Lac Saint-François-Xavier Environmental Fund

Le Fonds sera créé avec la somme adjugée aux membres du Recours collectif du Lac Thurson.

Lake St. François-Xavier Environmental Fund AGM 2024

Held at Montfort Pavilion, September 7, 2024. Two dozen members attended.
(Our report can only be fragmentary, as we were unable to capture all the presentations and exchanges during the meeting).
- A word from the outgoing president, Mme Souzi Mhanna. She admits that she did not expect such a task and such a great responsibility when she accepted this position three years ago. She was very pleased to meet so many people in the community and appreciated how much the residents love and want to protect the lake. She leaves confident that Mr. Patrice Bernard, who has spared no effort in his volunteer duties, will be a good president of the Fund.

- Patrice Bernard
  • 2023 ballots are available.
  • Elections 2024. A director's term of office is three years. Four positions came to an end this year, those of Souzi Mhanna, Patrick Wilhelmy, Vivian Watson and Richard Morris. The last two are leaving us. John Wilson has also left. The minimum number of positions required is 3 and the maximum is 10.
  • We decided that for this year, with 7 positions, we would have a sufficient number of directors. There were consequently two positions up for renewal, but Patrick Wilhelmy and Souzi Mhanna are standing for re-election. No other candidatures were submitted following the call to members, although Jean-Pierre Corbeil reports having sent out 150 e-mails on the subject. So, no election required.
- J-P Corbeil has a word on the budget.
- Patrice Bernard gives details on the use of capital. Contrary to the usual practice of investing it in the short term, to ensure maximum availability, it was decided to invest part of the sum over the longer term, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years.
- Richard Morris presents the financial statements.

The Fund's 7 projects (their presentation will be given in the language of the presenter, then taken over by another director in the other language)

1. Counter-expertise on the proposed siding for Rue du Chemin-de-fer. Jeremy Rycroft gives a summary of the situation regarding the Ministère des Transports et de la Mobilité durable (MTMD) road project and the request for assistance from the Fund by residents opposed to this proposal. Ms. Mhanna announced that the Fund had agreed to cover $9,000 of the $30,000 it cost these residents to hire an engineer. They have given him the mandate to evaluate the merits of the MTMD proposal and to provide a counter-expertise on this proposal.

The residents want to emphasize the major threat to the lake environment that the construction of these roads would pose. They would involve, for each property served, access ramps directly oriented towards the lake shore, thus directing as many sources of sediment to the lake. The Fund will contribute to three annual instalments of $3,000. The MTMD study will be available on the Fund's website.

Mr. Jacques Leblanc, co-signatory of the legal proceedings against the parties involved in the Newaygo bridge closure, goes on to explain the absurdity of this road proposal.

2. Lake health plan. The Fund, in collaboration with the Association du lac Saint-François-Xavier, wants to update the “Stewardship Plan” commissioned by the latter. Ms. Mhanna explains that we want to cover everything to do with the lake's environment: monitoring, protection and so on.

3. Study by biologist Louise St-Cyr. The Chair repeated, in English, the main points presented by the biologist; while Ms. Diana Zakaib Jegou, in French, also emphasized the incompatibility of the MTMD road project with the warnings issued by Ms. St-Cyr. Louise St Cyr's presentation would be available on the Fund's website for reference.

4. Lake (benthic) mats to prevent the spread of broad-leaf pondweed
o Ms. Mhanna outlined this project supported by the Fund. Mr. Bernard will resume his presentation in French. They emphasize the municipality's contribution, with a $5,000 grant for this project, which it chose from a list. The number of visitors and the work of the volunteers were among the criteria that prevailed in this choice.

5. Boat wash. Patrick Wilhelmy stresses the importance of this station. He mentions, among other things
o That visitors must use it.
o That some visitors are putting their boats in the water, on the beach or elsewhere, without the required sticker and sometimes in defiance of residents' warnings.
o More supervision is needed. There are 5 constables for the entire municipal territory.
o You can call a constable if you witness an infraction.
o We should try to warn visitors who don't follow procedure, but without playing the constable.
o There is the danger of boat trailers backing into the lake. Owners who use specialized companies to store their boats must ensure that the trailer has been washed according to regulations.
o Councillor Horan adds some information (inaudible).

6. Dredging of the Montfort bridge channel. Mr. J.-P. Corbeil gives an update on recent history:
o The sand and gravel of the Grande Côte de la Principale, which flows into the lake.
o The accumulation of sand and gravel in the channel, where you could once dive from the bridge into six feet of water.
o Impact on current strength and increased sediment accumulation.
o The Ministry of Transport's installation of the sediment pit at the foot of the coast.
o Lack of emptying of the pit and its weaknesses during storms, all of which still cause sediment to enter the channel.
o Dredging of the channel, but back to square one with a refilled channel.
o Approaching the municipality to request new dredging; with the hope that this will be a reality by 2025.

