). We're dealing with professionals who are (difficult to push around...)
- Will the current parameters be modified? D.D.: I can't answer that today.
Land-use planning elements in Wentworth-Nord
In 2017, Wentworth-Nord's urban planning department, under the direction of Mr. Emmanuel Farmer, provided the municipality with an urban plan of which it can be proud, and which still dictates several objectives to be respected. Since then, the evolution of many activities and of the socio-economic structure seems to us, by and large, to have followed the avenues identified. Thus, the eastern sector of the municipality, centered on the village of Montfort and stimulated by the dynamism of private developers such as Lac St-Victor Estates, has confirmed itself as a very active pole of residential development.
But if Laurel, as the municipality's chief town, retains the preponderance of the municipal administration based there, "making the Town Hall sector the municipality's recreational and tourism spearhead..." remains an unfinished task. The same applies to "consolidating the Saint-Michel church pole".
Not everything went according to plan in 2017. While questions were raised at the time about the impact of real estate development, particularly on the village of Montfort and on Lake Saint-François-Xavier, whose accommodation or support capacities were already being questioned and residents worried, the current situation shows that these fears were well-founded.
Various initiatives have been taken to counter the invasion of visitors at certain times of the summer season, to respond to residents' complaints about the difficult cohabitation with other users of the Aerobic Corridor and Lake Saint-François-Xavier, or to prevent the introduction of Eurasian water milfoil into the latter. Today, however, the situation remains anarchic, with two levels of power clashing. The sector's recreational tourism vocation, among others, has borne the brunt of these disagreements. On the other hand, despite the environmental intrusion of the Lac-à-la-Croix and Chemin du Lac-Thurson projects, the green belt designed to prevent real estate development at the head of the lake has come to fruition.
It must be said, however, that the divergent orientations, changes of course and even political rivalries of our elected officials, both at Town Hall and at the MRC, and more particularly the changing of the guard midway in Laurel, have also been able to take the place of the guidelines that a non-partisan socio-economic development plan should dictate.
Aware that the 2017 urban plan and related bylaws no longer address certain current concerns, such as the impact of real estate development for tourism purposes on existing infrastructure or the environment, and on the quality of life or aspirations of residents, the council decreed a moratorium on said development. While this approach, using the tools available to a municipality, may seem justified, it is not, in our opinion, the best way to direct the guidelines that should attempt to steer this development.
In a more global vision of land use planning than that limited to real estate development, and insofar as the municipality can appropriate this primary responsibility of the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut, the process must not be limited to an internal review, in which Planning Services and Council draw up the portrait that will be submitted for public consultation. The referendum process to which draft urban planning bylaws are subject, and where, strangely enough, they are adopted before being submitted to the public for approval, is not appropriate here in terms of planning and development. We shouldn’t put the cart before the horse.
Shouldn't the approach be just the opposite? Shouldn't we first consult all the stakeholders who concretely build the municipality's socio-economic fabric: real estate developers, accommodation providers, various service suppliers, building contractors, spokespersons for the cultural milieu, lake associations, district or other committees representing residents, etc.? This information, combined with the expertise of the planning department, other municipal services, and consulting firms, could then enable the said administration and council to draw up a development plan most likely to suit Wentworth-Nord. It is this latter plan that would be presented for public consultation.
In an exceptional situation of interim control, at the very least, no final decision should be taken on development orientations, which would be better served by the process we have indicated.
A land-use plan, like an urban development plan, has many more prerequisites than those discussed here. But it's not certain that the municipality has the power, the means, or the time to go through the various steps it should entail. Factual data, statistics describing demographics and their evolution, the situation of households, real estate, infrastructure, the carrying capacity of our lakes, etc., are essential instruments on which the administration should be able to rely. The analysis of these data using increasingly powerful computerized methods would shed new light on the whole picture. It can, for example, discern variables that are interrelated, such as age, active workforce, household wealth, type of housing and ownership, etc.; and draw relevant conclusions for predicting the socio-economic evolution of the territory.
But, as we have already pointed out, many sectors do not benefit from data collection on a sub-municipal scale, or even on that of the municipality as a whole. Just as we must do to assess the evolution of lake characteristics and balance, by ensuring historical statistical knowledge, we must set up data collection on our territory, on the scale of the six districts for example. We'll take advantage of tax statements or questionnaires to do this. The physical visualization of the state of our lakes and habitat, through global aerial photography or even more targeted, thanks to the use of drones, now underway, will also be invaluable for the eventual preparation of appropriate management plans. So, shouldn't we be thinking in terms of the longer term?
In a development planning process in which the environment and citizens' quality of life are taking on a new dimension, municipalities can now count on very up-to-date theory and practice in the field. For example, the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation (MAMH) recently published an impressive Guide de bonnes pratiques sur la planification territoriale et le développement durable.
Urban planners, regional planners, and landscape architects from across Quebec, as well as professionals from the public and private sectors and elected municipal officials, were all involved in its production. Living environment and sustainable development are at the heart of the project's concerns, which can be applied at the scale of the regional county municipality (MRC/RCM), the municipality or at a finer scale.
"By considering these various types of environments, the guide successively addresses planning and public participation issues; the planning framework; examples of best practices; and major projects."
In Wentworth-Nord, issues common to all Quebec municipalities will be added to those that are unique to the area, such as the disproportionate importance of roads, housing development closely linked to the presence of its many lakes, aging and the impact of gentrification on a significant portion of its population, isolation and a lack of services of all kinds, etc.; all aspects that require special attention and whose evolution is best foreseen. Left to the sole dictates of free enterprise, and even if framed by urban planning rules, this evolution may not correspond to the desired development.
The choice of development avenues for Wentworth-Nord might not, moreover, follow that of the MRC, with its more urbanized sectors, strongly focused on tourism development and enjoying a better economic base.
But theory and practice alone do not guarantee the success of the approach; the main players involved, indeed the entire population, must above all be able to sit down at the same table and dispense with partisanship.
By identifying municipalities as true local governments, hasn't Quebec required them to engage in land-use planning? But will it give them the means to do so?
By Carl Chapdelaine
W-N Council meeting of June 21, 2023 (some notes taken on the fly + comments)
Note: Following the broadcast of the recording, we have added to our summary notes of June 23 the list of whereas clauses accompanying the resolution of item 4.6, on the submission of the offer to purchase Montfort Pavilion.
All councillors present: Colleen Horan, Lyne Chapados, Karine Dostie, Catherine Léger, Eric Johnston and Réjean Gosselin. Mayor Danielle Desjardins presides over the meeting, assisted by General Manager Ron Kelley. Some ten people are in attendance in the room, while the videoconference counter indicates some thirty participants. The meeting starts at 7 p.m. and will last 1 h 45 min.
3. Follow-up and adoption of minutes
Councillor E. Johnston asks that we add what he had stated concerning his sick leave.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.2 Adoption of By-law SQ-2023 concerning traffic, parking, peace and good order. This is to comply with Sûreté du Québec standards.
4.3 Authorization to bid - Sale of immovables for non-payment of municipal taxes. The Accounting Assistant, Ms. Chrystel Durivage, will represent the municipality in bidding on properties of interest to the latter.
4.6 Final offer to purchase Montfort Pavilion. After the following whereas:
- Need for a multifunctional building for community, recreational and cultural purposes.
- Need for a place of refuge in the event of a threat to civil security.
- That the Montfort Pavilion is best managed by the municipality.
- That the municipality has notified the MRC of its intention to purchase the Pavilion.
- That negotiations are underway between the two entities.
- That both entities recognize that the Pavilion is in a significant state of deterioration.
- That, according to an estimate obtained by the MRC, urgent repairs are required.
- That the Pavilion comes with a high-capacity dike which, according to the engineering firm Équipe Laurence, requires minor but important work to secure the dam.
- That, according to the MRC, the Pavilion is an inventoried heritage building, but does not have the status of a classified or cited building under Quebec's Cultural Heritage Act.
- That its construction dates to after 1940, and that it is therefore not subject to the inventory and transitional measure that the MRC must adopt...
- That the municipality wishes to associate a regional vocation with the Pavilion, via an administrative agreement with the MRC.
- That the municipality wishes to have an agreement with the Fabrique, following the cessation of its activities on the premises in July 2023.
- That exchanges between the MRC and the municipality now enable the latter to submit a final agreement.
The resolution to offer $1, to be accepted no later than August 15, the date of the next MRC council meeting, and to form an advisory committee on the future of the Pavilion, chaired by the mayor, is adopted. Councillor E. Johnston will call for the vote and will be the only one to vote against (to be verified).
[9.3 Council votes to refuse interim management of Montfort Pavilion. Carried]
(Our comment: Municipalities have long complained that higher levels of government transfer responsibilities to them without providing the necessary resources to assume them. Here, it is the municipality that is asking for the exclusive, uncompensated care of a patient on artificial respiration and potentially more dangerous contaminated accessories. Yet their basic treatment will already require a disproportionate share of the meagre municipal budget. All this is currently the property of the government and in the care of the MRC, which is considered to be negligent.
No referendum procedure is proposed; and only one of the two councillors elected as official representatives of the residents of the Montfort sector, dares to light a red light that his colleagues and the mayor are ignoring. We can't blame him tomorrow for what's bound to happen, the extent of which has yet to be determined. At the next municipal elections, will he be the Messiah we'll have to call upon? Or will we beg Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard to co-own this future white elephant for its residents? Truly, in Wentworth-Nord, we sometimes still wear the Covid mask, but far too high up on our faces...)
5. Public safety
5.2 Intermunicipal agreement establishing the provision of automatic and mutual aid services for fire protection. Wentworth-Nord joins forces with Harrington.
6. Public works and municipal asset management
6.2 Adoption of by-law 2023-587 decreeing the terms and conditions for the assumption of responsibility for partial maintenance of chemin du Lac-Gustave by the municipality of Wentworth-Nord for the 2023 summer season.
6.3 Authorization to purchase an F-150 truck for the Roads Department.
6.4 Awarding of mandate - Site supervision service - RIRL 2020-1085 route Principale project. One bid, for $69k, from Équipe Laurence. The mandate is granted.
6.5 Authorization to spend money on a shredder (See question).
6.6 Adoption of By-law 2022-485-1 amending By-law 2022-485 decreeing the terms and conditions for the assumption of responsibility for the maintenance of private roads on the territory of the Municipality of Wentworth-Nord for the summer and winter periods. New method of apportioning costs among users.
6.7 Tender for snow removal. A two-year contract is awarded to David Riddell. Mr. Johnston, while underlining the contractor's qualities, expresses his preference for a (3-year?) contract. The cost would already have doubled here, and the uncertainty of the trend leads him to vote against the resolution, as worded. Carried.
7. Environment
7.1 Mrs. C. Horan presents her report:
- Report on meeting with lake associations on May 28, 2023.
- At this meeting, volunteers were asked to look after the trails (Montfort...).
- Successful Journée DécouVerte.
- Happy Fête nationale.
8. Urban planning and economic development
8.3 Adoption of a by-law amending Interim Control By-law 2022-608 to modify the prohibitions applicable to new cadastral operation requests for lots and tourist accommodation businesses.
There will be eight PIIAs, including six for the construction of a main building. The CCU's recommendations, all of which are positive, will be adopted following modifications made by the applicants.
8.15 Disposal for parks, playgrounds and natural areas - Subdivision permit application 2023-9001. Here, the proposal is to prefer to take the land rather than the $4,730 it represents. Against, the councillor (Karine Dostie?) calls for a vote. Réjean Gosselin is also against. In the end, it's three to three. The mayor, pointing out that the land will give access to crown land, and judging that there's not much money to lose here, will tip the balance in favor of adopting the proposal.
9. Leisure, culture and community life
9.3 (See item 4)
Question period
Ms. Suzanne Delisle (association ...):
- How are road maintenance charges distributed...? D.D.: Winter charges are billed to property owners, who generally have access to them (to be verified).
- Congratulations to Mr. ...
Mr. X in the audience: The shredder you want to buy (6.5); it's no good for anything.... Rent one instead, and you'll see... Réjean Gosselin: It's not for this kind of work...
Ms Myriam Rioux: There's no chemical toilet on...
Mr. Y in the audience: Regarding short-term rentals... D.D.: I can't tell you; we're in the Interim Control period. Mr. Y: But we're entitled to information! D.D. We'll consult you when the time comes.
Mr. Y or Z: Are we going to have 5 years of this Control? Do you work for the people?
Ms. Suzanne Delisle: No response to my e-mail about .... D.D.: Contact Ms. Bissonnette.
Mr. W in the audience: We're seven families in the mountains, and we don't have a waste container...
Mme Chantal Prévost: Where's the land you're going to take? (Cf. 8.15?) D.D.: It's lot 5939877, on the Windish Lake side.
Mr. XYZ in the audience: The ditches on Route Principale here are filled with all kinds of stuff, and we get flooded when the water overflows. Same thing on Montfort Road. R. Kelly: Some sections are under the Ministère's responsibility; others under ours... R. Gosselin: We'll proceed according to...
