Wentworth-Nord, 2017-20
- 2021 in Wentworth-Nord with Covid-19
- Notes on the W-N Council Meeting of December 18, 2020.
- Notes on the Dec. 14, 2020 Special Session
- Meeting of Wentworth-Nord’s Council of Dec 7, 2020
- Your seat on town Council?
- Mayor's Ghali Communiqué
- Citation of mayor Ghali at the CMQ
- Wentworth-Nord Municipal Meeting, November 20, 2020
- Park of tours?
- Accompaniment by the CMQ?
- Internal governance of Council meetings
- Municipal Democracy
- Municipal council meeting of octobre 16, 2020
- Telecom towers at Lake St. Francois-Xavier
- Special Council Meeting, Sept. 29, 2020 Report
- Municipal Council Meeting of September 18, 2020
- Councillors vs. Mayor
- WiFi Tower
- Conflict at the Council
- W-N Session of August 21, 2020
- Participatory Democracy
- Note on the special session of the Council on 31 July 2020
- The three musketeers
- Notes On The Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of July 17 2020
- Ventilation problems...
- Question for the Council
- The way forward?
- Roads on the agenda
- Mayor, councillors, polls...
- Notes on the Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting of June 19 (Preliminary)
- Notes on the W-N Board Meeting of May 15
- Question for the W-N council meeting of May 15, 2020
- Report on the April 17 council meeting of W-N
- Electoral districts
- Council of Wentworth-Nord vs Covid-19
- Report on the W-N Council meeting of March 20, 2020
- Report on the W-N Council meeting of Feb. 21, 2020
- Echoes on the Council meeting of January 17, 2020
- Wentworth-Nord Lakes RSVL & morphometry
- Wentworth-Nord Economic Development Part 2
- Municipal Council of December 13, 2019 (report)
- Withdrawal of the cultural partnership with the MRC
- Wentworth-Nord Economic Development (An Approach)
- Letter from the MRC to Wentworth-Nord's council
- on its withdrawal from the cultural partnership
- 349 signatures!
- for the economic development!
- Council meeting of November 15, 2019, selective report
- To the municipality or the MRC?
- MPs to Ottawa
- Council meeting of October 18, 2019; report.
- Council of September 20, 2019
- Economic And Territorial Development Plan, 2020-22
- Mayor Ghali + MRC vs MTQ
- Meeting of W-N council of August 16, 2019
- Meeting of W-N council of july 19, 2019
- Director of Leisure lay off
- Municipal meeting of June 21, 2019, report
- Council of March 15, notes
- Plan the resort development
- Voilà!
- Retiree engagement
- Focus on Geography for W-N, 2016 Census
- Lachute's hospital 101
- Towards the Summit (a scenario)
- Our Deputies in Quebec
- Public consultation on the rehabilitation of the road network
- W-N's council Meeting of sep. 21, 2018 Agenda
- Meeting of the Council of Wentworth-Nord of September 21, 2018 - report
- Meeting of the mayors (September 2018 Session of the MRC)
- Meeting of W-N's Council, August 17, 2018
- Partial Report on the municipal Meeting of July 20, 2018
- Consultation on the regional multi-sport Centre - report
- Report on the special session of W-N's Council, June 22
- Meeting of the Council of June 15, 2018
- City Hall administration
- Council of the Mayors : report
- Meeting of the mayors: ordre du jour
- Mayors’ Meeting on the 13
- W-N vs Coop des 4 Pôles
- Confrontation is not the solution (editorial)
- Interactive map of Wentworth-Nord?
- Lots mapping and geomatics
- Municipal Advisory Committees
- Schooling and field of study (W-N and MRC)
- Language at work, W-N and MRC
- Journey to work (W-N and MRC)
- % of the income on housing *
- Income of individuals and households in W-N
- Presentation of de candidats at the 2017 elections
- Diane Théorêt, Candidate for Mayor
- Mr. Fernand Janson, candidate for mayor
- Mr. François Ghali, candidate for mayor
- Mr. Louis Quenneville, candidate for district 5
- Mrs. Mélanie Côté, candidate for district 5
- M. David Zgodsinski, candidate for district 5
- Mr. Eric Johnston, candidate for district 6
- Mrs. Danielle Desjardins, candidate for district 6
- Census 2016 W-N & MRC
2021 in Wentworth-Nord with Covid-19
Despite the impossibility of curbing the pandemic, the first Covid-19 vaccines in Quebec show us the way out of the crisis. But aren't we trying to rejoice too quickly?
On December 17, CBC publishes: The Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) states ... that the vaccine supply will be sufficient to allow all Canadians who wish to be vaccinated to do so by the end of September 2021.
On the same date, KPMG (Audit, Tax and Advisory Services) reported that a survey revealed that "78% of Canadians say they would be willing to receive the COVID-19 vaccine if it were offered to them," although only "53% believe that vaccination is safe".
However, vaccines have not yet been sufficiently tested on children less than 16 years of age, pregnant women and people suffering from certain diseases to administer them. Moreover, if they protect the vaccinated person, at more than 90% after the second dose for Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna, it is not yet known for how long; and especially if the latter does not remain contagious.
Could it not be inferred from these restrictions that transmission control measures will still be in place for at least most of 2021? In addition, the continued physical distancing, mask wearing, prohibition of assembly, etc., should apply to both vaccinated and non-vaccinated individuals.
What are the instructions that the authorities will give to vacationers, as well as to tourists visiting the Pays-d'en-Haut, for the next season? Don't we risk reliving, in Montfort and at Lake Saint-François-Xavier, the problems experienced this year, and at their peak last summer?
Since the vaccine is the main measure of protection against the virus, it is hoped that permanent residents and vacationers alike will not hesitate to get vaccinated. In France, to show that they are not afraid to get vaccinated, some people talk about the Covid-19 passport. Don't all French people have their vaccination booklet? This precious tool records all the vaccines received, reminds the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services. But what is the point of having a Covid-19 passport or a sticker on your forehead to indicate that you have received the precious vaccine, if the possibility of transmitting the virus remains?
And the year 2021 will also be a municipal election year. Without the possibility of rallies, isn't there a risk of a completely virtual campaign, as are all national campaigns in the end? We might not be able to shake hands or even see the candidates in the flesh, if there are any, harassing the voters... The municipal sessions held by videoconference, already somewhat popular, could see their number of "participants" increase. And, since they already seem to serve as a campaign medium, the decorum that was once familiar may be lost again.
Moreover, if the revelations of the Quebec Municipal Commission were to be confirmed before the arrival of summer, they would cause an unprecedented stir in the political arena. Both the party involved and informed observers probably already know what to expect and are preparing for it.
In Wentworth-Nord, the New Year seems likely to be as hectic as it was in 2020, but let's hope for the best.
By Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Notes on the W-N Council Meeting of December 18, 2020.
The mayor sends greetings to his fellow citizens, in both languages. He reminds them that Christmas is the feast of light and therefore of truth... He says he gives them the best of himself and speaks of an exchange of positive energies. He says he joins the other members of council in wishing them the best.
Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis complains that the report of the Roads committee was not produced in front of the members of council and says that it cannot be published on the municipality's website before it is done. Mr. Cliche indicated that he had already touched on it but agreed to the Councillor's request.
Mr. Cliche asked the Mayor if he could report on the work of the MRC's Economic Development Committee, on which he sits. Mr. Ghali indicated that business assistance reports were discussed.
(Note: The rest of our report was written before the availability of the video).
Mr. David Zgodzinski filed a resolution requesting disclosure of the details of legal fees for the past 6 months: «Who requested legal advice and how much it cost?» He seems wanting to confuse the mayor, according to whom the legal fees would have exploded under the control of the four majority councillors. Mr. Ghali protests, indicating that everything is available and that there is nothing to hide. On the contrary, it is claimed that the mayor is blocking the dissemination of this information. The resolution is passed unanimously.
The resolution presented by Councillor André Cliche and concerning, if we are not mistaken, the meeting with the lawyer of the firm Bélanger Sauvé to represent the interests of the Municipality in the context of the file pending before the Quebec Municipal Commission and involving the mayor of the municipality, is adopted, despite the opposition of the mayor, Mrs. Suzanne Y. Paradis and Myriam Rioux. The mayor would have imposed his veto on the adoption of this resolution, after the special session of December 14, forcing the councillor to represent her. (To be verified.) Mr. Cliche will tell the mayor here that he is in conflict of interest (probably for voting on a resolution that concerns him). Mr. Ghali will answer that the councillor is talking nonsense. He will also prevent Mr. Eric Johnston from commenting; indicating that the vote is already taken.
A resolution of Councillor Johnston determines that the municipality's website, like the Gazette, should not be used for personal purposes. He gave as an example the presentation of the paving of Notre-Dame Street South, for which he required a correction in the next edition. It was necessary that the council could have a view of the contents before publication. The mayor stated that the content of the Gazette was left to the administration and that the article in question presented only facts.
Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis then embarked on a lengthy tirade, as only the Mayor knew how to use it to date, to assert that there was nothing false in the Gazette's publications; while at the same time making innuendoes against Councillor Johnston. Councillor Johnston replied that the she was making idle accusations, without ever citing specific cases. Mr. Ghali told councillors that they should not be taken aback; they should speak to the mayor.
Ms. Paradis had also indicated that whereas 3 of the resolution, which states that the majority of council decides on the conformity of a published article, was anti-democratic. Councillor D. Zgodzinski supported the withdrawal of this whereas, as requested by Mrs. Paradis. The mayor took the opportunity to denounce the ethics of Mr. Johnston. The latter, tacitly admitting his mistake, agreed to withdraw the whereas.
Mr. Ghali, saying that this article had made the councillor paranoid, asked where the falsehood he saw in it was. Mr. Johnston demonstrated that it was false to assert (as the mayor shouted from the rooftops) that the municipality had in stock the gravel needed to repair Notre-Dame Street South. The standards actually required a different kind of gravel, he said. The resolution was passed by the four majority councillors.
Mr. Cliche reminded the mayor that he was committed at the CMQ (for personal use of the media). Cf. Citation to the CMQ + Mayor's communiqué
Urban planning and zoning
This is By-law 2017-498-6 to amend the regulatory provisions governing the rental of cottages as a supplemental use to a primary residential use. The proposed amendment to this by-law has generated a large number of comments from stakeholders. The by-law is being deferred to allow a public consultation process to be initiated by referendum.
Public consultation also for the by-law to amend the boundaries of Residential Zone H-60 (Lac à la Croix) and Residential Zone H-58 (Lac St-Victor Basin).
Councillor Yvon Paradis proposes a minor exemption for the construction of a main building from containers on Lot 5 708 756 of the Quebec cadastre. Mrs. Paradis, expressing reservations, will vote against. The mayor speaks instead of a "major" derogation; he is against this type of construction, which is refused everywhere, he said. A councillor explained the specific case referred to here; and, with the three other majority councillors, the derogation was adopted. A member of council will make comments, but the mayor will interrupt him by reminding him that no comments are allowed after the vote.
Then, a PIIA on a new construction will generate the same kind of controversy; the usual vote will be 4 to 3; and it will be adopted.
Recreation, culture and community life
A resolution on the transformation of the Saint-Michel church, proposed by Mr. André Cliche and setting the counter back to zero, will provoke long debates. The mayor will comment on it, blaming certain councillors for their action in this file, but will have no other alternative but to support the resolution. Mr. Eric Johnston, who had opposed this project because of its cost, if our brief is good, will explain that it is necessary to look at a project as a whole, its impact on the budget, the allocation of grants and its spin-offs to make an informed decision. The resolution is adopted (unanimously, we believe).
Mr. Johnston announced a participation contest (a bit like the Ephemeral Stations): "Winter wonderland challenge"; to which he invited, of course, all Wentworth-Nord families to participate.
Mrs. Paradis asked that Council convey congratulations to Mrs. Madeleine Filiatrault, for her award ...
Mr. Paradis also congratulates the volunteer firefighters...
Then, Ms. Paradis will take the floor again to denounce ad nauseam the remarks of Mrs. Danielle Desjardins, made at the last council meeting. She will state that the citizen vigorously attacked the Director General for the delay in preparing the financial statements. The latter was working at full throttle, she said, even affected by the Covid-19. And in spite of the shortage of personnel and the multiple constraints that exist today. She indicated that the director also finds time to respond to the many requests from residents. She will ask the citizen to apologize to Ms. Matteau.
(This formal attack could only remind us of the same kind of procedure employed by Mayor Ghali, taking advantage of his platform, to visibly gain the sympathy of citizens while nailing his opponents to the pillory).
In the section of the question period open to citizens, Mrs. Desjardins will affirm that the accusations of the councillor are totally false. However, she will not be able to complete her defence, in the face of the mayor's order to cut her microphone and move on to the next question.
Some citizens have questions: on the presentation of the financial statements; on community life in Montfort; on the roads. (However, we couldn’t grasp their content.)
Mrs. Danielle Desjardins has 5 questions:
2. She shares Councillor Paradis' fears about container homes.
3. Concerning the (possible?) taking charge of snow removal on private roads, isn't this a big problem, she asks. Citizens will, among other things, pay for roads where their passage is prohibited. Etc.
(In fact, Mrs. Desjardins' overall argumentation on this subject seems to the undersigned to be most pertinent and has led him to reconsider her position. Paying for the maintenance of private roads? Offer a service to owners, in reserved estates for example, who have all the means to do it themselves; like at Lac-à-la-Croix? To eventually have to support the annual maintenance of these roads? To have to bring them up to standards, as we have seen? Etc.
Councillor Johnston had proposed it at a previous meeting. The mayor is in favour of it; it corresponds to his policy on the matter, announced at the beginning of his mandate.
Councillor Zgodzinski, for his part, had expressed reservations, suggesting that the overall cost to the municipality would be much higher than the partial cost put forward by his colleague. It is estimated that the cost to the municipality would be approximately $500,000, or about 10% of its annual budget.
Isn't the risk of opening a Pandora's Box here real? Shouldn't the citizen, who in these times of first municipal official committed at the CMQ, the formation of two blocks of councillors at the town hall and an apparent loss of independence, be wary even of the intentions of the council and take nothing for granted?
Shouldn't we see what is being done elsewhere? Set up a specific committee to analyze the proposal; a committee of citizens who have no benefit to gain for themselves or a related party from the benefits of such a resolution, as it may sometimes seem to some here? And go to public consultation once all the clarifications have been provided)?
4. Under item 6.9 of this agenda, on the hiring of a first responder; isn't that Ms. Tamara Matteau, the daughter of our Executive Director, and isn't that a problem? (A bit like one of the department directors being a relative of the Executive Director).
And is it the same person who is named in the mayor's citation to the CMQ for taking advantage of the municipality's move of furniture? By way of response, the mayor speaks of the CMQ's unfounded accusations and swears of his probity. Faced with the ensuing altercation, he eventually ordered Ms. Matteau to cut off the citizen's microphone.
5. Ms. Desjardins will also have tried to refute the accusations hammered against her by Councillor Suzanne Paradis, again involving the Director General. Contrary, again, to the councillor, she will not have the opportunity to present her defense.
The members of council will express their wishes for a Happy Holiday Season before the closing of the meeting.
(The reading of the multiple recitals of several resolutions, the debates, as well as the pleas of Councillor Suzanne Paradis, in addition to those we are used to from the Mayor, will have stretched the session over nearly three hours. For us, the contrast with the expeditious sessions of the council of mayors of Pays-d'en-Haut is striking).
On partial notes, taken by a show of hands, and under all reservations, pending the release of the recording and the minutes; by Carl Chapdelaine,
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Notes on the Dec. 14, 2020 Special Session
Mayor Ghali chairs the session with participation by videoconference. All councillors are present.
Mr. David Zgodzinski filed a resolution requesting disclosure of the details of legal fees for the past 6 months: who requested legal advice and how much it cost. He wants to confuse the mayor, according to whom the legal fees would have exploded under the control of the four majority councillors. Mr. Ghali protests, indicating that everything is available and that there is nothing to hide. On the contrary, it is claimed that the mayor is blocking the dissemination of this information. The resolution is passed unanimously.
The resolution presented by Councillor André Cliche and concerning, if we are not mistaken, the meeting with the lawyer of the firm Bélanger Sauvé to represent the interests of the Municipality in the context of the file pending before the Quebec Municipal Commission and involving the mayor of the municipality, is adopted, despite the opposition of the mayor, Mrs. Suzanne Y. Paradis and Myriam Rioux. The mayor would have imposed his veto on the adoption of this resolution, after the special session of December 14, forcing the councillor to represent her. (To be verified.) Mr. Cliche will tell the mayor here that he is in conflict of interest (probably for voting on a resolution that concerns him). Mr. Ghali will answer that the councillor is talking nonsense. He will also prevent Mr. Eric Johnston from commenting; indicating that the vote is already taken.
A resolution of Councillor Johnston determines that the municipality's website, like the Gazette, should not be used for personal purposes. He gave as an example the presentation of the paving of Notre-Dame Street South, for which he required a correction in the next edition. It was necessary that the council could have a view of the contents before publication. The mayor stated that the content of the Gazette was left to the administration and that the article in question presented only facts.
Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis then embarked on a lengthy tirade, as only the Mayor knew how to use it to date, to assert that there was nothing false in the Gazette's publications; while at the same time making innuendoes against Councillor Johnston. Councillor Johnston replied that the she was making idle accusations, without ever citing specific cases. Mr. Ghali told councillors that they should not be taken aback; they should speak to the mayor.
Ms. Paradis had also indicated that whereas 3 of the resolution, which states that the majority of council decides on the conformity of a published article, was anti-democratic. Councillor D. Zgodzinski supported the withdrawal of this whereas, as requested by Mrs. Paradis. The mayor took the opportunity to denounce the ethics of Mr. Johnston. The latter, tacitly admitting his mistake, agreed to withdraw the whereas.
Mr. Ghali, saying that this article had made the councillor paranoid, asked where the falsehood he saw in it was. Mr. Johnston demonstrated that it was false to assert (as the mayor shouted from the rooftops) that the municipality had in stock the gravel needed to repair Notre-Dame Street South. The standards actually required a different kind of gravel, he said. The resolution was passed by the four majority councillors.
Mr. Cliche reminded the mayor that he was committed at the CMQ (for personal use of the media). Cf. citation to the CMQ
Urban planning and zoning
This is By-law 2017-498-6 to amend the regulatory provisions governing the rental of cottages as a supplemental use to a primary residential use. The proposed amendment to this by-law has generated a large number of comments from stakeholders. The by-law is being deferred to allow a public consultation process to be initiated by referendum.
Public consultation also for the by-law to amend the boundaries of Residential Zone H-60 (Lac à la Croix) and Residential Zone H-58 (Lac St-Victor Basin).
Councillor Yvon Paradis proposes a minor exemption for the construction of a main building from containers on Lot 5 708 756 of the Quebec cadastre. Mrs. Paradis, expressing reservations, will vote against. The mayor speaks instead of a "major" derogation; he is against this type of construction, which is refused everywhere, he said. A councillor explained the specific case referred to here; and, with the three other majority councillors, the derogation was adopted. A member of council will make comments, but the mayor will interrupt him by reminding him that no comments are allowed after the vote.
Then, a PIIA on a new construction will generate the same kind of controversy; the usual vote will be 4 to 3; and it will be adopted.
Recreation, culture and community life
A resolution on the transformation of the Saint-Michel church, proposed by Mr. André Cliche and setting the counter back to zero, will provoke long debates. The mayor will comment on it, blaming certain councillors for their action in this file, but will have no other alternative but to support the resolution. Mr. Eric Johnston, who had opposed this project because of its cost, if our brief is good, will explain that it is necessary to look at a project as a whole, its impact on the budget, the allocation of grants and its spin-offs to make an informed decision. The resolution is adopted (unanimously, we believe).
Question Period
Mrs. Paradis asked that Council convey congratulations to Mrs. Madeleine Filiatrault, for her award ...
Mr. Paradis also congratulates the volunteer firefighters...
Then, Ms. Paradis will take the floor again to denounce ad nauseam the remarks of Mrs. Danielle Desjardins, made at the last council meeting. She will state that the citizen vigorously attacked the Director General for the delay in preparing the financial statements. The latter was working at full throttle, she said, even affected by the Covid-19. And in spite of the shortage of personnel and the multiple constraints that exist today. She indicated that the director also finds time to respond to the many requests from residents. She will ask the citizen to apologize to Ms. Matteau.
(This formal attack could only remind us of the same kind of procedure employed by Mayor Ghali, taking advantage of his platform, to visibly gain the sympathy of citizens while nailing his opponents to the pillory).
In the section of the question period open to citizens, Mrs. Desjardins will affirm that the accusations of the councillor are totally false. However, she will not be able to complete her defence, in the face of the mayor's order to cut her microphone and move on to the next question.
Some citizens have questions: on the presentation of the financial statements; on community life in Montfort; on the roads. (However, we couldn’t grasp their content.)
Mrs. Danielle Desjardins has 5 questions:
1. She asked if the municipality has received the results of the Fleurons 2020 contest. (How many Fleurons are we up to?) We don't know yet for this year, the mayor answered.
2. She shares Councillor Paradis' fears about container homes.
3. Concerning the (possible?) taking charge of snow removal on private roads, isn't this a big problem, she asks. Citizens will, among other things, pay for roads where their passage is prohibited. Etc.
(In fact, Mrs. Desjardins' overall argumentation on this subject seems to the undersigned to be most pertinent and has led him to reconsider her position. Paying for the maintenance of private roads? Offer a service to owners, in reserved estates for example, who have all the means to do it themselves; like at Lac-à-la-Croix? To eventually have to support the annual maintenance of these roads? To have to bring them up to standards, as we have seen? Etc.
Councillor Johnston had proposed it at a previous meeting. The mayor is in favour of it; it corresponds to his policy on the matter, announced at the beginning of his mandate.
Councillor Zgodzinski had expressed reservations, suggesting that the cost to the municipality would be much higher than what his colleague had suggested. It is estimated that the cost to the municipality would be approximately $500,000, or about 10% of its annual budget.
Isn't the risk of opening a Pandora's Box here real? Shouldn't the citizen, who in these times of first municipal official committed at the CMQ, the formation of two blocks of councillors at the town hall and an apparent loss of independence, be wary even of the intentions of the council and take nothing for granted?
Shouldn't we see what is being done elsewhere? Set up a specific committee to analyze the proposal; a committee of citizens who have no benefit to gain for themselves or a related party from the benefits of such a resolution, as it may sometimes seem to some here? And go to public consultation once all the clarifications have been provided?)
4. Under item 6.9 of this agenda, on the hiring of a first responder; isn't that Ms. Tamara Matteau, the daughter of our Executive Director, and isn't that a problem? (A bit like one of the department directors being a relative of the Executive Director).
And is it the same person who is named in the mayor's citation to the CMQ for taking advantage of the municipality's move of furniture? No answer from the mayor; who, faced with the altercation, eventually ordered Ms. Matteau to cut off the citizen's microphone.
5. Mrs. Desjardins will also have tried to refute the accusations hammered against her by Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis, again involving the Director General.
The members of council will express their wishes for a Happy Holiday Season before the closing of the meeting.
(The reading of the multiple recitals of several resolutions, the debates, as well as the pleas of Councillor Suzanne Paradis, in addition to those we are used to from the Mayor, will have stretched the session over nearly three hours. For us, the contrast with the expeditious sessions of the council of mayors of Pays-d'en-Haut is striking).
Under all reserves; by Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Meeting of Wentworth-Nord’s Council of Dec 7, 2020
The subject on the agenda is the proposed resolution for the "Granting of a mandate to the firm Bélanger Sauvé to represent the interests of the Municipality, in the context of the pending file, before the Quebec Municipal Commission and involving the mayor of the municipality".
The meeting is held in camera and the participants are reunited by videoconference. Mayor Ghali presides over the meeting and all councillors are present.
Councillor David Zgodzinski requested the reading of the resolution, which Councillor André Cliche agreed to do.
Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis, indicating that consultations with the law firm mentioned herein have been initiated without a resolution of council to that effect, asks who will pay for them.
Then the Mayor commented at length on the accusations contained in the quote from the Quebec Municipal Commission and which relate to the present file.
- Concerning the snow removal by the municipality of his entrance on several occasions, he explained that his snow remover, a former councillor, had failed and that he had to call upon the municipality to go (perform his duties as mayor). He would have fully paid for these services on the spot.
- Regarding the removal of some of his personal furniture, he stated that it was a donation of artwork and other items that he was making to the municipality. He mentioned the future creation of the museum in which the artifacts bequeathed by former councillor Alary would be displayed.
- With respect to the transportation by municipal employees of a citizen's furniture to the Ecocentre, he indicated that the citizen was a senior citizen (and that it was customary to provide such a service).
- Concerning the publication in the Gazette of comments expressing his personal position, he stated that it was rather a matter of correcting the bad information conveyed by the majority councillors.
- Concerning the accusations of having lied under oath to the investigators of the Commission municipale du Québec, he affirms that the latter were in bad faith; they preferred to believe in their perception rather than to hear his explanations. He denounces their behaviour and hopes that the truth will soon come out in broad daylight.
- Concerning the denunciation of harassment towards municipal employees, he affirms that he is not the author of the harassment, (and that it is rather the agents of the Commission who are at the source).
- The mayor will claim that he cannot lie, that his behaviour is irreproachable; whether it be ethical, deontological or otherwise. His whistleblowers will be similarly confused.
Councillor David Zgodzinski will ironically ask if he can have his driveway plowed by the municipality. The mayor will tell him to go to the municipality to see.
Councillor Eric Johnston will comment that it's good to finally get an explanation from the Mayor. He will argue that there are two sides to a controversial story, and that there is justification (for an independent third party observer to judge).
The four majority councillors will pass the resolution, despite the negative vote of councillor S. A. Paradis and M. Rioux.
Question Period
The Mayor will explain that he has already responded in his previous comments on the two questions presented to the Secretariat.
Councillor Rioux asked who will pay the legal fees if the Mayor is cleared of the charges. By letting it be understood that this is the municipality's responsibility, the Mayor will take the opportunity to claim that the municipality's legal expenses, in the hands of the majority councillors, have exploded; as in other areas, with the purchase of aggregates for Notre-Dame Road...
Councillor Johnston called a call to order by pointing out that we are no longer here in the agenda but in the mayor's election campaign. He indicated that the statement of expenses should be consulted for its content. The mayor will insult him, as he has become accustomed to doing, by telling him that the councillor has access to all the numbers, but does not understand them....
Mrs. Danielle Desjardins will have a question for the mayor. She criticizes him, among other things and under beautiful speeches, for disrespecting people; as about the young lawyer whose services were requested by the councillors and other respectable people that she mentions. She noted that Nadia Lavoie and Maude Chartier, from the Commission municipale du Québec, are participating in the current video conference. Mr. Ghali, will comment by recalling the stinging defeat of the citizen...; but he will not continue.
On partial notes, taken by a show of hands, and under all reservations, pending the release of the recording and the minutes; by Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Your seat on town Council?
There will likely be a change of guards at several positions on Wentworth-Nord Council in the 2021 election. Some elected officials will not be standing for re-election, while the position at town hall or other districts may be contested. There are only a few thousand residents in your small municipality; a few hundred per district.
Do you have a strong sense of duty? Do you keep an eye on what's happening in your community, even at the municipal level? Do you have ideas for it? A vision of democracy and participation? A point of view on the current confrontation between elected officials? Do you have enough interpersonal skills? Could you speak to the residents of your district in their own language? Do people around you trust you to represent them? Do you have the necessary availability? Are you ready to deal with setbacks?
You are already an exception and your participation in this election is greatly needed. You are in the best position to defend your point of view; don't let it be carried, at worst, by an oddball. Tell your neighbors of your interest; sound out the field; look for partners; go for it!
"The role of elected officials is not only to administer municipalities ... but also to represent and defend their interests. Elected municipal officials are essential actors in the development of a vision for the future in terms of economic development, the environment, culture or land use planning. In short, elected municipal officials are an essential link in our democracy."
"This democracy is based on a set of values, including pluralism, which aims to encourage the expression of a diversity of ideas and points of view. Your participation in an election campaign is in itself a fundamental exercise in encouraging this diversity. And if you are elected, you will be able to have a direct impact on the destiny of your community".
"The next municipal general election, which is held on a fixed date on the first Sunday in November every four years, will take place on (November 7, 2021). Thousands of Quebecers will be running for office. Why not you?"
"The first condition for being a good municipal official is to listen," says Richard Lehoux, who (was, in 2017,) mayor for 19 years and prefect for 15 years.
"You need to have ideas," he says, "but you must always consult the citizens in order to deepen them, modify them and adapt them as much as possible to the needs of the population".
"It's even more motivating when you know that your population agrees with these ideas and will be behind these different projects. »
"Richard Lehoux considers that in small municipalities, elected officials must also be very available, since the responsibilities of mayors are increasing. Which is not a bad thing, according to him, since elected municipal officials are closer to citizens and more aware of their reality".
Eligible (among others):
- a) Be domiciled or domiciled on the territory of the municipality on September 1, 2021 and in Quebec for at least six months on that same date; or
2 Reside on the territory of the municipality, continuously or not, for at least one year on September 1, 2021.
Not eligible (among others):
Officials and employees of the municipality;
the electoral staff of the municipality;
the official agent and the official representative of an independent candidate for the 2021 general election, except if the candidate is the candidate himself or herself.
Form to obtain: "The nomination form is available at the office of the electoral officer of the municipality."
Grouping allowed: For municipalities with a population of less than 5,000, "candidates may form teams (not parties) recognized by the electoral officer".
Period for filing a nomination: "The period during which a person may file his or her duly completed nomination paper, accompanied by the appropriate documents, at the office of the electoral officer, begins on the 44th day and ends at 4:30 p.m. on the 30th day preceding the day fixed for the poll. However, it is preferable to check the days and hours of operation of the office of the electoral officer.
Sources: Quotations from the Quebec government or other.
Without prejudice; by Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Mayor's Ghali Communiqué
Communiqué de presse
Pour publication immédiate
Le maire François Ghali conteste vigoureusement
les manquements reprochés par la CMQ
Wentworth-Nord, le 27 novembre 2020. – Le maire de Wentworth-Nord, Monsieur François Ghali, conteste vigoureusement chacun des manquements allégués en déontologie déposés par la Commission municipale du Québec (CMQ) contre lui.
Le maire soutient que ces manquements déontologiques, déposés à quelques mois de la campagne électorale municipale de novembre prochain, sont politiquement motivés. De plus, tel qu’il sera démontré à l’audition de la cause, tous les actes reprochés ne contreviennent pas au Code de déontologie des élus de la municipalité. Son honnêteté irréprochable sera reconnue.
Comme la citation est maintenant devant la section juridictionnelle de la Commission, le maire ne fera pas d’autres commentaires jusqu’à l’audition de cette cause.
Source : François Ghali
(514) 573 0569
Citation of mayor Ghali at the CMQ
Wentworth-Nord Municipal Meeting, November 20, 2020
The session is held by videoconference. It is chaired by the Mayor and attended by all Councillors. The Zoom counter indicates the presence of 28 participating stations*.
(Our image does not appear on the participants' screens, so we are correcting this; however, the Executive Director, Marie-France Matteau, invites us to turn the screen back to black. We will therefore see the board members without being seen and with only the first and last names, nicknames or a photo on the black screen of the other participants. Will we need a two-way mirror to isolate the room from the gallery and allow the same effect when the sessions are held again in the community room: seeing without being seen? If the procedure is the result of abuses in previous sessions, couldn't a less drastic way of dealing with the problem have been found? Similarly, Councillor Eric Johnston later complained that he was distracted by the written comments on the screens of some participants. The gambling will stop immediately without any apparent need to crack down).
At the beginning, Mr. Zgodzinski asked that the agenda proposed by the majority be adopted as is. Draft Resolutions 5.31 and 5.32 had been added; at the last minute, the Mayor noted. (These resolutions do not appear on the published agenda.) Draft resolution 5.31 decreed that the Executive Director should organize a meeting with the federal deputy ( of Argenteuil-La Petite-Nation), Mr. Stéphane Lauzon. Mayor Ghali opposed the adoption of this agenda, stating that there was no need to make resolutions; that it was childish; while Councillor Johnston was trying to justify the introduction of 5.31. Councillor Johnston also did not want an intervention that he had requested to be included after the Mayor's report to be relegated to New Business, as it was in response to accusations made by the Mayor on his behalf at the same point in the October meeting. This agenda was adopted despite the negative vote of Councillors Suzanne Y. Paradis and Miriam Rioux.
Report from the Mayor and Committee Chairs.
The mayor did not give his usual controversial report.
Mrs. Paradis asked to speak to remind that the seventy-fifth anniversary of the end of the Second World War was commemorated on November 11th. She highlighted, among other things, the role of women in the conflict.
Councillor André Cliche presented his report on the Roads Committee. The Technical Director, (Mr. Jason Neil) had given a presentation on the 221 road segments to be considered in Wentworth-Nord, compared to only 21 roads evaluated with the Mayor at the beginning of the mandate. The operating budget for 2021 and the status of the grant applications, especially for the Route Principale, some of which had been improved, were also discussed. However, no decision had yet been taken at this occasion. He welcomed the meeting that had taken place the day before with (Mrs. Agnès Grondin,) the deputy (of Argenteuil and vice-president of the Commission des transports et de l'environnement), to draw her attention to the needs of the municipality, which he described as very fruitful.