7. The website. Mr. Corbeil explains the purpose of the site, which is to :
o Communicate information about the lake environment and the Fund's actions, among other things.
o Provide a form for submitting a project to the Fund.
o He explains that the English version should take shape this fall.

Question period (We were unable to capture the exchanges during this period.) But the undersigned's intervention concerned :
- The desired participation, at these annual meetings, of a member of the municipal council, or administration, authorized to answer questions or make a presentation, as was once the case at the ALSFX. Here, Ms. Céline Bouchard, of the Association's Executive, indicates that the municipality's Environmental Coordinator, Mr. Benjamin Plourde, who has resigned, had been invited to this year's AGM, but had declined the invitation.
- Following the discovery of an oil or gasoline slick on the lake, on the eve of the current meeting, that there should be surveillance of the boats which, perhaps every year, sink as a result of storms or lack of attention.

Translated with DeepL & Linguee

Subject to change without notice; by Carl Chapdelaine

Lake Saint-François-Xavier Environmental Fund's AGM 2023 

Note: Summary report.

Held at the Royal Canadian Legion Centre, Morin-Heights, on September 3, 2023, under the chairmanship of Mrs. Souzi Mhanna. There must have been around fifty people in the room.
The president thanked the participants for their interest in the environment of the lake and the Fund. The fifty or so new members signed up over the past few months testified to their growing interest in the Fund's role and achievements.

- Shoreline studyIn her presentation of the organization's achievements since the previous general meeting, we noted above all the project presented by the directors themselves: the study of the shoreline of the ʺMontfortʺ part of Lake Saint-François-Xavier, located at its eastern end. Carried out by biologist Louise St-Cyr, it focused more specifically on the Monfort Pavilion basin, between the Route Principale bridge that crosses the lake and the outlet near the Pavilion and was completed on August 31, 2022. The report on this study had been distributed shortly before this meeting. The biologist had already made her mark in several studies of Quebec lakes. The study had been carried out on a small budget, thanks to the work of several volunteers. A grant was requested to supplement the study results with laboratory analysis.

We were fortunate to have such a fund at the Lake.

- Covering with canvas (lake mat)
In 2022, the Fund also launched another project: “Contingency Project to Protect Our (the) Lake from Invasive Plant Species”*. "The project included the fabrication of a lake mat made of geotextile material that would serve as a tool to control the spread of invasive aquatic plants." The board had approved a $2,000 budget for the project. "(The mats) simply work by blocking sunlight and thus prevent the growth of aquatic plants."

The Monfort Pavilion basin was to be the site chosen for this experiment. The native pondweed known as broad-leaf pondweed, which has spread in this basin and is causing increasing concern, justified this choice.
"We were very pleased not only with the result, but also with the fact that we were able to manufacture and install this mat in relatively deeper water. We now have the tools and knowledge to pass this information on to the community should we need to control an invasive aquatic plant in the future, quickly and cost-effectively." "This pilot project has been a success..."

"A group of Monfort-area residents (Cf. Invasive Pondweed) independent of the Fund also got together and, with the help of some of the Fund's trustees, developed an effective method of making multiple geotextile lake mats. They bought themselves a sewing machine for bags and also bought their own mats." "Their intention is to clear their dock so as not to spread the broad-leaf pondweed to the rest of the lake."
It is our understanding that a larger-scale tarping project to control the spread of this broad-leaf pondweed, with a new appeal to the biologist as well as to the municipality and government, could be part of a future Fund program.

- Fund membership renewal
It was proposed that renewal be automatic rather than subject to an annual application. The proposal was adopted, on condition that the attendance, unanimously in favor of the proposal, and the proxies received, represent 70% of members. This, we understand, will require further verification. Mr. Robert Théorêt had invoked the constitution of the Fund.

- Website for the Fund
The project, which the President has been particularly keen on, should take shape this year. It would already make it possible to present the results of studies and analyses commissioned by the Fund, as well as other projects that have sprung up.

- 5 new directors
Following the presentation of 7 candidates, the registered members elected the following new directors:
 Jean-Pierre Corbeil
 Diana Jegou
 Jeremy Rycroft
 Laurie Wallace
 John Wilson
In addition, two directors, Richard Morris and Patrick Wilhelmy, whose terms of office were coming to an end, were reappointed by a show of hands of the registered members.

- Question period
 Robert Théorêt: Why liability insurance? Ans: Rather than dipping into the Fund's reserves, the insurance would pay if we were sued.
 How long are the terms of office, and what about possible renewal?