Mme Suzanne Delisle :
- Thank you for ...
- When will the Lac Gustave road be repaired?
- When will the Lac Gustave bridge be repaired? D.D.: You'll have to harass the Department of Public Works. R. K.: It's the MTQ's responsibility. S.D.: But I pay taxes to the municipality... D.D.: The municipality isn't going to repair things that don't belong to it.
E. Johnston: ... R.K.: We have to go there in a hurry, because the MTQ isn't doing anything. XXX: Appeal to the MP? Legal action? D.D. We're discussing a personal case here; this is not the right place to do it.
Mrs. ? in the audience: ...? D.D.: Dial 511.
???: R. Kelly: The repairs to Route Principale will take some time.
Mrs. ??, in the room: Groundwater location... D.D. It's up to the owner to take care of that. W-N is favored in this respect. Mrs. ??: Quebec has produced maps of it. D.D.: Send us a copy if you can.
M. ds la salle: 60 m width for ...; it doesn't make sense. E. Johnston: It's to facilitate access. I'd like to go and have a look at it.
It's a beaver lake.
Mr. Georges Désilets (Lac Notre-Dame): Congratulations to Public Works for having repaired everything after the flood, due to the rupture of a beaver dam. ... D.D. We follow all the dams listed to make sure they're solid. But some are rather unknown to us. Contact Mr. Plourde.
Mme ds salle: Does Interim Control concern ...? D.D.: We're not talking about your principal residence here, so you're not affected by the regulations. ... Wait until it's passed... Mrs. in the audience: It's zoned commercial... E. Johnston: There's interim control.
Mme Patricia: Beavers are eating the trees. D.D.: Call Mr. Plourde.
Without prejudice; by Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) & Linguee
Séance Ext. Du Conseil De W-N, Du 9 Juin 2023, compte-rendu
1. Adoption de l’ordre du jour.
2. Adoption du Règlement 2021-588-1 modifiant le règlement numéro 2021-588 décrétant des dépenses en réhabilitation de chaussée et un emprunt de 13 961 685 $, remboursable sur une période de 20 ans pour des travaux de réfection sur des sections du chemin Jackson, de la route Principale et du chemin Millette.
3. Autorisation visant la délivrance du permis de lotissement 2022-9056 en vue de l’échange de terrains (À divers endroits?) avec le Domaine du Lac Saint-Victor Inc.
4. Nomination des maires suppléants.
5. Ajout de signataire de chèques à la Caisse Desjardins de la Vallée des Pays-d’en-Haut.
6. Achat d’une roulotte pour le Service de la voirie.
Le point 2, l’adoption du Règlement 2021-588-1, décrétant des dépenses en réhabilitation de chaussée et un emprunt de 13 961 685 $, suit la motion et le dépôt du projet à la séance extraordinaire du 5 juin.
Au point 3, sur l’échange de terrains avec le Domaine du Lac Saint-Victor Inc., pour permettre la réalisation du projet intégré, de trois douzaines d’unités (de location?), du Domaine Du Mont (Phase 2?), la mairesse commente l’historique et l’évolution du dossier. L’entente avait été amorcée sous l’ancienne administration. L’actuelle équipe l’a bonifiée en obtenant concessions et améliorations de la part du promoteur, immobilier Du Mont. Plus d’information viendra à la période de questions. L’autorisation est adoptée.
Au point 4, la conseillère Karine Dostie devient mairesse suppléante, en plus du conseiller Gosselin. Chacun devrait alterner après six mois; mais sont échangeables.
Période de questions
Mme Linda Proulx (Association du Lac St-Victor) demande des précisions sur le point 3, concernant l’échange de terrains avec le Domaine du Lac Saint-Victor Inc., pour la réalisation de la phase 2 du projet Domaine Du Mont, et du projet au lac à la Croix (?). Combien avez-vous reçu de lettres concernant ce dossier, depuis l’annonce de la tenue de la présente séance extraordinaire? D.D. : 52(?).
LP : N’y aura-t-il pas trop d’unités de logement sur de trop petits lots?
D.D. L’échange concerne des lots au lac à la Croix et pour le projet Domaine Du Mont.
o Au lac à la Croix, on parle de lots de 40,000 m2 minimum et de 5 résidences, selon les prévisions; donc très peu dense. (À vérifier avec enregistrement…)
o Le projet Domaine Du Mont, Phase 2, a été amputé de plusieurs terrains. La municipalité conserve ceux qui permettent l’accès au Sentier des Orphelins. Le promoteur doit l’aménager. Mais rien n’est encore signé. La municipalité est aussi en processus d’acquérir le terrain de tennis. Un autre terrain sera acheté par la municipalité comme zone-tampon avec le lac à la Croix.
Mme Diane Turcotte (coinitiatrice de la pétition) : On va se retrouver avec 34 unités avec permis de location…
D.D. : Il y a eu une consultation publique sur le projet Domaine Du Mont (plutôt séance exclusivement d’information, selon Mme Turcotte), et il y en aura une nouvelle. La population va en avoir beaucoup plus de retombées positives qu’initialement prévu…
D. T. Je vois plus de perte que de retombées positives… Il y a eu une pétition, avec 262 signataires; mais sans plus d’ouverture de la part de la municipalité. Où est la transparence? D.D. On passe à une autre question.
M. ?: Location à court ou à long terme? D.D. Dans le projet Domaine Du Mont, on ne parle pas de location à court terme.
D.D. : Le Refuge était construit sur du terrain appartenant au Domaine du Lac Saint-Victor Inc.; on échange ce terrain.
M. ? (Au lac Saint-Victor depuis 20 ans): Tous ces développements amènent un trafic de camions qui dérange. D.D. On a installé un dos d’âne ce matin sur Notre-Dame-Nord.
Mme Linda Proulx : Location… D.D. Les projets de location à court terme (chalet, etc.) sont traités cas par cas; mais pas actuellement, vu le Contrôle intérimaire.
L.P. Sur le site Domaine Du Mont, on dit aller de l’avant… Ne pourriez-vous pas augmenter la grandeur minimum des terrains? D.D. : En changeant les règles d’urbanisme.
D. Turcotte : Quelle sera votre réponse aux 52 lettres? D.D.: On verra…
D.T. : Il reste énormément de zones grises dans votre information. D.D. : Je vais répondre aux questions (lors de la 2e consultation?).
Mme Joyce Pollock : Les projets de sentiers du promoteur sont bien beaux sur papier, mais ne tiennent pas la route sur le terrain. D.D. : Le promoteur s’est engagé à rendre les sentiers convenables.
Special meeting of the W-N Council of June 5, 2023, report
Councillors Colleen Horan, Lyne Chapados, Karine Dostie, Catherine Léger and Réjean Gosselin are present, as well as Mrs. Danielle Desjardins, Mayor, who will chair the meeting, assisted by Mr. Ron Kelley, General Manager. Councillor Eric Johnston is on sick leave. Three people are present in the room, while the videoconference counter indicates eight participants. The meeting starts at 1:30 p.m. and will last only 18 minutes.
3. Awarding of contract for rehabilitation work on part of route Principale. 4 bids; lowest bid of $9.28 M from
4. Awarding of contract for rehabilitation work on part of chemin Jackson. 5 bids. $1.5 M contract awarded to David ... Transport.
5. Contract to repair part of chemin Millette. 4 bids received. $1.2 M contract awarded to Les Entreprises Claude Rodrigue Inc.
6. Awarding of contract - Professional services for quality control of materials ... on part of Route Principale. One bid and $64 k contract awarded to Dec Enviro.
7. Awarding of mandate - Professional service for quality control of materials ... part of chemin Jackson. A $14 k bid and contract awarded to Dec Enviro.
8. Awarding of mandate - Professional service for quality control of materials ... part of chemin Millette. One bid and $15 k contract awarded to Dec Enviro.
9. Awarding of mandate - Site supervision for chemin Jackson. A $24 k bid and contract awarded to Équipe Laurence.
10. Awarding of mandate - Site supervision for chemin Millette. One bid and $23k contract awarded to Équipe Laurence.
Question period (In brief)
Note: Questions, all from the floor, are partly inaudible.
Which section of Route Principale? Answer: From St-Michel to the town hall.
Someone asked for the % subsidy of the total amount. Mayor's reply: About 90%. R. K.: The municipality pays the difference. (Taxes are included in the costs mentioned).
When will the work start? And when will it be finished? We can't put a precise date on it, but it's for this season, obviously.
What will be redone? Ans. from R. K.: Everything that's necessary: culverts to be redone, etc., our team knows the condition of the roads. ...
What about the bike path we talked about? Ans: No; perhaps a space on the road in certain places...(?)
When was the grant awarded? Answer: 2021.
Meeting of W-N's Council of May 17, 2023 (Report)
2. Statement from elected officials
Mr. Eric Johnston announced that, due to a high level of pressure, he had to take a two-month sick leave to take care of his health. He withdraws from his position as deputy mayor, from the presidency of the CCU and from all activities for which he is responsible in the municipality, except for the minimum required to keep his status as councillor. An item 4.10 will have to be added to this agenda (for the appointment of interim officials?).
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Salaries, disbursements, and capital purchases for the month of April 2023: $575,000, compared to $335,000 in 2022. Mr. Johnston asked for clarification on the $96,000 in legal fees listed. R.K.: As a result of an agreement... D.D.: These fees, which have been dragging on for a few years, could have been much higher, had I not negotiated their reduction.
4.6. Compensation of staff for the referendum vote, as recommended.
4.8 Approval of management staff raises as recommended.
4.9 Authorization to hire a Director of Finance.
4.10 M. Réjean Gosselin offers to replace Mr. Johnston as President of the CCU. He is unanimously chosen.
5. Public security
5.1 Mrs. Desjardins does not present a report for this month.
5.2 Hiring of a medical lieutenant for the First Responders Service. Following the posting of the position, the Director in charge proposed Mr. Patrick Wilhelmy; he is appointed.
5.3 Hiring of Constables for the 2023 summer period. Four appointments of "designated officers", including Mr. Patrick Wilhelmy.
6. Public works and management of municipal assets
6.1 Councillor Gosselin, president of the road committee, reports that the grader has done a first run on the municipally owned gravel roads (?) at 70%. There was the sweeping of the streets. The main focus has been on repairing winter and storm damage; summer maintenance is now being planned.
6.5 Awarding of a contract of $149,939 for the rehabilitation of the 12th Street.
Here, Mr. Johnston, in reference to item ..., wants to make sure that we will not face problems like those encountered for the work on Notre-Dame-Sud... (Continued and inaudible answers.)
7. Environment
7.1 Ms. Horan reminds everyone of the DécouVerte Day on Saturday, May 27.
- Tree distribution.
- Water testing. Mrs. Horan will bring sample bottles to Montfort for those interested.
- Meeting with the lake associations in Saint-Michel on Sunday, May 28.
- May 19: Last day to answer the questionnaire ... (Inaudible)
-Consultation on operational forest management plans (Laurentians) - May 12 to June 6, 2023. There will also be an opportunity for a virtual appointment upon request on May 24, from 2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.
7.2 Adoption of By-Law 2023-611 concerning the maintenance of the Municipality of Wentworth-Nord's tertiary ultraviolet disinfection systems (see May 10, 2023 consultation on draft by-laws)
7.3 Resolution of support for the Qlaim Coalition. This resolution of the said coalition aims at obtaining the revocation of the permission to prospect a territory in order to undertake a mining operation.
7.4 Authorization to spend money for the acquisition of a boat wash. The municipality wants to install a new boat wash equipment in each of the three sectors. The water temperature and pressure obtained for the current installations no longer meet the standards. The user will operate the equipment himself. The purchase of the equipment for the first station, new stickers, information material, etc., represents a cost of $108,972.
To Mr. R. Gosselin's question, the mayor answered that the old permanent stickers will still be valid.
Councillor E. Johnston asked for more information on the cost, since the Environmental Coordinator, Mr. B. Plourde, was talking about $60,000 for this first station (in Montfort?). Despite the explanations of Ms. Dostie and Ms. Desjardins, as well as Mr. R. Kelly, according to which, among other things, the two other stations would be less expensive ($70,000?), since the basic costs would already have been paid, Mr. Johnston
8. Planning and Economic Development
8.1 Report from the Chair of the Planning Committee (None)
8.3 Tabling of certificates attesting to the results of the registration procedure of qualified voters - Separate by-laws related to the draft by-law 2017-498-19 prohibiting the use complementary to a residential use (Lodging of principal residence type) in all zones of the territory. As there are 140 zones, the Mayor will not read it. There were enough signatures in four sectors, including H70 and H71, to obtain a referendum. Therefore, they are not included in the current item.
8.4 Adoption of By-law 2017-498-20 amending Zoning By-law 2017-498 to amend the definition of waterfront lot and waterfront land (See May 10, 2023 Consultation on Draft By-laws)
8.5 Adoption of By-law 2022-608-1 amending Interim Control By-law 2022-608 in order to add certain prohibitions related to streets (See May 10, 2023 consultation on draft by-laws)
8.6 Notice of motion and tabling of draft by-law 2022-608-2 amending Interim Control By-law 2022-608 in order to add certain prohibitions relating to the creation of lots and new uses for tourist accommodation businesses.