At the conclusion of the Councillor's report, Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis and the Mayor denounced the lack of transparency they saw in the fact that only three councillors attended this meeting of the Roads Committee on a subject that concerned all of council. Everything was going on behind closed doors with all the associated shenanigans, added the mayor. Mr. Cliche denounced Mr. Ghali's insulting remarks and pointed out that he himself was attending the meeting. He recalled that it was a preliminary meeting; that no decision had been taken and that the whole council could participate in the choices to be made. The mayor laughed at the "blah-blah" and uselessness of the councillor's speeches since June.
Mr. Johnston gave his report on the Internet Committee, in which the Executive Director was heavily involved. He indicated that while Saint-Michel was ahead of schedule for high-speed wireless Internet, the time was approaching for Laurel and Montfort to improve the situation. As part of the new federal funding of $1.7 billion for high-speed Internet access, perhaps a project to accelerate the distribution of fibre optics in the municipality could be tabled before the January deadline. Bell, on the other hand, was still delaying the installation of this wire based on its availability along Route Principale.
As at the conclusion of Mr. Cliche's presentation, Mayor Ghali commented negatively on the work of this committee, saying that there was still a lot of talk and very little action on the ground; that fibre optics had been obtained at City Hall, when it was not the work of such a committee. The councillor just smiled; while Mr. David Zgodzinski intervened to tell the mayor that he was delaying the meeting with his insults. Councillor Rioux, whose position in the debates was not yet clear, disavowed Mr. Zgodzinski remarks.
Mr. Johnston continued with the item added to the agenda following the Mayor's report, specifically recalling the latter's interventions at previous meetings in which he had made unfounded and defamatory accusations against him, including the misappropriation of public funds for his benefit. He claimed, on the contrary, that he had worked for his constituents and that the rules of the municipality had been respected.
He pointed out that the environment in which these sessions were held had become toxic, and he regretted this to those who were watching the proceedings. Throughout this session, Mr. Johnston will be making more and more interventions, not letting the mayor off the hook so easily.
The Mayor presented a Notice of Motion and the tabling of draft By-law 2020-532 repealing By-law 2018-532 respecting a Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct for Elected Officials. The same procedure, for the same by-law, was tabled by Councillor A. Cliche at the October 16 sitting. (This was to be a fight between the Mayor and the new majority on the said by-law).
Following a series of by-laws enacting the terms and conditions for the municipality to assume responsibility for partial road maintenance for the winter period 2020-2021, Mr. Johnston stated that 26% of the residences were on private roads and that this service, for the sake of fairness, should be paid for by the municipality, unlike the current situation. He did not have a specific solution to propose at this time, but work was being done on the subject. Meanwhile, he was going to vote against the adoption of these by-laws to express his reservations (hoping a formula would be found before the next council meeting).
This time, Mayor Ghali was quick to agree with the councillor and proposed to make it a resolution. But Mr. Johnston pointed out that the costs of such a takeover, perhaps $450,000, would have to be considered and that the analysis was not complete. The set of by-laws was still passed by the other councillors because, in the meantime, snow removal had to be done on the current basis.
Point 5.29, under Administration, on the infringement of municipal zoning powers by Quebec, was the indirect occasion of another confrontation. The meeting with the MNA, which was not attended by the mayor, had been discussed. In addressing Councillor Cliche, he stated that he did not attend these meetings because the latter took the opportunity to make derogatory comments about him and that it would be better "to wash our dirty laundry as a family". He added that he was free to communicate with the MPs, or other mayors, without any intermediary.
At item 5.30, Mr. Johnston explained that the issue was to allow companies to use the municipality's telecommunications tower (at City Hall?).
At item 5.31, for a resolution on the organization of a meeting with MP Lauzon, which had been added to the agenda just before 5:00 p.m., Mayor Ghali, who had not had time to read it, went wild again. Mr. Johnston had noted that it seemed the mayor did not often read the information he sent him. The mayor replied, "The difference between you and me is that you read, but you don't understand. This led to the intervention of Councillor Yvon Paradis, telling the mayor that he was "full of insults".
Councillors Johnston and Zgodzinski will justify the presentation of a resolution to organize these meetings that they consider essential. Mr. Johnston will indicate that he (or we?) can no longer trust the Mayor. This will rekindle the altercation, with Mr. Ghali objecting to this statement and the Councillor reminding the Mayor that he has also lost the support of Council.
Then Councillor Cliche took the floor while the mayor was still speaking. Exactly as he had done at the previous meeting, the mayor immediately informed him that, when he speaks, the councillor has no right to speak and asked him, in a masterly tone, if his words are clear! (Here we cannot remain silent in the face of what seems to us to be an abuse of power designed to intimidate an opponent. And even if it were to be a vein for the person concerned, the same intimidation could spread to the entire gallery. All, including the undersigned, would not dare, at the question period, to risk interrupting Mayor Ghali and having to endure the same stinging rebuke).
The awarding of the contract for Hunter Street snow removal and its extension will be the subject of further discussions and accusations of conflict of interest. This time, it is Councillor Zgodzinski who will indicate that he cannot participate in this debate because there is a very small portion of the road passing over land that he owns. Realizing that this section was regularly plowed by the municipality at the same time as the rest of the road, he would like the situation to be clarified and adjusted accordingly. The mayor jumped at the opportunity to indicate that he was and is clearly in conflict of interest.
The mayor will have another opportunity to insult Mr. Cliche when the latter spoke of the need to maintain harmony at council meetings. "It would be so much more harmonious if you weren't here," he replied.
In item 9.3, a request for exemption, included in item 9.8 under the PIIA, would allow the construction of a telecommunication tower on lot 5 588 771, at Chemin-de-fer Street. It was moved by Councillor Zgodzinski, seconded by Councillor Johnston and carried without discussion.
(A similar request had been adopted at the October meeting, against the opposition of Councillors Suzanne Y. Paradis and Miriam Rioux; Mrs. Paradis having reported that a citizen of Lake Saint-François-Xavier had previously requested to study the dangerousness of the waves generated. The visual nuisance, therefore related to urban planning regulations, had also been invoked to Councillor Zgodzinski by a group in the sector who opposed the construction of such towers.
In addition, this citizen, Mrs. Myriam Dujardin, had sent a question to the secretariat and the Director General prior to this meeting, detailing her concerns; a question that was not received, or in any case presented during the question period before the principal interested party asked to speak.
It is surprising that Councillors did not hear at least some of their constituents' positions on an agenda item, and it is as surprising as other Council members not to comment on it. We are still a long way from participatory democracy and it seems to us that all citizens would benefit from being more aware of what can be decided at Council, without any apparent possibility of intervention on their part).
In the discussion that will take place between the citizen and the mayor, (and which the latter did not seem to grasp all the arguments,) Mr. Ghali will indicate that requests for derogation are precisely a means of controlling the situation she describes. However, Mr. Benoit Cadieux, the Director of Planning and Environment, whose committee is chaired by Mr. Johnston, seems to be aware of the additional need to limit the possible multiplication of these towers, as evidenced by an exchange of e-mails with Mrs. Dujardin. The mayor will assure the citizen that council took note of her questions.
After Mr. Ghali indicated that the deployment of fibre optics would eventually make these telecommunications towers unnecessary, Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis asked what would become of them. They would be abandoned, the mayor replied. He then suggested that the Director General could advise the applicant companies that they would have to remove their equipment when it became obsolete. He obtained the agreement of the councillors on this point.
Question Period
Apart from the question mentioned above, there was the question of Mrs. Danielle Desjardins. While Mayor Ghali's most recent quotation in municipal ethics before the jurisdictional section of the Quebec Municipal Commission had not been mentioned at all during the session, the citizen brought it bluntly to the fore.
She reminded the mayor that he was cited for using municipal resources for personal purposes; for having published comments expressing his personal position and not a municipal position in a municipal newsletter; for having lied under oath to investigators of the legal department... She then asked him if he would defend himself; who would pay for his defense and if, finally, he would resign if the whole was deemed to be founded.
The mayor did not lose his temper; but he firmly denied all these accusations, indicating that his prosecutor advised him not to comment. The municipality, of course, would pay for the mayor's defence in the face of actions against him. He said he had nothing to hide.
Note: Draft, pending video presentation and minutes.
*Video conferencing increases the number of citizens who follow council proceedings. In fact, there may be more than one person for each participant. The question period thus allows more people to ask questions to Council members.
Subject to all reservations and pending publication of the minutes by the Municipality.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
By Carl Chapdelaine
Park of tours?
At its meeting of November 20, 2020, the Municipal Council of Wentworth-Nord should vote on the request for minor derogation DM 2020-0351 for the construction of a 21-metre (68-foot) telecommunication tower on lot 5 588 771 of Chemin-de-Fer Street (Lac Saint-François-Xavier); "instead of being limited to two thirds (2/3) of the height of the tops of trees growing at the same elevation". "Anyone interested in this application may be heard by Council by e-mail at secretariat@wentworth-nord.ca before 4 p.m. on November 20, 2020."
This request for derogation should go through as a letter in the mail, since it is not the first one and since District 5 Councillor David Zgodzinski previously expressed his support for the accessibility of the high-speed Wi-Fi Internet signal, in the name of progress and the need to improve this type of communication for residents as well as for the attractiveness of the area for the establishment of new families.
However, opposition to these projects has emerged in Montfort. It invokes both the possible danger of the emission of the waves generated or the visual nuisance for which the exemptions are requested. It also indicates the existence of an advantageous alternative, among other things through fiber optics.
Yet, a minor derogation can only be for the provision of the zoning by-law that it contravenes. Therefore, it could only be refused on the basis of a visual nuisance in this case. Could the councillor still speak on behalf of his constituents and, with reservations, vote against the adoption of the derogation if a majority so requests? But here, we do not have a tally of the pros and cons.
In fact, for the undersigned, the visual impact of the possible multiplication of telecommunications towers in the habitat surrounding Lake Saint-François-Xavier, as well as that of satellite dishes in the city, would be the main reason for questioning this dilemma. It could therefore justify the refusal of the exemption. It might be advisable to plan in advance for the possible distribution of such towers in order, at least, to avoid having two or more towers serving the same sectors. As for the possible health risks, we are not qualified to judge.
In the rural guide "Brancher ...", produced in 2009, one can read in: Répondre aux préoccupations des citoyens, "Every time we make a presentation in a municipality, two questions come up constantly," says Benoît Guichard, of the Coop de Solidarité du Suroît (CSUR): "Does wireless Internet pose a health hazard" and "On the visual level, what will be the impact of these towers?
Coop administrators usually answer the first question by citing work published on the subject by the World Health Organization. They then address the second question by pointing out that their towers are only 100 feet long and transparent. "Citizens are right to be concerned about visual pollution," notes Benoît Guichard. You have to see the forest of towers that stands at the top of Mount Rigaud to get an idea of how ridiculous the situation is". http://collections.banq.qc.ca/ark:/52327/bs1896218
But, in a related technology, didn't we also talk about the danger of walking around with a cell phone on you? Scientific reports seemed to prove it, but this did not mean we were going to stop using it. Since the invention of the telephone and the radio, the waves have always been riding the waves of progress and they have not yet reached the shore...
Some claim to be bothered by different types of waves and take the example of the microwave oven as a demonstration of their power. Others sometimes claim to have "electromagnetic hypersensitivity"; however, according to the World Health Organization, this does not constitute a medical diagnosis.
The undersigned could not forget an experience he had while staying with a couple of friends in the Loire Valley. At bedtime, eager to pick up the latest news on his mini-travel computer, communication could not be established. The next day, the reason was discovered: the internet was deliberately restricted in the house and even cut off for the night because its waves were supposed to cause serious headaches for the wife. In the spring, the diagnosis of an aggressive brain cancer would tragically conclude the episode. Had it caused the discomfort, or was it itself the result of a bombardment of harmful waves? The event did not, however, change the communication habits of the visitor, as those of billions of humans today?
"(T)he studies conclude that radio frequencies do not pose a health risk when exposure remains below the limits prescribed by Safety Code 6 of Health Canada or other recognized regulatory agencies." Québec santé
Who or what to rely on? "In Canada, the provisions of Health Canada's Safety Code 6 protect the public from exposure to radio frequencies. Industry Canada enforces this safety code. Shouldn't this include our high-speed Wi-Fi Internet signal? Wireless devices and their associated infrastructure, such as cell phone towers, must therefore comply with the provisions of Safety Code 6." According to Health Canada, "Current limits for radio frequency exposure are among the most stringent in the world.
But Health Canada's guidelines may change as science advances. Already, many people are denouncing the delay in updating the data used by the Department, or its denial of the danger they believe is related to these technologies. And isn't it here at home that the assurance of the safety of Canadian asbestos has been maintained well beyond the period of its worldwide ban?
Other source: Health-Canada
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) & Linguee.
Without prejudice, by Carl Chapdelaine
Accompaniment by the CMQ?
In Wentworth-Nord, the conflict between a majority of councillors and the mayor is no longer a secret. At the August 21 meeting, Mr. Ghali had a resolution added to the agenda (New Business) asking the Ministry of Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation (MAMH) to appoint mediators to accompany council in its deliberations. At this point, at the end of the meeting, Councillor Johnston, asking for reflection, voted against the adoption of the resolution. He was followed by Councillors A. Cliche, D. Zgodzinski and Y. Paradise. Mr. Zgodzinski justified his refusal by expressing doubts about the possibility of conciliation, whereas, he said, the one who requested it is at the origin of all the current discord. This resolution was never put back on the agenda.
So it seems that, rather than resorting to mediation, which he says is doomed to failure, the council, in its new majority and at the expense of the mayor, has decided to assert its authority over the direction of municipal affairs. But what will happen next with this transfer of power? According to the MAMH documentation consulted, the mayor, by virtue of his office, has control of the administration. He chairs the meetings of the Council. He has a veto on the adoption of a resolution; but he loses this privilege if it is presented at the next meeting. This right therefore gives him the possibility of delaying the application of the Council's directives at will. Along with the Executive Director, he is an ex-officio member of advisory committees. Mayor Ghali could also, as at the last council meeting, allow a resolution to be passed by a majority, assuming it is illegal. What are the consequences of such an eventuality?
The parties being well entrenched in their positions, is the normal administration of the municipality condemned to an impasse? Will the year before the next election be a chaotic one, or will council win the challenge of getting the train back on track by removing the conductor from his seat? One of the ways in which the majority can theoretically do this is through resolutions on various aspects and issues of administration, as we are beginning to see at Council meetings. So, aren't Councillors Johnston, Cliche and Zgodzinski already chairing the main municipal committees: Planning, Highways and Environment, respectively? The example of Sainte-Lucie-des-Laurentides, where mediation by the Commission municipale du Québec (CMQ) did not settle the disputes, seems to prove them right. Moreover, there is no guarantee that an identical situation will not reoccur after the elections.
Mayor Ghali, on the other hand, has already chosen to focus on his election campaign, while all attention is focused on the preparation of the annual budget and the three-year capital expenditure program (programme triennal des dépenses en immobilisations: CTP). This last exercise is both administrative and political in nature, as it allows for the translation of Council's intentions into a budget. Will he prematurely start publishing election bulletins, which are far more promising than what goes on behind the scenes at the Maison du citoyen? He demonstrated his mastery of the formula and its impact in his previous Electoral Journal. He could then directly and freely deliver his message and attacks to each resident. Would he dare, at the risk of legal action, to discredit the two councillors whose candidacy for mayor's office he deems most likely, calling them liars and slanderers, as he has already done on Mr. Cliche's Facebook page?
Would it then be to the council's advantage to go ahead with a resolution requesting mediation by the MAMH, through its Municipal Commission? Doesn't the additional delays that this procedure would probably impose on the municipal administration for the coming year and the determination of the actors to stay the course make it, on the contrary, counter-indicated and doomed to failure?
When it comes to definitions, the terms used by the CMQ are somewhat confusing. Thus, we find no mention of "conciliation" in its popularization documentation. And we do not see that its "mediation" service can respond to a conflict within a council. Rather, the latter would deal with disagreements between municipalities, such as, for example, the supra-local character of certain facilities or the sharing of a public road between two municipalities.
On the other hand, the Commission offers an "accompaniment" service, used by several municipalities since its creation in 2016, which is similar to mediation. Faced with a conflict on its council, the municipality of Saint-Norbert adopted a resolution to use it in March 2020. Similarly for Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, where Mayor Laplante, elected in 2017, was in a minority on council, facing opposition loyal to the former mayor. However, according to procedure, the council first had to accept the invitation from the regional management of the MAMH to offer an information session aimed at breaking the impasse by clarifying everyone's rights and duties. "When, despite the intervention of the MAMH regional directorate, a dysfunction persists within a municipality, the Municipal Commission may, following the recommendation of the MAMH regional directorate and at the request of the municipal council concerned, intervene in conflict management, in particular to prevent guardianship or provisional administration".
The accompaniment process remains confidential (assuming, in these times of Covid-19, that Zoom's orders have been well used...) and the process "ends when the municipality or the Municipal Commission decides to end it". Is the companion an administrative judge, as indicated for the "mediation"? In which case, one can imagine that he or she must follow the code that governs him or her to the letter. The documentation at least assures that his representative is able, with his skills and experience, to analyze the situation and to propose avenues of solution. What if the accompaniment fails, i.e. the recommendations are not followed? The literature does not give us the answer to this question. Could the Ministry or the Commission, at the request of the Council, advocate coercive measures, such as arbitration? If there had been no legal wrongdoing on either side, however, the process might have ended there.
What is there to be feared or gained for their new prerogative by those councillors who initially rejected the idea of such accompaniment? The regulatory procedure for the submission and adoption of resolutions should not be affected. On the other hand, if they had, for example, overstepped their responsibilities in making decisions, or if it had been the mayor who had failed in his duty by refusing to implement the legitimate decisions of council, it is to them or to him that the member of the Commission could recommend adjustments. "He will propose a plan of action while reminding the parties concerned (elected officials, general management, etc.) of their duties and responsibilities". So, is this the way to go?
Since the Commission's approach is confidential, could citizens, in such an eventuality, learn and judge the position of the parties involved and then take it into account in their next choice of members of the Council?
Without prejudice, having as a guide to some of our interpretations only the Ministry's popularized documentation; by Carl Chapdelaine,
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Sources :
Internal governance of Council meetings
Draft resolution delivered on his Facebook page by Councillor André Cliche on October 22, 2020 (according to our reading).
The resolution would amend or clarify the following three points in the internal rules of procedure for Municipal Council meetings:
- At the beginning of the session, according to Councillor Cliche, the Mayor would take the time to speak when special permission was practically required from Council members to do so. Now, according to the proposed by-law, all members would have a maximum of five minutes to speak on that occasion. Any presentation would have to be non-partisan.
- The procedure would be specified for special meetings (municipal sessions).
- The measures adopted during the pandemic for the dissemination of and participation in Council meetings (video-conferencing, written questions, etc.) would be maintained even after the in-camera sessions are closed. This would allow those who are unable or unwilling to attend to participate in the meetings to do so anyway.
By Carl Chapdelaine
Municipal Democracy
It is difficult for the ordinary citizen to navigate the procedures that govern municipal meetings or other actions of our elected officials; council members themselves can sometimes get confused. The undersigned is also uncomfortable with it. Is the mayor the supreme authority, or is it not, in any case or as it is today in Wentworth-Nord, a majority on council, without this being a "usurpation of power"? Documentation from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing can shed some light on this issue. One of its documents on démocratie municipale summarizes the role of council and elected officials, citizen participation, etc.
Role of council: "Elected officials meeting in council represent the people; they make decisions about the direction and priorities of the municipality and administer its affairs.
Functioning: "... Elected officials must always make their decisions in the interest of the citizens they represent and only at council meetings, in the form of a by-law or resolution. Individually and outside of council meetings, elected officials cannot make decisions on behalf of the municipality, except for the mayor in the exercise of his or her emergency power." Council makes its decisions by a majority of the members present.
Responsibilities: "The main role of council is to ensure that the services offered meet the needs of the community. ... Council assumes the rights and duties devolved by the main laws... Thus, council can decide on directions for various aspects of the community's quality of life, including economic development, urban planning, drinking water supply, wastewater treatment, community development, recreation and culture, etc.".
Role of Elected Officials :
- The mayor: ... "chairs council meetings and works collegially with other council members. ... (He/she) controls the operation of municipal services, thereby ensuring the transparency of Council to the community. ... (He/she) channels the mandates given by Council to the municipal administration, supervises the application of by-laws and resolutions and communicates any information deemed to be in the public interest."...The mayor participates in decision-making at meetings of council, but is not required to vote." (In an emergency situation, the mayor may authorize the expenditures necessary to remedy the situation).
- Councillors : "In addition to attending council meetings and representing the interests of their community, (they) may provide advice to council on particular matters...; (they) may be appointed to commissions or committees or may be assigned to work on issues that they will need to pursue in order to support council in its decisions." (They) have the obligation to vote on every proposal debated at council meetings, unless they are in a conflict of interest situation. ... In the absence ... of the mayor or during a vacancy in the office of mayor, ... the councillor appointed by council shall perform the duties of the mayor".
Citizen participation :
- Council Meetings : "... Citizens may attend sessions and question their representatives on their decisions or policies during question period. This type of intervention is accessible and useful for monitoring issues that affect the quality of life in the community. The council governs the question period both in terms of its duration and the applicable procedure, and in terms of the number of questions a person may ask. Thus, during question period, citizens must respect the rules of order and courtesy and, in particular, they must ask to speak to the chairperson of the assembly before questioning elected officials. These rules are intended to preserve certain decorum and to promote respectful and constructive exchanges between elected officials and citizens".
- Citizen engagement and involvement : "The participation ... of citizens as volunteers in the various departments or committees of their municipality allows them to contribute to the quality of life of their community ... In addition, they can learn more about the municipal organization and better intervene in it. ... In order to involve citizens in the development of projects and policies, municipalities also set up commissions or advisory committees on various subjects. Some are provided for by law, such as the urban planning advisory committee... At the supra-local level, citizen participation in advisory committees can also enhance the quality of life in their communities...".
By Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) & Linguee.
Municipal council meeting of octobre 16, 2020
The session will last almost two hours.
The Mayor congratulates Mrs. Myriam Rioux on her election as Councillor for District 1. He welcomes the arrival of a second woman to the Council. She has experience as a businesswoman and her involvement in the community of Saint-Michel is not new.
The Mayor announces that, as part of the fight at Covid-19, the Municipality has received a grant of $127,675 from the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to be used at its convenience. $275 230 are also granted to it by the local road improvement program.
Mayor Ghali announces that he will run again in the next municipal elections. He begins his justification by attacking the four majority councillors, particularly Mr. Eric Johnston, for the "chaotic" decisions they made this summer.
He argues that the decision of the four councillors to choose specific gravel for Notre-Dame-Sud Street was a waste of public funds. It was a proposal by Councillor Johnston, "a great expert in municipal roads", who had judged that the one already available to the municipality for all the other streets, and "conforming to the standards of the Ministry of Transport", "was not good" for his own, for Notre-Dame-Sud Street. It was necessary to spend $183,000 for this purchase, whereas the one available had cost $20,000; and the whole thing should prove to be a source of (technical) problems.
The proposal was adopted at a special meeting on September 29th, attended by only the four councillors. With the purchase of geotextile fabric and the installation, "it's $160,000 unnecessarily spent to satisfy the whims of a Montfort councillor".... *
The mayor therefore reminds us that he will run again at the town hall to prevent this type of chaotic management.
Then Mrs. Myriam Rioux gives a word of thanks for having been elected. She indicates that she will dedicate her action first and foremost to the citizens of Saint-Michel. She addressed the issue of the poor state of the roads in her sector; then the file of its church. She will also want to ensure that the municipal budget will give a more equitable share to her district. Finally, she indicated that she hopes to be able to work in harmony with her new colleagues and that she was not (favorably) impressed by the debates at the last Council meetings.
Mr. Cliche gave his second report of the Roads Committee which he chairs and which met on October 2. He advised that the full report would be made available in writing. He prioritized the three-year capital plan with a detailed view of its essential components. And the budget for the annual operating plan, i.e. for the next year. Responses are also awaited on the additional grant requests submitted for the rehabilitation of Route Principale, particularly between Laurel and Saint-Michel. He concluded by indicating that it will be necessary to determine what is to be done with the approximately $650,000 unused on the $2.5 million loan for the four roads. (Our note: If it's a simple line of credit, you don't necessarily have to use it).
Mr. Johnston asked the Mayor when the election campaign officially begins. The Mayor replied that he did not have such official campaign schedule, but that his campaign had started "to inform citizens of the actions you (Mr. Johnston) are taking and the alleged...". He is interrupted by Councillor Cliche who tells him that this is not an opportunity to campaign. The mayor immediately informed him that when he spoke, the councillor was not allowed to speak and asked him, in an authoritative tone, if his words were clear!* Councillor D. Zgodzinski intervened along the same lines as Mr. Cliche; then councillor Paradis in opposition. It is by indicating that the Mayor answered his question that Mr. Johnston managed to end the altercation.
The Mayor resumed the agenda, under this item, with the acceptance of salaries and capital assets.
In response to a written request for consultation concerning a telecommunications tower on Lake Saint-François-Xavier, Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis requested the vote because a citizen of the Lake had previously asked to study the dangerousness of the wave emission generated. Mr. Johnston indicated that this time it is not the same kind of tower. Mrs. Paradis maintains her request. The four councillors voted in favour, while Mrs. Paradis and Mrs. Rioux voted against.
Same voting results regarding a written request for consultation for the construction of a main building from container.
A written request for consultation concerning a project to amend the regulatory provisions governing the use of cottage rental as a complementary use to a main residential use is adopted without opposition.
New Business
Councillor Johnston presented a resolution, which will be adopted, to organize a meeting with the Member of the National Assembly for Argenteuil, Mrs. Agnès Grondin. The purpose of the resolution is to explore areas and projects for the Municipality that can be supported by Mrs. Grondin. It contains a list of whereases, one of which is the cancellation of the meeting scheduled for October 15 and another is "the mayor's refusal to participate". The mayor commented on the facts by indicating that he had notified Mrs. Grondin that he could not be there on the specified date and that the request did not come from himself or the DG but was initiated by a councillor, in this case Mr. Cliche, whose motives could be questioned.
Following Mr. Cliche's reply, the mayor resumed the altercation, accusing him of setting dates for meetings without consultation, etc. The councillor indicated that the date was rather in response to the MNA's agenda.
Mr. Johnston asked for explanations on the fact that many citizens, including himself, no longer receive communiqués from the Voilà application. The Director General, Mrs. Matteau, explained that the management of Voilà is the responsibility of the company (Google?) and that technical problems seem to be involved here. She will want to make sure that citizens receive the communiqués that pass through this application.
Councillor Paradis returned to the gravel file to denounce the actions of her four colleagues. The money wasted could have been used, she added, to improve other roads that are in great need of improvement. This time, Councillor Johnston responded briefly to the accusations made by the Mayor and the Councillor. Ironically, he sees that the election campaign is indeed underway and that he has provided a good campaign horse for the mayor's campaign... He says he consulted experts and acted for the good of the citizens of his district. He announces that he will respond in detail to these accusations.
Councillor Cliche presents a resolution regarding the request for legal opinions, by videoconference with Mr. Louis Béland in particular. Mr. Ghali commented asking why Mr. Béland: "Is this your friend? "* Mr. Cliche then underlines that the mayor seems to plan to use such insinuations in his campaign arsenal, and that he does not have to answer. The mayor explained that one is not allowed to suggest the name of a contractor or legal counsel; that this must be the responsibility of the DG. He added that if he doesn't know that, he ... Mr. Cliche then reproaches him for wanting to continue with his insults. Mr. Ghali then moved an amendment to remove the name of Mr. Béland from the resolution. Councillor Johnston objected, whereas Mr. Cliche proposed instead to add, following the mention of Mr. Béland, "or any other member of the Cabinet available". Mr. Ghali will wait until the resolution thus amended is adopted, only him and the two councillors having voted against, to indicate that it is illegal.
Question Period
Mr. Paul Pichette complained that the collection of bulky items has not been done since July on his street. The mayor answers by reminding that it is the responsibility of the MRC, according to the contract with the Municipality. He indicates to Mrs. Matteau that representations can be made to have the collection done according to the contract.
Concerning Mr. Lauzon's objection to the increase in the height of telecommunications towers, ...
Mrs. D. Desjardins: The financial statements for 2019 have not yet been filed in Wentworth-Nord, while they have been filed for all other municipalities in the MRC. They are important to allow us to follow the action of the Municipality. Is there a deadline for this filing? Mrs. Matteau explained that due to Covid-19, the date has been extended to the end of October. We are working very hard to produce them, since they are also necessary for the preparation of the budget.
Mrs. Desjardins said that according to the MRC's property assessments, revenues should have increased by $500,000 for Wentworth-Nord in 2020. How was this money spent?
Mrs. Turcotte returned to Mr. Lauzon's comments against increasing the height of telecommunications towers. The Mayor responded that Council receives the comments but may or may not take them into consideration. Mr. Zgodzinski added that high-speed Internet access has become essential and that he has received several e-mails from citizens in his district with similar sentiments. Councillors are considering the pros and cons.
Mr. Yves Léveillé, from Montfort, had a question (barely audible) on the work of the new committee «de coordination de la Table des aînés» of the MRC.(?) The mayor explained that Covid-19 has hindered this work, despite the hiring of an employee at the MRC. He hopes that the videoconferencing tool will allow the committee to function well. Mr. Cliche reminds that the resigning Councillor, Mr. Groulx, represented the Municipality on this committee and that it would be appropriate to replace him. Mr. Ghali will precede him by proposing that Mrs. Rioux, who has all the experience with this class of the population, replace him on the Committee.
Mrs. Desjardins will offer to introduce Mrs. Rioux to the work of the MRC and other municipalities on this subject. She will indicate that promises of progress in the field in Wentworth-Nord have not been kept. The mayor will respond by displaying the Senior Friendly Municipality certificate received from Québec.
Without prejudice.
*We have been following Council meetings, Lac St. François-Xavier Association general meetings or other meetings for about 15 years now and try to report on points of interest as objectively as possible. But, as Councillor Johnston pointed out for himself at a previous Council meeting, we have never witnessed such exchanges in Wentworth-Nord, or even elsewhere, before. While we can sense his frustration with the takeover of municipal affairs by his opponents, which has thwarted his plans, we cannot hide our outrage at the insults Mr. Ghali has hurled at his opponents on the fly, now coupled with intimidation, since taking office as mayor.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) & Linguee.
By Carl Chapdelaine
Telecom towers at Lake St. Francois-Xavier
By e-mail, District 5 Councillor David Zgodzinski reported on the construction of communication towers at Lake St. Francois-Xavier. There is new activity regarding telecommunications towers on our lake.
«Acces communications will be building a tower on land belonging to M. Kakon on the south side of the lake near rue Mount. That tower (which I belieeve will be about 90 ft high,) does not require a minor derogation because it will not be above the ridge line. It should be quite narrow and not overly visible.
The company has a second tower on the north side of the lake on the property of M. Barrette This tower will be increased in height. This height increase requires a minor derogation because it will be above the ridge line.
These towers will be used to broadcast a high speed Wifi Internet signal. They will not broadcast cell signals as far as I know. I am hoping to have more information soon.
You are welcome to send your opinions about the minor derogation (2020-0351) before Friday's council meeting.
Unless I receive any serious negative information before the meeting I will be voting for the derogation. I am generally in favour of any reasonable project that will increase the adoption of high speed Internet anywhere in the municipality.
If you have any comments, I think you should send them to the council as a whole.»
By Carl Chapdelaine
Special Council Meeting, Sept. 29, 2020 Report
The in-camera session, of which we were unaware, will last only 8 minutes; starting 6 pm. Mayor Ghali and Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis will not be in attendance. The Deputy Mayor, Mr. David Zgodzinski, will chair the meeting.
Mr. Zgodzinski did not have the agenda in front of him and will ask the Directrice générale to present it. She will, in a sense, be the moderator of the meeting.
Items 2 and 3: The awarding of contracts for the supply of crushed aggregates and the expenditure authorisation for the addition of geogrids for Notre-Dame Street South were discussed.
Item 4: The project number in the resolution concerning the subsidy of the Taxe sur l'essence et contribution du Québec 2019-2023 (gas tax and Quebec contribution program) (TECQ) is simply to be changed. This contribution would amount to $965,983 and the capital assets required from the municipality would amount to $356,250. "The achievement of a minimum threshold of capital assets in municipal infrastructure is a condition for the payment of the government contribution granted under the program..."
Only one question, that of Councillor Yvon Paradis on the reason for the orange marks on the Route Principale between Saint-Michel and Laurel. Ms. Matteau explained that the sections they delineate will have to be presented in more detail to the Ministry, at the latter's request, as part of the grant program. The engineer, Mr. André Philippe Hébert, will be responsible for compiling the data.
Without prejudice and pending the publication of the official minutes by the Municipality.
With the use of DeepL and Linguee.
by Carl Chapdelaine
Municipal Council Meeting of September 18, 2020
On-the-fly notes on a few points that caught our attention; and comments.
All members of Council were present by videoconference at this announced in-camera session. The public was able to attend via the Zoom application and ask questions.
Mayor Ghali noted that the ventilation in the Community Centre does not permit the holding of sessions. However, no mention was made of the presence at the Centre of a group of residents from Du Domaine Street to the previous one.