 Carl Chapdelaine: In the wake of the Shoreline Study, in which sediment thickness was measured and found to be serious, as well as being the source of aquatic plant multiplication, could we review the reasons why dredging of the Pavillon Montfort basin was abandoned in the past, and examine the possibility of getting the government to go ahead today? Response from J-P Corbeil: It took two years before the Ministry of the Environment gave such authorization that time...

 Raymond Noël, pres. ALSFX :
o Concerning a prevention and intervention plan, as mentioned during this session, our organization has already presented a very valid one.
o Furthermore, the association has an impressive history of sampling and analysis of lake water quality. There should be no duplication of resources. Ans: We mentioned in our speech that biologist Louise St Cyr had requested the missing tests. She's aware of the cost of testing and doesn't want to multiply it either.

 Diana Jegou: (The question seemed to be about the eligibility criteria for membership of the Fund; but we couldn't hear it).

 Eleanor Dunford: Do all members have a copy of the constitution? Ans: No; but it would be simpler to publish it on the website.

*Quotations are taken from documents submitted to members.

Without claiming to have presented here an accurate report of the AGM, and on his own behalf, by Carl Chapdelaine.

Lake Saint-François-Xavier Environmental Fund's AGM 2021

Held on Sept. 4, 2021
(Note: There are perhaps three or four dozen residents scattered around the property who came to attend the meeting).

Ms. Souzi Mhanna and Mr. ? were elected by acclamation to the Board of Directors.

Mr. Théorêt announced that his term of office was coming to an end, so he would leave the place to the person chosen by the directors from among themselves.

He indicated that the Fund had not received any grant applications for projects during the past year.

The President then explained the Fund's involvement, with the Lake St. Francois-Xavier Association, in the plan (put forward by Councillor David Zgodzinski) to counter any possibility of a lake owner giving access to the lake to non-riparian owners.

[Recall that the legal mechanics of this plan, as we understand it, is to purchase a lot (in this case, a lakefront lot) and impose on all willing owners of other lots (in this case, other lakefront owners, (including the municipality?)) to accept the same easement imposed on that lot; the easement here being the prohibition of right of way to any non-waterfront owner. This lot, which imposes such servitude on the others, becomes a "dominant land"; the lots which are subject to it are then said to be "servient land".

(However, if a single riparian owner refuses to participate in this plan, his or her property could allow a right of access to the lake. This is unless other provisions imposed by the municipality, such as usage restrictions, prevent it). At Lac Notre-Dame, a quarter (?) of the owners would have refused and the results of such an agreement with Lac St-Victor Estates would not have been conclusive, we have already heard.

Not being an incorporated organization, the ALSFX called upon the Fund to legally set up such a plan. And Lac St-Victor Estates has committed, for their lot # 5 589 067 at the head of Lake St-François-Xavier, to accept such an easement; which would at least settle this case]. Cf.:

It is the Municipality that is selling, for $1, a small waterfront lot at the head of the lake to initiate the implementation of this plan. However, Mr. Théorêt explained, a technicality obliged the Fund to obtain a modification to its status (or a number?). The problem is now solved and it will be up to the next Board of Directors to continue the operation.

It will remain a laborious exercise to make the rounds of the owners of lots bordering the lake, to bring them to agree to become the servient land here, and thus to include an easement of non-access in any sale contract affecting their property, agrees Mr. Théorêt.

The Fund, said Mr. Gerald Van Gurp or the President, obtained information from Ms. Danièle Bourassa, a member of the executive of the Lac Notre-Dame Property Owners Association, to develop its model.

The undersigned asks whether the Fund has assessed the value of this entire process and the likelihood of achieving the desired results. And whether it does not require the acceptance of all waterfront lot owners to prevent a non-waterfront owner (private or corporate) from eventually having a right of access to the lake. The Chairman indicated that he already knows that, in Lake St. Francois-Xavier, at least one will not sign.

Mr. Raymond Noël, President of the ALSFX, will specify that the success of the operation cannot be guaranteed at 100%; but that we are working in the right direction at the Lake Association.

The undersigned also asks if the Fund does not commit itself, and forever, in possible legal challenges by becoming a key intermediary in such a legal commitment.

The new director, Mrs. Souzi Mhanna, will take the floor to introduce herself to the members present. She and her husband first rented at the lake and then purchased one of the properties built in the village, on the site of the former Dott's café.

The outgoing Treasurer, Mr. Michael Kraus, will summarize the financial statements of the Fund. The holdings were $220,000 at the beginning of 2020, and $220,855 at the end of the fiscal year. We noted that there was $2,840 in interest (to be verified) and $2,702 in legal fees.

The question of how to further grow the assets came up again this year. We heard that the Fund preferred to focus on the security of its assets. But shouldn't donations be sought, one resident added (to be verified)?