8.7 Adoption of By-law 2023-610 relating to the demolition of buildings. (See Consultation of May 10, 2023 on draft by-laws). Three members of Council are on this committee. Its decisions must be approved by the MRC.
Among the following items, three concern modifications or purchases of lots along the shores of Lake Saint-François-Xavier. The municipality accepts the requests with, among other things, a clause preventing the owners of said lots from giving access rights to the lake. Ms. Colleen will get clarification on this point from Ms. Desjardins, Mr. Johnston and Mr. Gosselin. If the owner was a club, it would be a commercial use property, therefore prohibited (in a residential zone).
8.20 Authorization for the issuance of a subdivision permit for the exchange of land with Domaine du Lac Saint-Victor Inc. Among the whereas, it is noted that this will allow the municipality to become the owner of a lot on which the Orphans' trail passes. Another whereas indicates that certain clauses are being finalized. Because of this item, Mr. Johnston will propose to withdraw the last item, to grant the subdivision permit in a first resolution, but without finalizing the sale. (?) I.e., according to the mayor, to grant a permit to someone who is not yet a homeowner... She wants to postpone this item instead. Mr. Johnston is concerned that the delays would then interfere with the project and will return to the subject at item 10. Special Projects, from the agenda. The item was deferred and a special meeting on this item is scheduled in the very near future.
8.21 Offer to purchase lot 6 374 101 of the cadastre of Quebec by Mrs. Lund and Mr. Caucci.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. Report from Recreation, Culture and Community Life Committee President Mrs. Catherine Leger: The cultural calendar for the fall of 2023 will be announced this evening. It will include the creation of a film club for all sectors. The Mayor suggested that there are some great things coming up in Wentworth- Nord.
9.2 End of probation of the Coordinator of Recreation, Culture and Community Life, Mrs. Jamie Lee Paquette. Mrs. Desjardins points out that the communicative laughter of the new employee can sometimes be heard even outside the walls of the Town Hall...
9.3. The Street Arts 2023 project is aimed at young people and aims, among other things, at retaining them on the territory.
9.4. Tabling of the Recreation and Culture calendar.
9.5. Creation of the Wentworth-Nord Cine-Club: To offer on big screen to the citizens, productions from here and elsewhere.
Question period
(Report by a show of hands; consult the recording at 1:25 a.m. to have the comments exchanged).
Mr. Sylvain Lebrun, in a question (or criticism, the mayor will say) received at the city hall :
1. With its moratorium on construction, is the municipality within its rights?
2. Will there be compensation for the people affected by this moratorium?
3. What is the municipality's budgetary reserve in case of a class action?
Mrs. Linda Proulx, for the Lac St-Victor Association, asked for clarification on the holding of the referendums, including the date. D.D.: July 9.
Mr. Djerfi asked for clarification regarding the reconstruction of 12th Street, and when the paving will be done. E. J.: Work will take place this summer, but the resolution does not concern paving. Mr. Djerfi complains again about the damage to his property due to the condition of this street.
Mrs. Marie Chantal Prévost asks:
1. Where will be the car wash of the Saint-Michel sector: D.D.: At the fire station.
2. When will the work be done on Principale road? D. D. We will have a special meeting.
Mrs Lacasse or Mrs Delisle, for her association:
1. We still don't see starting the works on the road...
2. And the maintenance of the Lac Gustav road?
3. And the culvert that is washed away every year?
Mr. Philippe Marchessault :
1. We don't have access to the 2017 minutes.
2. Why was the offer to purchase, in item 8.21, accepted and not mine? D.D. Because the municipality cares about the land you are coveting.
Jayne Pollock:
1. When will the Montfort Pavilion reopen; we have our BBQ there in August? D.D. We would like to see the problems solved as soon as possible.
2. Will there be an inspection of the septic tanks? D.D. We have hired a student...
3. We would like more information on all these topics.
Mr. Nick n Caro :
1. Who to contact about the urgent work needed for Millette Road?
2. How do we go about claiming compensation?
Consultation on Draft By-laws of May 10, 2023
These proposed by-laws are expected to be adopted at the May 17th regular meeting of Municipal Council, Cadieux said.
Meeting Of W-N's Council Of April 19, 2023 (Report)
All members of council are present: Mrs. Colleen Horan, Mrs. Lyne Chapados, Mrs. Karine Dostie and Mrs. Catherine Léger, Mr. Réjean Gosselin and Mr. Eric Johnston, as well as Mrs. Danielle Desjardins, mayor, who will preside over the meeting, assisted by Mr. Ron Kelley, the general manager More than a dozen people were in attendance in the room, while the video conference counter indicated nearly three dozen participants. The session lasted two hours.
The mayor reminded everyone that the public should not intervene during council discussions. During question period, hands are raised (from the Zoom application) to request the floor.
2. Statement from elected officials: No interventions; councillors will be able to take advantage of their presentation as committee chairs.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Salaries, disbursements and capital purchases for the month of March 2023: $527,156, compared to $352,683 in 2022.
4.3 Update of committees and creation of a committee in charge of the protection of the built heritage, which Quebec has named the Demolition Committee, and which will be chaired by the mayor. She also chairs, among others, the temporary committees for the Saint-Michel church and the Montfort pavilion.
6. Public works and management of municipal assets
6.1 Councillor Gosselin, President of the Roads Committee, announces the hiring of a Public Works Director, Mr. Pierre Aubé, who has been on the job for two weeks, and lists the accomplishments of the month, including the filling of holes and the preparation of equipment, among others.
6.3 Call back of the seasonal employees. They are usually on duty from May to October.
6.4 Request to the Ministry of Transportation and Sustainable Mobility regarding work on the Newaygo Bridge. The Mayor explained that, while vehicles can no longer travel on it, including ambulances and fire trucks, the bridge is not scheduled to be repaired until 2025. We will ask the Department to do this as a matter of urgency.
6.5 Purchase of a dumpster, better adapted to the needs of the municipality, at a cost of 33 837$.
6.9 Authorization given to the mayor to negotiate with the MRC on the Aerobic Corridor file. The latter belongs to the Ministry of Transport and is managed by the MRC.
6.10 Creation of the position of Assistant Director of Public Works. The Director General will have to do the necessary for this hiring.
6.11 Contract with the firm JMV for the rental of a grader for the summer period. Mr. Johnston asks for the vote, indicating that he does not have enough information on the case or on the possibility of using municipal equipment to make an evaluation of the proposal. Mrs. Desjardins clarifies that it is only for the sake of transparency that this case is on the agenda, since the General Manager could, on his own, give this contract. The other councilors will vote for the adoption.
7. Environment
7.1 Ms. Horan: (Practically inaudible, due in part to noises near the microphone)
- Follow-up on the claim issue.
- Meeting in April ...
- Electric car (?)
- Maintenance of tertiary UV disinfection treatment systems for the Municipality of Wentworth-Nord.
- Company for the digging of a septic tank (?) ... Impossibility of a sealed tank on land...
7.2 Adoption of by-law 2023-526 concerning the protection of and access to water bodies. It is to replace the existing by-law, by specifying certain obligations concerning protection, access, washing certificate, etc.
7.3 and 7.4 Notice of motion, filing and adoption of draft by-law 2023-611 concerning the maintenance of the tertiary ultraviolet disinfection treatment systems of the Municipality of Wentworth-Nord.
8. Planning and Economic Development
8.2 Tabling of the list of permits for March 1 to 31, 2023: $2.7M compared to $1.7M in 2022. Growth continues.
8.3 Temporary hiring of a planning and environment inspector, Mr. Jean-Philippe Dupuis, who returns to us. He will also be a "designated official" of the municipality, with the right to intervene...
8.4 Adoption of separate bylaws in connection with the draft bylaw 2017-498-19 amending the zoning bylaw 2017-498 in order to prohibit the complementary use to a residential use (tourist accommodation of the principal residence type) in all zones of the territory. This is the famous bylaw that has raised questions from developers, most often not directly affected by the said bylaw. Its actual adoption, by zone, is subsequently subject to the outcome of the referendum process required by law and triggered by obtaining the specified number of signatures in the register. On April 21, a press release announced that the register would be open from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. on April 28, 2023, at the City Hall office.
8.7 Notice of motion and tabling of draft by-law 2022-608-1 amending Interim Control By-law 2022-608 in order to add certain exemptions to prohibitions related to streets. The moratorium was not relevant in these cases. Since it is only a change in terminology, the project is not subject to referendum approval.
The mayor took the opportunity to recall that there is currently an interim control, therefore a freeze on all activities, to allow the revision of certain aspects of the urban plan. (She does not mention anything about the progress of this process or its schedule).
8.9 and 8.10 Notice of motion (by Ms. Chapados?), tabling and adoption of draft by-law 2023-610 regarding the demolition of buildings. The mayor underlines that the councillor has acquired a lot of experience in the heritage file.
8.17 PIIA 2023-0019 - Construction of a two-storey main building on Domaine-du-Mont Street. This is part of the integrated project (of the same name). The Consultative Committee on Urbanism (CCU) recognizes the conformity of the project to the requirements of the PIIA; however, it is disappointed that the applicant proceeded with the deforestation before the approval of its request. The mayor suggested that the developers believe that in Wentworth-Nord, "you do what you want to do and then you apply for a permit". The opposite should be the rule, and Council will eventually deny approval for projects where the developer has done so. Planning departments must be informed of what is happening on the property.
8.23 Transfer for Parks, Playgrounds and Natural Areas - Application for Subdivision Permit. The municipality is taking the 7% cash contribution of $2,870 as it has no interest in owning land on this property. Here, the owner and the Viking Club, which has a trail on the property, have made an agreement to ensure the sustainability of the trail.
Mr. Johnston, Councillor for the district concerned, asked for a vote, claiming that it is the municipality's responsibility to ensure that this important trail system belongs to the citizens.
Mrs. Desjardins wishes to point out that the Viking Club built this trail without the owner's authorization and that they wanted the municipality to acquire it. She objected, stating that the Viking Club provides access to its trails for a fee, and that the municipality will not purchase trails that will be accessible to its citizens for a fee. She said she met with the owner and representatives of the club.
Mr. Johnston disagrees with the mayor's interpretation of the contribution supposedly required. Everyone argues on this point; the councillor taking as an example what is done for the section in Morin-Heights of this pathway. (?) Mrs. Desjardins tells Mr. Johnston that he is out of order and asks to vote. He will vote against the proposal, which will be adopted anyway.
8.25 Resolution amending a resolution presented in 2020, regarding a land exchange between (the municipality?) and the Lac St-Victor Estate. Mr. Johnston asks for a vote, stating that the negotiations are not finished, that the resolution is dated, that it should be cancelled and reconsidered so that it reflects the current situation and that everyone can see it clearly. It was passed anyway, 4 in favor and 2 against.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. Report of the president of the Recreation, Culture and Community Life Committee, Mrs. Léger.
- The committee has met several times in the last few months.
- A cultural calendar will be published soon.
- The Journée DécouVerte will be held on May 27. Details will be announced soon.
- The Table de concertation des arts et de la culture de Wentworth-Nord held its AGM. It obtained a grant from the MRC, which will allow it to hold, (four days in August), the Festival de la culture announced for the sectors of Laurel, Saint-Michel and Montfort.
Question period
The mayor reminds the procedure: It is a question period and not a comment period. One question at a time, and one approaches to be heard...
A gentleman in the room asks how it is that a designated official, in charge of washing boats, will be able to visit your property? "To see if you have made your bed", the mayor jokingly replied. In fact, she explains, this prerogative is contained in the definition of designated officer; but the boat wash attendant will certainly not go into your home.
Ms. Diane Turcotte: Concerning point 8.25 (above), is the land to be exchanged included in phase 2 of the Domaine du Mont project? D.D.: Yes. D.T.: This means that the promoter will be able to go ahead with this phase 2. D.D.: No; your interpretation is wrong; and no request for the realization of phase 2 has yet been filed. D.T.: The petition presented against this project shows the interest of the citizens to be informed of the next steps. The mayor reassures the petitioner that the council is transparent in this regard.
Another gentleman in the room asked how it works for the recommendations of the CCU to the council and what recourse the promoter has if he does not agree. The mayor re-explained that the CCU studies the projects according to a certain number of criteria. Then it makes its recommendations to the council, with the relevant explanations. Council generally follows the advice of the CCU. The applicant asks if one can address directly the council if one believes the CCU to be in error or even in bad faith. He said he brings investors to the municipality and expects them to be treated with respect. The Mayor stated that developers are treated with respect and that the timelines are no different than in other municipalities. The fact that many come several times to represent their project takes up a lot of time. The members of the CCU are rigorous and the council studies each project that they present to it.