Mr. Ghali thanked the people who sent him condolences on the recent death of his mother. Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis will ask to add a resolution to also thank the people who helped at the ...
The Mayor reported on correspondence requesting the Municipality's support for a request for assistance for summer camps, which are in great financial difficulty due to containment. A resolution will be added to the agenda to that effect.
Mayor's and Committee Chairs' Report
Councillor Cliche requested to present his report as Chairman of the Roads Committee. He will publish a written version of his report. He will insist, among other things, to develop guidelines to guide the Municipality in the choice of paving of streets and roads, as well as of gravel. He speaks about the new initiative in the use of road dust suppressant. The Mayor will reproach him for not having acquiesced to his request to postpone this meeting of the Committee; not being able to attend because of the death of his mother. And the promised report is not available, he said.
Reminder that by-elections will be held on November 1st following the resignation of Councillor Groulx. The deadline for nominations is October 2nd. There will be a list of conditions attached to this event, including the salaries of the people to be involved.
Transportation and Public Works
The major point was the presentation of a resolution by Councillor Johnston on the project of construction of a new garage. It is essentially a question of looking, before going ahead, if there are not more financially advantageous alternatives than this construction of more than 1 M$. The Councillor also questions the appropriateness of privileging in-house work over subcontracting. Mrs. Paradis, like the mayor before her, will recall, ironically also, all the work already done for the preparation of this project which would allow repairs on site while offering a better work environment to the employees. She is calling on citizens to come and visit the old garage to see for themselves. Mr. Zgodzinski echoed her comments by inviting residents to look at the financial implications of this project which, instead of saving us money, could increase our maintenance costs. He said that we already have a garage; that we will have to hire a full-time mechanic; and that this is not the best solution.
Councillor Cliche went on to point out, as did Mr. Johnston, that calling upon the FTQ, if construction is to proceed, was an excellent idea; but that before opting for this construction, the required investments in other real estate assets of the Municipality, such as the Community Centre, must be weighed in the balance. Here, judging himself interrupted by the mayor, Mr. Cliche expressed his irritation. Mr. Ghali, resuming the accusations of lack of decorum that he had already been served, reminded him that he must address him, in such a session, by naming him Mr. Mayor. (It comes to mind that, outside of this virtual enclosure, English-speaking residents easily go for a "François", rather than Mr. Mayor. It's easy to get confused... And the Mayor, on the other hand, is not always very tactful when he addresses councillors, as we see here again with Mr. Johnston). Yet this will be one of the few altercations in this session between the mayor and councillors.
Then we get to the asphalt road repairs. Mr. Johnston mentioned that the person in charge indicated that the condition of the asphalt on a road had deteriorated too much for crack repairs. This would demonstrate the need for a better preventive road intervention plan.
Urban planning and zoning
Two items were related to two requests to purchase small lots at Lake St. Francois-Xavier. They were granted; with the obligation in one, we understand, not to grant access to the lake to a third party.
It was also necessary to formalize the request for a zoning modification (?) in the land exchange, concerning the Orphans' Trail, between the Municipality and Lac St-Victor Estates.
Regarding the Notice of Motion to the proposed Short-Term Leasing By-law, it would have to wait until the next municipal meeting to be ready.
New Business
The mayor indicated that he would be an ex-officio member of the committee created for the internet service, and chaired by Mr. Johnston.
Question Period
Mrs. D. Desjardins had a question about short-term leasing. The mayor replied that the project had been postponed. Mr. Cliche will explain that an attempt is being made to find a more balanced formula to govern and supervise this activity that generates the most complaints.
She also questioned the project of building a new garage, which she found aberrant; in particular for questions of financing with the FTQ. Mayor Ghali simply thanked her.
Our Comments
The session was markedly different from the previous ones in terms of Mayor Ghali's exchanges with the dissident councillors, as well as, conversely, that of Mr. Cliche with the latter. Although still visibly very upset by the questioning of some of his initiated projects (or those of the Council, as he would like to correct), he showed greater restraint. However, he could not help but again pass on a sarcastic remark to Councillor Johnston, pointing out that it had taken him a long time to form an opinion on the garage issue.
Councillor Cliche, for his part, at least for the sections of the videotape we followed, will be more virulent in a confrontation. Mrs. Paradis will however have taken over from the mayor in their denunciation of the reversals in the municipal agenda imposed by her colleagues. (As if the one attributed to Covid-19 was not enough.) Will the thanks expressed by Mr. Ghali, following the messages of sympathy, including from political opponents, on the occasion of his mother's death, and which he admits to having received with emotion, help him to make the difference?
Beyond the conflict of style or personality, it emerges for us from the exchanges of this session that a more rational basis justifies the position of the majority councillors. Indeed, the questioning of the project to build a new garage once again highlights the conservatism of the two English-speaking councillors, allies of Mr. Ghali's early days, in municipal finance. While Mr. Johnston says he simply wants to study alternatives to its construction, Mr. Zgodzinski is unreservedly opposed to it. Mr. Cliche and Mr. Paradis echo their positions, even though they welcome the possible FTQ's involvement.
In retrospect, we cannot help but notice that citizens are more likely to succumb to the lure of big projects and their brilliant promoters than to the presentation of a gloomy program with a conservative budget. For Montrealers, Mayor Drapeau and his achievements were a perfect example. Whether it was a world's fair, a sports complex or a revolution in the reshaping of the road network, it seems to us that, in their minds as well as in the minds of the population, budgetary reality is no longer an obstacle; that an investment can be other than economic. Or that, like the Canadian Prime Minister's assertion in the fight against the pandemic, paying more would save us money in the long term; the proof being postponed, if not forgotten. So the most fiscally conservative will try to call their fellow citizens to order.
It is to be hoped, however, that the moderation observed last September 18 at the Council and the new balance between the opposing forces will allow it to establish a similarly balanced program of municipal enterprises; at least for the year that separates us from the next election.
Without prejudice and pending the publication of the official minutes by the Municipality.
With the use of DeepL and Linguee.
By Carl Chapdelaine
Councillors vs. Mayor
A few weeks ago, Mr. André Cliche, from District 2 (Laurel and Saint-Michel) asked us to bring together a group of Montfort residents to obtain their opinion on his proposal to upgrade the road network. Following the resolutions adopted at the last Council meeting, some of them did not understand the apparent reversal of his position on the Du Domaine Street paving file. With the three other dissenting councillors, he had indeed voted to allow the project to proceed. Mrs. Diana Jegou was then acting as spokesperson for the group to question Mr. Cliche on this subject. He was going to explain his answer during a second meeting held this Friday afternoon at the Jegou's home.
The District 5 Councillor, Mr. David Zgodzinski, who was unable to attend the first meeting, was present at the meeting. And the exchanges were not limited to the aforementioned topic.
The explanation of the change in the position of the councillors was a bit complicated. The administration had already planned the project for which the residents of Du Domaine Street were relying on the assurances given. On the other hand, counsellors would not have been aware of the details of the project at the time of its preparation, we understand. Moreover, two legal actions by these residents against the Municipality, following the blockage imposed by the new majority on Council, could have resulted in expenses that were probably more important for the Municipality than the realization of the original plans. It was better to make an exception here.
We also learned that the first meeting of the Roads Advisory Committee, now under the chairmanship of Councillor Cliche, with the direction of the Roads Department, as required by the resolution adopted by the dissenters, had just taken place that morning. Mayor Ghali, who had demanded to attend as was his right, had to cancel following the death of his mother. The majority councillors could now direct the administration of the Roads Department, as they could do with the other departments. However, in practice, the close collaboration developed between the Mayor and the Director General created a serious problem for them in this regard.
A question was asked about the limit of the Director General’s right to spend. Councillors, Mr. Johnston at least, had explained the reason at the Council meeting. Mr. Cliche resumed and we understood that the purpose was to have a better follow-up of their authorized transactions and to update the policy on the awarding of contracts. Ms. Matteau had received the decision rather badly; councillors would have to try again to justify it.
And why was a group of residents from Du Domaine Street admitted to Laurel's community hall for the municipal session where their file would be dealt with, when everyone else was instructed to respect the in camera session and Council was not sitting in that room either? Councillors would have objected to this deviation from the directive. However, it is not yet clear how the event that led several members of this group to exceed their prerogatives or to deny the respect of the rules of conduct to which these assemblies are subject could have led to a final judgment.
Another point concerned the refusal of the four councillors to accept the resolution proposed by the mayor to obtain mediation from the MAMH for the deliberations of Council. It is perhaps with the answer to this question that the huge gap between the two parties would be revealed here. The mayor would be firmly entrenched in his position, according to Zgodzinski and Cliche. It is impossible for them to imagine that he could break away from it and submit in good faith to mediation. Now united in their fight against his administration, the four dissidents do not want such an initiative, doomed to failure, to block their undertaking to reshape it on new criteria. The exchanges between Mr. Cliche or Mr. Zgodzinski and the mayor would have often become more virulent, they tell us; still far from what we could already see in the course of the meetings of the Council.
Another mediation was object of questions; the one adopted to facilitate exchanges between the Council and the MRC on the status of the Aerobic Corridor shared way, Chemin-de-Fer Street. Mr. Zgodzinski pointed out that the Mayor voted against this resolution and that he does not understand the reason.
Let's admit that this small meeting was also going to take a more partisan aspect. In front of the report of the councillors present on the situation at the Council, we began to imagine what could result when the population would be called to the polls. Did any of the dissidents want the mayor's position; if they were even thinking of staying on Council? A lot of hesitation in the semblance of an answer. This year's acrimonious debates must have exhausted everyone's stamina. The task seemed immense. And yet, it seemed as if the one who would meet the challenge would rise here.
Aware of likely and numerous omissions, by Carl Chapdelaine
WiFi Tower
Conflict at the Council
This year, with Mr. Ghali's promised road rehabilitation program being called into question, the divide is evident between a majority of Council members and the mayor. The position taken by the new majority has, in fact, triggered open warfare between them.
Actually, the dispute is no longer limited to road works, but has brought the two former allies of the mayor of the Montfort sector, Mr. Zgodzinski and Mr. Johnston, closer to the two opposition councillors, Mr. Paradis and Mr. Cliche. In the wake of the road debates, Mr. Groulx, an early support to the Mayor, even resigned. The undersigned does not know the reason for this resignation. Did he now also doubt that the original project could be carried out? Today, Mr. Ghali can only count on Ms. Paradis.
According to the mayor, as well as to his new opponents, the conflict can only harm the smooth running of the administration, already affected by Covid-19. At the most recent council meeting on August 21, Mr. Ghali introduced a resolution calling on the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Habitation (MAMH) to appoint mediators to assist Council in its deliberations. All four dissenting councillors refused; Mr. Johnston asking to reconsider; or Mr. Zgodzinski, because the mayor himself is alleged to be the source of the problem and shows no willingness to change his position at any time. All four probably require more detailed information on the file from the Mayor first, along with a return to decorum at the council table. There appears to be an impasse.
The dissenting councillors seem to open the door to criticism; how can they refuse the MAMH's mediation? But we do not have sufficient knowledge of municipal affairs to really take a position on this last point. Do they fear that Mr. Ghali is hiding some kind of ploy? Would the MAMH tend to favour the mayors at the expense of the councillors? Would the appointment of the MAMH mean the continuation of the original plans while waiting for an unlikely agreement? In short, has the mayor really taken the initiative to bring all together? Does he need to be clearer? He reminds us that he has been duly elected; etc. But if he has lost the support of the majority of councillors, can he still count on the support of those they represent?
Mr. Ghali, who, since taking power, has not ceased to criticize and dismiss Mr. Genest's former administration, is now being blamed by his former collaborators with indignation and bad temper. Wouldn't it be better for him to seek a beginning of appeasement of the conflict by himself? To come back with his request for mediation, perhaps, accompanied by a promise on his part to give all the consideration to which councillors or any other citizen of good will are certainly entitled?
Shouldn't Mr. Ghali, on the other hand, accept the majority's questioning of the rehabilitation of the road network, its scope and its costs? From that point on, everyone could appeal to the director concerned or any other authority on the matter. There has to be some good and some bad in the arguments put forward by all sides. Wouldn't it be enough to clean up the mess and stick to the essentials, at least until the next election?
By Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with DeepL & Linguee
W-N Session of August 21, 2020
August 25:
The session was to last nearly four hours. (We'd follow about three on YouTube; but we'd probably miss a few passages).
All members of Council were present by videoconference at this announced in camera session. To our astonishment, there was a group of citizens present in Laurel's community Center, obviously residents of Du Domaine Street. These people would applaud several interventions by the Mayor denouncing, among other things, the direction taken by the four dissident councillors in the file of the road network rehabilitation, particularly concerning the paving of their street. One of them would display the thumb of disapproval during the interventions of these opponents. The group will leave "the church" after the adoption of an amended proposal to pave their street and the mayor's conclusion that their "ordeal was over".
The entire session will be conducted in the usual confrontational tone, with Mayor Ghali not shying away from ridiculing the positions of the dissident councillors on road rehabilitation and other issues. However, the latter will avoid, as they have always done to our knowledge, to return the favor. Some will, however, ask for a call to order geared towards the mayor and a return to the decorum that should be expected. Councillor Johnston will say that he has never experienced such an atmosphere in any meeting other than those of this council.
Mr. Ghali will ask to add a statement on his part to the agenda, as well as a resolution requesting the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation (MAMH) to appoint mediators to accompany Council in its deliberations.
In his statement, he will recall that he was elected on an ambitious program, known to all and approved by the majority of Council. That today four councillors, two of whom had adhered to his program, are challenging that of the rehabilitation of the road network. That they will be judged on their decisions. He defends himself from any partisanship; pleads for total honesty; transparency; etc. He stays on course with his program. He will (still) have a point against the prefect. The group authorized to enter the community hall and visibly partisan, will applaud his words.
In the item "Follow-up and adoption of the minutes", Mr. Ghali will propose to cancel the main resolutions submitted by the dissidents that had been postponed to this regular meeting following the use of his veto right, did we understand. (Only Mrs. Paradis will systematically support the position of the mayor. The latter will have to remind her at a few occasions that it is time to make a decision).
Concerning their resolution on limiting the Director General's right to spend, the Mayor will ask Mr. Johnston, in a sarcastic tone, if he fears that she will leave with petty cash... The Councillor will explain that they simply want to be able to follow the expenses more closely and that Ms. Matteau has their full confidence. (Councillor Johnston may not be comfortable enough in Molière's language to reply to Mr. Ghali).
Councillor Johnston, seconded by Mr. Cliche, moved for a minor derogation to allow for the eventual construction of a tubular cable-stayed telecommunications tower near Lac-Thurson Road to allow residents to have high speed internet access. Recommended by the Planning Advisory Committee despite its height, it was adopted by a majority vote. The mayor voted against it. During the question period, the subject will be discussed at length. Mr. Ghali will line up behind Montfort residents who do not want to see the top of this tower in their landscape and who, according to many, will constitute a health hazard for the citizens of the surrounding area. He will once again advocate favouring the eventual installation of fibre optics by Bell.
Concerning the status of Chemin-de-Fer street, Mr. Zgodzinski, seconded by Mr. Johnston, moved a resolution to ask the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l'Habitation (MAMH), Laurentians Regional Direction, to act as mediator between the administration of the MRC and the Municipal Council of Wentworth-Nord. The mayor voted against the resolution, but it was adopted by a majority. Council appoints Mr. Cliche and Mr. Zgodzinski in committee to participate in the arbitration with the MRC and the MAMH.
Montfort beach is reopened to allow Wentworth-Nord residents to swim. At the question period, the Mayor will explain, in response to a request to remove the fence, that the pandemic situation led them to make this decision of a temporary fence. Too many visitors were rushing to get to the beach. (In an e-mail chain of several Montfort residents opposing Mr. Ghali to Councillor Zgodzinski, the mayor later criticized the latter for his chaotic management of the issue).
The dissenting councillors vote to replace councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis on the roads committee with one of their own. They plead the lack of communication between her and Council on the subject. Mrs. Paradis denies this assertion.
On the mayor's request for conciliation by the MAMH to Council, Councillor Johnston says he needs to think about it and to have to vote against it in the meantime. Mr. Cliche will agree with him. Mr. Zgodzinski will express doubts about the possibility of conciliation, whereas the one who requested it is at the origin of all the current discord, he says. The four dissenting councillors will vote against.
Before reading and answering Mr. Dupont's two written questions, the mayor will speak at length against the statements they contain. He will ask his attorney to handle the matter, as he did with his spouse, Mrs. Desbiens.
Without prejudice and pending the publication of the official minutes by the Municipality; by Carl Chapdelaine, August 26, 2020.
With the use of DeepL and Linguee.
August 20, 2020
A press release from the Municipality announced us Tuesday that the regular meeting of the Council would be held (again) in camera. However, it had been stated that arrangements would be made with the ventilation system, in relation to the fear of contagion from Covid-19, so that the Community Centre could receive residents at this meeting. Will the sessions be held in camera until the vacationers have left the Municipality for the season or a Covid vaccine has been found?
Citizens who wish to attend this meeting by videoconference, could do so via Zoom; or use their phone," the release added, giving instructions on how to do so. The procedure could put off more than one person.
The press release further stated that "anyone wishing to ask questions in relation to the agenda (should do) so by e-mail..." In relation to the agenda? Is it to question the composition of the agenda or to take advantage of the question period? It is not clear. Since when should we limit ourselves to questions relating to the agenda at a regular meeting of the Council? And if you had one on the lakes or something else that is rarely on the agenda, would you wait for ever and a day?
By Carl Chapdelaine
Participatory Democracy
The still distant approach of the municipal elections and the saga of the use of Montfort beach in these Covid-19 times, plunge us back into the search for an improved management of municipal affairs.
If our memory serves us well, the two main opponents in the last elections in Wentworth-Nord had a different approach to the issue of citizen representation in municipal management. The current mayor seemed to favour the delegation of powers that voters had given to their elected representatives, himself above all, and the district councillors. Someone in the opposition had advocated the formation of district advisory committees or something like that. That had appealed to the undersigned. Perhaps it was the return of the Advisory Committee on Orphaned Lands, whose dismantling had left us somewhat bitter. Nothing was going to replace it to capture, in a more comprehensive way, the pulse of the people of Montfort.
The current administration had indeed launched major consultations on the rehabilitation of the road network, or on the trails. But we still wonder whether it was really a question of adjusting the projects based on the information and comments received or of reporting that the majority of citizens had approved most of these projects. We seem to see today that the results of the consultation on the rehabilitation of the road network did not give an accurate picture of the perception of residents or even councillors on the issue.
The e-mail chains, occasionally triggered by the Montfort District Councillor, the Lake Association or private citizens, only reached a partial clientele; apparently too often targeted. As under the previous administration, did we see the appearance of a few rare ad-hoc committees on specific subjects: buoys or others? Would such a chain of e-mails, with the counsellor as the main link, have led to a mess in the choice of a solution to the problem of beach use? Would not the existence of a District Advisory Committee, possibly led by the same municipal councillor, assisted by a member of the administrative or other staff, have offered a better representation of the will of the residents, as well as more relevance in the proposed solutions?
Participatory democracy, if that is what we are describing here, probably has a rather bad press among elected officials. Indeed, does it not risk not only reducing their freedom of action but, at worst, hindering the entire administration? And it does not seem to us to be in keeping with the blind need for authority that we thought we saw in the "cleaning up" that the present administration did in the old one. Given what we are currently experiencing in Wentworth-Nord, we have to admit that this formula could not have been worse. It should be emphasized that such committees should be composed according to a choice, probably pre-programmed, apolitical; and therefore not, as seems to be the case with municipal advisory committees, dictated by the only administration in power.
We find it difficult to imagine the next composition of the Wentworth-Nord municipal council of 2021. Will election promises or the will to change still guide the choice of voters? Should they not, in any case, plan to make their choice for a more participatory democracy? Are they going to be content, as is sometimes the case with the choice of a team at the head of the lake association, to rely totally on their elected representatives and let them do as they please?
With DeepL Translator & Linguee
By Carl Chapdelaine
Note on the special session of the Council on 31 July 2020
As indicated in the agenda, the 1.49 hour video-conference session would focus on issues related to the rehabilitation of the road network:
- The adoption of the policy on paving work.
- Requests for legal advice:
o On the possibility of modifying "By-law 2019-563 - decreeing capital expenditures and a loan of $2,500,000, repayable over a period not exceeding 25 years for road repairs on Lac-Farmer and Notre-Dame-Sud roads and Chisholm and du Domaine streets".
o On points of the file concerning du Domaine Street.
- A request for a detailed presentation of the costs related, to date and to be foreseen, concerning these same roads.
- The lowering of the spending authority limit of the Director General (from 25 000$ to 15 000$) and of the Technical Director of Roads and Recreation.
Upon the attendance count, the Mayor notes the absence of Councillor Jean-Luc Groulx whose resignation was received the same day. He associated it to the current tensions existing within Council.
At the time of the adoption of the agenda, Mr. Ghali asked to add two points (which would overturn the rejection by the majority of councillors of items 7.1 and 7.3 of the agenda of the July 17 meeting, concerning the roads in question here). Councillor E. Johnston opposes the amendment to the agenda, indicating that it would have to be accepted unanimously. The vote was taken. Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis is the only one to support the Mayor; the resolution is defeated.
This scenario will be repeated throughout the session as the various resolutions are presented. At some point, Mr. Ghali will describe the majority of the resolutions presented as ridiculous. His comments will be immediately denounced by Councillor A. Cliche, who will encourage him to help maintain the decorum of this session. The Mayor will defend himself from this accusation and will maintain his words while reproaching that he was attributed political choices in this file. Councillors, as mayor, will say that they are acting according to their duty and in all respect of their obligations. Again, the reply formula will continue until the end of the session.
Resigned or perhaps wanting to clearly disassociate himself from the dissident enterprise, Mr. Ghali will democratically submit to the unanimous determination of the four councillors.
Mrs. Paradis will do her utmost to make statements and cut off the other councillors; then vote against all their resolutions, while trying to demonstrate the contradictions she would find in their approach. However, the councillors will not flinch. (The mayor did seem to have lost control in Council on the whole issue of road repairs, and probably even beyond).
Note that the Director General would have had every reason to be uncomfortable appearing several times in the midst of each other's fire (In this Covid-19 era, one would have thought one was witnessing a fight in a virtual arena).
We understand that the Municipality's in-house lawyer will be called to a consultation session, in connection with the resolutions that requested it. We did not understand how Ms. Matteau would know how to negotiate this urgent task with her current vacation period. Was Mr. Jason Neil, assistant secretary-treasurer, to take over for her? Mr. Ghali will indicate that he himself was on vacation, and that he had interrupted them for this special session.
During the question period, a citizen was complaining about the increase in property assessments. The mayor replied that this was a matter for the MRC. Discussions followed with the councillors on this increase and on the tax rate maintained by the Municipality.
(Question in English reported by the mayor and which we could not understand his reading).
To the questions of a citizen asking for explanations on the steps taken by the dissident councillors to question the current road repair program, let us understand, Mr. Cliche will answer that they need explanations like him to make sure they make the right decisions. The majority of the council had just, by resolution, withdraw from Mr. Ghali the right to answer to this citizen to give it to the councillor; probably fearing that the mayor uses the statement of these questions for the benefit of his cause. (On his Facebook page, Mr. Ghali will accuse these councillors of having muzzled him and prevented him from answering a citizen).
It appears that the dissenting councillors have led the Council to rule on a time limit for question period. (The July 17 session had lasted more than four hours; while the response to questions appeared to have given free rein to lengthy comments by the Mayor). Mr. Ghali and Ms. Paradis denounced this as an attack on democracy.
Subject to all reservations and pending publication of the minutes by the Municipality.
Note: Will there be elections for district 1 this fall?
With DeepL Translator.
By Carl Chapdelaine.
Notes On The Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting Of July 17 2020
The session is held by video-conference between Council members and the Executive Director only. The recording will last 4 hours and a half. Only Councillor Jean-Luc Groulx did not participate.
Mayor Ghali apologizes for not being able to hold the meeting in public; the ventilation of the building is not adequate to provide the necessary protection against Covid-19. He hopes that the problem can be remedied next month.
Adoption of the agenda
Councillor Eric Johnston, seconded by his colleagues Paradis, Zgodzinski and Cliche, requests an amendment to the agenda. The Mayor will not object to this request, but he will leave open the possibility that it may, after the fact, be deemed inadmissible because it does not respect the 72-hour time limit required before the meeting is held.
Mr. Cliche will explain on his Facebook page the outcome of this request:
- Withdrawal of items forcing a decision by council concerning the awarding of contracts on the 4 secondary roads identified in the $2.5 million loan made last year; this was done in the agenda ADOPTED (Public Works: 7.1 and 7.3).
- Addition of a resolution requesting that existing information (e.g., reports on completed and projected work and costs) be shared with the municipal council; RESOLUTION CARRIED
- Addition of a resolution asking that sufficient funds be set aside to cover the maximum costs of the work that could possibly still be done on the 4 secondary roads identified in the $2.5 million loan made last year; RESOLUTION CARRIED.
- Addition of a resolution requesting the hiring of an experienced consultant to assist council in the development of a longer term strategy; RESOLUTION NOT CARRIED.
- Addition of a resolution requesting that the administration make recommendations on other road work that should be done with the available funds associated with the $2.5M loan made last year (we are talking about a surplus of approximately $700,000); RESOLUTION NOT CARRIED
- Addition of a final resolution authorizing the Directorate General to prepare proposals to complete the funding required allowing work on the Route Principale to proceed rapidly upon confirmation of the grants. RESOLUTION ADOPTED
Upon adoption of the minutes of the previous meeting, a councillor will ask which of the two minutes issued is submitted for adoption. Mr. Ghali replied that, in the final version and in order to respect the rules, his statement (corresponding to the communiqué he sent to each resident and which had not been made at the said meeting) was withdrawn, as well as the question period.
Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis will take advantage of the committee chairpersons' reporting period to make her own statement. She is leading a charge in good standing against the will of the other four councillors to block the project to repair the 4 roads, the object of the rejected resolutions, and the more global road plan.
Other items on the agenda
(The undersigned did not finish playing the video; he simply skipped to the last part of the question period).
One criticism of the conduct of this session is that Mayor Ghali will strongly oppose this challenge to his road repair plan. The reading of a formal notice to the Municipality, by a citizen of du Domaine Street included in the rejected road rehabilitation plan, will have given him the opportunity to try at length to undermine the position of the dissident councillors.
Question period
We will mainly note here that, to the question submitted by a group of Montfort (cf. : Question for the Council), Mr. Ghali will say that it recalls the position of the four dissident councillors and that it would now be up to them to see to the implementation of their resolutions. Taking up the passage from another question that was abundantly in the same vein, which asked whether we had the means to achieve our ambitions, he will serve his opponents well; describing their plan to review the entire road network as extravagant.
In response to a request calling on the council not to forget private roads, the mayor reminded, as it were, that they could be added to the public domain if their current owners made them standardised.
It will also be a question of the work carried out on Sainte-Marie Road.Without prejudice and pending the publication of the official minutes by the Municipality.
par Carl Chapdelaine
Question for the Council
Mr. Mayor,
In 2018 you proposed an ambitious project to repair and upgrade our existing road network over a three year period. (PTI 2019-21)
While continuing priority roadwork maintenance, we would ask that you re-visit this proposal with an updated presentation and a certified long term pro-forma budget for the entire network based on the advice of independent professional services in engineering, environmental protection and financial feasibility.
This will ensure the roadwork meets proper engineering criteria, will not cause any disruption to the environment and eco systems; assuring an equitable distribution of services across the sectors of the municipality. Is financially feasible as to usage type and frequency of usage. As well, the ability to sustain the financial burden imposed on the community.
(By a group of Montfort's citizens.)
The way forward?
In the tug-of-war that divides councillors and residents on road rehabilitation projects, is there not a way to find common ground? It's not easy for most of us to get a clear picture of the situation; do our elected officials already have one? And why should we trust one over the other? Wouldn't there be a little doubt even if the whole Council agreed on the basic data, the choice of criteria, the evaluation of specific cases, the evaluation of the network as a whole and the proposed work plan? Wouldn’t there be if otherwise the burden of proof were left to the administration alone?
The mayor, like a president or a prime minister, may well argue that he has the support of the public, since he was elected on the program he is trying to achieve. But any head of state, as the international news shows, should not become an expert in areas that are not necessarily his or her own. Applying this observation to our situation, can we not conclude that it is preferable to rely on those who have the competence to decide between the pros and cons of the choices being considered: in-depth repairs, with an increased financial burden, or routine maintenance; generalized paving or only according to more restrictive criteria; etc.?
Mayor Ghali had carefully prepared and presented us with an ambitious plan, and said he had obtained, through consultation, the support of citizens for it. Some councillors now believe that this plan is too big; too nebulous or arbitrary, or too costly; or that it favours one over the other; and that it needs to be reviewed. In fact, they seem to us, at least in the Montfort sector, to have convinced a majority of residents of their point of view. A battle of numbers is raging; innuendoes of favouritism are emerging. As a well-informed politician, or burned out by the rejection of his industrialization project, will the mayor not listen to the critics, seize the moment and offer a salutary collaborative approach?
Requests to reconsider the plan may seem fully justified. The monumental mistake of extending Hunter Street to the hillside is, for us, a clear demonstration of this. Shouldn't every road project be subject to a rigorous technical and financial analysis, an evaluation of its impact on the environment and the residents involved, etc.? If the Municipality's services have not been able to carry them out, shouldn't we seek advice from more competent authorities? But here the theory may also be too good. When spring is in the potholes, the hand on the shovel takes precedence over any other logic or in-depth analysis.
Already, if our elected officials manage to put their rivalries to rest, show a willingness to cooperate, and act in complete transparency, we will be able to trust them more easily in the search for the best formula.
Your opinion matters. Items on the agenda for this Friday's Council meeting could allow the Mayor to move forward with a bang or, on the contrary, force him to reconsider his plans. Ask your question on the subject or ask for clarification to get an answer at this meeting, which is still being held in camera.
By Carl Chapdelaine
Roads on the agenda
The municipal councillor of District 2 of Wentworth-Nord, Mr. André Cliche, approached us to find out how to meet with a small group of residents of the Montfort sector to discuss the issue of roads. He needed to flesh out his argument and sound out the opinion of residents throughout the Municipality in order to put his presentation on a better footing at a meeting between councillors that same Friday, July 10, 2020.
It was perhaps an opportunity, we thought, to get a few local people who do not easily have a voice in the current partisan context to speak. Our District Councillor, Mr. David Zgodzinski, who was also invited, unfortunately had other obligations on this hot morning. The ongoing project to repair Rue du Domaine, which would come back before the Council next week, was perhaps the pretext for the choice of this moment. The Jegou had offered their eagle's nest for such a meeting. The physical distance required in this time from Covid-19 would be easy to respect; while the gigantic conifers would shelter us entirely from the sun.
Mr. Cliche began by recalling the presentation of the road repair plan and the consultation that accompanied it by Mayor Ghali in 2018. But, he said, this plan, which would require 12 million dollars, covered only 30% of the municipal road network. And it did not include a sum of $6.5M representing the portion of the annual operating budget devoted to maintenance (approximately $1.3M / year X 5 years).
By the way, the distribution of roads between paved and gravel roads would be 50%-50%, according to him. The issue of private roads was not really going to be addressed here. The councillor could only use the available figures as a starting point; while regretting not being able to obtain all the relevant data from the administration.
Mr. Cliche had prepared plates, with tables, for this presentation, which he intended for various similar occasions. He insisted, with the support of other guests present, on the need to approach the problem of the road system using objective criteria rather than sometimes more arbitrary considerations. He listed three main criteria: knowledge of data, equity (probably between sectors and citizens) and affordability.
A few interventions precede those of the advisor, adding additional considerations to these criteria, such as the need to stick to the most rigorous approach in the rehabilitation of a street or road. The call for an engineer, the environmental impact assessment, the consultation of the first interested parties, could prevent us from making major mistakes, such as the extension of Hunter Street.
Mr. Cliche said that road rehabilitation should not be undertaken without taking into account the maintenance required elsewhere on the road network; a slight deterioration is much less costly in the long run than such neglect.
Extending the authority's current vision for quality hroad rehabilitation over 30 years, Mr. Cliche estimated the cost at $115 million. We're not yet talking about extensive paving here, even though the current pandemic has brought down the price of asphalt. It is then that the proportion of government assistance to cover these costs should evolve around 50%; far behind the Mayor's advantageous estimates for the first five years.
The councillor also had criteria to help in the choice of gravel or asphalt.
- It was necessary to take into account the hierarchy of roads, main road vs. secondary roads, etc..,
- Traffic flow was a factor; whereas, below 50 passages/day paving was generally not justified.
- Slope was also a factor, as well as the presence of heavy traffic, increased property holdings, proximity of the road to houses, etc.
According to another who had already been involved in the area, the impact of climate change, with its more frequent and violent storms and their impact on the size of culverts, altered seasons, etc., should as well be considered. Another one said that gravel road maintenance equipment, for example, should be on an as-needed basis, something that other municipalities may have managed better.
As for the case of du Domaine Street, whose need for rehabilitation is not to be questioned, said the councillor, we will probably not have all the technical arguments necessary next Friday to know if the choice of paving is really relevant. The councillors will have to use their good judgment.
Without prejudice, by Carl Chapdelaine
Mayor, councillors, polls...