The undersigned, recalling the Fund's earlier rejection of a grant request to engage the services of the Conseil régional de l’environnement (CRE) in the preparation of a lake master plan, in consultation with all stakeholders, asked if the project could be resubmitted. Any application would be evaluated by the Fund, was Mr. Théorêt's response. (We would later be taken to task by a member of the ALSFX Executive who reminded us of the involvement of Ms. Eileen Raymond, their biologist, and Mr. Mathieu Madison, a recognized expert in the field, and whose report was awaited by the Association's members. We were told of the work done under their direction, particularly in the collection of water samples at the mouths of the streams feeding the lake).

The undersigned, noting the low representation of the residents of the village at this meeting, asked if there was an explanation. We understood from the chairman's reply that membership renewal invitations had been discontinued for those who did not respond. But one participant gave the example that a person from the village, who was very involved in protecting the lake environment, had failed to be elected to a board position. Was she referring to the Fund Board or the ALSFX Executive? She seemed to be conflating the two in practice, as it seemed to her that the situation existed in both organizations.

Without claiming to have presented here an accurate report of the AGM, and on his own behalf, by Carl Chapdelaine

Translated with (free version) & Linguee

AGM of the Lake Saint-François-Xavier Environmental Fund 2020


Held at the home of the president, Mr. Robert Théorêt, at 1003 du Chemin-de-Fer Street, W-N, on Sept. 5.

There is a quorum of 20% of the members. Agenda and minutes of the 2019 AGM are adopted.

The President will take care to speak in both languages and translate third party interventions if necessary.

The election following the departure of three directors allows the three candidates who have come forward, Mr. Patrick Wilhelmy, banker, Mr. Richard Morris and Mr. Gerald Van-Gurp, physician, to be chosen. The first has been at the lake for only one year; the other two have been at the lake for many years. All of them say they want to dedicate themselves to its protection.

Mr. Théorêt's report from the Board dealt with Mr. Didus' application for a grant to study the problem of sediment accumulation in front of his property. This was in response to the Lake Thurston debris flow that led to the class action suit at the origin of the creation of the Fund, the President said in question period. Based on the opinion of Mr. Mathieu Madison, a biologist (on contract to the Lake association), his problem would have been considered that of an individual, we understand.

The expert would have indicated, among other things, that there are more than a dozen zones in the Lake where equally harmful layers of sediment have accumulated. Moreover, the recovery of the sediments (as we learned in the case of the attempt to restore the channel at the foot of the Big Hill at Montfort) would cause a new disturbance of the Lake's environment. His request was rejected. Mr. Théorêt reiterated that sedimentation was a normal process; both in front of Mr. Didus' home and elsewhere. This misunderstood the reasons for the rejection of the application. It was recommended that Mr. Didus appeal to the Ministry of the Environment instead....

One project, internal to the Fund (?), was the hiring of a lawyer to shed light on boat washing regulations. After reviewing the status of this by-law, its application, its impact, the parking sticker game, etc., the fruit of her report would have been the assertion that we cannot force the Municipality to apply its regulations, we understood.

As for the rumours that the Fund would be used as a bank for the ALSFX, the president reminded that any applicant could submit a project, which would be analyzed according to the prescribed criteria.

The Treasurer, Mr. Michael Kraus, then presented the financial statement table, noting that the Fund's assets were being invested in conservative sources of revenue.

At the question period, Mr. David Clark, the founder of the Fund, will ask the Board to consider ways to grow the Fund's assets so that it can be fully maintained (following possible contributions for projects). Mr. Théorêt did not seem to see a way to generate revenue for the Fund. Mr. Clark would eventually suggest that donations be sought, as is done for many organizations.

Councillor D. Zgodzinski, former Treasurer of the Fund, will ask who is monitoring the lake; for the possible appearance of invasive species, among other things. (We were unable to capture what he was saying, which was disclosed under cover of a mask, but that is what the answers suggest).  Again, it was from the biologist (and president of Abrinord), Mr. Madison, that the lake association had obtained a work plan for this purpose. Mr. Zgodzinski was reminded by Mr. David Clark that this was a matter for the Lake Association and not for the Fund. The Lake Association, as suggested by its Treasurer, Ms. S. Welsh, would apply to the Fund for grants for such projects when required. Mr. Zgodzinski urged regular monitoring of the threat of the introduction of Eurasian water milfoil into the lake.

Without claiming to have presented here an accurate report of the AGM, and on his own behalf, by Carl Chapdelaine

Translated with (free version) & Linguee

Lake St-Francois-Xavier Environmental Fund AGM 2019 (report)

(Held at Pavillon Monfort on August 10, 2019.)