Mr. Vincent Djerfi (12th Street, W-N):
- A question from the citizens regarding item 7.2 (above): If you have a Laurel Lake sticker and you take your boat out for the winter, do you have to have it washed and pay again to put it back in the water. D.D.: No, not to put it back in the same lake; it's a permanent sticker.
- Did you vote to put gates on private property along Laurel Lake to prevent visitors from passing through to launch their boats? D.D.: The municipality will not put gates on private property, but the owners are responsible for preventing it from being used to put unwashed boats in the lake.
- What if we are in the part of the lake included in the municipality of Lac-des-Seize-Îles? D.D. and R. G.: It is more or less the same regulation.
A lady in the room: (Almost inaudible)
- I agree with the gentleman who complained about the difficulty of contacting the urban planning services to discuss his file. (?) There is no opportunity to express oneself. D.D. (joking) : Everyone who gets denied by the CCU agrees with you... The CCU follows government rules. Lady: I sent a letter to Services and did not receive a response. E. Johnston: All applicants can make a presentation, in writing or by video conference, with the CCU; there are examples.
- Regarding item 8.4 (above), on short-term rental in a principal residence, how could the by-law have been adopted, when the register could not be signed? The Mayor explained that no register is signed at this municipal meeting. The operation of the register comes after the adoption of the by-law (conditional to its non-rejection by the concerned residents).
Mr. Frederic ...: On item 8.4 as well; when will we be able to start our projects? D.D.: We are still under interim control. We are in an internal consultation process and we want (like you) to finish as soon as possible. Frédéric: We don't know when... D.D.: I would like to know that too...
Mr. Morneau (in English and difficult for us to follow): Talks about his discussions with the urban planning department. (?) Says he bought a house in W-N in 2021; put his savings in it and is losing money because he can't rent it, asks who will compensate him (?) Money coming out every month... D.D.: What is your question, please? Morneau: I have been waiting for an answer to my last request for 22 days. When will I know? Where is your honnor? You are blocking me from everything, unilaterally. D.D.: It's not against you. There is an interim control to allow us to make changes to our urban plan. Mr. Morneau: I am losing money every day; I can't afford it! Who is going to pay me back? I'm going to lose my house. (?) D.D. and R. G.: The municipality is not responsible for this. Morneau: Who is responsible? You imposed the moratorium. Here, Mr. Johnston calms down Mr. Morneau by indicating that he will be able to find the explanations on the imposition of the interim control in the minutes of the concerned council meetings.
Mr. Denis Simard (?): In order to present our project to the CCU, we have to prepare documents, which causes us costs. Then we wait in the dark. We do not know the criteria; with the imprecisions that delay the process. In order to speed things up and so that we know where we are going, couldn't we participate in the process? E.J.: All the objectives and criteria are published on our website, along with the regulations. The PIIA expectations presented with the resolutions, and available at the urban planning department, would also allow you to familiarize yourself with the CCU process. D.S.: In our case, with the purchase of a lot, we have to present a construction plan. It's an investment before you even know if the project is eligible. D.D.: All too often, the developer gives us plans that do not match the intended construction.
One lady asked about the timeline for interim control. "You can't play with people like that! D.D.: We don't know when it will be completed. There will be a presentation of the selected avenues to the population at that time and consequent adjustments. Lady: If it goes on like this, all this land will be for sale, in Wentworth-Nord.
Gentleman in the audience:
- A client's lawyer called the planning department and was hung up on on his second question.
- An investor, for $11M (?) says $5M is frozen because of this moratorium in Wentworth-Nord. This is important...
- We have to reimburse people who have made promises to purchase because we cannot respect the clause in the notarized contract because of this moratorium.
Mr. Morneau returned to make some suggestions.
A gentleman in the room doesn't understand why we are trying to ban short term rentals here when the government is allowing the opposite. The door is completely closed. (These visitors can help.) I've been coming here for three months trying to figure it out. There's not much sense here... (He is applauded by the other occupants of the room.)
With all reservations; by Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Wentworth-Nord : three realities
While the statistics from the Census of Canada and the Institut de la statistique du Québec allow us to quantify, and therefore paint an objective overall picture of the demographic and socio-economic situation of Wentworth-Nord as well as its evolution, they present us with a very imperfect portrait of these realities. [Cf. Nord-Wentwortois, According To The 2021 Census Of Canada (Summary)]
The resort industry, which represents a good half of this reality, is not included in these statistics. The Institut de la statistique du Québec, for example, does not take it into account in the elaboration of its Indice de vitalité économique. The municipality and the MRC have and collect data on all properties on their territory, whether they are permanent or secondary residences. But how do they process this data to obtain the numerical picture needed for planning activities and sub-municipal orientations?
Aren't there more cottagers in Districts 5 and 6? And if so, shouldn't planning take this into account? How do the characteristics, such as age, of all residents compare to the permanent population, as measured by statistics? What is the significance of the average or employment income of the population of the municipality or MRC, if more than half of their residents are not part of the equation?
Furthermore, the statistics are not published for sub-municipal presentation. Thus, the amalgamation of data for the three villages, the six municipal districts, the dozens of habitats around lakes or other spatial realities of the municipality, masks the local situation. However, urban planning must also rely on sub-municipal data to best address the issues assigned to it.
Statistics Canada gives us the demographic pyramid of the municipal population, its average, median or employment income; the education, qualifications or field of activity of its citizens, and their evolution. But this probably does not correspond to the reality of any of its three villages. Is the level of wealth the same in the different districts?
How can we predict the socio-economic development of Montfort, Laurel or Saint-Michel, without statistics, other than the issuance of permits, to take into account the trends that are emerging on the ground over time? Doesn't the current moratorium or interim control of real estate development, via integrated projects, short or longer term rentals, etc., and the decisions that will be dictated by the clauses of the resulting regulations, risk being more suitable for some sectors than others? How to proceed to an adequate zoning in their application, without having a more objective picture of the local reality? The Farmer's plan already noted some of the incongruities of this zoning.
The socio-economic development of Wentworth-Nord seems to us to be focused on the eastern sector, the one that is closest to the urbanized areas; whether it is the neighbouring towns and villages of our Laurentians or the metropolitan area. It is already under pressure. "Some of Canada’s fastest growing small towns outside of urban centres from 2016 to 2021 were located within a two-hour drive of Toronto, Montréal or Vancouver. Many of these small towns were found in cottage country or near a ski resort, with all the amenities that go with it including nearby nature, boating, golfing, skiing, and “après-skiing.”1 Yet the misalignment of demographic and economic weight that this development is expected to bring to the municipality will be a major concern for our authorities. However, the current statistical portrait cannot reflect this reality; nor will it do so for its evolution.
Laurel, which the urban plan said was far from everything, will have to try to compensate by maintaining its status as the hub, through the development of social and administrative services, among others. Although Mr. Farmer saw "the establishment of an area designed to accommodate heavy industry and commerce," nothing of the sort, despite the will of the former administration, is yet to be seen.
Other variables will be affected, including the environment, with pressure on the most reachable lakes, for example; housing density, accessibility, the built environment, property values, the retirement of the ubiquitous single-family home in urbanized areas, the profitability of investments in road and related infrastructure, which are mostly tied to vacationing2 and short-term rentals, language, and so on.
Some tourism regions have conducted surveys to get a better idea of the sub-municipal portrait of their territory, particularly of resort tourism. "Tourisme Lanaudière recently unveiled the results of a study conducted in the winter of 2021 that had the objective of identifying the issues specific to rental cottage owners as well as municipalities that must ensure harmonious cohabitation between the tourist clientele, the local population and vacationers."3 These analyses have undoubtedly helped to better establish the issues and directions they must face. Sainte-Anne-des-Lacs published its Guide du bon villégiateur in 2019.4
It seems necessary to us that our authorities, municipality and MRC, take advantage of access to sub-municipal census data and introduce, themselves, the collection, processing and publication of statistics necessary to complete them. The interest in publishing the MRC's property assessment map on GeoCentralis is already evident. The mailing of the tax bill, which reaches both permanent residents and vacationers, should contain a questionnaire that allows for the collection of relevant and recurring statistical information, particularly at the time of the Canadian Census.
By Carl Chapdelaine
- Escaping the big city for idyllic small town life
- Cars and Cottages
- Portrait du tourisme de villégiature dans Lanaudière
- Guide du bon villégiateur
Other :
The 2020 indice de vitalité économique
"The Indice de vitalité économique (IVE) is a relative measure that ranks communities in relation to each other in terms of their economic vitality... A negative value generally means that the community lags the majority of Quebec communities in terms of economic vitality."1
"More specifically, the IVE represents the geometric mean of the standardized variables of three indicators, namely the median total income (pre-tax income) of individuals aged 18 and over, the rate of workers aged 25 to 64 and the average annual growth rate of the population over five years."
The index is used, for example, to allocate the Territorial Development Fund budget envelope. However, this index, based on the permanent population, does not take into account the weight of cottagers.
Among the characteristics that classify the localities in the last quintile according to this index, we note
- Small size and low population density.
- High proportion of people aged 65 and over.
- Negative demographic trends.
- Location away from major urban centers.
- Lower median total personal income and labour force participation rates
- Dependence on government transfers as a source of income
- Lower standardized property wealth.
Wentworth-Nord ranked in the 4th quintile of the index for the latest reporting period (2018-2020). It is the only one in this quintile for the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut; 9th out of 10 municipalities, ahead of Lac-des-Seize-Îles, which is in the 5th quintile.
Furthermore, the proportion of the population of the Laurentian administrative region living in localities where the economic vitality index belongs to the last quintile had decreased from 2.31% to 2.29% from 2018 to 2020.2
- Institut de la statistique du Québec : Indice de vitalité économique des territoires – Édition 2023
- Les indicateurs de l’occupation et de la vitalité des territoires
Par Carl Chapdelaine
The income gap in Wentworth-Nord
In a previous article, we reported that in 1920, in Wentworth-Nord, 6.3% of the population was in a state of poverty, according to the Market Basket Measure, compared to 5.4% in the MRC and 6.4% in Quebec. The Canadian censuses also allow us to measure the income gaps of Canadian households by classifying them on a ten-step income scale, i.e., by decile. The percentage of the poorest is thus found in the first decile. The variation of this percentage, as well as that of the other deciles that complete the 100%, gives us a good indication of the income gap between households. Nationally, each decile comprises 10% of the population. Statistics Canada also groups these ten levels into two blocks: the five deciles in the bottom half and the five in the top half, allowing for a more global comparison. For Canada, each of the two blocks contains 50% of the population.
By 2020, the position of the poorest had worsened in Wentworth-Nord; the bottom tier now included 16.9% of the population, compared to 10.1% in the MRC and 10.3% in Quebec. The situation in Wentworth-Nord thus contrasted significantly with the Canadian norm of 10%, found in the MRC and in Quebec. On the other hand, the tenth level, the top decile, had seen its importance increase from 7.3% to 7.8%; this seemed to indicate a growing gap between the poorest and richest economic families in the municipality. It was also noted that, in 2020, the percentage of the population in the lowest decile was more than double that of the highest. 62.3% of the population was in the lower half block, compared to 37.7% in the upper half. Histogram 1, Histogram 2
For its part, the Institut de la statistique du Québec uses data from the Canadian censuses, using quintiles in its tables to present the situation.
- Indicateurs par quintile
- Les niveaux de vie décile par décile : des différences énormes
- Les inégalités au Québec de 1976 à 2020 …
- Observatoire québécois des inégalités
- Revisiting Recent Trends in Canadian After-Tax Income Inequality Using Census Data
Census profile, 2016 Census - <Census Profile, 2021 Census of Population
The Income Gap In Wentworth-Nord, W-N, PdH, QC (2020): histogram
Meeting Of W-N's Council Of march 15, 2023 (Report)
2. Statement from elected officials
- The mayor reminded everyone that the public should not intervene during the council debates, neither in words nor in writing (chats on Zoom), except for exceptional reasons. During question period, the yellow hand is raised to ask for the floor.
- At the March 8 public consultation on the proposal to prevent short-term rentals in primary residences, the question was asked whether those who did not want a referendum should sign the register. (It seems to us, as Councillor Johnston will clarify, that they do not have to sign the register. However, they would have to vote in the referendum if the referendum was dictated by the required number of signatures in the register calling for it. The mayor confirmed this, adding that a note will be published to explain the procedure to follow).
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 Acceptance of the reports of salaries, purchases of disbursements, purchases of capital assets for the month of February 2023: The total was $700,000 this year, compared to $350,000 in 2022. The difference was due to the $264,000 contribution to the MRC in 2023.
4.2 April By-Elections for District 2 - The salary schedule for election officers was adopted.
4.3 Adoption of the Donations, Sponsorships and Grants Policy. This item was deferred as council did not have time to complete the policy.
4.4 Awarding of a mandate for animal control to the firm Patrouille canine Inc for an amount of $10,833. For the period of March 1 to Dec. 31, 2023.
4.5 The renewal of the annual financial aid of $2,000 is granted to the Club l'Étoile du Nord, which takes care of the elderly in the Laurel sector.