Who does what? Directives coming from the municipality are issued and become directives. Are they the result of the mayor's, council's, administration's decision? The mayor is congratulated or criticized for such and such a decision. Occasionally, he will then say that it was the council, rather than him, that made the decision. And it would be tempting to use that formula when it is mostly criticism. We're asking the question here, but we're not qualified to explain what's in the municipal procedural codes.
When we asked Mr. Ghali, who was running for mayor of Wentworth-Nord at the time, we understood that he preferred the usual formula for representing the population of the districts; that is, councillors speak for their residents. There was no need to add local consultation committees or similar formula, as proposed by the main opposition. Obviously, the more the responsibility of the councillors or the mayor is diluted, the more difficult it may be for the admiral to lead his fleet. But decisions made solely on the basis of the mayor's vision, election promises or the position of councillors can also lead to inevitable failures, as the will of the population in the eyes of the municipal authorities has been misunderstood.
So, we add to this structure the municipal consultation on major announced projects. Of course, the council also has a role to play here as well. There was the one on road repair projects, an essential step, according to the mayor, to ensure the development of Wentworth-Nord. We had to look at the huge amount of investment required from a long-term perspective, not to mention the fact that senior governments will certainly be responsible for most of it. The results of this consultation are very positive, could we read in the Gazette of Wentworth-Nord; but who was the judge?
Now we have individuals, even councillors on board ships that have left the fleet, doing surveys of residents questioning the will of the mayor or council. The publications of these councillors can also be interpreted as coming from the municipality itself. Are the premises on which these surveys are based entirely valid? Depending on one’s opinion, there is a beginning to talk of misinformation from one’s opponents.
The mayor responds to a councillor's crusade on his roads program with a press release to which he attaches great importance. The latter is even found, by some trickery, in the minutes of the last municipal meeting, although the recording of the meeting does not yield anything. But then, is the only reliable source of information here really that of the municipal administration, as the mayor claims? Will council adopt this inclusion in the minutes?
It's an inextricable muddle. Is it not even more regrettable to feel the absence of local media in Wentworth-Nord, which one would hope would be apolitical? They seem to be a key element in the dissemination of information, alongside the new reality of social media that are invading the web and our entire universe.
Wouldn't it be better to make a clear distinction between what comes from the council, the mayor, the municipality, and what is limited to the authority of the councillor? The municipality's logo, displayed by some councillors in their audio-visual communications, should probably not be the one attributed to the former. It would be better to incorporate in it, for example, the district number of the councillor. The citizen must know exactly who is issuing the information, the survey, etc. And if there were a way, perhaps by a higher authority, to at least ensure that all these processes are marked out, it might be clearer and more authentic.
By Carl Chapdelaine
Notes on the Wentworth-Nord Council Meeting of June 19 (Preliminary)
Recreation, Culture and Community Life
The agenda had already announced the closure of Montfort Beach, the resignation of Hélène Chartier and the hiring of a part-time receptionist for Montfort Pavilion. Ms. Chartier had decided to take advantage of the training program for attendants for the elderly centres set up in response to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Question period (Question 4 begins at 1 hour and 42 minutes from the start of the recording).
There were more than a dozen questions, almost all of which dealt with the territory's Internet coverage. "Has the Municipality used all the subsidy programs, if any?" "Yes, of course." said Mayor Ghali. Are all companies invited to offer their services, without distinction: Bell, Cogeco, etc.?" "That goes without saying." And the mayor will add several explanations according to the questions. At the end, he won't answer any more; indicating that he had already explained everything, or that the discussions, with Bell for example, were not done in the public square. The schedule would be presented when available.
The questions about the internet service were becoming more specific and repeated by residents in sector 6, or around Montfort; which made the mayor say that this influx seemed to have been ordered to destabilize the process undertaken by the Municipality in its choice. Their questions may have been based on erroneous or incomplete information. The sector councillor, Mr. Eric Johnston, explained that the frustration of Lake Notre-Dame residents was that it was not understood why some had the service (optic fibre?) when their neighbours could not get it (also on Lac-Thurson Road). He asked if we could not work together to solve the problem, despite the differences of opinion (mayor - councillor).
A few questions were related to roads; with all the controversy surrounding the administration's current road paving projects. Public roads were to be maintained by the community, the mayor said, not just by the residents who live on them.
In response to our question on the follow-up to his announcement of the previous year to rule on the placement of the buoys, he gave the following explanations:
Concerning the buoys at Lake St-François-Xavier, the municipality will not reinstall these again this year, given the impossibility of determining precisely the appropriate distances from the shoreline.
Notes on the W-N Board Meeting of May 15
The video presentation of the Wentworth-Nord virtual council meeting is a noteworthy first. (It lasts 2 hours and 25 minutes.) It is an online session, in which all councillors participate. When he speaks, the broadcast of everyone's head, except for the Director General and Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis, replaces the video of the Mayor's presentation, visibly seated at his desk. In the case of Mr. Eric Johnston, we see a panorama of the landscape behind him. However, his voice is hardly audible.
The mayor removes his mask; he seems to want to convey the message of the importance of wearing it.
Mayor's Report
(7 min. 30) In his report, the mayor indicates that the deconfinement is coming to an end. He states that travel between the cities and the region is prohibited. (This is May 15...)
(9 min. 2) He noted that the MRC wants to open the Aerobic Corridor this weekend; but that, according to the directive ..., the Municipality has the right to rule on this decision. Instead, it maintains the closure of the Corridor, between km 9 and 12, at Montfort.
5.3 (13 m. 36) A resolution, succeeding the motion proposed at the previous meeting, grants a penalty and interest holiday until July 31 for the payment of municipal taxes. It was adopted.
5.6 (17 m. 18) Financial assistance is granted to Mr. Réal Trépanier, our renowned musician, host at Laurel ma Muse, for a recording that will benefit everyone.
5.9 (21 m. 53) Councillor David Zgodzinski introduces a resolution to ask the MRC to keep the Aerobic Corridor closed until a procedure to limit the possible spread of Covid-19 to the vulnerable population living between km 9 and 12 is applicable. He pointed out, while touching wood, that no cases have been reported in Wentworth-Nord. Hikers, cyclists and runners could spread the disease. Councillor André Cliche mentions that there may be some ambiguity here, since, to promote the moral well-being of everyone, there must be a reopening of the trails (?) on May 20. (We were unable to capture the full content of his intervention.) The resolution is adopted unanimously.
5.10 (26 m. 47) 5.10 (26 m. 47) Two elected officials, Mr. Mayor Ghali and Mr. Cliche, as well as a member of the administration, Ms. Matteau, are appointed to the Board of Directors of Développement Wentworth-Nord.
Urbanism and zoning (as per minutes)
9.1 Offer to purchase lots on Mount Street. Whereas the potential purchaser, Mr. Louis Quenneville, of lots adjacent to his land, whose lot is 5,589,219, on Mount Street, wishes, among other things, to give easements of access to Lake Saint-François-Xavier for the land he plans to create, Council, unanimously, refuses the offer to purchase.
Recreation, culture and community life
10.1 Renewal of the agreement with the MRC for the maintenance of part of the Aerobic Corridor; management of La Montfortaine and Pavillon Montfort. Whereas, among other things:
That "the two organizations have agreed that the two parking lots located near the beach park could be controlled by means of stickers...".
That "...the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut has renewed the agreement for one year for the maintenance of the Aerobic Corridor, the La Montfortaine circuit and the Montfort Pavilion", with the addition for the parking lots.
"It is moved by Suzanne Paradis, seconded by Yvon Paradis and unanimously passed ... to accept the renewal of (this) agreement with the MRC for one year.
New business
12.1 and 12.2 Rejected resolutions on the Internet and on Roads (see Minutes).
Question Period
Questions from Councillors
(1 h 58 m 18) It should be mentioned that, during the question period, Councillor David Zgodzinski requested the closure of Montfort beach for the whole season because of the danger of spreading Covid-19. He was seconded by Mr. Eric Johnston.
The mayor shared the councillor's concern but suggested that council members be allowed to discuss the issue at leisure. There is Laurel's beach, as Mr. Groulx pointed out, and other similar situations for which a thoughtful approach should be considered. Councillor Cliche suggests that the government's directives be taken into account.
Mr. Zgodzinski agreed with the Mayor's suggestion to keep the beach closed until a decision is made.
Questions from citizens
- (2 h 22 m) Ms. Francine Champoux. Are we going to prohibit short-term rentals on the territory to protect the residents of Covid-19? Rep. by the mayor: Yes, ma'am; we will follow the government's recommendations, according to which it is currently prohibited.
- (2 h 22 m) Ms. Myriam Dujardin is concerned, for health reasons, about the 30 m height of the telecommunication antenna in Saint-Michel. She seems to be allergic to the waves emitted. Mr. Ghali answers her that it is not under the Municipality's jurisdiction to prevent this project.
- The mayor made no mention of our question on the buoy replacement. Was it received, or did the mayor consciously choose to ignore it, which we believe would be an arbitrary act and a serious breach of democracy. Such an omission would also call into question the very purpose of broadcasting the debates. Have we returned to the sad demonstrations of Question Periods from the first sessions under his mandate, which we thought were over? (Shouldn't citizens who ask questions by e-mail already receive an acknowledgement of receipt to avoid any misunderstanding?)
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
By Carl Chapdelaine
Question for the W-N council meeting of May 15, 2020
Subject: The Municipality and the application of section 256d of the By-law imposing the respect of a maximum speed of 10 km/h at 30 m or less from the shore, at Lake Saint-François-Xavier, for motorized watercraft. Vessel Operation Restriction Regulations at Lake SFX
Mr. Mayor,
At the municipal meeting of June 21, 2019, our question to Council was whether the Municipality would see to the relocation of the buoys at Lake St. Francois-Xavier, to allow the enforcement of the law and to ensure safety as well as the protection of its environment. We noted that the buoys marking the 30 km distance from the shore had not been replaced. Your response indicated that rules would be developed by next season to govern and standardize the application of the federal law to the few lakes in the Municipality where it applies.
Since navigation can now resume, even though the installation of buoys may be difficult during this time of pandemic at Covid-19, may I ask you where your administration is in the development of these rules?
With all due consideration,
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Carl Chapdelaine
Report on the April 17 council meeting of W-N
Mayor Ghali presided over the in-camera council meeting held at Laurel Community Centre. Its 50-minute recording will be broadcast on the Municipality's website on April 21. All councillors are present except Mrs. Suzanne Y. Paradis who participated by telephone. (We do not have information on the disposition of the participants based on the physical distancing measures imposed by the situation with Covid-19. As in the previous session, the mayor's voice is somewhat distorted on our machine; but this time the interventions of most of the councillors are clearly heard).
In his statement, the mayor addresses all his fellow citizens and particularly here the cottagers, for whom he says he is sensitive to the fears expressed regarding the state of their property in Wentworth-Nord. However, he urges them not to transgress the government's instructions (on inter-regional commutations).
He offered thanks to all those who are dedicated to mitigating the effects of the crisis on the most vulnerable confined people or those otherwise affected by Covid-19. In particular, he cites the organizations whose volunteers have mobilized: the Canadian Tire Jumpstart Outdoor Base, the Club de l'Étoile du Nord, the Groupe de la Sagesse, and the Coopérative de solidarité Laurel-Station.
5.1 The Director General, Ms. Marie-France Matteau, gave details of the disbursements, including $99,579 for snow removal, $29,788 for debt and interest repayment, and $61,079 for salaries.
Following a request for explanation from Councillor Cliche (?), who compares the snow removal figures with last year's figures of $41,000, Ms. Matteau explains that, if the figures for expenses indicated for this year are higher, it is simply because the cost of snow removal on private roads has been added here. The latter will be reimbursed by citizens, the mayor added.
5.4 The draft by-law postponing the due date for the payment of taxes without the imposition of interest and penalties for non-compliance with this date is adopted. It is specified that the due date will be July 31.
5.6 Confirmation of the completion of the work on the specific Route Principale improvement project with the Ministère des Transports, for the remaining subsidies of $25,000, $10,000 and $25,000 for 2018, 2019 and 2020, in relation to that work. (Uncertain.)
5.7 Resolution proposed by Councillor Cliche on the creation of an assistance fund for the citizens of Wentworth-Nord, of 10 000$, to complete the offer of the organizations already involved, and to help with the logistics of applying food aid to confined persons. The resolution is adopted.
Public Security
6.2 The probation period for the Director of Fire Safety and First Responders, Mrs. Martyne Charette, ends. A salary adjustment results from it.
Transportation and Public Works
7.1 End of the probationary period of the Technical Director of Roads and Recreation, Mr. Jason Neil, whom everyone knows; with salary adjustment.
Urbanism and zoning
9.2 Resignation of the Coordinator of the Planning and Environment Department, Mrs. Geneviève Desjardins; who accepted an offer of employment elsewhere.
9.3 and 9.4 This is a municipal property bordering Lake Saint-François-Xavier (on the section of the Aerobic Corridor between two sections of the Route Principale in the village of Montfort; section where there is a parking lot). This land must be divided into three lots. The new middle lot will be sold to the owner of the land facing it upstream, on the other side of the Corridor. The other two lots could be used as an access servitude. Councillor David Zgodzinski moved that the resolution be adopted and was seconded by Mr. Eric Johnston.
9.5 M. 9.5 Mr. Ghali indicated that nine candidates have applied for the vacant position on the Comité consultatif d’urbanisme (CCU), for seat no. 3. By favouring candidates from the sector concerned, in Laurel, Ms. Doriane Arès was chosen, on the recommendation of the Director of Urbanism. The mayor underlines the fact that we have here a committee mainly made up of women; a fair pendulum swing, whereas the latter are most often composed of men.
9.7 Councillor Jean-Luc Groulx withdraws as he is at the origin of the request for a minor derogation for the construction of an accessory building on his property at 1425 Lac-Louisa road. The derogation was adopted, as suggested by the CCU, in accordance with the PIIA criteria.
9.8 For an application for a building permit, the 7% for park, playground or natural area purposes, required by the Subdivision By-law, will be taken in money (according to the policy adopted by the present administration), that is to say for a value of $596.
9.9 and 9.12 In relation to these exemptions, written requests for consultation will be solicited by public notice, given the impossibility for anyone with questions to attend this meeting in person.
9.10 and 9.11 According to the mayor's statement, this is two parts of a property belonging to the Municipality.
One (on Lac-Thurson Road) is sold to Ms. lordache and Mr. Docmanov, for $3,000.
The other, (on the new section of Mount Street) is sold to the owners of the neighbouring lot, Mrs. Katherine Lund and Mr. Giuseppe Caucci, for the same amount. A clause commits the new owners not to grant servitude of access to Lake Saint-François-Xavier through the waterfront parcel included in this lot.
The municipal evaluation is only $1,000 for either of these lots, said the mayor.
The two points are moved by David Zgodzinski, seconded by Eric Johnston.
[Search by number on the GeoCentralis interactive map:
- Lot 5 830 324 (Mount St.): lot number 3781-39-5792
- Lot 5 589 229 (Ch. du Lac-Thurson): matricule (serial number) 3781-04-1312]
9.12 (Partly inaudible to the undersigned.) Erection of an antenna by a company for high-speed Internet, to serve the Saint-Michel region in particular. Procedure to allow citizens to express their views...
9.13 End of the probation period for the Director of the Town Planning and Environment Department, Mr. Benoît Cadieux.
Question Period
1st Question (from the undersigned): In the minutes of the last council meeting, we could read that the employees were at their post to provide the services by telephone or electronically. In addition, you were exploring technological measures to allow them to work from home. Can you share with us the current state of affairs in this regard and your assessment of the longer-term impact of this crisis on municipal services and council projects?
For example, is the development of the Municipality's project to take over the emptying of septic tanks going well despite the containment rules? What is the status of the grant application process for the improvement of the road network or for the transformation of the Saint-Michel church into a significant community centre?
Answer from Mayor Ghali. The question has multiple components. Regarding the technological measures to communicate with employees or the population, you can see that we are adapting as quickly as possible, including this recorded broadcast of council meetings. People ask questions; services to citizens continue, although slowed down by the current situation.
Grant applications are being pursued, while we are working on the other files: the road network, the repair of the Saint-Michel church, and others. Since these are big files, they require the involvement of professionals. It takes time; it takes meetings. It's not easy and you have to be patient, but the projects are moving forward.
2nd question (from Ms. Martineau-Fortin): She wants to know when they will be able to go to their second home, in Wentworth-North. With the high winds of the last few days, how can we be sure that everything is okay?
The mayor answers that the decision on the confinement or other measures that prevent the arrival of vacationers does not come from the council, but from a decree of the Quebec government. So I'm not in a position to authorize you to come. We are in contact with the Sûreté du Québec regarding the restrictions in effect.
Supplementary question from a councillor: Who do I ask for help with food? Mr. Ghali answered that since these services are offered by groups, Bon Départ or l'Étoile du Nord, one can address them directly, or send an e-mail to the secretariat of the Municipality. Question: What if it is the request of an association? Answer: To our Director General.
With all reservations; by Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Electoral districts
District #2: Laurel et Saint-Michel; André Cliche.
District #3: Laurel; Yvon Paradis.
District #4: Laurel; Suzanne Y. Paradis.
District #5: Montfort; David Zgodzinski.
District #6: Montfort; Eric Johnston.
Source: https://wentworth-nord.ca/mairie/conseil-municipal/
Council of Wentworth-Nord vs Covid-19
Report on the W-N Council meeting of March 20, 2020
1.1 In his statement, the Mayor recalls the situation and the efforts at the Town Hall and in the Municipality in relation to the restrictions imposed by the distressing Covid-19 crisis. The public premises are closed. The collection of residual materials is maintained. There will be no interest before May 31 on unpaid taxes; while citizens who are not financially affected by the situation should pay them as planned to allow the Municipality to maintain its services.
He will also highlight Women's Day, March 8, and will advocate for women's rights, etc.
He will recall the episode of the delegation of his powers to Councillor Jean-Luc Groulx at the beginning of the Council meeting of February 21, which allowed him and Council a time to deliberate on their ways of doing things. He indicated that he then received several communications urging him not to leave his position. He said he was very moved by it. He thanked all those who had encouraged him. He assured the citizens that he remains at their service, with the vision that animates him.
5.11 Call on for a resolution and a letter of support from Bell Canada in its request for funding from the CRTC’s Broadband Fund, to improve its Internet coverage on the territory of the Municipality. But Bell Canada failed to include the Montfort sector. A resolution of support is adopted, with a mention to the company to correct this exclusion.
7.2. The tilt box of the 10-wheel Freightliner 2019 will be sold; ... to be replaced by a better adapted one.
9.14 In a file underway for several years, an agreement would finally be reached, in part, to allow an exchange of land between Lake St-Victor Estate and the Municipality. The latter would have built infrastructures on land that did not belong to it (the Orphans’ Trail). A subdivision permit would then be authorized. However, due to the restrictions imposed by the situation with Covid-19, the procedure could not be completed before further notice. The motion is submitted by Mr. Johnston and seconded by Mr. Paradis. It is carried.
9.16 The municipal council renews the agreement and its contribution to Abrinord to carry out water sampling in the Rivière du Nord Basin. The "EDO1 station" is located on Jackson Road, at the Lake Edward outlet; but mention is also made of the sampling station on the Rivière de l'Ouest and of the most recent one on the Rivière à Simon, at the Lake Saint-François-Xavier outlet, on Lisbourg Road. (Subject to all reservations... cf. minutes.)
10.1 Council shall establish a committee to follow up on the MRC's MADA (Municipalité amie des aînés) action plan and shall appoint Messrs. Groulx and J. Neil as the Municipality's representatives on this committee.
Question period
1. (See the minutes for the full text of the resolution.) Councillor David Zgodzinski introduced a resolution (Inaudible but partly taken up by Mr. Ghali; still largely inaudible): That the Municipality of Wentworth-North officially recognizes ... Aerobic corridor between km 9.1 and km 12 ... permanent traffic capacity. ... That the Municipality asks the MRC to transmit its decision to the MTQ and the MAM. Ms. Paradis supports the resolution, which is adopted unanimously.*
2. (See the minutes.) Councillor Groulx (or Cliche?) has a question on the proposed renovation of the Saint-Michel church. The mayor welcomes the request; but indicates that the Municipality will have to proceed methodically in this file: First..., then... D. Z (?) inaudible; rep. by Mr. Ghali: ... We will keep the councillors informed.
3. D.Z. (1m. 17s.): inaudible
4. ? The Dubois Curve...
(Three citizens asked questions. They were due by 4:00 p.m. on March 20 at: info@wentworth-nord.ca) We did not understand the last two questions.
5. The undersigned :
a. Our first question to the Council concerns the "right to occupy" and the "right to circulate" on the shared way of the Aerobic Corridor (Chemin-de-Fer Street) "Since it seems that the Council has not closed the file, can you give us a follow-up on the discussions between you and the MRC". Rep. from the mayor: "No discussion with the MRC on occupancy and circulation rights. ... But Councillor Zgodzinski's resolution on the matter has just been adopted."
"Also, what is your definition or understanding of these two rights; and, to answer Mayor Watchorn's question or to teach us on the matter, what is the importance of one in relation to the other" (Rep.: ... "There is a de facto acceptance by the MRC of the right to circulate for the people who live there, since the road is marked out in this sense. As for the right to occupy, it is a right that concerns the right to occupy land that belongs to the MRC. (????) ... But the accessory installations on the Chemin-de-Fer right-of-way pose a more complex problem. Both rights are important to Council and to these residents. It is necessary to ensure that their owners' rights are respected.
b. Our second question concerns parking and surveillance at Montfort beach: "Can you give us a follow-up on your position and on the discussions between you and the MRC on this subject?". "Do you have any idea of the costs associated with the various solutions?" Answer: "No discussion on parking lots on the beach. ... The situation with Covid-19 may explain that. ... As for costs; we don't have the answer yet."
Note: 1) The answers to the citizens' questions are not reproduced in the minutes.
2) We welcome the retransmission of the exchanges of the council meeting and the quick publication of the minutes. Together with Mr. Dupont, we hope that these practices will become statutory.
*Councillor Zgodzinski will forward a copy of his draft resolution to his resident contact list. In his e-mail, he writes: "This resolution asks the MRC to officially recognize the Chemin-de-Fer as a 'Shared Way' and also asks the MRC to ask the Minister of Municipal Affairs to officially recognize this status and a legal right-of-way for residents. He invites, once the resolution is delivered, to "send emails to all mayors on council urging them to adopt the resolution and forward it to the Minister".
In summary, and among the 'whereas', it states, among other things, the following:
- Whereas several residences were built over 50 years ago... while the railway was still in operation...
- Whereas "Article 20.3 requires the MRC to adopt a policy for the management of the rights of way, leases and permissions entrusted to it;"...
- Whereas Article 8 of By-law 93-99 of the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut, regarding the Aerobic Corridor states that "from km 9.1 to km 12 (Chemin-de-Fer road in Montfort - Wentworth-Nord) extends the shared way where automobiles, pedestrians and bicycles can circulate";
- Whereas it is necessary to officially confirm that Chemin-de-Fer is a shared way and that residents have permanent rights to travel with their vehicles to their residence on this portion of the Aerobic Corridor;"
- "It is proposed
o That the Municipality of Wentworth-Nord ask the MRC to officially confirm that the Aerobic Corridor in its portion of Chemin-de-Fer between km 9.1 and 12, is a road shared by cyclists, pedestrians, hikers and automobiles and that it issue a right-of-way to owners to drive their vehicles to their residence on this portion of the Aerobic Corridor;".
o That the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut, in accordance with its contractual rights as tenant of the Chemin-de-Fer, as described in Article 6.6 of the lease, transmit to the MAM, before June 30th , 2020, its decision to grant the right of way to residents on Chemin-de-Fer".
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) and Linguee.
Report on the W-N Council meeting of Feb. 21, 2020
Councillor André Cliche was absent. Agenda
(According to what we have been told.)
Right up front at the beginning of the session and claiming that councillors were unduly defending their cause rather than favouring the collective good of Wentworth-Nord, Mayor Ghali stated that he was stepping down from his duties for a month. He was probably so giving himself time to think about what to do next. Under the amazed gaze of all, even on the stage, he then put his coat back on and left a room half full. The substitute mayor, Jean-Luc Groulx, took over; a task that he was going to perform very well.
Following visible dissensions between Mr. Ghali and some members of his initial team over the past few months, some are now wondering if the mayor would find himself in a minority on Council. The disavowal he had just expressed towards those he did not appoint would certainly not encourage their loyalty.
There are many questions about the implications of this procedure and about the future course of the administration of the Municipality. Would Mr. Ghali not represent the Municipality at the next meeting of the MRC's council of mayors on March 10, at the Montfort Pavilion? Wouldn't business be in danger of floating between now and the next council meeting?
The agenda led the councillors to decide once again whether or not Wentworth-Nord would participate in the MRC's sports complex project. On this point, the decision to opt out was reiterated. It was proposed that, in the event that citizens of the Municipality request to take advantage of these eventual facilities, they could be granted individually up to $200 (with proof of use) on various activities not offered in Wentworth-North, that is, on the difference between the member price vs. non-member price at the Sainte-Adèle Sports Complex.
Regarding the transformation of the Saint-Michel church into a socio-cultural centre and more specifically the project enforced at the last municipal council of injecting $150,000 to see to the most urgent repairs to be made to the building, Councillor Johnston proposed to step back on this motion. He wanted the Council to be able to take a closer look at it before moving forward. He recalled that he was not present during the vote. (In the room, a resident, going beyond the ban on speaking in Council debates, bawled at Mr. Johnston, denouncing his position.) Councillor Zgodzinski, who was then against its adoption, seconded him; while Councillors Suzanne Y. Paradis and Yvon Paradis voted against. The Acting Mayor had to vote against as well to break the tie and prevent the reversal requested by Mr. Johnston.
Although he was unable to attend the meeting, Councillor André Cliche would have had a resolution unanimously presented and adopted inviting the Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs du Québec (MFFP) to take into account certain considerations in establishing hunting conditions for 2020 in the enhanced surveillance zone (zone de surveillance rehaussée : ZSR). (See attached document).
In relation to a construction project on Notre-Dame Sud Road, submitted to Plan d'implantation et d'intégration architecturale (PIIA) (Site Planning and Architectural Integration Program), and recommended for approval by the CCU, there was a request from District 6 Councillor Eric Johnston, himself Chairman of this committee, to include a satisfactory lighting plan with this approval. Indeed, he would have submitted, the luminous nuisance affects our enjoyment of the night sky in an environment which is intended here to be bucolic; it should thus be taken into account in the lighting of the properties. By a majority, the Council refused to reconsider the recommendation for approval already proposed by the CCU.
Mention was also made of the possibility of relocating the Refuge des Urubus, from the Orphans' Trail, which has been closed since the current administration came into office, to Laurel. There, it would serve as an information kiosk for l’Ours (the Bear) and le Lièvre (Hare) Trails. (With a real or humanoid attendant?)
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version) & Linguee.
By Carl Chapdelaine
Echoes on the Council meeting of January 17, 2020
(According to what we have been told.)
Councillors Eric Johnston and André Cliche were absent.
Seen on the Municipality's web site: The agenda published in both languages; a return to what prevailed under Mayor A. Genest's mandate, until mid-2011. (A sign to the English-speaking community that the undersigned may not have been totally unfamiliar with...)
A large delegation of Saint-Michel citizens had come to attend the session. Rumours of misfortune about the village's heritage church had monopolized people's minds. However, the subject was not on the agenda.
We are told that the meeting included, as usual, a series of administrative measures, as evidenced by the agenda. Notable among them, however, were the following:
1. The adoption of By-law 2019-580 decreeing the imposition of taxes.
2. The adoption of the by-law decreeing a loan for an expense of $2,500,000, for repairs to Lake Farmer and Notre-Dame-Sud roads and to Chisholm and du Domaine streets.
3. The approval of the salary increase for management and professionals for the year 2020.
4. The announcement of the abolition of the position of foreman in the Public Works Department; occupied by Mr. Jean-Sébastien Parent, according to the Municipality's directory.
As usual, it is during the question period that the meeting was going to be animated.
Mrs. Marie-Élaine Desbiens, who had a letter in her hand, stood up to speak to the mayor, the councillors, the audience, and to denounce its author. It was a formal notice received in connection with her communication to citizens inviting them to sign, on November 23, the register determining whether or not a referendum should be held on the adoption of the by-law "decreeing capital expenditures and a loan of $1,286,000, ... to dispose of capital funds for sustainable economic development". After an acrimonious exchange with Mayor Ghali, she indicated that she would burn this letter in her fireplace.
But the main topic reported during the question period was certainly the question of the fate that the Council would deliver to the Church of St. Michel. The church would require immediate exterior repairs to prevent water infiltration.
On this subject, Councillor André Cliche has already compromised himself in a paper document which was available at this municipal meeting and whose contents can be found on his Facebook site. (cf.: A. Cliche, Facebook)
"The church of St-Michel-de-Wentworth is a unique gathering place for the people surrounding St-Michel, built by local families. However, since the municipality became the owner of this building built in 1956-57, several important problems have been identified, notably in terms of security, accessibility, water tightness, energy efficiency, etc.".
The church must also see its vocation determined in the longer term. Following major renovations, should it not be transformed into a first-rate socio-cultural pavilion? The councillor believes that "it is time to take action by rigorously developing a complete and detailed file that clearly specifies: the project's objectives (social, economic and environmental), the prioritized uses, the targeted beneficiaries/users, the total costs (renovation, transformation and equipment), the sketches and layout plans drawn up by specialists, the financial package or possible partnership agreements, the impact on taxes and the implementation schedule, which could extend over several years". "The support of a majority of Nord-Wentwortois is essential before proceeding progressively with the priority works that we will be able to afford (e.g. for which grants will be available)."
To the great pleasure of the residents of the sector who came to hear him, the mayor would have been favorable to the consideration of ensuring a future for this church. However, the financial situation of the Municipality is not currently so critical that it would justify its qualification for certain subsidy programs. (Here, maintaining the Municipality's affiliation with the cultural or heritage component of the MRC could prove profitable). Councillor David Zgodzinski, on the other hand, would have strongly opposed, on behalf of his constituents, has he said, to devoting the sums eventually required for this project (without further analysis), we understand.
A resolution determining the adoption of a $150,000 loan (?) to see to the most urgent repairs to the building would have been presented and adopted by a majority vote, even though this procedure might seem unconstitutional in this Question Period.
Without prejudice; by Carl Chapdelaine
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Wentworth-Nord Lakes RSVL & morphometry
On an interactive map, you check the variables you are interested in and they appear on the map. Zoom in to distinguish the different markers or unselect unwanted ones. Zoom in further to see the name of each lake.
- "Water transparency is one of the indicators of the health of the lakes. In general, the more transparent is the water; the better is its quality."2 & 4
- "Chlorophyll a (chl a), is a green pigment found in the composition of plants and algae. This variable is therefore an indicator of the biomass (quantity) of microscopic algae suspended in the lake water. The concentration of chlorophyll a generally increases with the concentration of nutrients, particularly phosphorus".3
- "Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) comes from the decomposition of organisms. The concentration of DOC in water is strongly associated with the presence of materials that are responsible for its yellowish or brownish colouration, such as humic acid from wetlands (such as swamps, bogs and marshes). The measurement of DOC provides an appreciation of the colouring of the water, which is one of the factors that influence its transparency. The transparency of the water decreases as the concentration of dissolved organic carbon increases." 3
Using the morphometric and hydrological data from the Atlas des lacs des Laurentides, from CRE, we will be able to add to the map other variables describing these lakes: : the area of their catchment area, the drainage ratio. They will allow an easier comparison of their respective state.
1. RSVL results
Wentworth-Nord Economic Development Part 2
(One approach among others.)
In a previous article entitled: `` Cottaging in Wentworth-Nord and the Pays-d’en-Haut'', we already concluded: We can see that the socio-economic future of Wentworth-Nord will be closely linked to the presence and development of cottaging; so close to the metropolitan area, it could not be otherwise. The 63% of private housing it represents (in 2016; against only 30% for the MRC) should, in our opinion, continue to grow. As with all the RCMs concerned and facing the challenges of protecting the natural or the living environment, among others, planning for this future is essential. In the town planning plan of 2010, we could (already) read: “The economy of the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut and the Laurentian region is strongly focused on activities related to recreational tourism and cottaging. Wentworth-Nord offers an unequivocal representation of the region's advantages in this regard." "With its lakes and numerous forests, it greatly contributes to the resort and outdoor character of the region." Other files
In addition, the strong growth of the real estate sector in Saint-Sauveur as well as the good performance of Sainte-Anne-des-Lacs, according to the economic vitality index, or of Morin-Heights, or even of the whole of the Pays-d’en-Haut, leads us to believe that, due to the knock-on effect, the eastern sector of Wentworth-Nord, with Montfort, should constitute the development pole of the Municipality.
We believe that the increase in population, essentially by cottaging, could allow this urbanized core to reach the critical level necessary over time for the reintroduction of small services, such as convenience store, gas station, restaurant, cafe, etc. The location of the Municipality, and mainly of the Montfort sector, less than 85 km from Montreal, is indeed conducive to naturally receiving this increase which already marks the Laurentians in the north of the Metropolis and which can only continue in the future predictable.