Mr. Jacques St-Laurent, outgoing President, having left the region and resigned, the meeting was chaired by Mr. Robert Théorêt, who also provided translation when necessary. Power Point supports presentations by Board members

Welcoming remarks
The Speaker thanked Board members who volunteered to administer the Fund, including Mrs. L. Bulmer and Mrs. V. Watson.

Determination of quorum 
The quorum necessary to hold this AGM, 20% of the 45 members in good standing today, was acquired.

Approval of the Meeting agenda and Minutes from the 2018 AGM

As two of the outgoing directors, Ms. Jennifer Barnard and Ms. Mary-Lou Dallas(?) stood for re-election, and only two candidates, Mr. Patrick Ducharme and Ms. Petrina Kanya(?), solicited the other two vacancies, the four openings were filled by acclamation.

Board's report
 - Activities of the Fund: Corporate and tax declaration. Capital management and expenses. Translation of Regulations #4 and #5. (It was agreed to eventually translate all the regulations.)

 - Project funding: No new projects were submitted in 2018. A request from Mr. Didus (?) is being evaluated for 2019.

Financial update (Mr. Michael Kraus)
 - In 2018, revenues (interest and investments) were $ 2,850; financial expenses of $ 78. The balance is ≈3,000. (The value of the Fund was $ 220,949 as at December 31, 2017.) The tax return cost $ 2,587 for 2019. There will also be an expense for the translation. (Due to being unable to note everything, the figures are uncertain.)

Question period
 - Councilor David Zgodzinski recalled that he had already suggested that the Fund and the ALSFX be legally bound; to facilitate exchanges, avoid over-soliciting the same volunteers, etc. He makes the same proposal again. Mr. Théorêt replied that the legal constitution of the Fund does not allow this. D.Z. suggests, however, to form a committee to study the possibility of linking the two organizations. M. Théorêt asks for the vote; while some members take the floor to demand a preliminary debate. The undersigned and one or two other members will oppose a structural link between the two entities. After a few exchanges, Mr. Zgodzinski accepted a suggestion to propose working on a simple coordination between the Fund and ALSFX. This motion is adopted in the majority.

The undersigned, claiming that the audience does not appear to be reflective of the community as a whole, will ask if the solicitation to all original members could not be relaunched to increase attendance at the AGM. Mr. Théorêt will recall that an invitation has been sent to all those who are on the list of (those who are eligible as members).

Without prejudice and without pretending to represent the Fund; by Carl Chapdelaine

With Google Translate and Linguee.

Lake St. Francois-Xavier Environmental Fund AGM 2018 (report)

(Held at the Pavilion Montfort, August 11).
The meeting was chaired by Mr. Jacques St-Laurent, President of the Fund, who also provided the translation. Questions will be accepted (and translated) throughout the course of the Assembly. A PPP is a support to the presentations of the members of the Council.
Word of welcome
The President thanked the members of the Council who voluntarily contribute to the administration of the Fund.
The quorum
The quorum required for the holding of the AGM was acquired. Mr. St-Laurent notes and welcomes the fact that, even if there is not 50% of the 60 members in the room, this percentage was acquired through proxies in the hands of those who were there. Besides, a technical modality established the necessary quorum to 20%, such as proposed at the AGM of 2017.
Acceptance of the order of the day and minutes of the 2017 AGM
The Varia point is added to the agenda to allow members to complete this last at their leisure.
The minutes of the 2017 AGM were adopted.
Furthermore, the Chairman explained that, if proposed regulations were delivered only in English, it's that their original submission had been introduced only in that language. Only the section of the constitution presented for obtaining federal enforcement had been drafted in both languages. (?) To get an official translation of these amended regulations represent an expenditure of a few thousands of $. The president then wants to defer the choice to the wishes of the Assembly.
It is then proposed to possibly seek an opportunity to be able to get the services of translation with a better deal or settle for an unofficial translation in accompaniment of the original English version.
As he had announced, Mr. David Zgodzinski, had left his post at his election as a Councillor. The mandates of Mr. St. Laurent and an administrator, Mrs. V. Watson (?) had also ended. One new candidate had offered to serve on the Board, Mr. Robert Théorêt, a newcomer to Montfort but coming from a local old family. As the two outgoing directors are seeking a new mandate, the three vacancies were filled by acclamation.
Report of the President
No new projects had been presented since those of the Association du lac Saint-François-Xavier for:
1. A legal opinion on the agreement with the Municipality on the application of the rules concerning washing of boats. (?)
2. The hiring of students for monitoring the application of the regulation. (?)
On the other hand, says the president, he noted at the last July AGM of the ALSFX, two projects likely to be submitted to the Fund, including a survey or five-year environmental action plan. (?)
The President recalled that the directors are not appointed to create projects and that this task is under the community’s initiative. However the Council had discussions on the topics of administration, including some that had been discussed at the AGM of 2017, as the allocation of the right to vote per household.
Financial report (Mr. Kraus)
-          Income (from interest and investments) have been of $1 891,84; spending of $11 447,56, for a deficit of $9 555,72.
-          Like last year for the washing of boats monitoring project, one speaker questioned the merits of funding, for example, the hiring of monitors for the ALSFX. (?) This task according to him, did we understand, is not corresponding to the objectives of the Fund and should probably be assumed by the municipal authorities.
He also believes that the Fund should generate enough income in order that it does not reduce its assets; or to cover at least the administrative costs.
The President explained that, by its very nature probably, the Fund wasn’t seeking to generate revenue that could offset the amounts awarded in grants. Is it debatable whether to change the constitution in this regard?
-          The undersigned proposes that bequests be looked for or that, to preserve its assets, funds are lent rather than given in some projects.
-          It is asked if there was an external auditor for the approval of the financial statements. Mr. D. Zgodzinski, the former Treasurer of the Fund, (and/or the President?) replied that that the accountant was having this task.
Question of regulations
-          Long discussions are held on a proposal of the Board to simplify how to determine how many members of a household have the right to vote; whether to be owner or tenant, etc. Among other things, it seems that under the current constitution, there is no vote limit per household.
-          Current rules: " At present there are three classes:
a. owners of residences up to 300 metres from the lake
b. tenants of residences up to 300 metres from the lake
c. owners or tenants over 300 metres from the lake within the watershed»