4.6. A grant of $10,000, in two installments of $5,000, will be awarded to the Chambre de commerce et de développement durable Wentworth-Nord. The purpose of this grant is to allow the Chamber to conduct a needs assessment of the community in order to properly target the services to be offered. Mr. Johnston will vote against, as he did not have enough time to evaluate the file. The mayor will indicate that the file dates back to November 2022 and that it contains nothing new. Carried 3 to 1.
4.7 Resolution to allow the General Manager to proceed with the hiring of a Public Works Director.
5. Public Security
5.3 Fire Safety - 2022 Assessment - Fire Safety Cover Plan (FSCP): Quebec requires that each municipality of the MRC accept this assessment and plan by resolution. Carried.
6. Public Works and Municipal Asset Management
6.1 Report of the President of the Road Committee, Councillor R. Gosselin: We are preparing the machinery for the summer season; we are making an inventory of the equipment on the territory, etc.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the President of the Environment Advisory Committee, Councillor C. Horan:
- Mr. B. Plourde deposited the document on the protection (?) of lakes. Everyone is invited to consult it.
- The municipality will call the lake associations to a new meeting this spring, to invite them to participate in the implementation of the regulations concerning shoreline owners and ...
- All boats will be required to display a sticker.
- The CCE is completing its environmental policy: Biodiversity, etc.
7.2 End of probation of the Environmental Coordinator. On the recommendation of the General Manager, Mr. Ron Kelley, Mr. B. Plourde, becomes permanent.
7.3 Notice of motion and tabling of draft by-law 2023-526 concerning the protection of and access to water bodies on the territory of the Municipality of Wentworth-Nord. Cf.2018-526
8. Urbanism and economic development
(Some headlines reported here)
8.2 Tabling of the list of permits from February 1 to 28, 2023: 18 general permits for a value of $1.6M; compared to 15 in 2022, for a value of $109,000. 35 permits since the beginning of 2023, for just over $2M; compared to 24 permits in 2022, for a value of $764,000. So, still higher this year.
8.4 Adoption of the second draft of By-law 2017-498-19 amending Zoning By-law 2017-498 in order to prohibit the use complementary to a residential use (Tourist accommodation of principal residence type) in all zones of the territory. The mayor reminds us that we are talking about a principal residence and not a secondary residence. There was a public consultation on March 8 and the adoption of the by-law is subject to the referendum approval process. Carried.
8.7 PIIA - New construction of a main building on des Montfortains Road: Already accepted in April 2021; but with the condition, among others, to reduce the lighting. The applicant has agreed to use lower intensity bulbs in the four lights considered and the CCU recommends the acceptance of these modifications. Ms. Desjardins pointed out that there is a current trend to want bright lighting. However, this disturbs the neighbors and prevents them from enjoying a starry sky.
Councillor Johnston opposed adoption, noting that the owner is presenting the authorities with a fait accompli, which also sends the wrong message to developers. Ms. Chapados prefers to follow the recommendations of the CCU, while Mr. Gosselin also votes for acceptance, saying he disagrees with the municipality's policy on lighting. Ms. Horan will side with Mr. Johnston, while the mayor will abstain from voting. By a two-to-two vote, the refusal of the adoption prevails, Mr. Kelley will confirm. Ms. Desjardins invited the owner to modify his plan and to represent it.
8.9 Transfer for parks, playgrounds and natural areas - Application for subdivision permit: Here, the municipality is interested in these lots and prefers to take them instead of the corresponding $40,000.
8.10 Offer of purchase, by Mr. Philippe Marchessault, for a part of lot 5 589 384, contiguous to a lot he already owns, and which will allow him to have an access (direct) to the lake Saint-François-Xavier. “It is a small border of the lake", explained the mayor. But the owner will not have to give access to any other property via this lot. Accepted.
9. Recreation, Culture and Community Life
9.1 Ms. Chapados will applaud the success of the Winterfest held the previous Saturday in Laurel. The children's games and the torchlight walk made it a great day.
She will remind everyone that the DécouVerte Day will be held on Saturday, May 27. There will be presentations related to the environment, distribution of plants, etc.
Question period
(In summary)
Semi-submerged bins. We will talk about these bins, which we would like to see multiplied. And also about the temporary interruption of their collection following a serious accident that happened in Saint-Sauveur, to an employee resident of Wentworth-Nord. One of these huge bags, often loaded with materials that should not be there, would have broken over the employee during its transfer to the truck (?). He is now paralyzed. The Commission de la santé et de la sécurité du travail (CSST) intervened in this case. The collection, interrupted by the company in charge, should resume within a week or a week and a half.
Tax accounts. Although the MRC is responsible, several stakeholders presented their case to the municipal council, demonstrating incomprehensible and disproportionate increases in their property assessment and tax bills, as well as gross errors on the lots.
The mayor was as shocked as they were at the inconsistent assessment picture and disproportionate increases. She told them that we would meet urgently with the firm Évimbec to get explanations and that we would notify the population (?). Ms. Desjardins even invited an aggrieved resident to send her a copy of his tax bill.
Property owners have until April 30 to contest the matter before the MRC, using the appropriate form and returning it to the address indicated on their tax bill.
Why environmental fees? / To allow actions for the protection of the lakes. And on the ecocenter? / To better reflect the real cost.
The second draft of by-law 2017-498-19. Do we have to sign the register if we are for the adoption of the draft by-law? / No.
When will the referendum be held? / Mr. Cadieux will notify the population concerned of the procedure and, if there is sufficient demand according to the register, of the holding of the vote. This will be posted on the bulletin boards, on the municipality's website, etc. There will be maps showing the areas involved.
The questions asked at previous meetings will come up again, with the same answers:
- Your residence is not a primary residence.
- It is only about renting for 31 days or less.
- You plan to rent a room / You are prevented from doing so by the regulations (to be verified).
- Your short-term rental project is currently affected by the interim control. There will be a consultation on your issue in due course.
- Some feel they are being treated unfairly / Mr. Cadieux is doing his best.
Consultation on tourist accommodation as a principal residence, March 8, 2023
Mr. Benoît Cadieux, Director of Planning and Environment Services, will present the two draft by-laws using a Power Point. The mayor and the members of the council, Mrs. Colleen Horan, Karine Dostie, Mr. Eric Johnston and Réjean Gosselin are also present. The Zoom counter will be at 47 participants and there will be two dozen people in the room of the Laurel Community Center. The meeting will last 1 hour and 45 minutes.
We will only dwell on the project 2017-498-19, the one that interests the citizens in the first place. This interest is mainly sparked by the misinterpretation that it is a proposal for a more generalized ban on short-term rentals in Wentworth-Nord. At the outset, Ms. Desjardins clarified the purpose of the proposed by-law, insisting that the prohibition would only apply to owners of principal residences (who do not already have a short-term rental permit of 31 days or less).
Mr. Cadieux, on draft by-law 2017-498-18: The changes on this draft by-law are minor and are intended to simplify its description and application. They applied, we understand, to certain subsections of the bylaw or certain zones of the territory; they can now affect all subsections and the entire territory. In addition, the wording of the draft by-law is intended to mirror the wording of the government's one.
Mr. Cadieux, on draft by-law 2017-498-19 (zoning): (Texts copied from Power Point images with One Note from Microsoft 365.)
- Amendment resulting from an initiative of the Municipality
- Purpose of the proposed by-law
To prohibit the complementary use to a residential use "tourist accommodation of the principal residence type" in all zones of the territory.
- Reason for this zoning change procedure
As of March 25, 2023, the provisions adopted as part of Bill 67 will allow Quebecers to rent out their principal residence on a short-term basis throughout the territory without a municipal by-law prohibiting the operation. Municipalities will, however, be able to prohibit or limit the supply of tourist accommodation in a principal residence in certain areas of their territory, subject to an adapted referendum process.
- Referendum Approval
Draft by-law number 2017-498-19 contains provisions that may be the subject of an application by interested persons to have a by-law containing them submitted for their approval in accordance with the Act respecting elections and referendums in municipalities (R.S.Q., c. E-2.2) and the Tourist Accommodation Act (S.Q. 2021, c. 30).
- The main use "Tourist residence" and the complementary use "Short-term cottage rental" as defined in the present by-law are not assimilated to the complementary use "Tourist accommodation of the principal residence type".
The referendum approval process in municipalities normally consists of three steps:
1. The application to participate in a referendum;
2. maintaining the register
3. the referendum vote.
Note: From the following clause b, we understand that the first step is waived in the case of a second draft by-law. (A second proposed by-law appears to us to be an amendment to the first following the consultation. To be destroyed: to exclude areas where it would have been rejected by a referendum.)
- a. For the purpose of determining whether a referendum vote should be held in respect of this by-law, the number of applications required to be met ... is reduced by 50% rounded up to the next whole number. (Mr. Johnston will indicate that this is to make it easier to claim a referendum).
- b. Any provision contained in the second proposed by-law shall be deemed to have been the subject of a valid application from any area from which such application may originate...
- a. The Tourist Accommodation Act procedure provides for half of the signatures required at the registry and referendum stage.
- b. The Tourist Accommodation Act procedure provides that after the second draft of the by-law, it is "deemed" to have received the minimum number of applications required. Thus, Step 1 of the referendum process (application to participate) does not apply.
Notice of motion and filing of the draft by-law: February 15, 2023
Adoption of the first draft by-law: February 24, 2023
Public notice announcing the holding of the public consultation meeting: March 1, 2023
Holding of the public consultation meeting: March 8, 2023
Adoption of the second draft by-law : - To come -
Adoption of separate by-laws (1 per zone, 145 in total): - To come -
Public notice for the registration procedure (keeping of the register) : - To come -
Maintenance of the registry : - To come -
Result of registers and filing of certificates before council: - To come -
If applicable: Referendum vote: - To come -
Examination of regional conformity (Schéma d'aménagement de la MRC): - To come -
Question period (Summary)
The mayor and the urban planner will answer questions from the floor and from the participants via video conference.
As at previous municipal meetings, where the real estate moratorium by an interim control was presented, as well as the draft by-law 2017-498-19, several questions were considered out of order or simply perceived as comments; while others obtained clarifications sometimes repeated many times.
- Some were from applicants who do not have their primary residence in Wentworth-Nord, but have invested in the purchase of land or cottages in the municipality. They were concerned that they would not be able to carry out their plans and that they would suffer financial losses.
Their questions were out of order, and they were invited to ask them at the next Council meeting, directly to the Planning Department, or at the appropriate future consultations.
- Many stakeholders were in fact more concerned with the interim control than with the nature of their projects. However, the indecision about the future of their projects, as well as the additional cost of the imposed delays, made it difficult for them to proceed.
They were told that the moratorium was unfortunately necessary to allow the administration and council to adjust the regulations to current criteria, residents' concerns, etc. This was done in other municipalities.
• Some were highly critical of the upheaval introduced by these measures, which they sometimes considered unfair and contrary not only to their legitimate plans and commitments, but to the very economic development of Wentworth-Nord. Investors would turn away from the municipality. They were not necessarily millionaires, and their lives were being made very difficult. Their interventions could be applauded.
In response, they were reminded that the short-term rental had proven to be a source of multiple nuisances, denounced by the citizens, and that it caused additional and unprofitable costs in municipal services, notably for garbage collection and others, for surveillance by the new constabulary, etc. The arrival of these visitors did not bring in anything for the local economy and would not necessarily be a source of economic development. Some banks, the mayor said, were no longer financing the construction of short-term rental units.
- Rare interventions came from permanent residents, interested in occasionally renting their house or a room, often in their absence, and to make their investment and expenses profitable. There was a contradiction, not only between the development orientations, but also with the Quebec regulations concerning this type of accommodation.
They were unfortunately penalized; but it was only for rentals of 31 days or less. And, if they were already licensed, we understand, they would not be affected by the new regulations.
- Some stakeholders said they understood the nature of the projects and would, as stated, defer to the results of the referenda. Others presented more complicated situations, the implications of which would need to be analyzed more specifically.
- Finally, some residents openly supported the nature of the proposed changes, reiterating the nuisance and other counterarguments related to short-term rentals.
- Other questions concerned the referendum process. Did you have to go to the polls to sign the register? (But were we talking about the first step, or the second?) There was understandable confusion.
Mr. Cadieux wanted this to be clarified at the next council meeting on Wednesday. For one thing, the number of signatures required would be indicated before the event. Residents could have several registers to sign, depending on the areas where the projects are located.
Ps. Please report any errors or inaccuracies you may have noticed.
Special Council Meeting of February 24, 2023 (Report)
The mayor explains that this is an update of the rates, which have not been adjusted for a long time, by making them similar to what is done in the other municipalities of the Pays-d'en-Haut.
Thus, according to article 4, "The base rate of $150 for a New Construction, including guest houses is increased to $200. The $40 fee for a Transformation or renovation is increased to $75.