Consideration could be given to promoting cottaging growth, particularly of four seasons, through a hospitality program. Its development should be adapted to local constraints (e.g. respect for the tranquility of residents, the “capacity” of the lakes, etc.). The program would be aimed, among other things, at companies developing housing projects, accommodation or related projects. It could be a municipal contribution to the establishment of the necessary infrastructure (grouped septic tanks, others). But perhaps others would prefer to leave it to the free market to govern such development.
Here, let's take up the necessary reflections:
- A consensus must be developed between the authorities and the existing population, in particular those living near the lakes, to allow this development. This operation was already well under way when the urban plan was revised. This consensus will be difficult to achieve ...It seems to us that the involvement of the population, through information and consultation, is a prerequisite here.
- The urban plan already put forward to use, as much as possible, the infrastructures already in place. Still, they should be judiciously located.
- As it is topical to look for workers by existing companies rather than for job creation, the call for the emergence of new industries should take this into account. (We will have to see how Rona's dismissed workers manage to find a new job to get an idea of the situation.) “For Wentworth-Nord (in 2016), retail trade (75), healthcare and assistance social (75) and construction (70) had the largest number of employees. This was followed by transportation and storage (45), as well as professional, scientific and technical services (45). Among the 45 individuals engaged in these services, more than a third worked at home. The health care and social assistance workforce was the exclusive domain of women. " Wentworth-Nord But, to occupy the vast majority of all these jobs it was necessary to leave the Municipality. The employed labor force, 15 years and over, of Wentworth-Nord, was 565 in 2016. 415 of them had a fixed workplace. Occupation. 2016 Census Among the latter* 185 out of 240 worked in Montreal, Laval, Mirabel, Saint-Jérôme, Lachute, or Morin-Heights, while the other 55 worked in Wentworth-Nord itself, 23% of 240 or only 13,2% of the 415 individuals. This means that the vast majority work outside the Municipality. Commuting Flow from Geography of Residence, Canada 2016 Census. Some catering, accommodation and resort centers, such as Les Villas à Montfort, or other services recruit permanent or part-time labor locally. But the Municipality itself is certainly the biggest local employer. Among those working in other municipalities, we can believe that a certain proportion worked in Saint-Sauveur, Sainte-Adèle or their surroundings.
- Any establishment of infrastructure, services or other investment for the welcoming of promoters should be preceded by relevant market studies; both for their characteristics and their location. Even if effective maintenance of the road system seems essential to us, we wonder whether its accelerated improvement, given the disproportionate investments required, should be the priority when development seems to be dedicated to attracting new cottagers.
- It is difficult for us to see which company, outside the fields already mentioned, will want to develop in a municipality which remains geographically eccentric and bled dry in terms of services.
- The search for avenues of development must be carried out in concert with the circles concerned. One way to obtain this information is to schedule a tour of individual or group meetings with a sufficient sampling of actors from the different fields of activity to be considered.We can thus approach entrepreneurs in the tourism sector, catering, accommodation, construction, trade, real estate; representatives of the municipal sector, non-profit organizations, etc. They must have a good idea of what can work, the necessary government support, the likely future of their sector. As soon as they agree to be consulted directly, we can believe that they will entrust the fruit of at least part of their experience. Delegations from these circles could advantageously meet their peers in other regions of Quebec that have taken a step ahead and report useful lessons. The results of such a consultation would add to the assessment of needs and the support needed to meet them; all leading at best to the precision of the avenues of economic and territorial development.
- In parallel with the previous approach, the involvement of the population, through information and directed consultation, and although it is full of pitfalls, could perhaps help to establish the vision of the Municipality's development on concrete realities, while ensuring its essential support for the entire operation.
- We would have liked Wentworth-Nord to hold its own socio-economic summit in the wake of that orchestrated by the MRC. But does the Municipality still have the personnel necessary for such an enterprise today?
- The contribution of governments to the development of disadvantaged areas should be called upon; via the Territorial Development Fund for one News.
- Close collaboration between the authorities, whether administrative or political, would be a major asset.
- Failing to find the quick and miraculous recipe for socio-economic development in Wentworth-Nord, would it not be better to seek to rationally establish its bases?
By Carl Chapdelaine
Municipal Council of December 13, 2019 (report)
The Municipal Council meeting held on 2019-12-13 was preceded by an extraordinary meeting for the adoption of the 2020 budget.
The 2020 budget is $ 5,745,918, an increase of approximately 3%. No surprise that the "Transportation" line is the biggest part of the budge whit approximatively $ 2 million. Debt repayment, interest and financing charges have increased significantly since the election of the new municipal council. They went from about $ 150,000 in 2017 to more than $ 550,000 by 2020. It must be said that the mayor has borrowed several million dollars since his election.
The tax rate will be relatively the same as the precedent year: 0.7164 cents per $ 100 of assessment. The municipality can keep this tax rate because the property value has increased and our contribution to the MRC and that to the Sûreté du Québec have decreased for the last years. A vote is requested on the budget proposal and the majority wins.
At the beginning of the regular meeting, the mayor apologized for his improper remarks at the last council meeting made to a councillor who he will not name.
Despite a citizens' request, the Municipal Council will still be held on Friday evening for the year 2020. The mayor asked citizens who wanted to record or film the Assembly to do so discreetly.
Following the keeping of a register, By-law 2019-567 ordering capital expenditures and a loan of $ 1,286,000 for the purchase of land and its development has been repealed. The register was signed by 349 people who opposed the settlement. Therefore, there will be no referendum on the subject.
We learned that a $ 25,000 grant obtained from the MRC to build a greenhouse in Laurel was not unanimous among the councillors. The grant will eventually be returned to the MRC.
The resolution adopted at the last council on the withdrawal of the municipality from the cultural partnership with the MRC des Pays-d´en-Haut is brought to the agenda. Following a large mobilization of citizens against this resolution, Councilor André Cliche proposes that the municipality withdraws it and continues its partnership with the MRC. The citizens, in very large numbers in the room, were invited to comment on the matter. A petition of 186 signatures against this resolution is presented to the council. The interveners in the hall mentioned that this resolution was presented without consultation with the concerned community and that it deprives the artisans and artists of the municipality of many sources of funding and potential partnerships with other communities in the MRC. The withdrawal of the municipality has consequences not only on culture but also on heritage funding, library programs and projects involving young and older citizens.
The mayor explains that he wishes to withdraw from the partnership with the MRC because, according to him, this program is poorly managed. He adds that everything related to culture must come from Wentworth-Nord. The mayor is strongly criticized by citizens for these positions. Among other things, the municipality contributes $ 8,975 to the MRC's budget, which is $ 158,904. The artists and artisans obtained in return from the MRC grants totaling more than $ 21,000. To close the subject, a resolution is voted so that the municipality reintegrates the cultural partnership with the MRC and that an evaluation is to be made in a year to decide if this partnership will continue or not. So this is a file to follow.
The question period was brief as time went on. We learn that the Farmer's Market seems to have become a burden for the Étoile du Nord organization. There are a lot of unsold products after the opening hours of the Market on Saturday. They try to sell them the next day and the unsold merchandise is distributed free of charge to people in need. It therefore seems that the Farmer's Market is not as successful as the mayor claims.
The Lac Grothé association thanked the municipality for its intervention, which resolved the problems caused by a builder who had cut down too many trees on his property.
The meeting adjourned.
Prepared by Danielle Desjardins
With Google Translate and Linguee
Withdrawal of the cultural partnership with the MRC
The president of the Table de concertation des arts et de la culture de Wentworth-Nord (TCACWN), Mrs. Marie-Andrée Dionne, thanks the 189 signatories of the petition asking the Council of the municipality of Wentworth-Nord to withdraw the by-law decreeing its withdrawal from this cultural partnership.
Following a resolution presented by Councilor A. Cliche at the regular meeting on Friday, December 13, the Council voted to replace this by-law with an amended version giving it one year to decide again on this initiative.
The President also thanked everyone who came that evening, so much that the chairs in the hall were not enough to meet demand (not to mention copies of the agenda). And we are in a period when most of the vacationers, who make up more than half of the residents, are absent ...
Finally, she calls on those who support the TCACWN in this process to continue their efforts until the subject returns to the agenda of the Municipality's meetings.
By Carl Chapdelaine
Wentworth-Nord Economic Development (An Approach)
Part 1
It seems to us that the commitment of a region, a MRC, as a municipality, in the search for ways of development, economic above all, must involve a major effort of planning, participation, partnership, analysis, etc. Have we not already seen that the implementation of a lake protection plan, for example, already requires such requirements; even with the help of a specialized agency like CRE?
As we will see below, the commitment of Wentworth-Nord in such a process could perhaps be inspired by what has already shown promise for municipalities in an even worse condition in Quebec. Would our elected representatives, with all the necessary and already well-motivated partners, not benefit, if necessary, from becoming familiar with the subject before going ahead with various classic or even innovative initiatives?
A frame (preliminary version)
A public working group on devitalised communities in Quebec, whose report was tabled in 2010, decided to "focus on the characteristics of communities in the process of revitalization". Even if the majority of the devitalized communities were in "remote" or "resource" regions, let's look at whether there are any lessons to be learned. The report presents "an analysis of causes of devitalization and revitalization factors opening up a series of issues and recommendations". It should be noted here that Wentworth-Nord, unlike Lac-des-Seize-Îles, was not counted among devitalized municipalities. Communautés à revitaliser;
In its conclusions, the Group affirmed that the development of communities was based on local ownership; but that the support of the various governmental structures was equally essential.
The Group listed the general characteristics of a devitalized municipality in Quebec. Population at 80% below 1000 and demographic stagnation, aging of the population and exodus of young people, lower incomes, lack of resources of the municipality, low schooling rate, unemployment, weak consultation, loss of local services.
By combining some of these factors, Quebec has created two indices to supplement the concept of a devitalized municipality:
- Occupancy and vitality of the territories (OVT) index allows, thanks to 17 specific indicators, "to follow the progress made at different territorial scales of Quebec with regard to demography, employment, wealth and the quality of life." Liste des indicateurs d’occupation et de vitalité des territoires; Occupation, vitalité, territoire.
- Economic vitality index: This index of the Institut de la statistique du Québec, created in 2016, based on data from Statistics Canada and Revenu Québec, measures the vitality of the territories (MRCs and municipalities), compared to all (municipalities or MRCs) since 2002. It combines three indicators: the labor market, standard of living (income) and demographic dynamism (average annual population growth rate over five years). It allows, for example, allocating the Fonds de développement des territoires (territorial development fund) envelope. With a 2016 index that has become negative and penultimate in front of Lac-des-Seize-Îles in the Pays-d'en-Haut MRC, Wentworth-Nord would be lagging behind in terms of economic vitality. According to the Census of Canada, the population (permanent residents) decreased by 4% between 2011 and 20161. Wentworth-Nord; MAMH, classement des municipalités; Indice de vitalité économique, W-N.
However, this index, like the previous one, does not take into account temporary residents (number, work, income); which, in our opinion, would not allow us to have an adequate picture of the situation. The Wentworth-Nord «Plan d’urbanisme» (Master Plan) of 20172 already made such a statement. Given the importance of holiday resorts in the Pays-d'en-Haut, the MRC should perhaps adapt this economic vitality index for its constituent municipalities by replacing the population figure with that of the residents3 (permanent + temporary population). By also substituting the real estate value of all properties per capita (MRC evaluation role) to that of incomes (limited to permanent population), one would probably have a vitality index much closer to reality and perhaps very different from that of the Institut de la statistique du Québec.
And since it seems imperative to be able to locate the economic vitality more precisely within a municipality before any planning, Wentworth-Nord could have such an index, coupled with other data, by sector: Saint-Michel, Laurel and Montfort; or by district. Thus, not only would we have a better image of the situation, but its six councillors would be called upon to highlight its advantages or disadvantages to the Municipal Council and in the choice of development avenues.
Although each case proved to be unique among the municipalities in the process of revitalization, the Group could identify internal factors favorable to this process: leadership, active development committee, consultation, professional support, participation of the cooperative community and of the social economy, knowledge of the environment, a development officer, collaboration with neighboring municipalities, innovative strategies, access to finance, attraction of a new population, etc. The Group's recommendations stem from these initiatives.
Closer to home and following a major consultation process, the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut's Economic and Territorial Development Plan 2020-22 inevitably retained criteria that largely reflected the avenues favored by its population. And, as it seems to be the usage in this approach today, the proposed development went far beyond the economic orientation alone. It also had to meet the requirements of sustainable development, which does not deplete the resource, and the protection of the environment. The first of the 26 "working projects" announced by this Plan was to carry out a strategic and concise diagnosis for each municipality of the MRC. So here is a beautiful launch platform to seize. Wentworth-Nord
But can we imagine that such scaffolding will be set up in a municipality where citizens, half of whom are temporary residents, have too little information or means of exchange on the situation; while the remnants of the last municipal election campaign still undermine any collaborative effort? Will information and consultation need to be done through word of mouth and email chains or will they be able to find better structured ways?
Luckily, Wentworth-Nord already has its impressive urban plan, which has been developed following extensive information and consultation with residents. The application on its territory of various measures should be all the easier. Moreover, this Plan can already be the beginning of a development plan for the territory of the municipality. It outlines the avenues to be favored for the whole as much as for each of its three sectors; while taking into account the will of their citizens.
(To be continued)
By Carl Chapdelaine
- But the Quebec Institute of Statistics gives an average annual increase of nearly 0.88% for the same period.
Plan d'urbanisme de Wentworth-Nord, oct. 2017 - Estimate based on number of residences and household size by residence, available from the Census of Canada. Census of Canada 2016, W-N, Pays-d'en-Haut
349 signatures!
By-law 2019-567 submitted to a referendum!
By-law number 2019-567 "decreeing capital expenditures and a loan of $ 1,286,000, repayable over a period not exceeding 25 years, to dispose of capital funds for sustainable economic development", was submitted to the mandatory procedure for signing the corresponding register Saturday, November 23, 2019.
The result of the registration process was to be announced that evening at 7:15 pm at the Wentworth-Nord Town Hall. The city councillor, André Cliche, publishes it on his Facebook page: "The final count at 19h is 349 signatures. "
"For his part, Mayor Ghali writes on his own: "I regret to inform you that my administration is abandoning the adoption of the by-law concerning the purchase of land in Laurel for sustainable economic development. In fact, some 349 citizens rallied to demand a referendum. I will inform the administration that it will not take place because of the costs associated with it. I will not waste public money on that. Under my leadership, the citizen will always have the last word concerning our projects. ... As for the development of our community, tomorrow, I roll up my sleeves to look for and find other more socially acceptable ways to move it forward. "
A minimum of 279* signatures was required for the conditional adoption of the by-law to be put to a referendum. Mayor Ghali had however decided to cancel this adoption rather than go to a referendum.
*According to the calculator from the Ministry of Affaires municipales et de l’habitation, this would indicate a number of people qualified to vote, from 2,675 to 2,685.
By Carl Chapdelaine
With Google Translate
for the economic development!
Our Introductory comment
Here are two statements for the economic development of Wentworth-Nord. Will the citizens understand why the Mayor and the Councillor who is opposed to this approach, with all those who support them on both sides, cannot find common ground?
In fact, the citizen can only note that a wind of all-out rivalries has been blowing since the last municipal elections; when it should have immediately calmed down the next day. It expresses itself between the Mayor and the MRC as between the other representatives of the citizens of Wentworth-Nord themselves. It is reflected in a majority of cases, as evidenced today by the adoption of the disaffiliation of the cultural partnership with the MRC or the opposition to the project of the Municipal Council in majority of adoption of the borrowing by-law of 1.286 million $ for economic development.
Whatever the outcome of the signing of the register to submit or not this loan by-law to the holding of a referendum, we all risk losing. That is unless the mayor and his support at the Council decide on a new approach that allows for the sharing of the remarkable efforts and skills that exist on both sides; and this probably in their own interest at the political level. In the recent example of our Prime Minister and Premier, is not it time for the Mayor to show humility and willingness to work together; for the greater good of the economic development of Wentworth-Nord?
By Carl Chapdelaine
With Google Translate
Declaration of the Mayor
Objectives and strategy supporting the loan regulations for sustainable development
[...] What matters to me today is not to say that the majority of the council did this or that. What’s important is to say that we are doing everything so that our community will be better off in ten or twenty years from now. I will not be there then. But I want you to say that the majority of this council has left you a legacy that you, your children and new citizens will be proud of.
[...] We also created "Développement économique Wentworth-Nord" (DEW). A non-profit organization whose board of directors is made up of business people from this community whose careers and business experience are proven. I thank them for accepting the challenge of the economic and sustainable development of our community. Tonight, accordingly, we will make decisions on this issue.
François Ghali, Mayor
(Extracts from the Mayor's Report to the Council of November 15, 2019- full text on wentworth-north.ca)
Wentworth North is a devitalized municipality. The decision to borrow $ 1.2 million taken at the Council meeting on November 15 is part of a thoughtful development strategy for our community. Our objectives are, among other things, to create local employment, attract an increasing younger population, counter the exodus of our aging population and our businesses, maintain a proper service offering; and finally, maintain the tax burden at a competitive level.
The purchase price of the commercial land located near the Hydro lines in Laurel is less than $ 300,000; a very competitive price. The impact of this loan on a tax bill is less than $ 10 a year for a house valued at $ 264,000. The remainder of the loan, subject to approval by the council, will be used for the installation of infrastructures when business will settle here. All these costs will be charged back to the new companies. In the longer term, sustainable economic development initiatives in Wentworth North will have a positive impact on the community and the tax bills.
Our sustainable economic development initiatives are part of a well-considered strategy. However, a small number of people who are poorly informed or whose motivations are questionable can block this project. The law is so made. If the required number of signatures requesting a referendum are collected on November 23, there will be no referendum (considering the cost of the referendum) and the project will be permanently removed from the municipal agenda. I invite the public to have a structured and calm debate on this project. Thank you.
François Ghali, Maire
3488, route Principale
Wentworth-Nord (QC) J0T 1Y0
T. (450) 226-2416 ♦ wentworth-nord.ca
Nota: SVP, partagez, merci
Declaration of Councillor André Cliche
Je me permets de vous écrire sur un enjeu qui m’est cher : le développement économique. C’est un sujet qui me passionne et c’est pourquoi j’ai étudié dans le domaine (je détiens une maîtrise en économie) et y ai consacré la majeure partie de ma vie professionnelle (j’ai notamment assumé les fonctions de Directeur général au sein de l’Agence de développement économique du Canada (DEC) pour les régions du Québec et coordonné l’élaboration de programmes de développement économique d’envergure).
Je suis favorable à un développement économique réfléchi, encadré et qui va produire des retombées concrètes pour Wentworth-Nord, par exemple des emplois locaux bien payés, de nouvelles entreprises, des nouveaux services pour les citoyens, le tout dans le respect des principes du développement durable, soit des projets qui préservent et mettent en valeur notre belle nature, tout en respectant la quiétude des citoyens.
Je crois également à l’importance de la démocratie, dont on peut en mesurer la santé, notamment par la capacité des élus à communiquer et à expliquer les décisions qu’ils veulent prendre de manière sereine, objective et transparente. Prendre la décision d’investir dans un projet, sans avoir défini et expliqué le projet, c’est mettre la charrue avant les boeufs et c’est manquer de transparence et de rigueur dans la gestion des fonds publics. J’ai soulevé plusieurs questions, laissées sans réponse (vous pouvez voir au bas de ce message mes questionnements également partagés sur FB https://www.facebook.com/conseillercliche/ ). Je ne peux pas, en toute conscience, soutenir une démarche qui a été jusqu’à présent aussi peu transparente, peu inclusive et impliquant une telle somme d’argent. C’est pourquoi, à titre de conseiller municipal indépendant, j’ai voté contre la proposition d’emprunt de 1,286 million de dollars déposée au Conseil municipal du 15 novembre dernier.
Si vous n’êtes pas à l’aise avec l’idée d’endetter davantage la municipalité avec un nouvel emprunt de 1,286 million de $ pour du développement économique à l’aveugle, sans stratégie et sans plan connu, sans avoir la possibilité d’obtenir des réponses précises à vos questions sur cet important sujet, venez signer le registre, ce samedi entre 9h et 19h, à l’Hôtel de Ville (3488, route Principale à Wentworth-Nord).
Signer le registre ne veut pas dire que vous vous opposez à tout projet de développement économique. Ce processus démocratique prévu dans nos règlements sert à demander un référendum sur le projet d’emprunt dans sa forme actuelle. Signer le registre samedi est un moyen de se redonner collectivement l’occasion de développer un projet bien structuré, ayant fait l’objet de consultations publiques et de débats sereins sur le fond, en toute transparence. Ce geste simple permet de reprendre contrôle sur ce qui se passe à la mairie dans ce dossier.
Une fois que la demande d’emprunt dans son état actuel aura été stoppée, nous pourrons ensemble nous engager dans de véritables réflexions en matière de développement économique et social, en incluant toutes les personnes intéressées et qui ont des idées à partager, afin de bâtir un plan de développement économique réaliste, créateur d’emplois locaux, respectueux de notre environnement et qui tient compte des préoccupations des citoyens. Je serai heureux de vous entendre, de participer à cet effort et de mettre mon expertise d’économiste à contribution.
Voici quelques questions clés et préoccupations en regard du projet en titre qui auraient dû être clarifiées pour assurer plus de transparence, laissées sans réponse :
1) Concernant le terrain que la Municipalité se propose d’acquérir : Pourquoi ne communique-t-on pas la localisation du site aux citoyens afin que les gens puissent savoir s’il s’agit d’une localisation appropriée pour des activités commerciales ou industrielles préservant la quiétude des résidents? Quelle portion du terrain est exploitable? A-t-il fait l’objet d’une étude environnementale pour nous éviter des surprises ultérieures (ex.: milieux humides, besoins de dynamitage, contamination, etc.)? Aucune réponse satisfaisante n’a été donnée à ces questions.
2) Concernant ce qu’on a l’intention de faire avec cet emprunt après l’acquisition du terrain : aucune vision claire pour ce projet n’a été communiquée aux élus ou aux citoyens, aucune analyse de faisabilité, aucun plan d’action. Nous ne savons pas à quoi serviront les plus de 900 000 $ restant après l’achat du terrain. Prévoit-on aménager des rues, de l’éclairage, déployer de la fibre optique, pour attirer des entreprises? Prévoit-on construire d’autres infrastructures? Embaucher des personnes pour faire du démarchage? Quels seront les coûts d’entretien une fois les travaux réalisés? Qui les assumera?
3) Concernant le type de « parc industriel » et le type d’entreprises que l’on veut attirer : même chose, aucune réponse. Il y a une très grande différence au niveau des retombées et également des nuisances, entre un écoparc industriel avec des entreprises de services et un espace commercial consacré à des activités de transformation ou de manutention.
4) Concernant les leviers du développement économique : quelles autres options ou stratégies ont été considérées pour promouvoir le développement économique? N’y a-t-il pas d’autres investissements prioritaires à faire avant l’aménageant d’un parc industriel (ex.: internet haute vitesse)?
André Cliche, M.Sc.
Conseiller municipal, Wentworth-Nord
Council meeting of November 15, 2019, selective report
(Held in Laurel, under the chairmanship of Mayor François Ghali, all councillors are present.)
Mayor's statement
Two years after the municipal election, the mayor gives an overview of the record of his administration, in relation to his commitments of the electoral campaign.*
- You have a change-oriented Council; who turned the page on the old administration and wants to leave a legacy of avant-garde to new generations. This approach can sometimes be brutal; it is with reference to this that the mayor salutes the comments sometimes critical of some and which can prevent any runaway reform. The Council is also benefiting from comments from citizens.
- Do more with less: reorganization of the administration well advanced. (We think of the regrouping of the directions and, consequently, the cuts of posts generated and which also helped to turn the page ...) To ensure the communication between the employees of the municipal directions; ex.: monthly meetings of employees. (see 1)
- A very strong focus on the management of the road system: inventory and modernized approach; road reconstruction started. Truck purchase; etc. (see 2)
- The Municipality offers a better response service to the citizen; the complaints have halved. (see 3)
- Municipal information is generous and apolitical; via, among others, the Gazette of Wentworth-Nord. (see 4 and 5)
- Community and cultural activities are supported and amplified; ex. with La Sagesse and l’Étoile du Nord. At the same time, citizens are called upon to take charge of them. The demands of lake associations are well received. (see 8 and 10)
- Successful creation of farmers' markets. (see 12)
- We approached one (the) distributors of Internet services and cellular coverage; but we have to wait for Quebec's subsidy. The entire territory will be covered within three years. (see 13)
- The creation of Développement économique Wentworth-Nord (DEW). With a board of directors made up of successful retired business people from here, this tool will attract businesses. Dispute resolution with contractors. (see 14)
- The enforcement of the regulations on the boat wash has been improved; thanks to Mr. D. Zgodzinski. (see 16)
- The Municipality will take charge of the emptying of septic tanks; this will save the resident money for this service, as well as getting better control of systems, operations and respect for the environment.
- The Mayor concludes by expressing the pride of the Council (in majority) in front of its achievements and while admitting that the last commitments are not yet all realized.
(5.2 to 5.7) We noted that the Municipality again took over the winter maintenance of several roads and streets.
(5.8) The legislation on the control of animals was going to be strengthened (case of stray cats on Lake Notre-Dame
(5.11) The remuneration of the Director General and Secretary-Treasurer has been increased following the application of a rigorous evaluation procedure. Ms. Matteau was able, with great skill, to manage the reorganization of the administration and react in emergency conditions, such as during the spring floods. The mayor also notes that Wentworth-Nord has the largest territory of the MRC to administer; that the work climate has improved and that there has been no trade union conflict.
(5.13) Consulting firm for DEW
- The Municipality has requested the services of a consulting firm to develop a framework for Développement économique Wentworth-Nord. An amount (of just over $ 4,000) has been allocated to it. This framework should define the areas to focus on and a guide policy. DEW will be the "toolbox" of our future economic development.
- Councillor André Cliche protests that council members have not been involved in the process and are not part of its board of directors (or advisory committee?) The mayor answers (that he is part of it and that the Director-General is also involved?).
- Councillor David Zgodzinski, for his part, says that we do not need a firm to guide our action; we can do it internally.
- A third Councillor, Mr. Yvon Paradis (?), also regrets the lack of consultation of Councillors in this process. The mayor recalls that experienced business people have been judiciously appointed to look at the good management of DEW.
- Councillor Eric Johnston adds that hiring a firm will accelerate the establishment of DEW.
- The Mayor will indicate that he did not involve Councillor Cliche in this process because he considers him unfair, which will raise protests in the room.
- André Cliche, outraged, points out that he is an economist; that he has been a Chief Executive Officer for the Canada Economic Development Agency and that he should have been part of DEW's board of directors.
- During another exchange, Mr. Ghali will say that he no longer trusts Mr. André Cliche because he does not honor his word (in relation to a point of this file that we were not able to note).
- It is adopted by majority.
(5.14) Disaffiliation from the cultural partnership with the MRC.
- The Mayor explains that the withdrawal of Wentworth-Nord from the cultural partnership with the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut would save $ 10,000. We are picking up our marbles and we will do better.
- Councilor Cliche protests against the presentation of this resolution. He denounces the fact that the Council does not have all the relevant information for taking such a decision. We are paying $ 8,000 or $ 9,000 to obtain a $ 20,000 return to our artists and artisans through our affiliation to this cultural partnership with the MRC. He mentions a few valuable projects that are attributable to it, such as the Ephemeral Stations where W-N won the first prize; and shooting a heritage story on YouTube.
- Councillor Zgodzinski pointed out that the Municipality's participation represents a fairly high amount and that W-N can help its artists and obtain the available grants.
- Following a question from councillor Paradis and to support his choice, the mayor denounces an announced increase of 20% (of the budget of the MRC?). He undertakes to withdraw from all areas of shared jurisdiction, whenever possible. Given its eccentric position on the territory, Wentworth-Nord would not benefit to its fair share of the budget of the MRC. In addition, he complains that he does not often receive an answer to the questions he addresses to the director general of the organization. Other municipalities would not be more satisfied with the management of the MRC, he adds.
- Councillor Paradis asks who will now decide to accept a project presented to the Municipality by a promoter from the arts and culture sector.
- The project of disaffiliation of the cultural partnership is adopted by the majority.
(5.16) Bylaw 2019-567 decreeing capital expenditures and a loan of $ 1,286,000.
- By buying the land (which was discussed at the previous Council meeting), we will avoid stressing a potential entrepreneur to land speculation. This will give him access to affordable land. While some here are against the Développement économique Wentworth-Nord Corporation, the mayor says, we must move forward to attract business. With the million, it is generally to offer a line of credit rather than to firmly borrow this amount (except for the amount spent on the purchase of land).
- Councillor Cliche brings some criticisms:
o We reserve a piece of land without knowing exactly what we are going to do with it; i.e. for which type of project.
o Why does Wentworth-Nord need to finance businesses as well?
- Councillor Zgodzinski emphasizes that this is a big amount; and he asks if it is the Council that will decide on the choice of companies, etc.
- Councillor Jean-Luc Groulx, concerning the lack of guidelines in the use of the land, recalls that zoning is one.
- Councillor Yvon Paradis would have preferred to focus on improving the road network, which is more likely to attract businesses.
- The resolution is adopted.
(5.18) Legal notice on the Rue du Chemin-de-Fer file
A large delegation of residents of Lake St. Francois-Xavier living on this isolated street and under the jurisdiction of the MRC had met at the meeting to hear the Council confirm that the Municipality would take over its winter maintenance and rule on the case. The Mayor simply announced that legal advice would be asked on certain points, mainly on the existence of acquired rights by residents. He showed that the MRC was dragging its feet in this important dispute, with serious consequences for the residents; and that his administration wanted to solve all these problems. 1. Parks, Aerobic Corridor...; 2. Bull. ALSFX, printemps 2015 / Spring Newsletter
Town planning and zoning
One case was reported where permission was still granted to build a landowner who had broken the rules at will by cutting down many trees without a permit, among other things. Neighbors, present at the meeting, complained about the impact of this slaughter on their own environment, while questioning the weakness of control exercised by the Municipality.
The Mayor, followed by Councillor Johnston, promised to tighten controls and increase penalties. Council adopted to increase to $ 15,000 (or $ 20,000?) the security deposit for the payment of the fine that the landlord would face in the event of non-compliance with the conditions of the project. (?)
Question period
- Disaffiliation of the cultural partnership
o The Chair of the Table de concertation des arts et de la culture de Wentworth-Nord (TCACWN), Marie-Andrée Dionne, surrounded by many representatives from the world of arts and culture in Wentworth-Nord, got the ball rolling by strongly denouncing the adoption by the Council of the disaffiliation resolution of the cultural partnership with the MRC. How, she asked the mayor, can you reconcile the statements you made in your two-year record of opening up to the citizen and the total lack of consultation with the community in this case? This community received $ 24,000 in grants from the MRC or transiting through it. Inviting the people concerned to stand up, the president said: "Do you want to reconsider your decision?" She will finally denounce the mayor's contradictory remarks.
o She further emphasizes that this decision has the following consequences:
To exclude all artists, artisans and cultural and artistic organizations from any MRC grant, support and program.
To thus exclude the municipality and all its artists and craftsmen from all cultural programs of the MRC: Journées de la culture (program and website), Rendez-vous Art-Thé, patrimonial circuits, podcasts, promotion of our activities on laculture.ca, ephemeral stations, the programs of the Conseil des Arts et Lettres du Québec (which has an agreement with the MRC) etc. And that, in addition, no regional organization (such as the Société d’histoire et de généalogie des Pays-d'en-Haut) will be able to include Wentworth-Nord in its MRC-funded / subsidized projects.
o One speaker, among others who did not necessarily come on behalf of artists and artisans, adds her voice to the president by concluding that Wentworth-Nord is the loser with this withdrawal.
o The undersigned asks the mayor if any disaffiliation should not be done only after consultation with the main stakeholders and with their support. And how to support several programs for which the MRC already has a whole administration structure; whereas, only to set up DEW, must a consultant company already be called upon? The Mayor tells us that he has been on important cultural committees; and that for the other disaffiliations envisaged, he would give it up if he could count on better management by the MRC.
o At the end of the meeting, Councillor Paradis asks to reopen the vote. Messrs. Johnston and Groulx, who voted for the resolution, said they needed to know more and think about it. Mr. Zgodzinski will be opposed. Since the vote count remains unchanged, the resolution adopted will not be reopened at this meeting of the Council. But finally, Councillor Paradis gets the subject back on the agenda of the next Council meeting.
- Purchase of land and line of credit for economic development:
o The previous speaker wondered what will the rest of the $ 1,286,000, for which the Council has just "signed a blank check", be for. In addition, the supply of "serviced" lands means that they will be provided with basic infrastructure: sewers, etc. She asked if studies had been done to determine the costs and feasibility of offering these services.
o Councillor Suzanne Y. Paradis recalls that the economic development situation is desperate in Wentworth-Nord; that we must at all costs now encourage this development and create employment.
o Someone points out that no citizen is part of DEW.
o Exchanges between residents present and the mayor or councillors who support his initiative fester.
o The mayor informs that he is not a neophyte in this field; that he was a member of the Board of the precursor of the prestigious Technoparc Saint-Laurent (which became Technoparc Montréal in 2008 before having its management repatriated under Mayor Plante's mandate). But if we do not give him the means to develop the economy of the Municipality, he will not be able to go ahead and we will stay there.
o He indicates that citizens will be able to demand a referendum on the adoption of By-law 2019-567 decreeing capital expenditures and a loan of $ 1,286,000. ((All loan by-laws are subject to this requirement: Municipal finances and taxation. The register for this purpose will be opened on Saturday, November 23, 2019, from 9 am to 7 pm. It would take 279 signatures for the adoption of the by-law to be submitted to a referendum.) But the mayor said that at this point he would not go in any (and would rather drop the bylaw).