In front of various, sometimes conflicting opinions, and that resume the discussion of the previous year, the president agrees to recall it for further study using the expressed comments and submit by email a new formulation to the members. (We understand that the proposal to amend the original regulation is adopted; but without an exact lecture of the content to be added?)
-          The Chairman recalled that the AGM in August does not meet the requirement that it be held in the first six months of the financial year, which currently corresponds to that of the calendar. Should either the financial year be moved or the AGM be held in mid-June? The views expressed indicate that to advance the date of the AGM would be simpler, without charge and without negative consequence.
Question period
-          The undersigned asks, in the event that a project submitted to the Fund includes technical or scientific aspects, as for example a fish ladder between Lake Saint-François-Xavier and Deer Lake, what would be the analysis protocol of such project, especially when their assessment goes beyond the competence of the administrators? And if it is required that the project developers have also appealed to the agencies and the existing public assistance programs?
Mr. St. Laurent, who already had during a previous item indicated that it would appeal to any external source if necessary, responds that the sub-question considerations are already listed in the forms to be filled for presentation of a project.
-The question of the quorum required for the holding of the Assembly is back on discussion. The proposal to limit to 20% is finally adopted. Mr. St. Laurent shows that this percentage is already high compared to what is required generally. Without obtaining a quorum for the AGM, the Board could move forward alone in the decision-making process.

Without prejudice, by Carl Chapdelaine

Google Traduction

The LSFX environnemental Fund AGM

Annual general meeting of the Lac Saint-Francois-Xavier Environmental Fund Inc.
Held August 26, 2017 at 9:30, at the Montfort Pavilion. There is quorum.
(Partial and preliminary report.)

Welcoming remarks
-          The president, Mr. Jacques St-Laurent, opens the Assembly in both languages; he will keep this approach for bilingualism throughout the meeting.
-          He recalls the role of the Board of Directors of the Fund. It's a fiduciary role for the management of the funds entrusted to it by the members. It is therefore not such as the Executive Committee of the Lake Association which is entrusted with the direction of the Organization.
-          To comply with federal regulations, the annual general meeting should take place no later than six months after the submission of the financial report, on 31 December. That means changing the dates of the fiscal year or holding the AGM before the end of June.
-          Mr. St-Laurent points out that the Fund has projects acceptance criteria and that these could possibly be changed.

Agenda and minutes of the 2016 AGM
-          They were sent to members by e-mail.
-          The minutes were approved with minor corrections. A corrected copy will be sent to members.

-          Four positions must be filled by means of the election. Two administrators are leaving and two others, who have completed their mandate, are looking for a new mandate.
-          Mrs. Cecile Rowcliffe and Mr. Michael Kraus are the only new candidates.
-          As in the previous year, members requested the vote by acclamation; which is done. The four candidates are thus elected to the four positions to be filled.
-          Note: Following departures during the term, the Council may appoint temporary administrators who should be confirmed in their positions at the next AGM.