Under Section 5, regarding Main Building, Commercial, Industrial, Public or Agricultural Use, the base fee of $200 for New Construction other than a farm building is increased to $250. The $50 fee for a conversion or renovation is increased to $100.
These new fees are reasonable," commented Ms. Desjardins, "considering the increased costs to the municipality. Mr. Johnston added that there was an attempt to recover the costs of these services. But he will indicate that the councillors (do not have all the details on some of the fees and would like to have a closer look). Mr. Gosselin will also have noted some omissions.
The Council will therefore postpone the adoption of the project to the next meeting; this will allow for the reworking of the fees if deemed appropriate.
4. Adoption of draft by-law 2017-498-18, to make corrections to the section relating to uses complementary to a residential use. These (minor) changes do not appear to have been contested.
5. Adoption of the first draft of By-law 2017-498-19 amending Zoning By-law 2017-498, in order to prohibit the use complementary to a residential use "Tourist accommodation of principal residence type" in all zones of the territory. (This is the draft by-law that raised many questions when it was tabled at the previous meeting). The mayor underlines at the outset that there was a lot of confusion in its interpretation, as reflected by the questions, between short-term rental, in this case of one's main residence, and rental of another type, such as a secondary residence, a cottage (rental), etc., (the latter not being affected by this draft by-law).
The mayor explains again the reasons for prohibiting this type of short-term rental on the whole territory, such as the nuisance in populated areas; she adds that there is, in any case, little demand for this type of rental. She repeats that it is following the emission of a rule by the government of Quebec, affirming the possibility of proceeding to this type of rental, as long as it respects certain criteria and that it has the approval of the municipality, that this by-law was proposed. There will be an information and question session on this project at 6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, March 8. The present adoption of this project will be subject to referendum approval according to the usual formula, (if therefore requested by the required number of citizens).
Question Period
Marian Mihai (Ch. du Lac-Thurson) (In writing): The Wentworth-Nord Council and Mayor were elected with 25% of the voting population. ... Proposed By-law 2017-498-19 intends to restrict a right that relates to property. In this situation, a public consultation or referendum is required. ...? Ans: In the last election, more than 60% of the population voted; and council represents all citizens. We will follow the normal procedure for the adoption of the draft by-law: consultation on March 8, opening of a register to choose whether or not to go to referendum, etc.
Stéphane Haken(?) (In writing): ... Draft by-law 2017-498-19... Does the ban concern existing tourist accommodations? Ans: No; these establishments are still renting.
Tracy Goodson-Mackay (In writing):
- Why does the municipality want to end rental when it brings extra taxes, extra earnings and provides jobs? Answer: The low tax revenue here does not offset the cost of services provided by the municipality; and short-term rentals create very little local employment, since these tenants bring everything with them and do not patronize local businesses (if any).
- ... Why doesn't the municipality implement guidelines...? Answer: No one here loses their rental rights...
- Why...? Ans: Regarding the need to accommodate tourists, there is currently no additional need to what is offered.
Mr. Vincent Jephi (for Louise St-Pierre, resident of Laurel): We built a house (cottage) to rent out, and now we can't rent it out on a short-term basis. Many residents do not agree with this. New owners are being penalized for behaviors due to previous owners. They can no longer rent on a short-term basis. Ans: Your main residence is in Montreal, isn't it? Your question is out of order today because we are not talking about a second home. Otherwise, short-term rentals are only prohibited because of the freeze imposed by the interim control. V.J.: Will this be discussed at the March 8 consultation? Ans: No (for the same reason).
Ms. Ramona Iordache:
1. Regarding the land purchased for short term rental...? Ans: Ms., you are out of line...
2. Potential land buyers here are so discouraged by the inspector's comments, that they are no longer interested in investing in the area... Mrs., you are out of order. Is there a request to adjourn the meeting? RI: So you're not answering my question? Out of order. RI: We're not robots... Mr. Johnston: You can't ask your question today; we'll be happy to answer it at a future meeting. IR: Thank you.
At the close of the meeting, Ms. Desjardins reminded everyone that there would be public consultation, limited to the topics on this agenda.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) & Linguee
Meeting of W-N's council of February 15, 2023 (Report)
Item 9.2, hiring of beach guards (or lifeguards?) for the municipal beaches, was added.
2. Statement of elected officials (Mrs. Desjardins)
a. Following the death of the former minister, Mrs. Nadine Girault, a devoted person with whom she had the opportunity to work, the mayor expresses her sympathies to the family.
b. She announces the birthday of Mrs. Minnie Johnson, our dean who will celebrate her 102nd birthday on February 21.
c. On the occasion of the school perseverance week, Mrs. Desjardins reminds that Wentworth-Nord does not have a school. Out of 140 children, a good portion have to take the bus to the school in Lachute; the other to the one in Saint-Sauveur. The journey represents a minimum of two and a half hours per day. She thanks Ressources Sophie who helps these children with their homework every day.
d. The agreement with the SPA is not renewed; consequently, we cannot obtain the obligatory tag for the dogs; but the municipality will not crack down for this infraction. It will take measures to see to the care of the animals.
e. Today, as every third Wednesday of every month, the community dinner took place here, at the Community Center. At this occasion, two persons came to present their services concerning the foresight towards the seniors.
f. For those interested in the issue of mining claims in municipalities, the Mayor indicated that a TVA program will deal with the problem on Friday night, the 17th, at 9:30 p.m.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.3 The municipality supports the Chambre de commerce et de développement durable Wentworth-Nord (CCD2WN) request for a grant from the MRC, within the framework of the Fonds régions et ruralité (FRR).
4.4 Service agreement between the Municipality and the Coopérative de solidarité Laurel Station, following a partnership request by the latter, for a maximum of $3,000.
4.6 Temporary loan from the Caisse Desjardins de la Vallée des Pays-d'en-Haut in the amount of $13,961,685, repayable over a period of 20 years for road repairs on sections of Jackson road, Principale road (between Saint-Michel and the Municipal Hall) and Millette road. The draft by-law for this loan has been approved by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. (It is known that the project is almost entirely subsidized).
4.7 Support for a grant application to the MRC from the Table de concertation des arts et de la culture de Wentworth-Nord. The Table de concertation des arts et de la culture de Wentworth-Nord wants to promote the immense potential of Wentworth-Nord in this aspect. The funds would be used to put on a festival that will take place over four days in the three sectors of the municipality. It will be on the theme of the August sky.
The mayor points out that with the creation of the chamber of commerce and the presence of this round table, Wentworth-Nord, in a way, is coming out of the doldrums...
5. Public security
Mrs. Desjardins gave her report.
- She starts by mentioning that, in the tax bill you will receive, there is a form that asks you to identify vulnerable people who could benefit from networking with the association ... to ensure their safety.
- Two cadets from the Sûreté du Québec will be added this summer to our constables, to do surveillance and prevention as well as communicate information.
6. Public Works and Municipal Asset Management
Councillor Gosselin indicated that the department was busy with daily activities.
7. Environment
7.1 Councilwoman Horan:
- Recalled the January meeting of the lake associations. Washing of boats and better protection of the lakes were the subject of two workshops.
- Councillors and members of the administration participated in the Public Land Use Plan that the government renews every five years. This plan involves, among other things, the designation of lands to be protected. In this regard, the municipality is working on a vision to be presented to the Ministry des Ressources naturelles et des Forêts.
7.2 Request for a grant for the installation of a boat cleaning station in Saint-Michel that is more functional than the one that currently exists in this sector. The municipality is only allowed one such application per year.
8. Urbanism and economic development
8.2 Filing of the list of permits from January 1st to 31st, 2023. There were 17 permits, for a value of $740,000 (?), compared to 15 in January 2022, for a value of $109,000 (?); which shows that the real estate development movement continues.
8.3 Increase of certain fees related to the study of an application for a permit or certificate of authorization, to better reflect the time spent by the administration on these services. Thus, the basic fee for a permit concerning a building other than a farm is increased from $200 to $250.
8.4 Amendment to zoning by-law number 2017-498 in order to improve and correct the provisions relating to driveways, the architecture of the façade of single-family dwellings and the width of a buffer zone built at the limits of properties. This amendment was submitted for public consultation on January 18, and Council took it into account. Desjardins says this is being done as part of the interim control, to correct some anomalies in the regulations here. But the bulk of the work in this framework concerns the more global orientations of the urbanization policy of the municipality.
8.6 Filing of draft by-law 2017-498-19 amending zoning by-law number 2017-498 in order to prohibit the complementary use to a residential use "tourist accommodation of the principal residence type" in all zones of the territory. The reading of this deposit arouses a reaction in the room, where a participant requests the reading of the entire draft bylaw. This reading, which will seem tedious to us, does not seem to have made the scope of this draft by-law better understood. During the question period, several participants, believing that all short-term rentals are at stake, we understand, will express their fears or their opposition to the changes that they believe are coming in the regulations.
8.7 to 8.12: Series of PIIAs for which Council will follow the recommendations of the CCU, which proposes to grant permits in all cases, subject to certain modifications, i.e. lighting, façade, parking, etc.
8.13 Transfer for parks, playgrounds and natural areas. On the occasion of this transfer of land, concerning a new construction on Loan Street, the Mayor explains that, in the context of a land exchange agreement with Lac-St-Victor Estates, the municipality, instead of taking a small lot from each property, can locate all these lots in the same place and thus form a more interesting piece of land in terms of value and usable for various future purposes.
8.15 The municipality shall take legal action against an owner who has built without complying with the conditions imposed. The action could go as far as demolition, the mayor said, expressing that the municipality never wishes to have to resort to such legal action.
Recreation, Culture and Community Life
9.1 Councillor Line Chapados highlights the first meeting of the Art and Culture Committee. She also spoke about the creation of a food autonomy collective, after several meetings and discussions on the development of a community garden, etc. This collective aims to include more residents.
Ms. Chapados also reiterated the mayor’s announcement on the projects of the Table de concertation des arts et de la culture de Wentworth-Nord, which aims to develop in this area.
9.2 Recruitment of lifeguards for the municipality's beaches.
To conclude the list of items, the mayor reminded everyone that the meeting must be conducted in a harmonious manner, which can be compromised by the use of the chat function between participants. Questions to Council should be reserved for this period.
Question period
Mr. Fernand Janson (in writing):
- Why are the cross-country ski trails not groomed? Answer: Breakage of equipment and impossibility of obtaining the right replacement parts. Concerning the non-plowing of the Aerobic Corridor, it is because of the prohibition to proceed, decreed by the MRC against the municipality, for lack of financial participation agreement. But, "...we are not going to negotiate with a knife to our throat..."
- Why does it take so long to get a book to the library? Answer: Mr. Janson asks for rare books, according to his interests, and the municipality has no control over the exchange system between libraries.
Mr. Sylvain Lebrun (in writing):
- Given the large number of constraints in your zoning grids, and in the face of speculation in real estate:
o How do you justify maintaining a special tax on your vacant lots? Ans: The tax on vacant land was abolished this year for land of 10,000 m2 or less and reduced on larger land. It will also be completely abolished in 2024.
o How can it be applied in integrated projects, where lots are indivisible? (?) Ans: There is no relation between this regulation and integrated projects; but your question will be submitted to our urban planner.
Ms. Natalia Saiab (?): Concerning the draft by-law 2017-498-19 (Cf. 8.6), can we rent our main residence? Ans: Quebec has allowed owners to rent their principal residence on a short term basis; but municipalities are not obliged to accept this rule. Wentworth-Nord has chosen not to allow this type of rental. This is only for primary residences and is not for long term.
Mrs. Saiab: If we want to rent while we are away? Ans. (Mayor): No, it is no longer allowed in Wentworth-Nord. Ans. (Karine Dostie): Unless you have acquired before the adoption of the by-law (and before the interim control?). Ms. Saiab: But if you are still in the process of applying for the permit, and unable to do so, due to the current freeze; what if you have already purchased the land? Ans: The municipality cannot predict the intentions of the owners. Also, we are currently reviewing the by-laws and cannot give you more details in the meantime.
Mrs. Saiab: We are with friends, who bought contiguous lots, following invitations from the mayor at the time (Mr. A. Genest), during a housing show in Montreal, to take advantage of what Wentworth-Nord has to offer, in areas planned for ... and short term rental. Ans: That was six years ago, but reality is changing and municipalities are having to adapt. I can't discuss your personal case. Ms. Saiab: But there are many of us and not rich people... Ans: We can't discuss that now, thank you ma'am!
Ms. Denyse Pinsonneault: You are talking about the tax bills that were sent out, but we have not received anything. Rep. (Mr. Ron Kelly): The process is ongoing and the accounts should all be delivered next week.
Mr. Martin Tessier, Saint-Michel sector (addressed to K. Dostie): You have been in power for one year, Mrs. Desjardins; you are constantly playing with zoning without consulting us. In Saint-Michel there are no services, and we want to build our community. You always intervene to prohibit, and never to create and have a vision. We have lost a year and we don't want to lose another one. We need a Vision Saint-Michel committee. Answer (K. Dostie): We are actively planning: seniors, etc., and we will have consultations. Tessier: We have been talking for years; see the case of the church, with committees and nothing concrete. And it is like that in everything. We want to act. The mayor refutes Mr. Tessier's statements, indicating that the interim control is a big job and that the citizens will be able to express their opinion on the orientations and proposals presented.