Note: The day after the meeting, opponents to the by-law or some of its implications will urgently launch a campaign to get people to sign the register. In response, the Mayor will publish, in both languages, on his Facebook page and have circulated an email in which he justifies the adoption of this by-law and the approach of the Council to launch the economic development of the Municipality.
- Denyse Pinsonneault, a resident of rue du Chemin-de-Fer, asks the Mayor to confirm the news that the Municipality will take charge of the snow removal at its own expense. Mayor Ghali confirms that this will be the case, pending the developments (i.e. that it be brought to the account of the MRC or the Ministry of Transport?). He added that the MRC is taking these residents hostage and that measures will be taken to force it to solve the problem. It is in the face of the complexity of the case and the lack of precise information that the Council has adopted the resolution to obtain legal advice. He congratulates Councillor Zgodzinski for his determination in these claims. He points out that not only are landowners disadvantaged in their rights, that the property value of their property falls, but that Wentworth-Nord also loses its source of taxation.
- Someone asks if the Municipality has made money with the boat wash. Councillor Zgodzinski indicates that better enforcement of the law (through increased monitoring?) has brought about better situation and more awareness.
* Summary of the commitments listed on the "Electoral Journal" of his group:
- Improve and simplify administration.
- Better manage road maintenance.
- Improve services to citizens.
- Improve municipal information.
- Be more transparent.
- Involve the citizen in decision making.
- Stop the tax increase.
- Increase the supply of community and recreation activities.
- Mobilize the professional resources of the territory.
- Assist community groups and lake associations.
- Make the granting apolitical.
- Create a farmer’s market under the courtyard in Laurel.
- Have cellular and internet coverage throughout the territory.
- Actively seek and encourage business.
- Subsidize certain home renovation costs.
- Tighten legislation for the preservation of lakes.
Commentary: We cannot determine whether this electoral check-up exercise suits well at such a meeting of the Council. Is the summary akin to a "throne speech" which realization during the term of office would be analyzed? We know, however, that many are critical of the presentation of such a record; denouncing the statement of the situation or the attribution of achievements by the mayor.
Without prejudice and pending the publication of the Minutes by the Municipality. The reader will understand that this selective1 report cannot make the word-for-word exchanges.
1. «Selective»: Based on the interest of the agenda items or the ability of the undersigned to correctly report their presentation.
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By Carl Chapdelaine
To the municipality or the MRC?
Originally, in practice, there were only two levels of government in the Canada: federal and provincial. They were centralizers. "Over the years, municipalities have been called upon to play an increasingly important and crucial role in the administration of the affairs of the state."1 The municipality being closer to the people, it was already better placed to respond to local requirements: garbage collection, traffic, etc. However, its responsibilities were only delegated to it by the provincial government.
In Quebec, there were municipalities with villages and, all around them, so-called parish municipalities. At the same time, around the cities appeared the suburbs. These could only exist depending on the cities they encircled. They could take advantage of their services without paying all the costs.
In an attempt to address these and many other problems, such as fire departments, the provincial government of Lucien Bouchard undertook the "Municipal reorganization" that resulted in the amalgamation of many municipalities in the province.2 Contrary to popular belief, Wentworth-Nord, however, was not born of forced mergers.
Long before, Quebec had resurrected the county municipalities, with their prefects, to create regional county municipalities (RCMs or MRC in French). The former were already responsible for watercourses, bridges, etc., in a rural Quebec. They lost their jurisdiction when a municipality became a city and almost disappeared with the urbanization of the province.3 With the formation of the RCMs, the intention of Quebec was, for the sake of decentralization and regional development, to transfer them powers that they would be better able to exercise.
This desire of the government was again reiterated under the Couillard administration with the creation of the 2015-2019 Territorial Development Fund, and under that of Mr. Legault. The latter has amplified it by promising a significant increase ($ 1.2 billion) in the financing of this Fund for 2020-2024.4
The competition of powers between the different levels of government has never ceased to exist.5 The citizen does not always know who he would prefer to entrust a particular service. The mayor, the prefect, the prime minister, for their part, can often seek to grab more and more power; but in doing so they deny another level of government. In the Pays-d'en-Haut, mayor and prefect are elected by the population for four years; they both have the democratic support of citizens who expect them to work in harmony and coordinate their actions for the good of the municipality. But this is obviously not always the case.
Municipalities and RCMs share areas of jurisdiction. A municipality may, by resolution of its council, exercise its right of withdrawal to evade the exercise of a jurisdiction given to the RCM. This is so far as this area of jurisdiction was not exclusively granted to the latter by Quebec. At the same time as the jurisdictions share, the budget that can be associated with them is shared. However, the RCM completes its thanks to government transfers.
When a municipality withdraws from an activity exercised by the RCM, it wants to repatriate the funds with which it contributed to the latter. The budget of the RCM for this activity is thereby reduced; which can penalize other municipalities. When Sainte-Adèle disaffiliates from the cultural partnership with the RCM6, the budget of the latter is greatly reduced.
The municipal councilor is the closest representative of the citizen; it would therefore be up to him to participate in the Council's decision on a resolution to withdraw an activity under the authority of the RCM. This, we imagine, as long as it can adequately represent the parties directly concerned by this activity. In case of doubt, a consultation is morally necessary.
But the Council also has a budgetary interest and a search for autonomy likely, among other things, to guide its action. Its withdrawal from a regional service should be offset by the offer of an equivalent service; with the appropriate structure to achieve it properly. A small municipality could thus have a disadvantage in wanting to assume a service without taking advantage of the economy of scale offered by the RCM for the administration of the same service.
The Table de concertation des arts et de la culture de Wentworth-Nord (TCACWN) provides that, following the withdrawal of the Municipality from the cultural partnership with the RCM, as announced by the adoption of a resolution by a majority of the Council’s members November 15, its cultural and artistic community will no longer be eligible for the support of the RCM and its grants. The Table, not consulted and not previously informed of this decision of the Council, like the rest of the milieu apparently, denounces it violently and demands its overthrow.
Any funding through provincial programs and organizations transiting through the RCM, such as the Conseil des Arts et Lettres du Québec, would become obsolete, she adds. Participation in Ephemeral stations, podcasts and heritage tours, or the publication of the Journées de la culture program in the regional brochure and on their website would no longer be on the agenda.
A historical or heritage project in collaboration with the Société d'histoire et de généalogie des Pays-d'en-Haut, funded by the RCM, (like the one that allowed it in 2016-17, as part of the Fonds et culture program to move forward with its "Wentworth-Nord Municipality Heritage and Landscape Enhancement Project" would no longer be feasible.
And what would be the benefits offered to the community in return by the Municipality? Would they be able to compensate for the losses to be expected; and at what price? Given the savings of the Municipality's contribution of $8,000 to $10,000 over one year, put forward by Mr. Ghali, the president of the TCACWN, Ms. Marie-Andrée Dionne, calculates the consideration in a loss of $ 24,000 for the artisans and artists of Wentworth-Nord.
At the Council meeting, the mayor was questioned from all sides and even apostrophed by the arts and culture community who had met there and who reproached him for speaking on its behalf. He expressed that he had already personally worked in the field of culture and the arts on many occasions and at the highest level. He could meet the needs.
Concerning his then expressed intention to withdraw, whenever possible, from any partnership with the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut, he attributes it to his conviction that the latter does not manage it well. At the same time, it would seek to encroach more and more on the areas of jurisdiction reserved for the municipality and to increase its budget disproportionately. He said his perception shared by several municipalities of the RCM and he says he would not go down this road if the situation was not what it was.
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By Carl Chapdelaine
1. La Charte des municipalités, Livre blanc
2. Réorganisation des municipalités du Québec de 2000-2006
3. Comtés du Québec
4. a. https://www.mamh.gouv.qc.ca/partenariat-2020-2024/
b. http://www.fil-information.gouv.qc.ca/Pages/Article.aspx?aiguillage=ajd&type=1&idArticle=2710303701
c. https://www.mamh.gouv.qc.ca/fileadmin/publications/organisation_municipale/accord_partenariat/Partenariat2020- 2024_Entente.pdf
d. https://www.mamh.gouv.qc.ca/fileadmin/publications/organisation_municipale/accord_partenariat/Partenariat2020-2024_Depliant.pdf
5. Paliers gouvernementaux
6. Journal Accès
MPs to Ottawa
Council meeting of October 18, 2019; report.
Statement by the Mayor and Councillors:
- Mr. F. Ghali congratulates Mrs. France Paquette and her collaborators (from the Wentworth-Nord Concertation Table of Arts and Culture) for the coronation of her work at the Stations éphémères of 2019. MRC
- He thanked Mrs. Céline (?) Mc Sween for her involvement in the Farmer's Market, as well as Mrs. Hélène Chartier, her husband and the other volunteers.
- Mrs. Suzanne Y. Paradis announces the date of November 11, the day when it will be necessary to remember the Canadians who fell on the battlefields of the First War, as well as more specifically on the Normandy coast during the Second. This last landing will be highlighted this year, she says. She presents the homage of the municipality of Wentworth-Nord to our brave heroes.
5.4 A notice of motion is to issue a loan to have more fund to invest in capital for sustainable economic development projects. This would, we understand, be an increase in the borrowing power (line of credit) allowing the purchase of land at a cost of $ 275,000 (?) in Laurel. (We imagine that we are talking here about the creation of a sort of industrial zone.) To a question from Cliche, the Director General, Marie-France Matteau, answered that the possible obtaining of subsidies for this project would allow reducing by the same amount the necessary loan. The councillor is also asking for a business plan for the spring of 2020. Councilor Y. Paradis also had questions. Since this is simply a notice of motion, no vote is required at this time.
5.9 Ms. Chrystel Durivage (who was Vice-Chair of the Laurel area CCU) is hired as a Temporary Administrative Assistant in the Planning and Environment Department.
Public security
6.3 A request for financial assistance of $ 100,000 will be presented by the Acting Director of the Service, Ms. Martyne Charrette, for the refurbishment of the Saint-Michel’s fire station following the demolition of former premises.
Urban planning and zoning
9.2 The Municipality, which asks a 7% contribution from the developers, (at the time of subdivision or construction of land?), will require the payment of these rights in cash rather than in exchange for land.
9.3 et seq. The acceptance of several requests for the construction of garages is recommended by the CCU and these are adopted by the Council.
Question period
o For councillors
Développement économique Wentworth-Nord (DEW) organization has been created by the Municipality, and Councillor Cliche is presenting a resolution so that it can provide technical support, etc., to the contractors; and helps them, among other things, to be better informed about the aid programs they could benefit from. (Have we translated the councillor's comments here?). Mayor Ghali, seeing too much involvement of the Municipality, does not favor this resolution; it is rejected by the Council.* (It was intended that this NPO would aim to channel our economic resources and encourage entrepreneurship by, among other things, establishing a fund that could support businesses in their projects.) *At one or two occasions during this session, the mayor's vote had to break the tie. The fact that motions could apparently be introduced and adopted in Question Period was, to date, unknown to us. This first part of the question period is reserved exclusively for members of the Council and the administration.
Councillor David Zgodzinski, who would like Wentworth-Nord to stop subsidizing some organizations, is reconsidering the award to the Lake Notre-Dame Association for trails. Given the new availability of grants for tourism projects by the Fonds de développement Tourisme Laurentides 2019-20 (?), should the Municipality not require the Association to take advantage of this program to eventually replace the equivalent amount that it was granted? November 11th of this year is the deadline for submitting a project under this program, he says. (We understand that, according to the Councillor, a grant could be awarded for a project already in operation.) Mr. Zgodzinski made it a resolution.Mr. Ghali recalls that the Municipality wants to encourage lake associations with their trails. Invoices have already been submitted by the Lake Notre-Dame Association as part of the grant mentioned, it is too late to back down and risk delaying the completion of the project. The Councillor will modify his resolution so that it applies in the future and not for the current project. It is thus adopted.
o For the room
1. Residents of Lake Argenté, many in the room and not always aware of the rules of use during the session, said they received a letter informing them that the collection of their bins could not be going on anymore at their door beyond October 20th, given the state of the road.The Mayor responded that he is aware of this problem; but that the letter comes from the MRC. Collection is no longer the responsibility of the municipality. He ensures to have immediately discussed with this authority as well as with the contractor at the source of this threat. He explains that the latter does not want to end up with disadvantages due to the poor condition of the roads. This would have resulted in trucks run-off-the-road that caused significant expenses for this service. This is not a special case, but a clause to be incorporated into the contract that covers several municipalities.
Mr. Ghali assures that his services will look street by street as needed to ensure that bins can be collected at the doors. The passage of firefighters and ambulances must also be guaranteed; but no obstacle will, in any case, block the latter.
The assisting residents of Lac Argenté had trouble relieving the mayor of any responsibility in this matter. He assured them of his firm support.
2. One person talks about opening a line of credit (Is it about the $ 2.5 M?), saying it looks like a blank check.
3. A resident of Lake Saint-François-Xavier asks if there will be a zoning change to allow short-term (year-round?) tenancy in the Thurson area, as we have heard. The Mayor responded by reading a statement he had already prepared. Any resident or contractor may submit a request to the Municipality; that does not mean that it will be accepted. It is true that the latter has been approached; but no rezoning request has been filed. You have been misinformed. Such a measure would involve a long process in which the opinion of the residents would be decisive, can we summarize from the Mayor words.
4. The citizen also has a question about the extension of Hunter Street. Mr. Ghali explains that you have to go to cottages to install septic tanks. It is a municipal road; whose extension will be at the expense of the residents concerned. (See our articles on the subject: Roads and access roads.)
5. We ask the Council whether, for the 10th anniversary of the library service at Wentworth-Nord in 2020, there could not be an open book deposit at Pavillon Montfort. There is now a permanent attendant at the Pavilion, and the opportunity to circulate a small quantity of books, magazines or other, from the library, would be of great interest.
The mayor indicates that several proposals are already under consideration to punctuate the celebration of this anniversary, and that Montfort and Saint-Michel will not be ignored. Our proposal would be considered. Some voices of authority in the cultural field of the Village and the Municipality will remind us that the question has already been studied; that the challenge is great, while there is already a mobile service and micro-libraries. (Note: If the administrative burden imposed by the loan of books was judged to be a major obstacle, an on-site consultation, with some arrangement in the nave, would already be appreciable.)
6. At the beginning of the winter season, someone ask if the regular meeting of the Council could not take place on Saturday noon rather than Friday evening. (In connection with the darkness of the winter evenings which discourages the road users.) The Mayor reminds that the schedule of the sessions is already decided and that one cannot change it.
Note: Without prejudice and pending the report that will be produced by the Municipality.
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By Carl Chapdelaine
Council of September 20, 2019
The session was chaired by the mayor, F. Ghali; all the councillors were present.
Mayor's statement
· Former advisor Gaston Fortin dies.
· White-tailed deer hunting.
- The chronic debilitating disease of deer, the equivalent of "mad cow", having appeared on a farm (red deer) in Grenville-sur-la-Rouge, the Ministry des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs : MFFP (Forests, Wildlife and Parks) has expanded the criteria for the deer slaughter in the (enhanced surveillance zone, which forms an immense arc with the center of its base in this municipality and joining Mont-Tremblant in the north). Thus, females such as fawns can also be slaughtered (and all hunting gear is allowed). https://mffp.gouv.qc.ca/la-faune/securite-sante-maladies/maladie-debilitante-chronique-cervides/ (We thought we heard the mayor say that all deer should be slaughtered.)
- Samples must be taken and brought to the registration centers.
- It is mandatory to wear a bib in this area during the hunting season.
- The Mayor reminds that it is forbidden to hunt near inhabited areas or from roads. Moreover, the ban on parking on the roads at Wentworth-Nord is reinforced. Hunting is prohibited at night.
- Hunters can come from outside the region; while one is in a hunting area already well attended by local parties. It is the responsibility of the owners to indicate that it is forbidden to hunt on their property.
- Councillor André Cliche is, with strong support from the local population, opposed to the expansion of hunting as decreed by the government, we understand. A petition aims to bring the MFFP back. He invites interested parties to consult his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/acliche8 .
- The Mayor, with Mr. Cliche, emphasizes that this invitation to hunt will bring hunters and walkers fond of fall colors in our region to rub shoulders dangerously. It will have a negative impact on the popularity of this season for tourism, vacationing and the general population.
· The Municipality appoints enforcement officers. They can therefore ensure the protection of water bodies, monitoring illegal parking, etc.; this all week. The name of Mrs. Chartier, responsible for the Montfort Pavilion, is in the list given.
· Mr. Benoît Cadieux was appointed Director of Urban Planning and Environment, replacing Mr. E. Farmer, who had resigned. He would be an urban planner and was already working in a related position in a neighboring municipality.
Given the need to have a municipal garage larger than the current, to be able to repair and maintain equipment on site, the Municipality undertakes to appeal to the Solidarity Fund of the FTQ. The Fund could help build this garage, own it and rent it to us with a purchase option. Portefeuille dédié The Municipality's low indebtedness renders it ineligible for government subsidy. A six-month preliminary agreement to conduct a technical study has been concluded with the Fund; the decision will follow. An alternative option is for the Municipality to go forward on its own.
· Requests for work on trails and parking for access by private developers or lake associations led to discussions at the Council table. We were unable to capture all the details of the arguments, but Councillor David Zgodzinski objected to moving forward when accessibility (?) or some other preliminary step had not yet been reached at the level of these structures.
· In addition, councillors did not see that the Municipality could maintain private trails or roads or convert such roads into municipal property, while, Zgodzinski insisted, it is already difficult to maintain the excessive municipal road network. (It was, concerning the road, a request from Lake St. Victor.) The resolutions were still adopted, but the mayor had to, on the occasion of the application for Lake St. Victor (?), use his vote to make it pass, while the votes of the councillors for and against were tied. Mr. Ghali indicated that his policy was to help the lake associations with their trails; that it was necessary to increase their number and the parking to access them. Mr. Zgodzinski wanted to know the cost of such operations before committing to them.
· For Councillor Eric Johnston, parking was not here a prerequisite for the use of the trail; so it could be improved. It was also, in the case discussed, public trails. The consultation had duly been held and the consensus established.
· Mr. A. Cliche let it be known that the Wentworth-Nord Trail Map was being completed; that it would greatly help to get a better overview of the situation.
· The purchase of the Ford F350 2020 truck, replacing the old decrepit truck, was going to spark another contest between councillors. "Why not look at buying a used truck?" Asked Councillor Zgodzinski. "It was not planned," said the executive director. Councillor Jean-Luc Groulx, chairman of the Fire Protection Committee, added that police forces (?) always bought new ones; suggesting that this was the norm.
The request to the Municipality included:
- Issuing an injunction against the resident who contravened the regulations in various ways.
- The amendment of the regulation limiting the number of cats per dwelling, to add a clause that would take into account the fact that the presence of 3 cats per km2 would harm biodiversity; for cats kill birds, field mice, squirrels, etc.
- An agreement of the Municipality with the Society for the protection of animals for the future of things; and the suggestion of on-site follow-up of the latter every two weeks.
- The Municipality will attempt to reach an agreement with the Society for the Protection of Animals. The latter requires the clause of "community cats". (This involves a financial contribution from the municipality.) This is a major obstacle to reaching an agreement. (Interpretation of remarks exchanged without prejudice.)
- We will see for the injunction; this is a significant expense and should only be a last resort. In the meantime we will have our own inspectors who can enforce our regulations.
- This cannot be a zoning issue.
With reservations: This partial report, by show of hands and in our own words should not be taken for the minutes; the latter, to be published, will report to the Municipality.
Economic And Territorial Development Plan, 2020-22
On 18 September, the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut delivered, as planned, its PDÉT. The prefect, Mr. André Genest, recalled that it was a follow-up to a collaboration of the members of the Council of the MRC, the Economic and Territorial Development Committee (CDÉT), as well as the general management and the team of the Service du développement économique et territorial of the MRC, with the community partners, municipalities and constituent cities of the MRC. You will remember the call for papers and the online survey from the MRC, in early 2018. The latter wanted, through a global exercise, to base its project on a participative and representative democracy.
Such an exercise could not ignore the concerns and avenues suggested by the groups involved. "From 386 individual ideas that emerged from popular, expert and political knowledge, at the confluence of the Youth Declaration, cultural policy and other strategic documents, 26 major sustainable, structuring, collaborative and innovative projects were born which will increase their successive spin-offs from 2020 to 2022. " :
- Conduct a strategic and concise diagnosis for each municipality in the MRC.
- Position the MRC with a strategy of territorial attractiveness based on its exceptional quality of life ...
- Revise the schéma d’aménagement et de développement (SAD) of the territory in accordance with the principles of sustainable development.
- Keep our recreational trails alive.
- Provide industrial space according to the needs of the constituent municipalities.
- Support the local or coming businesses.
- Create a start-up and support fund for the entrepreneur.
- Network territorial economic actors.
- Foster immigration and retention of the workforce.
- Update the seniors and family policies.
- Conduct a study on the public accessibility of lakes in the territory. The MRC wants to: "Assert the collective nature of water resources by maximizing access to the greatest number of lakes for the greatest number of citizens and users"
- Evaluate the feasibility of establishing a hospice or caregiver home in a natural environment.
- Obtain the necessary government assistance for mobility and transportation.
- Enhance intra-municipal public lands in partnership with the private sector.
- Develop a pole of innovation and research in the field of recreation and outdoor.
- Promote the MRC’s Sports Complex.
- Complete our knowledge of the built heritage, with a view to valorization.
- Consult for an updated cultural policy.
- Establish a territorial housing policy.
- Support community food security initiatives.
- Plan for the fight against and adaptation to climate change.
- Elaborate a conservation strategy for wet and moist environments.
- Include sustainable development criteria in the calls for tender.
- Integrate this PDÉT into the Spatial Planning frame.
- Seek to engage the different authorities to take inspiration from this PDÉT.
- Complete the brand image of the MRC.Well; there is work to be done ... By Carl Chapdelaine
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Source : Plan de développement économique et territorial 2020-2022
Mayor Ghali + MRC vs MTQ

At the Mayors Council held in Sainte-Anne-des-Lacs on September 10, 2019, the mayors moved a resolution in support of the request of Wentworth-Nord Mayor MF Ghali to the Quebec Ministry of Transport to see the turnaround of the curve on Route Principale, known as the Dubois Curve, approximately two kilometers east of the intersection of this road with Chemin Sainte-Marie.
Mr. Ghali told us that it was only a matter of straightening the curve over 200 meters. He told us that the mayors, like him, saw the Ministry's lax approach to meeting the region's road needs.
By Carl Chapdelaine
Meeting of W-N council of August 16, 2019
W-N Council Meeting, August 16, 2019 (Held at Laurel) Report
The Mayor, Mr. F. Ghali, presided over the meeting; attended by all members of the Council.
Mayor's report
× The loan application for $ 2.5 million has been approved by Québec.
× The MTQ will repair two bridges in W-N. The Mayor indicates that when the Ministry decides to close a bridge, it does not give notice. The Municipality has then an urgency to open up the territory served by such a bridge.
× Regarding the loan of $ 2.5 million (and at the request of the MTQ), the Municipality will look into the possibility of obtaining subsidies to replace a portion of the amount to be imposed on the budget.
× The firm DHC Avocat is mandated to require the MTQ to correct the curve on ? road.
× The Council has received with regret the notice of resignation from the Director of the Planning and Environment Department, Mr. Emmanuel Farmer, who has accepted a position as urban planner for the city of Ste-Thérèse (?).
× Mr. Stéphane Paradis also accepted a position in another municipality; but he will continue to offer contract services (computer and communications?).
× The Programme de la taxe sur l’essence et de la contribution du Québec (TECQ) (Gas Tax and Quebec Contribution Program) will grant us nearly $ 1 million for the years 2019-2023. This sum should go to road works.
× Mr. Jason Neil, who has already been part of the Municipality's staff as the Director of Public Security, is taking the position of Technical Director of Highways and Recreation (directeur technique de la Voirie et des Loisirs).
Town planning and zoning
× The number of permits issued is lower on this date (Jan to July) than on the same date last year.
× There will be a new sign for the Montfort Art Gallery at Pavillon Montfort.
× An application for a zoning change for a piece of land that was partly used as a sand pit is accepted to allow the construction of a few houses and a mini-farm dedicated to growing a product with promising future: cannabis ...
Leisure, culture and community life
A project to develop a new trail at Laurel, approved by the Trail Committee, is accepted. Councilor Cliche will explain that it is currently necessary to go on Montfort’s side, at the Aerobic Corridor or other, to be able to enjoy recreational trails. Laurel and the rest of the Municipality also need trails.
Question period
× We ask if, in view of the growing number of real estate transactions and the increase in the value of the properties at Lake St. Francois-Xavier, the Municipality is concerned about the potential impact on the assessment of other properties for less fortunate residents.
Mayor Ghali replied that this situation should not affect the valuation of properties not directly affected. That, in any case, the Municipality did not have a say in the property assessment.
Ms. Matteau will add that there is always a way to challenge one assessment.
Councilor Eric Johnston, for his part, will tell us that the percentage of the valuation of a property that would depend on the assessment of its neighbors, is minimal, we understand.
× Someone asks if there will be consultation regarding the trail project. The mayor replies that yes, eventually; but that we are still far from it in the project.
× A former councilor asked why, as seen in the minutes of a previous meeting, the road loan, initially set at $ 2 million, increased to $ 2.5 million. And why Councillors Eric Johnston and David Zgodzinski first voted against the tabling of the draft by-law (2019-563). The mayor recalls that the additional $ 500,000 was mainly to preserve contingencies (unforeseen circumstances); but that they wanted to stick to the amount of original expenses of about $ 2M; what councilor Yvon Paradis will also highlight.
Mr. D. Zgodzinski, seconded by Mr. Johnston, will explain that it would be too long and complicated to detail here their first position; but that he might willingly do it in particular.
× A resident of Newaygo complains that several visitors have been looking in the wrong place for Mount Street since the Lake Thurson Road has resulted in the development of a new, independent stretch of this street.
× We ask if the Lac-à-la-Croix road, which is now passable, could eventually become a new access road to an ever-isolated section of Mount «Street». The mayor reminds us that this is a private road.
× We ask if the Council would allow the recording of municipal meetings. Mr. Ghali tells us that eventually, by looking after the decorum, we could think of that. However, we would lose a lot; because everyone would like to see revised its possible remarks before knowing them recorded. He added that it was currently prohibited.
× Finally, there were requests regarding the state of Millette Road. The mayor admitted that this path needed love. In time and place, the road would get attention; but not for superficial paving.
Councilor Johnston, on a related question, replied that it was better to use the official complaints route to demand cleaning of the approaches to the road. (It was like taking a number at the clinic or elsewhere, a sort of procedure.)
Without prejudice; by Carl Chapdelaine
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Meeting of W-N council of july 19, 2019
(Report on the regular meeting held at Laurel)
All councillors were present. Mayor François Ghali chaired the meeting.
Mayor's report
Mr. Ghali recalled the holding of the consultation on the management of the emptying of septic tanks by the Municipality. He highlighted the main benefits of this initiative:
- As when citizens come together to get a group price for this service, everyone's bill should go down with this take over.
- There would be assurance that the sludge would be carried to their destination towards an authorized site.
- There would be better monitoring of the condition and operation of septic systems throughout the Municipality. This would result in, among other things, a closer protection of the environment.
- The Council, with the assurance that the majority of the people are in favor of the proposal, would look into the study of the issue; taking into account the comments and suggestions received from residents.
5. Administration
5.1 Disbursements. Floods are a big part of it.
5.5 Opening an account at the Caisse Desjardins for the activities of Pavillon Montfort. This administrative measure will, among other things, facilitate the specific monitoring of this entity.
5.8 Sale-purchase of lots by agreement. The municipality wants to get rid of small lots that it doesn’t need. If you are interested in one of these lots, to enlarge your property, etc., contact us.
5.9 Administrative restructuring. The merger of the Community Life, Recreation and Cultural Services Branch with that of Public Works was self-evident as we noted the duplication of resources between the two services. In fact, for example, the road works executes many of the charges assigned to leisure; this is the case for the trails, the torchlight parade, etc. This situation is reflected in other municipalities. The current directors were thanked for their services.
5.11 The Taxe sur l’essence et de la contribution du Québec: TECQ (Gas Tax and the Québec Contribution) must grant us $ 900,000 from 2019 to 2023; and we want to receive these funds for, among other things, our road works.
6. Public safety
6.2 It will be allowed to keep up to 5 domestic cats and 10 more for a community (?) establishment. We will have a temporary clinic for the sterilization of stray cats and the Municipality will pay for the accommodation of the veterinarian. (?) We will try to have them adopted, and the others will be released into the wild.
Question period
The period focused on administrative restructuring.
1. 1. Councillor Cliche asked the first question; requesting clarification on the steps involved in the management of the emptying of septic installations. The mayor indicated, among other things, that the implementation of the program should begin next spring.
The rest of the question period focused on administrative restructuring.
2. We asked if the Directors thanked could apply for the new position. The mayor said yes and that the position was already posted.
3. Someone wanted to know who was acting. We did not note the answer; otherwise the person in charge, probably Mr. E. Farmer, already in the Directorate of Urban Planning and the Environment, would become the one man band in charge. And while the cultural programming was in any case completed for the current year, Mr. Hébert did a good job as acting at Public Works.
4. Another asked how, while the road service already seemed to be overwhelmed, we would be able to double its task.
5. Another couldn’t see how the administration of cultural services, etc., could be merged with that of Public Works.
6. The Mayor, in response to another question, said that the community should take charge of a good part of the community, the cultural services, and so on.
7. As for the organization of St. John's Day, which requires a good organization, stressed another, how are you going to get away with it? Mr. Ghali indicated that there would no longer be the celebration that we knew, given the excesses to be feared because of the legalization of marijuana, etc.
Without prejudice, by Carl Chapdelaine
With Google Translate and Linguee
Director of Leisure lay off
It is rumored that Mayor F. Ghali reportedly told municipal employees earlier this week that Mr. Stéphane Legault, Director of Community Life, Recreation and Cultural Services, would have been cut from the organization. His position would eventually be assigned to a new Director of this Department and Public Works. We learned at the last municipal meeting that the director of the latter department, Mr. Farid Madaoui, had to take sick leave. Who will this time be the ideal candidate?
This last saber thrust in the circle of directors would be in the spirit of what had announced in the election campaign the candidate elected to the mayor; i.e. a reduction of the number of heads for a multiplication of the number of arms to the municipal body. There will not remain much trace of the face of the old administration at the la Maison du citoyen as in the municipal advisory committees or the extra-municipal management, such as the Cooperative des 4 Pôles.
We hope that Mr. Ghali will be able to give us all the explanations on this reshuffle and rectifications, if any, at the municipal meeting this Friday.
Google Translate and Linguee
By Carl Chapdelaine
Municipal meeting of June 21, 2019, report
Ordre du jour
(District 6 Councilor Eric Johnston is absent because he is traveling.)
1. Word from the mayor
Mr. Ghali indicated that the years 2019-20 will see the implementation of several projects prepared during the first two years of his mandate; especially on the road network. Consultations and debates allowed for the necessary adjustments; now is the time for action.
The mayor recalls the creation of the Développement économique Wentworth-Nord (DEW), an NPO that aims to channel our economic resources and encourage entrepreneurship; this will go through, among other things, the creation of a fund that will support companies in their projects.
In addition, $ 20,000 was obtained for the micro-market garden project (with the conversion of the biathlon field?). It is important that we seek to consume locally, to favor small businesses here rather than import everything from the antipodes.
5. Administration
5.1 The exceptional spring floods forced the municipality to take emergency measures and required expenditures of several hundred thousand dollars ($ 800,000?).
5.3 Council adopts a bylaw that will allow specific taxation on vacant lots. It should bring $ 100,000 to the treasure.
5.4 Another bylaw enacts expenditures and a loan of $ 2,500,000 to rehabilitate Chemin du Lac-Farmer and Notre-Dame-Sud, as well as Chisholm and Du Domaine Streets.
The municipality intends to initiate the announced renewal of our road infrastructure. We will also try to obtain subsidies for the restoration of the main road between Laurel and Montfort. Priority will be given to Millette Road; too long neglected.
We will announce later an urban renewal program affecting homes. We must not let a part of our building deteriorate.
5.8 The agreement between the MRC and the municipality for the maintenance of La Montfortaine, the Aerobic Corridor and Pavillon Montfort is renewed.
5.11 The municipality will equip itself with a 10-wheel truck, according to a 3.9% lease-purchase formula.
5.14 In the absence (very rare) of Ms. Matteau, Mr. E. Farmer will be the signing officer.
5.16 Mr. André Philippe Hébert is appointed Acting Director of Public Works in the absence of the Director (Mr. Farid Madaoui?), due to illness.