Financial report
-         The report, covering the financial year ending December 31, 2016, was sent to members by e-mail.
-         It indicated interest revenues and close to $ 1,000 in expenses related to ordering posters and a flyer on the washing of boats for the ALSFX.
-          Among expenditures estimated for 2017 were $ 2,300 for a tax return covering the period of 3 years; as well as $ 2,000 for the legal notice and, to date, $ 7,000 for the hiring of attendants, in connection again with the boat wash. The provision of expenses under this item was, however, more important, as seemed to appear in the Power Point presentation of the AGM.
-          The proposal of accompaniment by the Conseil régional de l’environnement des Laurentides (CRE-Laurentides), coupled with the elaboration of a Lake Health Master Plan, was refused due to some project acceptance criteria; but it seems of great interest for the protection of the Lake and could again be the subject of a request.
-          Mr. D. Zgodzinski reminds that the list of projects for grant applications can fluctuate considerably from one year to another, and expenditures attached are therefore often unpredictable.
-          It will be again specified in the question period, that any project greater than $ 25,000 must be approved at a meeting of the members.
-          He stressed that he will present his resignation as administrator of the Fund if elected as a municipal councilor in November.

Proposed changes to the General regulations
-          The President suggested reviewing the determination of the classes of members. Voting rights currently varies according to the class, which creates several complications and possibly injustices. Should there be two votes by owner or just one? Should tenants really have fewer rights? It is suggested that there be a single class and one vote per property (?). Members are invited to send their suggestions and comments to the Board on this subject. Any proposed change will be presented at the next AGM.
-          The question of a quorum and thus the possibility to hold a meeting allowing taking decisions and going in elections is put forward by the president. This quorum is currently set at 50% of the members. In case of a year without specific issue on the operations of the Board or for any other reason and as often seen in other NPO, it is anticipated that assistance at meetings is occasionally less than the 50% needed for quorum. This situation would put the operation of the Fund at risk. To more easily get the required quorum, an organization board could be tempted to not publicize the renewal of membership in order to remove those who do not follow its activities and do not attend its meetings. It is suggested to follow the example of the majority of NPOs and to lower the percentage to 20% (it is rather at 10 or 15% among other organizations of this kind).

Question period
-          A member complains that, despite important grants by the Fund for the control of the regulation on the washing of boats, many are found on the Lake without having gone through this obligation. In response, it is explained that officers with representative T-shirts are monitoring, as much as possible, the hot spots of the Lake. Anyway, the administration of this operation is in the hands of the Association of the Lake, which is officially working with the Municipality on this point. The MRC should also take responsibility for this problem, is it indicated.
-          Asked if the Board controls the use of the funds that it distributes, it is stated in response that invoices paid by the applicants must be provided. They are also asked on the progress of the projects and the spending of the funds incurred.
-          Another is nevertheless concerned about the possibility of introduction of invasive species in the Lake. In response, the responsibility of the MRC in the face of such a problem threatening our water bodies is again stressed.
-          The undersigned comes back on the refusal given to the Municipality to subsidize the project of a Health Master Plan of the Lake with the CRE and request further explanation on the reasons for rejection, while such plans have been developed to more than 26 lakes in the Laurentians, as in Sainte-Anne-des-lakes that has ordered half a dozen and on which it expresses its great satisfaction, and while such a plan may seem essential at Lake Saint-François-Xavier. The president and the Treasurer indicate that, for the $ 17,500 requested for the project, they would have expected a proposal of the CRE more based on the research already available on the Lake and on the specifics of its case, and that the Municipality did not offered a direct financial participation, unlike those involved for the other lakes. Mr. St. Laurent said however that they agree with the need for such a Lake master plan and hope that there will be a new proposal. A more in-depth analysis, and especially more dialogue with the applicants and the CRE on the scope of the project would allow more understanding on the part of the Fund administrators in the analysis of the demand. The undersigned questioned the full value of the explanations given.
Report submitted under protest. Readers should refer to the minutes, which will be produced by the Board.