A gentleman X in the room: He has properties and wants to know if he will be able to rent them out in the short term. The mayor told him that she could not answer him because the whole question is under study, within the framework of the interim control and the revision of the by-laws.
Mr. Y says he bought two lots in 2019 to build cottages. "And now you're talking about I don't have the right to rent in the short term." Ans: There is no mention of this in the draft amendment to the regulations tabled today; it is only about owners of a primary residence and who will no longer be able to rent it out on a short-term basis. Short-term rentals (cottages, etc.) are still under consideration, (and the current freeze applies to them), so we can't answer you today. Mr. Y: "Several people have taken the money from the bank and invested here; and we have to pay it back. Can't you help us?" Ans: As long as the interim control lasts, we can't do anything.
Mr. Pascal Moreau:
- About the taxes on vacant land. What about forest properties, which are not intended for construction? According to the president of the forestry group in the region, Mr. Pierre Baril... Answer: The vocation of the land has nothing to do with it, and it is never assured; the type of classification of the land is the responsibility of the MRC. It is a tax imposed by the former administration, and it will be abolished in 2024.
- Mr. Moreau returned to the festival announced by the Table de concertation ... (CF. 4.7) and praised the quality of a pure sky, illuminated with stars, in Wentworth-Nord (not so pure in Montfort, where the lighting coming from Morin-Heights does not allow for optimal observation of said stars...)
Another gentleman asked if a permit could be obtained to build short-term rental cottages in zone H 71. Ans: The Mayor reminds that no short-term rental construction permit can be issued during the current interim control, and that the subject will be subject to consultation. Here, Councillor Gosselin clarifies that the information communicated on the draft by-laws in question will be clearer. He also pointed out that those who obtained permits from Quebec, before the imposition of the interim control, are not subject to it.
Ms. Catherine Léger: "Where are we with the future of Saint-Michel Church? Response from Mrs. Desjardins: We are still waiting for the report from the architectural firm to complete our health file for the building. The mayor added that she would prefer its transformation into a multi-sector service center. The municipality and the chamber of commerce are working on this option. She believes that, given the financial state of the municipality, the objectives, etc., grants could be obtained to cover 80% of the costs of the transformation. "It is certain that the transformation cannot be done this year. But we hope to be able to go out to bid next spring."
A lady in the room comes to ask for confirmation of what she understood from the previous interventions on the modification of the regulations regarding renting, foreseen in the draft regulation 2017-498-19 (Cf. 8.6). Same response as to previous interventions on the matter by the mayor.
Ms. Ramona Iordache: (Again on the impact of By-law 2017-498-19 on short-term rentals; case here of investors on the Chemin du Lac-Thurson side). "We made disbursements; but everything is frozen with your interim control... What's going to happen to us? We don't want to be forgotten. We've all invested our assets in this project. We've been held back by the pandemic, by the elections, and now by the interim control; we want to know what direction we're being taken." Rep: "For the sixth time, I'm responding that item 8.6 does not affect short-term leasing."
A gentleman asked:
- What will the consultations look like and what will the council do with them. Will it be like the one in January with the lake associations? Ans: Yes, that would be fine and the council has taken into account the recommendations that came out of that.
- Will the interim monitoring last 90 days? Ans: There is no set duration.
A disgruntled older first responder returned to the microphone to explain that he had purchased land a few years ago, specifying that it was for the construction of rental cottages. But now that the cottages have been built, he can no longer obtain a permit because of the freeze (Indeed!)
Another asked for clarification on the content of this interim control and on the qualifications of those who will see to the modification of the regulations. Answer: We are working with lawyers, urban planners; we have Councillor Gosselin who follows these files on Council and who has seen snow.
Question on item 7.1, Councillor Horan's presentation on the Public Land Use Plan. Ans: Ms. Horan resumed her explanations; while Ms. Desjardins explained that the Department is consulting with hunters, municipalities, etc., to review its five-year plan. Since we have a lot of public land in Wentworth-Nord, we want to express our concerns in this regard.
A stakeholder is concerned that the interim control and what it entails may take years... Councillor Gosselin replies that information must be prepared to allow citizens to participate in an informed manner in the consultations and to give their opinion on the proposals presented. The councillor will indicate that his profession is to build cottages, etc.; that he cannot be against that.
Ms. Johanne Pagé asked:
- What is happening with animal control, since the SPA has been dismissed. She can no longer have a tag for her dog, which would assure her that it is protected. Ans: The mayor explains that the SPA wants to impose its rules on the municipality. But, some of them are contrary to the solution to be considered for the case, among others, of the 50 stray cats on the side of the Notre-Dame Lake, (whose reproduction must be prevented). Wentworth-Nord did not renew its contract; it will see to the animal control and will send you a license for your dog...
- The Dubois curve has still not been straightened, except for a small fifty foot section; what will happen to it? Answer: We don't own the road and we can't take the hand of the Department of Transportation.
- What about the closed trails? JP: You are not answering our questions.
A gentleman: Why are you so focused on short-term rentals. Do you want to close us? Yes or no? The mayor replies that she does not respond to ultimatums.
What about business?
Amazing news at the last Municipal Council meeting: By the will of committed citizens, the Chambre de commerce et de développement durable Wentworth-Nord has just been born. But who sees businesses in our municipality? (It is true that this is a community project, which is not limited to the traditional fields of activity of these institutions.) There are no more businesses in Montfort, and it is necessary to fight to keep the few that are still open in Laurel, as described in a report by Radio-Canada radio: Sauver des commerces de proximité. The reporter, René Saint-Louis, had the chance to be invited to the public meeting to save the Nouveau resto de la Rivière Perdue, in Laurel, which was taken over by the Maison de Sophie and became the Rendez-vous des 4 pôles, which we heard about several months ago.The reporter, René Saint-Louis, had the chance to be invited to the public meeting to save the Nouveau resto de la Rivière Perdue, in Laurel, which was taken over by the Maison de Sophie and became the Rendez-vous des 4 pôles, which we heard about several months ago.
Indeed, due to financial difficulties or lack of succession, alternatives are rare to keep businesses alive in small municipalities. Due to a lack of succession, the century-old grocery/general store at the eastern entrance to Laurel was taken over by the Coop de solidarité Laurel Station in 2011. The MRC prefect and former mayor of Wentworth-Nord, Mr. André Genest, reminded the reporter that there was once a bakery, a gas station and even a hotel in Laurel. It is known that, at the time of the presence of the Montfort orphanage, there was a hotel and businesses in this village. Mr. Genest added that the cooperative model seemed to him to have been the most successful in such cases. We had to stop looking for goods and services in distant cities when they were available locally.
The result of this cooperative movement was the Coopérative des 4 Pôles, dedicated to the development of tourism in the four villages (Wentworth-Nord - Lac-des-Seize-Îles); involved in the survival of the Lac-des-Seize-Îles General Store, now closed and in the process of being restructured; involved in restaurant services for the latter as well as for the Laurel Station Cooperative; a gasoline supplier (in the Sixteen Islands?); in charge of the Shuttle on the Sixteen Islands Lake; and other. However, it is itself undergoing restructuring. Co-ops are said to have twice the life expectancy of private businesses, the report says, but they face the same challenges as private businesses. In fact, our perception of cooperatives may be tainted by the fact that they are often formed to take over a failing business, with the priority of saving threatened jobs and often local services. If the profitability is not there, the effort will be in vain, and the money invested will often be lost.
As one participant in the report points out, one would have to travel 60 km to get to and back with a “quart” of milk purchased in Saint-Sauveur or Lachute. "Offering frozen meals, at a good price for the elderly clientele (or in the form of) lamb chops in sauce for vacationers who arrive at their cottage on Fridays"; offering the renowned small sandwiches of the 4 Poles Co-op catering service; or being a drop-off point for the SAQ; are among the many adaptations put to the test by the Laurel Station Co-op. Loyal customers of the business feel that residents are not sufficiently aware of the services it offers. There is certainly also an awareness to be developed with this potential clientele. It is at this price that the few existing or to be attracted local businesses could currently flourish in Wentworth-Nord.
Doesn't increasing the clientele, or reaching a threshold of frequentation that will ensure the profitability of businesses, also imply an increase in the number of residents and visitors? The municipality is announcing a 12% increase in its budget; most of the increase in revenue involved will come from various taxes, including property tax. The arrival of new valuable properties or integrated projects, in the Montfort sector or elsewhere, and while making the best use of the municipal infrastructures already in place, would not be sufficient to increase these property revenues enough to absorb the anticipated increase in expenses. So, we need more? And the gentrification of the area and the tax increases may affect less affluent households.
But the current imposition of interim controls is intended, among other things, to better match real estate development with environmental protection. Will this result in a halt to construction or a greater effort to put in place the infrastructures that will allow for "sustainable" development, meaning development that will not harm the environment or the peace of mind of current residents?
There is an outcry against integrated projects, especially those for short-term rentals! With good reason, since the anticipated access to the village, to the parking lots, to the lakes and to our greenway, for these new residents, causes problems. The same outcry against visitors, for the same reasons. The services offered at the Montfort Pavilion are being eliminated; kayak, bicycle and other rentals are being abolished to dissuade visitors from venturing out. The Aerobic Corridor is closed for the winter and is a year-round problem. The Orphan Trail is underutilized, and its refuge abandoned.
Talking about tourism has become taboo. In terms of visitation, are large lakes, such as Lake St. Francois-Xavier, the only one here with some public access, already saturated? Or shouldn't more appropriate developments be considered: new public beaches here and there, bypass via Chemin Sainte-Marie in Montfort or parking lots on the outskirts, like at the Tremblant Resort, etc.? Will the decisions taken following this interim control put an end to all these contradictions?
This control imitates neighbouring cities that have done the same, but Wentworth-Nord does not have the physiognomy and character of these cities. In Sainte-Adèle, one is an Adélois; in Wentworth-Nord, one is primarily a resident of this or that lake, and one does not know well who lives or what happens at the neighbouring lake; and even less so in the other two villages of the municipality. The sense of place is very different, and fears about growth do not necessarily have the same meaning. In these towns, tourism and real estate development are part of the economy; they support businesses and municipal revenues. Now they need to set a threshold for development and opt for densification, or, as in Saint-Colomban, impose a levy on new construction. Wentworth-Nord is not at that point; quite the contrary. But, in its quest for equitable financing, it is adding an environmental tax and a surcharge on integrated short-term rental projects for garbage and recycling collection.
Yes, a chamber of commerce; but this is just the beginning. We have, by luck and determination of residents, a Lake St. Francois-Xavier Environmental Fund. Wouldn't we need an economic development fund, if we could find the financial backers; administered by a council that would know how to draw up a picture of the situation, advise the administration and promote the realization of admissible projects?
By Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) & Linguee
Special Council Meeting on Taxation 2023 (Report)
- Adoption of By-Law 2022-609 decreeing the imposition of a special tax for the protection of the environment. This tax will allow to carry out certain projects in this field, had indicated the mayor at the time of the presentation of this draft by-law. It will be (roughly) $50 per tax account.
- Adoption of By-law 2019-562-1 amending By-law 2019-562 imposing a special tax on vacant lots. 2023 will be the last year that there will be a tax on vacant lots.
- Adoption of By-Law 2023-580 to decree the imposition of taxes, compensations and tariffs for municipal services for the fiscal year 2023. The adoption of this by-law follows the adoption of the budget.
No questions.
W-N 2023 Budget & PTI 2023-4-5 presentation on Jan. 26, 2023 (report))
Government housing support Video version Power Point
At the podium, Councillors Colleen Horan, Karine Dostie and Eric Johnston. Mrs. Danielle Desjardins, Mayor, will present the budget and the Plan triennal d’investissement (three-year capital expenditure plan) 2023, 24, 25 by means of a Power point. The Director General, Mr. Ron Kelley, assisted the council.
During this special forty-minute council meeting, the Zoom meter will show up to twenty participants. Due to the weather, the mayor explained, the room at the Laurel Community Centre will be empty.
Budget 2023
In her introduction, the mayor reminded everyone that the property value of homes, including land, has increased significantly; by 50% on average, and even by 100% for some. However, Council has lowered the tax rate to compensate.
The budget is increasing by 12% this year. Like other municipalities, inflation has affected us. We also have to deal with an increase in salaries. There is no budgetary surplus, bequeathed by the previous administration, that could allow us to absorb part of these increases.
In addition, the MRC is giving us an increase that constitutes 3% of our own tax increase. Its tax rate for residual materials is increasing by 25%, which results in a huge increase of 20% in our contribution, or $140,000. This increase does not seem justified to us in this time of tightening finances. "I voted against this budget of the MRC... Smaller municipalities cannot afford to support such increases." In total, our contribution to the MRC budget constitutes 25% of our own.