5.17 A temporary loan will be contracted with Caisse Desjardins des Pays-d'en-Haut for expenses incurred by the spring floods. The municipality will benefit from the favorable rate of the line of credit obtained earlier. The government will be required to reimburse the municipal treasury some of the money spent on the emergency measures ordered. The Ministry was then called to note the actions undertaken as and when; this initiative should facilitate the justification of the claims.
5.21 The Council adopts a MOU, under the Territorial Development Fund, for the above-mentioned micro-market gardening project.
7. Transportation - Public Works
7.1 Purchase, at a cost of $ 34,500, of a used Ford pickup truck.
8. Environmental health and environment
8.1 Draft regulation prohibiting the feeding of stray cats and imposing a limit of 5 domestic cats per household. This is related to the proliferation of stray cats at Notre-Dame Lake.
9. Town planning and zoning
9.3 There was a complaint with a fine against a resident for illegal short-term rental.
9.5 to 9.12 Projects and waivers are allowed as recommended by the PAC with respect to the Plan d’implantation et d’intégration architecturale (PIIA).
10 Leisure, culture and community life
10.2 The contract is renewed with Mr. Goyer (?), for the maintenance of the Aerobic Corridor and the management of the Orphans' Trail.
10.4Hiring of a receptionist at Pavillon Montfort (Ms. Chartier's sister), following the Committee's recommendation.
Question period
We ask if the Municipality will see at the relocation of buoys to Lake St. Francis Xavier, in application of the law, for safety and protection of the environment. (See the detail in our article on buoys. Lake Access).
Another resident of Lac Saint-François-Xavier asks about the maintenance of Chemin de Fer Street; also, on the constant number of visitors to Pavillon Montfort. With respect to the second point, the mayor responded that some of the rental boats will eventually be moved to another lake in Wentworth-Nord. District 5 Councilor David Zgodzinski notes that renting kayaks attached to the lake avoids the danger of introducing invasive species, and that boat washing is controlled for the same reason. We would also like to charge for parking; but the prefect is opposed to it. The mayor, who wants the Pavilion to be under the control of the municipality, also points out that the policy is currently dictated by the MRC.
Another resident of SFX Lake reiterates the serious danger to the safety of not seeing at the relocation of buoys and the responsibility of the municipality.
Another complains that he has not yet seen the cleaning of the Orphans' trail this year.
A resident of Lake Gustave complains about the lack of consultation of taxpayers there to ... (?)
A resident of Lake Notre-Dame explains at length the consequences of the proliferation of cats roaming at the Lake, including the accelerated disappearance of birds and squirrels. She implores the municipality to hire a contractor to catch the cats. The expense would be minor and would have a certain impact. The mayor receives the suggestion and promises that they will work on the problem.
Note: This partial report and by hand written notes should not be taken as minutes; the latter, to be published, will report to the Municipality.
By Carl Chapdelaine
With Google Translate
Council of March 15, notes
Wentworth North Municipal Council of March 15, 2019 - notes
- Support for a heritage presentation
The Table de concertation des arts et de la culture - Comité patrimoine et histoire (Heritage and History Committee), receives a $ 300 grant from the Municipality to support the organization of a conference on the history of the Montfort Railway. This presentation will be given by geographer and historian Claude Martel, (Sunday, May 26, 2019, at 1:30 pm, Pavillon Montfort). (See the LSFX Friends' Calendar.)
- The integrity of the territory of W-N
Wentworth Integrated Tourism Resorts Development Inc. has a 628-hectare real estate and recreation project that straddles the territory of the Township of Wentworth and the Wentworth-Nord territory, with 22% on the latter. It must therefore comply with the laws of Canada and Quebec, as well as the by-laws of two MRCs and two municipalities. The developer then asked the Department of Municipal Affairs for the annexation of part of the Wentworth-Nord territory by the Township of Wentworth.
"Whereas the Municipality of Wentworth-Nord is committed to the integrity of its territory ... Whereas (it) wishes to encourage this real estate and recreational tourism development and ... to offer to the promoter all its collaboration to help him in the realization of its project ...
Whereas the promoter has no reason to fear the regulation of Wentworth-Nord, of the MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut ...
Council members ask the Minister of Municipal Affairs "to promptly declare an order of inadmissibility at the request of the proponent ..."
Google translate
By Carl Chapdelaine
Plan the resort development
If resort* turns out to be an axis of economic growth for Wentworth-Nord, should we not plan its future development in the Municipality?
Will the zoning of the territory of the Municipality, in its urban master plan, and free enterprise, which leads the private sector in building secondary residences or housing complexes on private lands, be enough to steer resort development in the right direction? Should they not be expanded by additional input? If the Municipality or the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut have not yet defined the guidelines and criteria which should probably frame, or even guide, this development, there is no shortage of analyses and plans applied elsewhere in Quebec that could be used as models.
Take the case of the use of public lands for the purposes of resort. The Government already addressed on the issue for the proportion of the public forest eventually dedicated to this type of occupation. 1 Forest constitutes the bulk of the public territory in Quebec.
Remember that, on April 1St 2013, the entry into force of the new forest policy was intended to radically change the public forest exploitation approach in Quebec. 2 & 3 Responsibility for its management wouldn't anymore depend on the forest industry but would be under the authority of the Government **. However, this management would benefit from consultation with local authorities, including the MRC, as for the broader development of Regional public land development Plans4 & t5. This collaboration had already begun well before between the then Ministry des Ressources naturelles et de la Faune and some MRCs, including that of des Pays-d’en-Haut; as demonstrated by the Plan d’aménagement intégré des terres publiques intra municipales (2012). 6 [Map of intra municipal public lands in the MRC on page 21 of the document. We have taken off an inset map of it to locate those in Wentworth-Nord. (Our request to authorize its publication seems to be pending...)].
By convention, the Government delegated to the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut : " planning responsibilities; powers and responsibilities in land area; powers and responsibilities in forestry" on public land. The establishment of the Parc régional des Pays-d’en-Haut was going to take advantage of this convention. Resort was not, however, differentiated from recreational activities, the cornerstone of the economy of the MRC, in the assignments so selected to clarify the ultimate vocation of intra municipal public lands 6.
In the Outaouais Region, the Ministry of natural resources and the CRÉ, now abolished, in collaboration with the MRC and other regional agencies, would yet create a strategy of development of private resort on public land for 2014-2019. 7 For this collaboration, the Department proposed a guide 8 on the use of public lands while imposing local partners to respect certain general principles as follows:
"• Group accommodation units in well-defined areas in order to use the least possible space, particularly where the pressure of recreational use is strong.
• Promote, in resort sites, concepts of planning to give access to the greatest number of people to the recreational resources and promote the integration of different types of resort into recreational activities...
• Focus on the consolidation of sites already in development where lands are already available before developing new resort sites.
• Ensure harmonization of interventions near the sites of resort, to avoid disrupting the landscape visible from these places.
• Ensure public access to all water bodies developed for resort purposes.
• Ensure the compatibility of resort development with the protection of cultural property, particularly if of archaeological interest.
• Maintain the natural character of the resort sites.
These principles were taken up as tags in the development of the strategy. In addition to the use of such tags, the plan took into account a large number of variables related to this topic. The principles adopted and the assessment of the other aspects could contribute to define those Wentworth-Nord would bring forward for land more exclusively under its jurisdiction; while taking into account its urban Master Plan and the will of its citizens.
And there is of new obligations in the recreation area and therefore in resort in addition to those already considered. Among other things, as showed in an article of the Réseau de veille en tourisme, there's one to expand the targeted audience of these activities according to the new diversity of communities and cultures that make up our society today. 9 In the face of the arrival of new waves of vacationers, of unknown profile, consultation of current residents and surveys on which our elected officials more and more rely on for their decisions will not give them much more light on their specific needs.
Moreover, some second homes and cottages, as those inhabited by families, possibly no longer meet the current choices of their owners. Become teenagers and young adults, children respond to others interests for witch remoteness or isolation, and the difficulty of transport as well as the relatively lack of adapted social, cultural or even recreational activities in a municipality like Wentworth-Nord and especially in bad weather, are no longer suitable. The cottage is eventually abandoned. In the event of the promotion of new resort areas especially, the need to provide a more complete living environment, as in the mobile homes "villages", may sometimes be the responsibility of the municipality. Private developers are already calling on the latter to offer, for example, roads and increased access to the natural environment: more trails, access to lakes, etc.
In conclusion, adequate consideration should probably be given to resort development in the Municipality. If the urban master plan is essential, a more comprehensive development frame or plan is perhaps also desirable.
* The resort comes in several components and there seems not to be common definition of the type of property that it defines. For the Fédération des chambres immobilières du Québec (FCIQ) for example, a resort property is an habitable year-round property that offers some resort attractions, regardless of whether primary or secondary residence. 10 It is so surprising that the Laurentides Region, which has the largest number of "chalets (cottages)" in Quebec (over 30,000 according to a document from the former Department of natural resources1), has experienced a decline of 1302 units in the Pays-d’en-Haut between 2008 and 2017. But it was simply due to the conversion of summerhouses in four season’s homes, wat removes them from the cottage category. The appeal of the Laurentians brought many owners of these homes, often retired, to make them their main residence. 11
** In front of proliferation of programs, their updating or replacement by others, and similarly for the departments and paragovernmental agencies, it is here difficult to determine the responsibilities of each. Thus, the management of the forest or of public land seems to us be divided between the current Ministère des Forêts, de la Faune et des Parcs (MFFP) and the Énergie et Ressources naturelles’ one.
By Carl Chapdelaine
With the use of Microsoft Translator and Linguee
1. https://mern.gouv.qc.ca/publications/territoire/planification/prdtp_laurentides.pdf
2. https://laforetacoeur.ca/blog/heritage-empoisonne-lerreur-boreale/
3. https://mffp.gouv.qc.ca/forets/gestion/gestion-forestiere-2013.jsp
4. https://mern.gouv.qc.ca/territoire/planification/planification-regionaux.jsp
5. https://mern.gouv.qc.ca/publications/territoire/planification/developpement-laurentides.pdf
6. http://lespaysdenhaut.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/TPI-Plan-damenagement-integre-final-2012.pdf
7. http://www.cef-cfr.ca/uploads/Membres/SDVO_Document_complet_2014-12-01_version_finale.pdf
8. ftp://ftp.mrn.gouv.qc.ca/Public/Dc/guide_dev_villegiature.pdf
9. https://veilletourisme.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e53a1fb5e27ba1301ebc7c963&id=b3c1a82113&e=c97792b8ba
10. https://www.fciq.ca/pdf/mot_economiste/me_102014_fr.pdf
11. https://ici.radio-canada.ca/nouvelle/1047369/carte-chalet-quebec-prix-evolution-nombre
Voilà is a digital gate created by Wentworth-Nord to allow a customized access of the citizen to various online services offered by the Municipality. "By centralizing some of your information in the smart citizen gate Voilà, you will optimize your interventions with the Municipality."
· "You can: receive news and alerts (newsletter);
· make requests (complaints, snow removal, public works, etc.);
· fill permit applications (felling of trees, dock, renovation, etc.);
· consult and receive your tax online account *
Sign up to receive news and alerts." The custom site also includes section "news".
The city of l'Ancienne-Lorette was awarded the OCTAS 2018 for its citizen file Voilà!
* "To consult and receive advice on your tax online account, add a property and a tax account in the property tab."
By Carl Chapdelaine
Retiree engagement
In the section "Place publique " of the journal Access of January 30, a reader gives his opinion to the prefect and the mayors of the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut on the obstacles to the participation of the citizens in decisions regarding major regional issues.1 He goes after the schedule of the monthly meeting of the Council of mayors, at 1.15pm, fully in working hours of the week; which excludes the active population, while the MRC should be the expression of local governance. The rate of participation of the citizens in this session is on average 10 people, he believes, of most pensioners. He concludes that it would be imperative, in 2019, that municipal public meetings be held in the evening.
We can't blame this resident of Saint-Sauveur; but, by the way, it illustrates of participation of pensioners in social and economic life of their communities today. As volunteers most often, many contribute to the advancement of society, as supporters, members or directors of non-profit organizations and even councillors or mayors... Note that, if compared to what the elderly live elsewhere on the planet and despite income inequality, retirement is a rather nice period in our country. According to pension plans, it is probably not much different in the rest of the developed world; Governments in Europe and in Japan being the most generous.2 This time, when health permits, offers retirees a freedom that can range from 10 to 30 years.3,4 Active life don't necessarily ends with retirement; well instead and for volunteers among others.
In fact, if young Canadians are more likely to volunteer, seniors spend twice as much time.5 Their availability on this matter, thanks to their status of retirement and as far as they are in good health, partly explained this situation. Availability also explains why those who work spend fewer hours to volunteering than the inactive.
"Most of the volunteers are committed to charitable or non-profit organizations for altruistic reasons, while believing that they bring themselves considerable benefits. Many are those who have said that their volunteer activities gave them the opportunity to acquire new skills."5 The volunteer rate also increases according to income and level of education. Also note that a 'quarter of the volunteers have used the Internet to carry out activities on behalf of charities and not profit organizations, ...'5,6
If this resident of Saint-Sauveur recriminations seemed to be based, one should not for so overlook the interest shown by the elders on policies affecting their socio-economic environment. Can we not see how we are depriving ourselves today, in all spheres of activity, of the experience and knowledge acquired by seniors and that the latter are often eager to continue sharing? It's a detail that did not escape to our attention and that often shows within voluntary associations. When they are composed of members of the workforce and retirees, their activities often must respect the lower availability of the first and thereby somehow move at idle speed; whereas they should opt for a sharing of activities in order to take full advantage of all the human resources they may have.
With the use of Microsoft Translator and Linguee
By Carl Chapdelaine
1. http://monjournallocal.com/hebdosquebec/epaper/viewer.html?publication=Acces&date=30_01_2019&tpuid=308#page/10
2. https://www.la-retraite-en-clair.fr/cid3190954/la-retraite-ailleurs-dans-monde.html
3. https://www.erudit.org/fr/revues/ss/1985-v34-n1-ss3493/706251ar.pdf
4. https://www.conseiller.ca/nouvelles/economie/10-bonnes-raisons-pour-etre-retraite-au-canada/
5. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-008-x/2012001/article/11638-eng.htm
6. https://www.canada.ca/en/employment-social-development/corporate/seniors/forum/volunteer.html
Par Carl Chapdelaine
Focus on Geography for W-N, 2016 Census
With this series of Statistics Canada, you have a global look on the main variables of the 2016 Census for Wentworth-Nord: population size, age and sex, housing, household, language, education, labour, income, etc.
Comparison charts and graphs give you the comparison with the surrounding municipalities, the MRC, Quebec and Canada for each of these variables.
You will also find the evolution of the figures for some of these variables from 2011 to 2016.
Just one click on the down arrow at the top of the page, to the left to change the variable: "population and dwellings counts v."
Use the scale to see the entire page with the different tables and charts.
You will need to read the percentages on the vertical axis of the tables and complete your understanding by reading the symbols and footnotes at the bottom of the page.
Lachute's hospital 101
According to the newspaper Le Devoir, it is at the request of the Quebec Office of the French language (OQLF) that the Centre multiservices de santé et de services sociaux of Argenteuil, in Lachute, was called in December 2018, to comply with the Charte de la langue française and see replaced bilingual signage, inside and outside, by a content only in French. 1
In a long press release of December 20, the MRC of Argenteuil deplores this decision and points out, among other things, "the MRC d’Argenteuil’s values of respect and inclusion towards its anglophone community, one of the founding peoples of Argenteuil". It multiplies eloquent examples of its French and English communities’ coexistence in Argenteuil. The elected officials of the MRC remind their historical attachment to this community. Four of the nine municipalities that make up the MRC d’Argenteuil have bilingual status and want to keep it.2
Mayors "are calling on the competent authorities to work quickly on finding a solution that respects the rights of the region’s anglophone population. Furthermore, in its capacity as the local government, the MRC d’Argenteuil indicates its desire to be consulted in such a process".
Asked about the negative reaction of several mayors from the region, Premier François Legault would have given reason to the OQLF which asked for enforcement of law 101. He did not see "the importance of having bilingual signs." According to the Premier, the English will continue to be entitled to their education and health services.
In its opposition to the decision of Quebec, the Council of the MRC d'Argenteuil has support from Morin-Heights, the only municipality with a bilingual status of the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut. Access newspaper reported that mayor Tim Watchorn and his Council will not let go despite the firm position of the Government. The municipality asked the new masters in the National Assembly to meet their campaign promise to protect the rights of the Anglophone community and keep bilingual signs. The municipal resolution is also copied to the Caquist Member for Argenteuil, Agnès Grondin.3
"Under the Charter of the French language, municipal agencies can be recognized when more than half of the residents of their territory are of English mother tongue. English-language school boards are... also recognized... under this Act; (as are) the health and social services institutions when they provide their services to a majority of people in one language other than the French."4 This recognition gives, among other things, right to bilingual signs and posters and access to municipal services in both official languages.5 However, many municipalities of bilingual status no longer meet the criterion of the number of citizens required.
With the use of Microsoft Translator and Linguee.
By Carl Chapdelaine
- https://www.ledevoir.com/societe/545329/la-loi-101-doit-etre-respectee
- https://www.argenteuil.qc.ca/database/Image_usager/2/Administration/Communiqués/2018-12-20_Affichage_CISSS_VA.pdf
- http://monjournallocal.com/hebdosquebec/epaper/viewer.html?publication=Acces&date=23_01_2019&tpuid=308#page/10
- https://www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/francisation/admin_publ/rec291.html
- https://www.uottawa.ca/clmc/sites/www.uottawa.ca.clmc/files/summary_of_linguistic_rights_quebec.pdf
- http://themainstreet.org/latest-news-updates.html
Towards the Summit (a scenario)
The implementation of a land use and regional development plan is the competence of the MRC. In 2018, the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut has mobilized various actors and the population in general for the development of the content of a socio-economic summit in 2019. The consultation then showed the dimension of this mobilization. The economic and territorial development department of the MRC should so get a range of information and advices necessary for the identification of opportunities to focus on. The MRC, with its new Director of this deparment, Ms. Manon Massie, and her team as well as the environmental and land-use planning’s one, under the direction of Mr. Joël Badertscher, can already build on the important work that has led to the development of its 2011-2020 strategic vision statement1 & 2. It also would have to benefit from winning the support of the different constituent municipalities to complete such strategic approach.
The municipality of Wentworth-Nord, from which Mayor F. Ghali, without doubt already involved at the MRC level and who wants at all costs see modernized the infrastructure and speed up the economic development of his municipality, will have to try getting his fair share in the avenues of development that his colleagues on the MRC’s Council will decide to focus on. It will probably be necessary to identify which ones will be for the axis Saint-Sauveur-Sainte-Adèle and the cluster of municipalities around, or for the secondary axis Morin-Heights-Saint-Adolphe-d’Howard; and which ones could benefit to a more eccentric territory, handicapped by a territorial sprawl and presenting a deficient hosting economic infrastructure, such as Wentworth-Nord.
The Summit, with the conclusions resulting from it, will not necessarily lead to specific projects; we can rather expect it suggests avenues to be pursued. It could be called upon to support a specific territorial vocation for a particular municipality. It could suggest directing companies in areas seen as promising. Wentworth-Nord will likely have then to take over and see to adjust such proposals with its own priorities. At the same time, it will have to convince developers that it is ready to support them and that they should consider developing their project on its territory. To conduct such a business, the Municipality might benefit from beforehand urgently hold its own consultation and have its own Summit. The consultation process that the municipal authorities have already tested with, for example, those on the MRC’s Sports Center, on the rehabilitation of the road network, on the trails, or under the previous administration, on the urban plan, can direct it on the feasibility and relevance of attempting such a call upon citizens. This consultation should be supervised and should take advantage of the presence of experts whose opinions would place and evaluate the proposals.
In the absence of specific finding, on which the Mayor would already be working, it is likely that the cottaging and tourist activities will be at the top of the development avenues for the Municipality. And it would probably be a good time to try determining what forms of establishment of these two avenues might bring as much or more economic benefits to investments and easements, while being environmentally friendly. It would be time to discuss, at the Council of mayors, of the necessary redistribution of the costs of these investments when their benefits bypass the municipal territory.
The form of cottaging could change in the medium term. Demographics, which today give us an ageing of the population, will necessarily lead us tomorrow in a subsequent rejuvenation of vacationers, as well as of permanent residents. Their interests as their needs will be in the image of this evolution. Investment or retirement income that now allow "boomers" to fill their needs, will be partly replaced by income from jobs; which are not sufficiently available in the region. One way to counter this gap would be to favor self-employment; the latter being less tied to a specific location, often thanks to internet communications. 12.4% of the active population of Wentworth-Nord worked at home in 2016 (12.9% in the MRC).3
The number of permanent residents will struggle to climb in Wentworth-Nord. It is all the more true that, with less than two people per household, with a proportion of children who prefer to settle in larger centres, the rate of natural renewal of the population would already not, alone, be maintaining the current figure of the latter. This figure decreased by 4.1 percent from 2011 to 2016 (from 1440 inhabitants to 1381). The situation will be all the more worrying for the English mother tongue population that has seen its proportion of the population drop from 21% to 19% between 2001 and 2016. Will the composition of the new vacationers aggravate the trend?4 in fact, it will be imperative to evaluate the profile of these, mostly from the greater metropolitan area, before any planning based on their coming.
Future residents, of permanent or secondary residence, will probably not too likely be achieving on their own the maintenance of their property; so bringing an increased demand for services at this level.
The low support capacity of our lakes, of which the magic formula of assessment remains to be found, is unable to accommodate all new cottagers. They will have to settle on the edges of a river, or to take advantage of hills, forest, and nature in general.
One would promote primarily a four-season holiday resort or even prohibit the construction of cottages not designed for winter. The rental or the condo formula could facilitate an annual use of this type of habitat, allowing the regularization of the demand for services in maintenance, restoration, etc., on the part of this clientele. This regularization would be guaranteeing the financial viability of many businesses.
A major point seems already registered in the accounting books of the Municipality; it will take more income, from property tax or financial equalization if nothing else, and therefore more population, permanent or seasonal, more cottages and greater financial support from upper levels of Government to ensure the maintenance of infrastructure and municipal services.
In a longer-term perspective, there will certainly be the need to reach the break-even point that will enable the establishment of a commercial infrastructure: gas stations, convenience and grocery stores, cafes, restaurants, accommodation, shops, workshops, artisans, entrepreneurs, etc.; some of these services would be grouped into a mini shopping center ensuring the sharing of infrastructure. A preliminary feasibility study would seek to assess, among other things, what would be such a break-even point, in terms of demography, economic sustainability and other. One should also know the nature and the importance of the customer’s demand before establishing the offer of services or products to be offered.
Once the MRC or the Municipality decides to embark on an operation of public investment or support developers for new projects, the need for a tool of assessment of such projects would be essential: assessment of the viability of the project itself, unless it has been already determined by a loan or grant agency, and profitability for the municipal investment. In Wentworth-Nord, we also saw the justified constraints imposed by the Planning Department to developers, or, somehow, imposed on this same service by concerned residents.
There will certainly be the need for a whole section of information, consultation, awareness and participation of citizens in front of the impact on their living environment that they will sometimes have to accept to allow the economic and territorial development of the Municipality. Would a failure here and the maintenance of a status quo, with the fear of residents to see their environment threatened and their number increase, not push the Municipality in a budget impasse and the inability to face the future economic challenges?
One must take account of inequalities in financial resources of the current owners, the poor would suffer from a widespread increased in property assessments, related among other things to the popularity of the lake shoreline property. This phenomenon is often the basis of "gentrification" or ownership of land originally occupied by less fortunate residents. More than 90 percent of households of main residence in W-N were owners in 2016 (76% only in the MRC). 18.5% of them spent more than 30% of their income on their housing costs and they had a mortgage in 92% of cases.5 The sharing of the municipal budget between services to the population and investment for the future will not be able to please everyone. You might want to bring the population to decide by itself, in informed way.
Montfort sector, due to its geographical position, will most likely participate in the growth of the more urbanized core of the MRC. "On the 89 permits (for new construction) between 2010 and 2015, nearly 54% were for the Montfort sector... This trend is likely to continue and even accentuate in foreseeable future. ... Demand is mainly concentrated around the Lakes. ... 60 of the 105 lakes in the Municipality already host constructions. ... Several lakes which the banks are weakly occupied could generate interest from potential developers."6 As Montfort is practically riding on a municipal boundary, agreements and a common approach with the municipality of Saint-Adolphe-d’Howard will have to be considered for the development of this sector. At the same time, a consensus on the allocation of budgets will have to be established between the various districts of the Municipality.
Yet, in contradiction with the avenue of development that opens to Montfort, it emerges from the consultation on the master urban plan held at the village in 2016 and 2017 a willingness of residents to see "reduced the density of residential construction in the sector". A large area South and West of the Newaygo basin of Lake St-François-Xavier had already been dedicated green area in order to protect the Lake, notably with the creation of the Orphans’ Trail. As well, the supply of recreational tourism, "for many, had reached a limit not to be exceeded". The urban plan has been so imposed, among other things, to suggest a control of the tourist offer. It is not clear, in this context, how the new Council will be able to decide the fate of the Municipality on the only avenue of development that appears on the horizon: cottaging, probably accompanied by recreational tourism.
1. Énoncé de vision stratégique de la MRC
2. Profil socio-économique de la MRC
3. Wentworth-Nord, Journey to work
4. Wentworth-Nord, Language at work
5. Wentworth-Nord, % of the income on housing
6. Plan d'urbanisme de Wentworth-Nord
Par Carl Chapdelaine
Our Deputies in Quebec
Patrick Côté, P.Q. 21,14 %
Bernard Bigras-Denis P.L.Q./Q.L.P. 17,41 %
Céline Lachapelle Q.S. 12,17 %
Yves St-Denis Ind 5,83 %
Carole Thériault P.V.Q./G.P.Q. 1,81 %
Sherwin Edwards P.C.Q./C.P.Q. 1,55 %
Stéphanie Boyer P.L. 0,76 %
Louise Wiseman C.P.Q. 0,44 %
Valid ballots : 30 477 (98,52 %) Élections Québec
«As a trained biologist, Agnès Grondin holds a master’s degree in environmental science and has studied in actuarial science. She has specialized herself in regional and rural environmental issues, especially in the Laurentians. Over the years, she has become deeply involved in many environmental organizations in the region.» CAQ: Agnès Grondiin
Journal Accès
Public consultation on the rehabilitation of the road network
(Held at the Community Center of Laurel, September 28, 2018.)
Mayor F. Ghali conducted this presentation-consultation. It will be divided into two parts: a statement of the situation and the proposals using a PowerPoint, then the question period. Mr. Ghali introduced the members of the Council who were present, including the President of the road Committee, Mrs. Suzanne Y. Paradis. Mr. Jean-Sébastien Parent, foreman of the roads services, worked in the inventory of the situation and the proposals at the source of this presentation. Mr. Zgodzinski and Johnston were absent. Mayor also welcomes some previous Council members: Mrs. Théorêt, Mr. Gosselin and Mr. Payette. The room is almost full.
The mayor says that the municipality is always looking for a new Director of Public works who would, among other thing, be familiar with the roads in this "mountainous" landscape.
Mr. Ghali starts with the outline of his vision of the situation:
1. The road network is not in very good condition. The explanation would be the bad management of the water drainage, the too fragile construction of roads and the lack of maintenance under the previous administration.
2. He suggests investing in an in-depth restoration of the network; what would be more economical in the long term.
Then Mr. Ghali, with great clarity, presents and comments the inventory of the various problems affecting the current network, using photos and a video taken on kilometres of roads in the territory. Among these findings, we list the following:
1. Strips of gravel accumulated at the edge of the roads during the passage of the snowplow and preventing the water from reaching the ditch, when there is any.
2. Specifically, absence of such ditch; what makes the water accumulate and penetrate under the road, thus making it burst during freezing.
3. Old metal culverts, rusted to the point of losing their lower part. These culverts, in metal or polyethylene, are often half blocked by gravel and sand and therefore deemed unusable.
The Mayor addresses solutions, while suggesting a new approach:
1. He did a demonstration, samples in support, of what is used as asphalt on these roads. There are of different thicknesses, from 1" to 4". The main road, for example, has a mix of 4 ", which makes it much more durable and allows trucking.
2. With a thickness of 1 ", on the contrary, the asphalt will not last.
3. You have to dig a ditch, on the side opposite to a lake when it is the case for a road, and provide for a basin to collect the sediment carried by the water before it crosses the road and reaches the lake.
4. Culverts and ditches must be maintained regularly (normally each year).
5. Using very detailed maps and tables, he indicates precisely the state of different sections of roads, with the respective costs to restore them according to its new approach, the share of government subsidies and the corresponding tax increase requested based on the value of the property assessment roll. The total estimated cost of its rehabilitation projects, for three years at the net, would be of $11.1M; to which has to be added $447,664 in interest. The share of grant would amount to 40% for the Federal Government and to 33.3% for the Provincial, besides the reimbursement of the $1.25M for the Route Principale between Laurel and St. Michel. In this way, the cost to the municipality would be no more than $4 352 999, to be borrowed over 25 years. This means an increase of $44 per year for a property role of $100,000. Additional monies for the road network would be expected after the first three years.
6. He puts the emphasis on the Route Principale, for which some dangerous curves should be corrected. This road, whose maintenance is repaid by the Government do we understand, gives the general overview of the state of the municipality with respect to the visitor. He builds on it to personally attract needed entrepreneurs and whose installation would ensure a better future for the municipality. Moreover, sections between Laurel and St. Michel are on the way of rehabilitation, with the borrowing by-law of $1,200,000 to be reimbursed by the Government.
7. And there are not only road network expenses to consider. Public buildings, including the House of the citizen (City Hall), are obsolete and will require significant investments.
8. The Mayor relies however on the decision of the citizens towards his plans to build a road network that could last 40 years. Otherwise, we are left to the usual patchwork.
Question period
Mayor Ghali will have, on several occasions, stated that the road network was not built and maintained adequately under the previous administration; that, among other things, there were cost overruns, sometimes even concealed. But he won't cite horror stories... The Councillors present, members of the relevant administration, will not fail to question the numbers and the share of grants expected by the Mayor; which will result in tense exchanges.
At the beginning of this period, residents will applaud to the desire to build a solid road network and ensure better maintenance expressed by the Mayor. Then questions will concern specific roads and cases, for which the residents want to know what it is and will be for them; the tables projected on screen being unreadable from the room, as well as their copy on the handouts. (The tables will be published on the website of the municipality, has indicated the Mayor.) Former councillors especially will then question the figures and the supposed wrong approach of the former administration in the maintenance of the road network, sometimes with current examples.
1. Will the maintenance tax increase with the improved road network? No; it should not be the case, according to the Mayor.
2. What will be the duration of the implementation of this plan? Mr. Ghali: We're talking of about three years; but due to Mother Nature’s work, we should then add another $2M, $20/year for a $100,000 property.
3. Responding to a request for confirmation of the costs reported by the Mayor, the latter explains that it will be required to wait until the presentation of the quotations in each case for the precise amount; that all of this must be the subject of a Lac-à-l’épaule on October 15 and be presented to the Council. Here, he first wants to know if people are in favor to move forward and to have a decent road network in ten years.
4. A citizen agrees that investment is the solution for the best in long-term, even with the raise of taxes.
5. Another mentions that Jackson Road also plays the role of the Route Principale to give a brand image of the municipality to the visitor.
6. Someone complains that all-terrain vehicles demolish the roads.
7. Former councillor Gosselin, who says to be well aware of these issues, wants to believe that Quebec can exceptionally allow up to 30% of grant, but argues that Ottawa will never fund our roads up to 40%, as calculated in the pro forma budget presented by Mr. Ghali. In addition, the State provides such subsidies for the primary network only and the time it takes to pay its share leads up the municipality to lose money. Certainly, the best portion of road, built in the most recommended practices under the previous administration, didn’t last for 40 years. A portion of road that was redone under your administration is already damaged, because it was made in May, far too early in the season. Mr. Ghali will respond to this last point that everything had been decided in this case before him. He will fight to fetch all the necessary subsidies and the 40% of the Federal Government.
8. A snow removal contractor says they need the attention of the administration. It is here a matter of private roads, which are not taken into account by these projects. The mayor says he would want all roads be possibly public, but it will first be needed that their residents make them compliant with standards. He also wants to see the municipality taking over maintenance of residential septic facilities.
9. Former councillor Payette said that Mayor Genest had already made a simulation similar to the current one, but that the estimated costs were already much more important at the time. The figures of today's presentation seemed too low. The Mayor responded that his figures are good; that he had the support of experts. Mr. Payette indicates that we'll never get out of such hole, while we are dealing with an aging population. Mr. Ghali said he might well reveal the serious mistakes made before him, but that he does not want to wake the dead. He asked to move to another question.
10. Is it really needed to have all paved roads? No, of course, responds the Mayor; provided that account is taken of the quality of the road and of its drainage.
11. Another does not trust the costs advanced by the Mayor; neither the grants. He would want to see also something for private roads, whose owners will yet pay for all these public road projects. The mayor says we can vote in each road case; that he won't impose anything.
12. A citizen does not believe that one has to ignore a road where there are not so many people; on the contrary, solidarity should be shown and everyone be treated equitably.
13. It is asked if the truckers pay their part. Yes, they give royalties, according to the Mayor.
14. Former councillor Payette asked if, as the mayor says, all taxpayers pay for cost overruns that he has associated with the construction of the Lake-Thurson Road. Councillor Yvon Paradis will explain it as being instead of the costs attributed to the public portion of the affected land.