With the use of Microsoft Translator

Carl Chapdelaine

Le point sur le Fonds environnemental du lac SFX

Assemblée générale annuelle du 26 juillet 2014

Je veux commencer en vous disant que le Fonds environnemental LSFX est bel et bien vivant. Les fonds se trouvent dans un compte bancaire contrôlé par le cabinet d'avocats qui nous a représenté au cours du Recours collectif. Ils sont en sécurité et rapportent de l'intérêt. En fait, il sont gérés par vos avocats, puisque vous êtes partie au Recours. En vertu de la décision de la Cour, cet argent ne sera pas transféré au Fonds environnemental LSFX tant que les membres du Fonds n'auront pas élu un Conseil d'administration. Contrairement à certaines rumeurs, je n'ai pas accès à l'argent et je n'essaie pas de m'enfuir avec. Soyez également assurés que j'ai résolu mes inquiétudes au sujet de la mise en œuvre du Fonds et que je suis en train de franchir les dernières étapes pour le mettre en opération. Je veux aussi vous faire part que le Fonds a reçu un formidable soutien, avec plus de 120 demandes d'adhésion reçues à ce jour.
Il y a eu une omission dans la lettre originale qui vous a été adressée et qui contenait un résumé de la décision de la Cour ainsi que le formulaire pour présenter votre candidature au Fonds. Les règlements du Fonds exigent que chaque membre soit propriétaire ou locataire de la propriété visée. La lettre originale ne contenait pas d'indication à l'effet qu'une preuve de propriété devait accompagner votre demande. Cela a compliqué le processus et a occasionné beaucoup de travail. Il s'agit d'une partie de la raison du report des étapes subséquentes dans la création du Fonds. Nous avons pu remédier à ces problèmes et nous sommes maintenant en mesure de procéder.
Je devrais probablement m'arrêter ici et vous donner simplement un calendrier pour la suite des choses. Cependant, il y a d'autres motifs derrière ce retard et je pense que vous avez besoin de les connaître, parce qu'ils sont basés sur des considérations qui joueront sur l'orientation à donner au Fonds. Nous avions, en fait, résolu toutes les questions autour du processus de demande d'adhésion au Fonds, au cours la période de mars, et nous aurions dès lors pu aller de l'avant. Je ne voulais pas tenir une réunion des membres du Fonds en avril, car peu de gens sont au lac ou autrement disponibles à ce moment-là. Pour donner au plus grand nombre de membres la possibilité de former le premier Conseil d'administration, j'ai voulu choisir un moment où la majorité serait en mesure de participer.
Alors pourquoi ne suis-je pas allé de l'avant? Très honnêtement, j'étais arrivé à un point où j'avais besoin de prendre du recul et de réévaluer si oui ou non je ne me trompais pas en créant ce fonds. La réunion, en août dernier, de résidents qui s'interrogeaient sur les motifs de la création de ce fonds, m'a donné une vision claire et effrayante de ce qui pourrait arriver si le Fonds n'était pas géré, en priorité absolue, en fonction de la protection du lac. Puis, j'ai pu voir le comportement d'une partie importante de la collectivité du lac lorsque confrontée au défi de faire face au risque réel posé par le problème du traitement des eaux septiques et ménagères, pour certains secteurs du lac. Le Fonds est un outil puissant qui a le potentiel pour démultiplier nos efforts visant à protéger et préserver le paradis dont nous jouissons ici. Cependant comme pour tout outil, s'il est utilisé de façon inappropriée, il peut aussi bien faire pas mal de dégâts. Franchement, j'ai commencé à perdre confiance dans la capacité de cette communauté à gérer le Fonds. Je suis une personne qui ne peut faire quelque chose si elle n'y croit pas. J'ai donc eu besoin de prendre du recul et de réévaluer la justesse de mon choix.
Deux réflexions m'ont aidé à surmonter mon hésitation à continuer avec la mise en place du Fonds. La première est l'idée que je ne fais vraiment pas cela pour la collectivité; je le fais pour le lac que je chéris et pour lequel je me suis engagé à cent pour cent. Notre implication, en tant que membres du Fonds, est de simplement le gérer pour le compte du lac. Le lac mérite la protection et les avantages que peut lui fournir le Fonds; à ce seul titre, j'ai décidé de me réengager et de terminer ma tâche. La seconde réflexion provenait d'un passage dans un livre que je lisais récemment: "Attendez-vous, de ceux avec qui vous faites affaires, qu'ils agissent avec honneur et excellence, et laissez la chance au coureur ». Cela m'a amené à me rendre compte que j'ai été injuste de mettre en doute notre capacité collective à relever le défi d'utiliser le Fonds aux fins prévues, pour protéger et préserver le lac et son environnement. Alors, la balle est maintenant dans notre camp. Mon espoir est que nous, en tant que communauté et en tant qu'individus, agissions avec honneur et excellence. Je peux maintenant aller de l'avant.
Dans les prochaines semaines, tous les candidats recevront : une lettre qui établit l'état de leur demande d'adhésion au Fonds; une demande de preuve de propriété ou de locataire; le formulaire de demande pour devenir membre du Conseil d'administration, s'ils aiment le bénévolat… et une invitation à assister à une réunion en septembre, si tout va bien. Le seul but de cette réunion sera d'élire le Conseil d'administration du Fonds. Il y aura huit postes de directeur ouverts. La première tâche des membres du Conseil d'administration sera de créer la Structure organisationnelle et les Processus opérationnels en vertu desquels le Fonds fonctionnera. Ceci fait, l'argent sera transféré dans le Fonds et il sera opérationnel. Mais, pour en arriver là, il faudra mettre une bonne dose d'effort. Alors si vous demandez à être membre du Conseil, s'il vous plaît soyez prêt à consacrer une bonne quantité de votre temps pour accomplir ce travail.
Merci, Dave Clark