- The highlights of the budget are $7,240,927 for revenues, as well as for expenses, of which, for the latter, $6,466,079 in the operating fund and $774,848 in financing costs. Here again, inflation has played a role.
- Assessment (taxable values) and roll value for 2023: The assessed value of all properties is $896,502,600. Their average value is $375,000; to which corresponds a tax increase of approximately $264(?).
- Taxes and compensations: The general property tax rate of $0.446 per $100 of assessment in 2022 drops to $0.350 in 2023, to compensate for the increase in assessment. In addition, there is a tax for the improvement of the road network, a tax for the SQ, a new tax for the environment, of $50 per property (we have many projects, for the lakes among others, and they must be financed); the tax for the disposal of household waste and recycling, which increases from $167 to $203 on residences, due to the increase of 25% by the MRC. Finally, there is an additional tax of $1,000 for the latter service aimed at short-term landlords; the number of tenants can rise to 20, 30, or even 50 per establishment, significantly increasing the municipal collection costs (around the semi-founded bins). The basic annual tax as well as the green tax (ecocentre) on residences and vacant lots are also increasing.
- General administration expenses: $30,000 in 2023 for "Clerk's Office and Elections", compared to $5,000 due to the by-election to council that will be held in District 2.
- Property assessment expenses: 2022, being an assessment year, had a more than double amount.
- In Administration - other, it goes from $395,114 in 2022 to $295,413 in 2023, because, by becoming permanent, some staff are simply no longer classified in this line item.
- In transportation, snow removal, for a normal winter, will cost more because of the increase in the price of gasoline mainly.
- In environmental health, we have seen that the collection of residual materials costs more. The focus on the environment for 2023 and the new tax explain the increase from $62,290 in 2022 to $201,019 in 2023.
- In urban planning, the expenses for hiring new staff explain that the cost will be $477,918 in 2023, compared to $381,186 in 2022.
Plan triennal d’investissement – PTI (three-year capital expenditure plan or program)
- Capital projects for 2023: We note the $13,275,600 for roads, for the rehabilitation of the Route Principale, Jackson and Millette Roads, which could not start in 2022. Here, Councillor E. Johnston specified that there are grants totaling approximately $12M for this project. Ms. Desjardins added that there are several ways to finance these investments: taxes, loans, leasing, etc.
- Administration (2023): $53,000 will be required to replace our outdated network and computer programs.
- Environment (2023): Note an expense of $2,000 for signage in the Newaygo sector, and $1,000 for the purchase of buoys for Lake Saint-François-Xavier.
- Recreation and culture (2023): There are a new platform and anchors for 20 boats at the Newaygo marina and a generator at St-Michel Church. In addition, $70,000 is provided for the Cap rocheux Lookout in Laurel.
- In the PTI Capital Summary, the $13.8M in 2023 is primarily due to the road restoration project; the figure will drop to $1.6M in 2025. Of the latter amount, $1.5M will be for recreation and culture, while only the relocation of the shelter (Orphans' Belvedere?) and the Montfort Community Centre project are highlights.
Councillor Johnston moved the adoption of the budget; it was done. Same for the PTI.
Question period
- The mayor will explain here that the evaluation of the total property value in the municipality, which is close to $1 billion, is used for the calculation of different financial allocations by the governments.
- André and Cécile. The question is about the Cap rocheux Belvedere at Lake Laurel. 70 000$ for this development seems huge, in these times of tax increases and other things... Rep. There is a 30 000$ grant here. AC: There is $40,000 left...
- Mrs. Denyse Pinsonneault asked if the vacant lots on Chemin-de-fer Street, where construction is prohibited, are subject to the tax. Answer: No, vacant lots that cannot be built on are not taxed; and Mr. Johnston will clarify that this is particularly the case for those in this sector.
Without prejudice; by Carl Chapdelaine
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Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of January 18, 2023: Report
Items 8.7, 8.9, 8.11 and 8.13 were deferred.
a. Further to requests for information, the mayor reminds that the municipality can reimburse up to $250 to citizens for their participation fees to activities at the Pays-d'en-Haut Sports Center or other municipal centers of the MRC.
b. The municipality will set up a program of twinning of neighbors to help the most vulnerable people during bad weather or others, for those who wish it.]
c. Thursday, January 26, 2023, at 6:30 p.m., there will be a presentation of the municipality's 2023 budget and its Three-Year Capital Program [Programme triennal d’immobilisation (PTI)] for 2023, 2024 and 2025. Zoom
d. The Mayor welcomed the creation of the Wentworth-Nord Chamber of Commerce by committed citizens and invited all merchants, professionals, self-employed, permanent residents or vacationers, to join. A press release will provide the necessary contact information.
e. On Friday, January 27, the municipality will hold a Lac-à-l'épaule in order, after having resolved several issues during the first year of its mandate, to begin the development of a strategic plan, with the planned implementation of various projects. Alternative programming will be presented to the public during consultations for their input.
4. Administration and correspondence
4.1 The total of salaries, purchases, disbursements and capital purchases for the month of December 2022 was $705,270, compared to $515,000 for 2021. The major expenditures were for computer equipment, a gas tank, all-terrain vehicles, etc. A lot of the municipality's equipment is obsolete.
4.2 Notice of vacancy for the position of councillor in seat number 2. No mention made of the name of Mrs. Karine Brunet (it's a complete mystery...). As there are more than 12 months before the next general election, there will be a by-election for this seat.
4.3 Notice of motion and filing of the draft by-law 2022-609 decreeing the imposition of a special tax for the protection of the environment, in order to carry out certain projects. It will be (roughly) 50$ per tax account.
4.4 Draft by-law amending the one imposing a special tax on vacant lots. It will concern those having 10 000 m2. Smaller lots will now be exempted from this tax. (The original wording of this item and the mayor's comments about a tax decrease on these lots, to compensate for the significant increase in property values, were contradicted by the interventions of Mr. Johnston and Mr. Gosselin, pointing out an error in the document. It should read: The tax will be maintained, except for small lots.
4.6 End of probation of the Director General and Clerk-Treasurer. Mr. Ron Kelly becomes permanent.
4.7 Installation of new network equipment. Given the upcoming end of life of the server, the acquisition of new network equipment becomes necessary. Quote of $57,500 accepted. To be amortized over 5 years.
5. Public Security
5.1 Report from the Chair of the Public Security Committee, the Mayor. With the Fire Safety Service, we want to improve the services to the most vulnerable people during critical events. (See 2. b.)
5.2 Tabling of activity reports from firefighters and first responders. 23 calls for the fire department in Dec. 2022, compared to 11 in Dec. 2021. The snowstorm explains the increase. There were 259 calls for the entire year of 2022. Proportionally, Wentworth-Nord had more calls than St. Sauveur in December.
6. Public works and management of municipal assets
6.1 Councillor Gosselin's report: The storm kept the team busy in December.
6.2 Road permit and maintenance agreement. Renewal of the annual agreement with the Ministry des Transports et de la Mobilité durable (of Transportation and Sustainable Mobility).
6.3 Amendment to By-law 2022-606 decreeing the terms and conditions for the assumption of responsibility for the partial maintenance of a portion of Chemin-de-Fer Street (from the gate to #1042) by the municipality for the winter period 2022-2023. It is simply to add the name of a person forgotten during the previous adoption of the by-law.
7. Environment
7.1 Report from the President of the Environment Committee, Councillor Colleen Horan: Ms. Horan reminds everyone that the consultation of the Lake Associations will be held in Saint-Michel this Saturday, January 21, at 1:00 p.m. (1:30 p.m.?), under the chairmanship of Mr. Benjamin Plourde, Environment Coordinator of the municipality. Any citizen who has an interest in participating is invited, if registered.
8. Urbanism and economic development
8.1 Report from the President of the Planning Committee: We continue the work, explains Councillor Johnston.
8.2 Tabling of the list of permits from December 1st to 31, 2022: 7 general permits last December versus 9 in Dec. 2021. 736 for the year 2022 vs. 786 in 2021. For $21M in 2022 vs. $25M in 2021. 45 subdivision permits in 2022 vs. 30 in 2021.
8.3 Hiring of an inspector in urban planning and environment, Mr. Eric Duhaime; and we are looking for another one...
8.4 Granting of a mandate to Hélène Doyon, Urbanist-Consultant, for the preparation of urban planning by-laws, within the framework of the current Interim Control. She will ensure the conformity of the bylaw proposals. The mayor indicated that it is hoped to lift this control as soon as possible. The rate is 155$/hour, for a total of 50 hours and 7 750$.
8.5 Granting of a personnel loan mandate to BC2, a consulting firm in urban planning and land use, for professional assistance in urban planning, following a tender. The municipality needs it to support its Urban Planning and Environment Department. These personnel will also be able to see to the application of the regulations (issuance of statements of offence, etc.). They are Mr. Vincent Simard and (or) François XYZ.
9. Recreation, culture and community life
9.1. Report from the President of the Recreation, Culture and Community Life Committee, Line Chapados: The Councillor invites the population to take advantage of the recreation chalet and the skating rink under the courtyard, which are open.
11. Subject of public interest
Lyne Chapados (?) Lunch meeting on Sunday, the 22nd, at the Lost River Restaurant, to discuss restoration (?). Seating to be reserved.
Question period
Mrs. Johanne Demers (in the room): How come there is no more help in Wentworth-Nord for people in difficulty, seniors, during storms or other? The mayor answers by pointing out to Mrs. Demers that she missed the beginning of the meeting where it was discussed. We will work with the Fire Department to set up a matching service between neighbors. We have more and more elderly people. During the big storm in the spring, everyone collaborated; but we could not obtain the list of vulnerable people from the Centre de santé et de services sociaux (CSSS), because it is confidential. We are going to draw one up. Households here should have a three-day supply of food to deal with such situations. Vulnerable people should be in contact with a resource. Councillor Karine Dostie agrees.
Mrs. Marie-Chantal Prévost:
- Asks for an explanation of the tax on vacant lots (see 4.4).
- Why is the Aerobic Corridor not cleared of snow in Laurel? Mayor's reply: "The MRC decided to close the Aerobic Corridor for the winter... We pay 7% for all the parks of the MRC... We have a feeling of great inequity.
- Can we go skiing or snowshoeing at the Base de plein air? Answer: It's private; you must contact the owners.
- About emergency situations: We open the church in St-Michel in these cases, with food and everything; but we had nobody because the residents were not aware of it. You have to call the church on these occasions. The service should be publicized, through the tax account or whatever. It would be very important to put a generator at the church. It would also be necessary to see to clear the roads by snowstorm... The mayor: all the centers which will be used as refuge will be equipped with generator.
- On the smearing of houses in Saint-Michel, a complaint was filed with Saint-Sauveur and the municipality. Can't we install a camera at the entrance of the Lac-Farmer Road, to have a proof?
Regarding Phase 2 of the Dumont Integrated Project:
- Is the exchange of lots with the city, allowing the realization of the project, adopted? Ans: No.
- What will be the process put in place for the adoption of this phase 2, which foresees about 30 housing units, and which was denounced in a petition signed by more than 200 people? Mayor's reply: It will be the usual procedure: Study by the Planning Advisory Committee. The project will have to be presented to a meeting of the municipal council for eventual adoption.
In closing, Mrs. Desjardins invited everyone not to miss the budget presentation next Thursday, the 26th.
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Migrants In The MRC Des Pays-D'en-Haut
"Between July 1, 2021 and July 1, 2022, 206,700 Quebecers changed their administrative region of residence, 11% less than in 2020‒2021, a year marked by a considerable increase in migration between regions. Fewer people left Montréal and other large centres over the past year, indicating that the effect of the pandemic on interregional migration may already have faltered."1 Note that we are not dealing with second homes here.
According to the Institut de la statistique du Québec's table of inter-regional migrations, at the MRC level, there were, in the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut and for the period 2021-22, 4,019 entrants and 3,078 departures, for a population gain of 941 individuals and a net rate of 1.97%, compared to only 1.12% for the entire Laurentian region. For the previous period, the inflows were 5,371, the outflows 3,607, for a gain of almost twice as many individuals (1,763).2
The contrast between the two periods was different for the balance of international (emigrant/immigrant or temporary) and interprovincial migration, which must be added to the interregional migration described above. According to provisional data, adapted from Statistics Canada by the Institut de la statistique du Québec, in the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut, from July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022, the balance of these international migrations resulted in an increase of 111 individuals. It was 85 for the same period from 2020 to 2021. Interprovincial migration, for its part, saw 142 people enter the MRC, compared to 74 leaving, for a gain of 68 individuals, compared to 86 for the previous period.3
1. https://statistique.quebec.ca/en/document/interregional-migratory-exchanges-in-quebec
2. In-migrants, out-migrants, net internal migration and corresponding rates, Québec RCMs (grouped by administrative region)
3. International and interprovincial migration, census divisions (sorted by administrative region), Québec, 2001-2022
(Please report any errors or discrepancies in interpretation).
By Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)