Without prejudice
By Carl Chapdelaine
W-N's council Meeting of sep. 21, 2018Agenda
1.1 Déclaration du maire ;
2.1 Suivi et adoption du procès-verbal de la séance ordinaire du 17 août 2018 ·
4.1 Rapports du maire et des présidents de comités;
5.1 Dépôt des rapports des salaires, des achats, des déboursés, des achats d'immobilisations pour le mois d'août 2018;
5.2 Adoption du règlement 2018-535 décrétant un emprunt pour une dépense de 1 200 000 $, remboursable sur une période n'excédant pas 25 ans, pour des travaux de voirie
5.3 Avis de motion, présentation et adoption du projet de Règlement 2012-359-2 amendant le règlement 2012-359 concernant le code de déontologie des employés de la municipalité de Wentworth-Nord
5.4 Monarde - fleur emblème de la municipalité de Wentworth-Nord
5.5 Exploration et activités minières sur le territoire de la municipalité de Wentworth-Nord
5.6 Entérinement de dépenses - travaux de réfection de la chaussée pour une portion de
la route Principale avec Uniroc Construction inc.
5.7 Démission de monsieur Kevin Cyr- journalier et pompier volontaire
5.8 Frais de parcs permis de lotissement 2018-9008
5.9 Demande de subvention - Galerie d'Art Montfort
5.10 Frais de stationnement - secteur Montfort
5.11 Achat de terrain pour l'installation des bacs semis-enfouis au Lac Notre-Dàme;
5.12 Demande de subvention - l'Art en Éclosion ;
5.13 Autorisation de la directrice et secrétaire-trésorière p.i. pour aller en appel d'offres pour la démolition du 1900, chemin du Lac Farmer;
5.14 Demande de subvention -Comité plein air de l'Association du Lac Notre-Dame;
5.15 Autorisation de la directrice générale et secrétaire-trésorière p.i. pour aller en appel d'offres pour la reconnaissance des sentiers - connexion des sentiers Laurel et Montfort;
5.16 Fin d'emploi de la directrice générale et secrétaire-trésorière, autorisation- règlement et quittance;
5.17 Abrogation de la résolution 2018-263
5.18 Embauche d'une directrice générale et secrétaire-trésorière;
5.19 Octroi du contrat de déneigement;
6.1 Dépôt des rapports d'activités des périodes de payes #2018-16 et #2018-17 des pompiers et des premiers répondants;
9.1 Dépôt de la liste des permis émis du 1er au 31 août 2018;
9.2 PIIA 2018-0313 - Déplacement bâtiment principal - 3154, route Principale;
9.3 PIIA 2018-0319 - Nouvelle construction - route Principale;
9.4 PIIA 2018-0321 - Nouvelle construction - Lac Noiret ;
9.5 PIIA 2018-0324 - Changement de revêtement, 1619, route Principale ;
9.6 PIIA 2018-0327 - Agrandissement – 1378, chemin Lobel ;
Meeting of the Council of Wentworth-Nord of September 21, 2018 - report
From the outset, the Mayor recalls that there is public consultation in Laurel, next Friday, on the state of the roads. Vital choice will be between a maintenance budget, of the kind made previously and that led, he says, to the bad state of the road network of the municipality, or a gradual but consistent network renovation. However, the second choice, obviously favored by the Mayor, would require a tax increase.
Laurel Community Hall might not be enough to receive residents wishing to participate in this consultation. A second meeting would then probably be schedule to accommodate those who could not enter the Center. (Are we talking of a hundred available places?)
- (5.3) The code of ethics of the employees is in line with the law. Employees leaving the service are to be required to not use confidential information of the municipality, etc.
- (5.4) The beebalm is the floral emblem of the municipality.
- (5.5) It is decided to prohibit any exploration or new mining activity on the territory of the municipality.
- (5.6) Endorsement of expenses for the Route Principale (between Laurel and Saint-Michel).
- (5.8) We want to get the rights of 7% on the allocation of land permit in $ rather than in land.
- (5.9) A grant is given to the Galerie d’Art Montfort.
- (5.10) We're going to impose parking fees to non-residents on the property of the municipality, at Montfort. The main purpose is to control the parking and traffic and also, among other things, to ensure the enforcement of regulation on washing of boats, specified Councilor D. Zgodzinski at question period. Oversight would be provided by employees of the Pavilion of Montfort, where the payment of the fee would also be collected. The mayor says that the Viking regattas of the last weekend again showed the existence of a big problem with parking.
- (5.11) $ 2,500 will be used to purchase land to install half-buried large bins where the Notre-Dame’s residents will have to bring their waste and recyclable materials. It will be a pilot experiment of one year which could be used to replace the current system of bulky bins, except for more urbanized areas, as Laurel.
- (5.14) A grant is allocated for the rehabilitation of a private trail at Lake Notre-Dame. The municipality wants to support the initiatives of such groups attached to the maintenance or development of the trails.
- (5.15) We want to have an analysis of the possibility of using, among other things, an ancient ATVs trail to connect Laurel and Montfort by the junction of the already existing routes on each side, explained Councilor Cliche.
- (5.16) In a final agreement, $ 107 140 (?) was allowed to the former Director General and Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. Sophie Bélanger, following her departure. It would be the amount normally made according to the number of years of service of the employee.
- (5.18) Mrs. Marie-France Matteau, Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer by interim, gets the job permanently. The choice among a handful of candidates, said Mayor Ghali, respects the recommendations of the consulting firm. The audience applauds Mrs. Matteau.
- (5.19) The municipality will have to return to tender for the contract for snow removal; the administration was unsatisfied with the presented bids.
Question period
1. Regarding the maintenance of the roads, a citizen reported that it was observed that, after having repaired the asphalt on the road in the spring, the asphalt was torned out by the sweeper. Obviously, the order of these steps should be changed...
2. Another asked if the postponement of the award of the contract for snow removal also affects the private roads. The Mayor responded that yes, we understand.
3. Residents complain of visitors using temporary house rentals. The presence of these houses often brings very important number of people, noise and other nuisances. The special weekends, as for the two national holidays, particularly bring festive excesses. Answer from the Mayor: The problem is often reported and is a serious concern for the Council. Besides, the situation is not unique to our municipality. We will double the fines for violators of the regulation related to these situations. (?) You can (while keeping your anonymity) complain for nuisance to the Sûreté du Québec. However, it is essential to properly document such a move, with photos, etc. The mayors of the MRC also want to get more service on the part of the SQ in this concern and many others. We are planning a meeting soon.
4. In the event that the Community Hall is not large enough to receive participants to the consultation on the maintenance of the roads, the undersigned requested details of the solution suggested to hold a second meeting. All the assumptions have not yet been considered, told us the Mayor.
5. The undersigned ask why it was decided to prohibit any exploration or new mining in Wentworth-Nord. It is an issue of protection of the environment of our citizens, answers Mayor Ghali; while explaining that the territory does not seem to contain minerals to exploit.
6. The undersigned wants to know how will be the transition between the use of semi-buried large bins, provided for at Lake Notre Dame as a pilot project, and the bins already distributed across the municipality. (And why not take advantage of the presence of such facilities at Lake St-François-Xavier, asked in private to Councilor D. Zgodzinski. The latter would explain that vacationers visit Lake Notre-Dame year-round, while those of Lake St-François-Xavier do not come in the winter. The pilot project would be more significant in the first case).
Meeting of the mayors (September 2018 Session of the MRC)
Records of the prefect
Multi-sport regional Center
Roadway work in Sainte-Adèle
Police presence in the municipalities
Meeting of W-N's Council, August 17, 2018
All members of the Council were present.
The Council adopted a resolution to express its solidarity in reference to violence against women, particularly in the marital environment.
(3 and 4) Correspondence and reports of the Mayor and Councilors
- There is nothing special to report on this item, according to Mayor of Ghali.
(5) Administration
- (5,6) Adoption of a policy of reimbursement of expenses for some cultural, sports or leisure activities offered by other Laurentian municipalities to permanent residents of Wentworth-North. This is the refund of the difference between the cost charged to the residents of these municipalities and those charged to non-residents, we understand. There is a cap of $ 150 per citizen per year. Cottagers can usually take advantage of such activities in the municipality of their permanent residence and are therefore not eligible.
- (5,7) It is moved and passed (?) that Wentworth-Nord, for the reasons already explained, would not participate in the financing of the Regional sports complex. The results of the survey conducted by the Municipality with its population were clearly in accordance with this option.
- (5,10) Councilor Jean-Louis Groulx will represent the Council on family issues at the MRC.
- (5,12) The trails Committee was formed as announced. It will include 2 representatives of the population by sector, 1 representative of SOPAIR, an expert in cartography and two (?) members of the Board, including Mr. Cliche (and Johnston or Groulx?)
(9) Planning and zoning
- (9,10) Ms. Manon Hétu (?) is appointed as a member of the Comité consultatif en urbanisme ( Land use Advisory Committee).
Question period
- Following a question (inaudible) of Mrs. Gour, Mayor Ghali indicates that the widow of the deceased Councilor Alary makes legacy to the Municipality of the collection of old tools that he had built. They should become a feature in a municipal museum possibly devoted to ancient artifacts.
- Mrs. Gour asks if the Council has found a new director of public works. The Mayor answered that it was decided to wait for the appointment of a new DG; thus giving him or her opportunity to contribute to the choice of such director. (The application period ends on August 24.)
- Mrs. Gour asks news on the development of a new website for the Municipality, as announced by the Council. The Mayor explains that the firm asked to look at this project seems (to drag its feet); but we're going to see next week, we understood.
- Not able to find the recommendations of the Comité consultatif en urbanisme, Mrs. Gour wants to know if they should not be public, we understand. Mr. Eric Johnston replied that this was his intent. She adds that she has not more seen anything from the Comité consultatif en environnement, while it was in fact available under the former Director, Mrs. R. Robitaille. Does it still meet at least once a month, as was the case before? Councilor D. Zgodzinski answers that the CCE meets and proposes recommendations when there are issues to deal with, we understand. (That it perhaps was not the case recently?)
- A series of questions, all in relation to the action of the Municipality in the environmental sector.
- It is asked if Mrs. Robitaille will be replaced in the direction des Services de l’environnement (Environmental Services Branch). The Mayor recalled that this direction is now merged with that of Urban services, under the direction of Mr. Farmer.
- But how to control environmental services without not giving such mandate to a professional in the industry, asks the undersigned? The answer is that Mr. Farmer handles very well these issues; that this is done similarly elsewhere. The Mayor recalled that he had announced before the municipal elections that his administration would focus on the creation of posts of officers at the expense of those of Directors (for efficiency). (More soldiers, less generals.)
- One indicates that Lake Gustave is showing signs of eutrophication; Mrs. Robitaille had come to go around the Lake for inspection, (but that nothing has been seen since then?). The Mayor reminded that it was essential to report problems to the Municipality (which does not have the resources to look at the status of each of the Lakes of its immense territory).
- Mayor Ghali stated at a few occasions that the current administration addresses the problems, while the previous efforts led to nothing.
- Mrs. Gour points out that there was a systematic program of inspection before; with public annual monitoring report. The inspection program continues indicates the Mayor.
- Councilor Cliche would go further by expressing the will that be given more information on the action of the Municipality. The Mayor says that the Gazette of Wentworth-Nord provides information under the pen of the respective operations managers of the Municipality.
- Someone in the room says he believes perceiving a confrontation in some of the responses from those standing there to questions of citizens he considers to be in their full right to inquire.
- Someone asked what for (or for whom?) is the kayaks rack at the Montfort Pavilion, and if it's not on the shoreline. The mayor said this purchase results from the the obligation imposed by the MRC. Its location is also compliant with the required environmental standards.
- After each question which seemed to be the last, the Mayor will make a point accepting any additional questions. They were so multiplying.
Without prejudice and pending the municipal minutes that will serve as the official report.
by Carl Chapdelaine
Partial Report on the municipal Meeting of July 20, 2018
With Google Translate
The session was chaired by Mayor Ghali; councilor Cliche was the only absent.
Mayor's report
Mr. Ghali gives a reminder of the consultation on the Regional Multi-Sport Center and invites those who would have missed it to ask any question. A survey on W-N’s citizen choice of whether or not to participate in the financing of this project will be introduced in the next issue of the Gazette of Wentworth-Nord. Its results will be decisive in the decision of the Municipality.
Councilor Yvon Paradis suggests that citizens indicate in their response which area of the Municipality they live in. The mayor rather prefers that no distinction in this respect be made among the respondents.
A series of points (5.2 to 5.5 and 5.7) stipulate the manner in which various duties will be performed by the former Director General and Secretary-Treasurer, Mrs. Sophie Bélanger. It will be, as the case may be, the mayor and Mrs. Matteau, the current Acting Director General, in substitution, or the latter and Mr. Emmanuel Farmer, the Director of Urban Planning and the Environment, on standby.
(5.9) The Board awards $ 20,000 to Raymond Chabot Human Resources Inc., with the mandate to accompany the Selection Committee in the choice of a Director General.
(5.10 and 5.11) Temporary hiring of an assistant in the Town Planning and Environment Department and in accounting, Ms. Gauthier-Durivage and Annie X.
(5.14) Hiring of a student, Mr. Luc Wilkinson (?), to provide services at the Montfort Pavilion in the absence of full-time employees.
(5.18) Following a request from Mr. Louis Quenneville, the Zoning By-law for Zone H-63 is amended to prevent short-term tenancy.
(5.22) We understand that the construction of a section of road connecting to the Lac-Thurson Road and the consequent tax for the owner of the property to serve, decreed under the former administration, is canceled. It was an expense of $ 1,276,223 and a loan of the same amount. The affected resident may continue to use the Chemin-de-fer Street to gain access to his property. (Without prejudice)
(5.24) The Arts and Culture Committee is formed and its members, including Mrs. Chapados and X, Y, Z, are appointed.
(5.25) A grant is awarded to the Club de l'Étoile du Nord to fund the amount to be financed for the renovation of the kitchen. The company obtained a first amount from the federal government. All on the condition that the latter sum and the conditions are applied.
(5.29) A policy on workplace harassment (apparently developed by the Council) is proposed (and adopted?). It will be presented to employees (It appears that Council members are included here.) Employees will need to sign to prove their knowledge of this policy.
Mrs. Danielle Desjardins will speak during the question period on this subject to indicate that certain clauses in the statement of this policy, copies of which were available at the meeting, may become an issue and could invalidate or make it occasionally unenforceable. The Mayor accepts, for the Council, to receive written comments from Mrs. Desjardins on the possible modifications to the document. Mrs. Desjardins had argued, among other things, that such a policy should follow the model developed by the government for this purpose, did we understand.
(5.32) A resolution is adopted allowing dog owners to walk these dogs along the shared way of the Aerobic Corridor. (The MRC proposes rules to be followed, but the regulation is not necessarily uniform on all the trails: MRC). Mr. Y. Léveillé reports an error in the description of the section of the way referred to in the agenda.
Regarding the work claimed on many occasions to the Ministry of Transport, Sustainable Mobility and Transport Electrification, the mayor will send a new letter, possibly in the form of a formal notice, to the Ministry.
Question period
1. Mr. André Soucy (former councilor of District 5):
a. When will the official portraits taken at the last city council (?) be delivered?
b. Will the Municipality go ahead with the portion of required standard street, between Hunter and Sunny Side streets, to bring the facilities and sewage disposal of the properties concerned up to standard?
Response from Councilor D. Zgodzinski: The cost being disproportionate, the Municipality will look for alternatives. An owner has already installed a compost toilet.
c. Mr. Soucy asked for an explanation on item 5. 22 of the agenda (see above). Answer: Ms. Matteau explained that there had been an error from the outset in the project of connecting the property in question with the Lac-Thurson road. (With all reserve.)
2. Mrs. Louise Gour:
a. Which Council members will be on the Human Resources Committee? Response from the Mayor: Councilors Eric Johnston and Suzanne Y. Paradis.
b. What will the student do at the Montfort Pavilion? Response from Ms. Matteau: He will replace in the absence of regular attendants.
c. Agendas and minutes of Council meetings should be readily available; but that is not the case at all, is it? Response from Mayor Ghali: Adjustments will be made to correct this temporary situation.
3. A representative of the Lake Louisa Property Owners Association asked if the Council was represented in Montreal, on the occasion of the one-day event on the Control of Eurasian Watermilfoil. Response from the Mayor: No; but we have here, in the person of Mr. D. Zgodzinski, a councilor well aware of the problem with this invasive aquatic plant.
4. Mr. André Payette asked why it was said that Mrs. Bélanger left when she was fired, and he wants information on the legal or financial implication (?) for the Municipality. Mayor Ghali replied that it was out of respect that the term "left" was used. As for the implications, he said that the former Director General had lodged a complaint with the Administrative Labor Tribunal (?).
5. Question of the undersigned:
In relation to your consultation on the views of the residents of Wentworth-Nord regarding the funding of the Regional Multi-Sport Center, should not all of the cases that require funding from the MRC also be considered? Is Wentworth-Nord generally favored or disadvantaged in its financial implications with the MRC? Could refusing to embark on a project not be seeing us serve the same on other occasions? For example, the portion (60% -40% according to the Mayor) of the MRC of the sums possibly required for the repair of the dam that maintains the current level of Lake Saint-François-Xavier could be much larger than the amounts that, conversely, Wentworth-Nord may have to invest in joint projects in other municipalities. (And it perhaps should not be taken for granted, moreover, that the Council of Mayors considers as a priority its participation in work on this dike which serves only a tiny part of the population of the MRC.) Response from the Mayor (according to our understanding): When it is a joint responsibility, as for the dike, there is a sharing of costs at 60% - 40%. No other calculations come into play.
Note: This partial and freehand report should not be taken for the minutes; the latter to be published by the Municipality.
ByCarl Chapdelaine
2.1 Suivi et adoption du procès-verbal de la séance ordinaire du 15 juin 2018 ;
2.2 Suivi et adoption du procès-verbal de la séance extraordinaire du 22 juin 2018 ;
4.1 Rapports du maire et des présidents de comités;
5.1 Dépôt des rapports des salaires, des achats des déboursés, des achats d'immobilisations pour le mois de juin 2018; ,
5.2 Nomination d'un secrétaire-trésorier adjoint par intérim;
5.3 Représentante autorisée auprès de CLlCSÉCUR (REVENU QUÉBEC) ;
5.4 Modification du pouvoir de dépense du secrétaire-trésorier adjoint par intérim;
5.5 Signataires de chèque à la Caisse Desjardins de la Vallée des Pays-d'en-Haut;
5.6 Approbation de l'augmentation salariale des cadres;
5.7 Détenteurs de la carte Visa Corporative - Municipalité de Wentworth-Nord ;
5.8 Octroi de mandat pour l'évaluation structurale du 6644, route Principale (1900,chemin du Lac-Farmer) ;
5.9 Octroi de mandat à la firme Raymond Chabot Ressources humaines Inc. pour le
recrutement d'une directrice générale ou d'un direeteur-général ; - -- -""-
5.10 Embauche temporaire d'une adjointe administrative au service de l'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement;
5.11 Embauche temporaire d'une adjointe à la comptabilité;
5.12 Autorisation à la directrice générale et secrétaire-trésorière par intérim de présenter pour et nom de la municipalité, une demande de subvention dans le cadre du plan d'intervention en infrastructures routière locales (PIIRL)
5.13 Achat du terrain 5 830 373 par madame Céline Bouchard et monsieur Réjean Demers;
5.14 Embauche d'un étudiant au Pavillon Montfort;
5.15 Embauche d'un chauffeur cI.l pour le remplacement de l'employé #32-0050 durant son congé de paternité;
5.16 Renouvellement de l'entente de services aux sinistrés entre la Société canadienne de la Croix-Rouge et la Municipalité;
5.17 Autorisation de dépenses pour le contrôle qualitatif des matériaux - réfection de la route Principale - Solmatech Inc. ;
5.18 Demande de changement au règlement de zonage (zone H-63) ;
5.19 Octroi de mandat - services professionnels Parallèle 54 - plans et devis, appel d'offre et surveillance des travaux - resurfaçage de la route Principale;
5.20 Avis de motion et présentation du règlement 2018-533 décrétant les règles de contrôle et de suivi budgétaire;
5.21 Autorisation d'assister au congrès annuel des urbanistes - directeur du service de l'Urbanisme et de l'Environnement;
5.22 Retrait du matricule 3782 8429 39 du bassin de taxation du règlement d'emprunt 2014-401 décrétant une dépense au montant de 1 276 223 $ et un emprunt de 1 276 223 $ pour la construction d'une route conforme dans le secteur Thurson dans
le secteur Sud-Est du Lac Saint-François-Xavier ;
5.23 Résolution désignant un nouvel administrateur principal- Caisse Desjardins de la Vallée des Pays-d'en-Haut ;
5.24 Formation d'un Comité des Arts et de la Culture et actualisation de la Politique culturelle municipale;
5.25 Demande de subvention - Club de l'Étoile du Nord;
5.26 Politique d'assignation temporaire d'un travail;
5.27 Politique de conduite de véhicules;
5.28 Politique relative à l'usage de drogues, d'alcool et de médicaments sur les lieux de travail;
5.29 Politique concernant le harcèlement au travail;
5.30 Politique de reconnaissance des organismes;
5.31 Achat du lot 5 709 131- rue Diane par monsieur Gilles Catellier ;
5.32 Présence des chiens en laisse sur la rue du Chemin-de-Fer et le Corridor aérobique entre le Pavillon Montfort et la route Principale;
5.33 Nouvelle demande au ministère des transports, de la mobilité durable et de l'électrification des transports - travaux sur le territoire de la Municipalité
6.1 Dépôt des rapports d'activités des périodes de payes #2018-11, #2018-12 et #2018-13 des pompiers et des premiers répondants;
9.1 Dépôt de la liste des permis émis du 1er au 30 juin 2018;
9.2 PlIA 2018-0183 - Agrandissement au 1833, chemin Lebeau;
9.3 Dérogation mineure 2018-0177 - Hauteur d'une construction neuve sur le chemin Diez-D'Aux ;
9.4 PlIA 2018-0187 - Construction neuve sur le chemin Diez-D'Aux ;
9.5 Dérogation mineure 2018-0133 - Superficie de l'agrandissement au 3200 chemin Lundon;
9.6 PIlA 2018-0191- Agrandissement au 3200, chemin Lundon ;
9.7 PlIA 2018-0200 - Revêtement extérieur au 385, route Principale;
10.1 Octroi de contrat pour l'entretien ménage des édifices municipaux;
Consultation on the regional multi-sport Centre - report
Note: We could not attend the consultation, being (amicably) captive of the Iroquois in Kahnawake, during their annual Pow-wow. (The Mohawk in attached photo has been convincing...) Thanks to Ms. Desjardins who kindly allow us to publish her report notes. (Any other friend of Lake St-François-Xavier is invited to provide his own report or add to that of Ms. Desjardins.)
Here is a summary:
• About 35 people attended the consultation meeting (citizens as cottagers).
• The Mayor introduced a pre-feasibility study in the points against the project: we have lakes for bathing, hiking trails, skiing, etc.
• The district 5 Councilor mentioned that vacationers are not interested in this complex. However, it was raised here that there are also permanent residents in W-N.
• In fact, given the remoteness of the Sports Center, which will be located in Sainte-Adèle …
• The cost of the project is estimated at 32 million, but the actual cost could vary from 30 to 50% more expensive; supporting facts in example.
• The cost of the project will be divided between the municipalities in proportion to their population.
• For W-N, the total annual cost is about $ 90,000 per year.
• For the tax account, we're talking about $ 40 by $ 300,000 of assessment value.
• Citizens asked if W-N received fairly for its contribution to the MRC. No, according to the Mayor.
• It was raised by some citizens that Sainte-Adèle was not so far away in reality.
• If the School Board would put on sports/studies programs, the children of W-N enrolled at A-N-Morin school would not be penalized.
• A very large majority of those present were clearly not in favor of the participation of the municipality to the project.
• Even if the municipality does not participate in the project, the residents of W-N could still use the Sports center infrastructure but at a higher cost than the citizens of the other municipalities involved.
• The MRC could ask the Government to declare the project as "Supra Local". The case would be heard by an administrative tribunal, which would assess whether the grounds of the MRC are based or not. Such request might take a few years and it is not certain that the MRC would succeed. If the MRC would win, W-N would then contribute to the expenses of the Centre (capital, interest, fees of operation and reserve fund) in proportion to its population. According to the Mayor, the sums would not be retroactive as of the beginning of the project (it remains to be checked).
• If W-N would decide in a few years to participate in the project to include its population, it would have to pay all the money retroactively as if it had taken part in the project from the beginning. It would be very expensive... and painful for many who do not have the financial resources for a surcharge.
• As additional information: Nothing would prevent some municipalities of the MRC des Laurentides to join the project (Val-Morin or Val-David for example).
• W-N’s Municipal Council will vote on a resolution at its August meeting.
• It would be interesting to know why the Municipality of L’Estérel and that of Lac-des-Seize-Îles decided to participate in the project; their situation being similar in many ways to that of W-N.
Translation of Ms Danielle Desjardins’ notes by C. Chapdelaine, with the use of Microsoft Translator and Linguee.
Report on the special session of W-N's Council, June 22
(Held in Laurel and chaired by Mayor F. Ghali. 5 from the 7 members of the Council were present; Mr. Paradis and Mr. Johnston were absent. There would also be around twenty people in the room.)
There were two items on the agenda of the day. The first was the adoption of the zoning by-law increasing the minimum size of the lots and of the implementation on the ground of the buildings in some areas, do we understand. The second concerned the dismissal of the Director General and Secretary Treasurer, Mrs. Sophie Bélanger, and her replacement by Mrs. Marie-France Matteau acting as interim; as well as the consequent modification for the authorization to sign the documents of the Municipality.
1. By-law 2018-498-1*
Given, among other things, that the Council wants to "promote the establishment of houses of more than 55 m2 in the sector of Laurentian Acres (district 3)"... and see the minimum area of a lot in the watershed of Lake Pelletier go from 7 500m2 to 10,000 m2.
Accordingly, the by-law is proposed by Councilor Groulx, assisted by Councilor Zgodzinski and adopted by a majority. Councilor Cliche will have objected that the by-law goes too far. The amendment to the previous by-law, taking the minimum lot coverage from 35 m2 to 55 m2, also affects other sectors.
2. Dismissal of the Executive Director and Secretary-Treasurer.
The mayor lists the series of grounds for the dismissal of Mrs. Sophie Bélanger, ranging from dissatisfaction of the elected officials, insubordination to negligence in the drafting of documents. The dismissal is proposed by Councilor Suzanne Y. Paradis, supported by Councilor Zgodzinski and adopted unanimously. Councilor Cliche asked, however, if the staff still in place would be able to adequately ensure the administration of the Municipality, have we interpreted. He also suggested that the necessary time is taken to find the right person to fill this position.
Mrs. Matteau is appointed acting as interim to fill the vacancy.
Question period
At the outset, the Mayor warns that they cannot talk here of the dismissal of the Director-General since there will likely be legal proceedings against the Municipality on the part of Mrs. Bélanger. Nevertheless, several questions will be related to the case. Some others will be outside of the agenda of this meeting; but the Council will allow derogating from the rule.
(Due to technical problems, people using the microphone to ask questions will be most often completely inaudible to our ears.)
1. There will be a few questions about the adopted zoning regulations.
2. Mr. A. Soucy asks if the Municipality has obtained legal advice on the dismissal of the Executive Director. In response, we hear that lawyers have been consulted.
3. We will ask the Mayor if the recent departure of three executives, including the Director-General, as well as the replacement of the members of the Advisory Committees, with also the taking back of the contract of the Coop des 4 pôles, would not have an impact on the knowledge and monitoring of the files and operations of the Municipality. Mayor Ghali will answer us that everything runs smoothly in the Municipality; that, concerning the prior files, all the necessary resources remain at the Municipality to keep track of them and ensure their follow up.
4. The Mayor is also questioned on the cost of possible legal action against the Municipality.
5. Someone asked: «What happens to the cultural sector.» In response, the Mayor will announce its project of reorganization of services in this sector. Laurel, Montfort as well as St. Michel should see more cultural activities and training, among others; he gives a number of examples. Maybe that we will here form a specific municipal advisory committee. But it seems that this project of reorganization had not yet come out to citizens involved in the field.
6. A resident of Chemin-de-fer welcomed the efforts of the new administration in the road surface maintenance of this shared way of the Aerobic Corridor.
Without prejudice, by Carl Chapdelaine
With the use of Microsoft Translator and Linguee.
ATTENDU la volonté du Conseil municipal d'augmenter la superficie minimale des lots
dans le secteur du lac Pelletier ·
ATTENDU la volonté générale du Conseil de favoriser l'implantation de maisons de plus de 55 m2 dans le secteur de Laurenlian Acres·
ATTENDU l'entrée en vigueur du règlement de zonage 2017-498 le 12 décembre 2017 l'adoption d'un premier projet de règlement le 16 mars 2018,
ATTENDU la publication d'un avis public dans un Journal distribue sur le territoire de la Municipalité le 28 mars 2018
ATTENDUla tenue d'une assemblée de consultation publique le 9 avril 2018 l'adoption d'un second projet de règlement lè 20 avril 20118· '
ATTENDU qu'aucune demande de soumission d' une d1spos1t1on a l'approbation des personnes habiles à voter n'a été reçue dans les sept jours suivant la parution d'un avis à cet effet le 18 mai 2018
ATTENDU que l'absence de demande équivaut à I' acception par les personnes habiles .
a voter des dispositions du règlement;
Il est proposé par xxxxxx., apuyé par XXX , . , . . , -
règlement no 2018-498-1 amendant le règleme~; tsolu a I unan~m1te des conse~llers (?), q~e le
resolution et que soit décrété et statué ce qui suit : e zonage numero 2017-498 soit adopte par
Le préambule fait partie intégrante du présent règlement.
'La grille des usages et normes H-80 (Bassin du lac Pelletier), partie de l'annexe 2 du
règlement de zonage n° 2017-498, est modifiée pour augmenter la superficie minimale d'un lot
à 10 000 m2 plutôt que 7 500 m2.
La grille des usages et normes H-39 (Lac Laurel), partie de l'annexe 2 du règlement de zonage n° 2017-498, est modifiée pour augmenter la superficie d'implantation au sol minimale
à 55 m2 plutôt que 35 m2.
La grille des usages et normes H-40 (Millette), partie de l'annexe 2 du règlement de zonage n° 2017-498, est modifiée pour augmenter la superficie d'implantation au sol minimale à 55 m2
plutôt que 35 m2.
La grille des usages et normes H-41 (Rivière-Perdue (Est)), partie de l'annexe 2 du règlement de zonage n° 2017-498, est modifiée pour augmenter la superficie d'implantation au sol
minimale à 55 m2 plutôt que 35 m2.
Le présent règlement entre en vigueur conformément à la loi.
François Ghali Maire.
Marie-France Matteau Secrétaire-trésorière adjointe
1.Avis de motion. 2.Adoption du 1er projet de règlement. 3.Affichage et publication de l'avis public. 4.Consultation publique. 5.Adoption du second projet de règlement. 6.Avis aux habiles à voter (demande de registre). 7.Adoption du règlement. 8.Entrée en vigueur. 9.Avis d'entrée en vigueur :
1. 16 mars 2018 2. 16 mars 2018 3. 28 mars 2018 4. 9 avril 2018 5. 20 avril 2018 6. 18 mai 2018
Meeting of the Council of June 15, 2018
The meeting was held at the Community Center of Laurel and presided over by the Mayor, Mr. François Ghali. The seven members of the Council were present. Managing Director, Mrs. Sophie Bélanger, and her assistant for the occasion, Ms. Marie-France Matteau, ensured the administration of the session and would provide the information needed by the elected officials on various issues. (There were also nearly 30 people in the room.)
Before the adoption of the agenda, the Mayor recalled that the previous week had been that of the environment and that the actions of each should contribute to its protection. He pointed out the negative consequences of our excessive use of single-use plastic articles, especially shopping bags, and that one should avoid them.
Some items on the agenda of the day had been modified. Councilor Johnston proposed that the Council gives more time in the future to review it before publishing, what was adopted.
Replacement of the door of the City Hall had resulted in expenses of more than $ 3,000.
A series of points related to the hiring of staff, mainly temporary and in connection with the summer season. The Mayor thanked Ms. Chartier of kindly return to the position of Manager of hospitality at the Montfort Pavilion as it was already under the administration of the Coop of the 4 Poles. A student, Miss Ève Rousselot, has also been hired. He gave some details about the work that would be required to perform Mr. Maxime Dumas, daily public works, as well as a student for the same service, including washing, required by the regulations, vessels entering a lake. It was also hiring of Mr. Spiro Trent serving fire safety - sector Montfort (probably following the resignation of Mr. Éric Charbonneau which could unfortunately no longer fulfil its tasks); the purchase of a van used for public works and purchase of wood for repairs to bridges.
A resolution increasing the remuneration of the members of the land use advisory Committee (CCU) from $ 40 to $ 100 per session, was passed while the mayor was commending them for their excellent service.
It was ruled that parking along the roads of the Municipality would be prohibited where posted as such.
At Lake Gustave, the availability of a container for the chore of cleaning scheduled for this summer was given.
A deputy director for the Public works services is hired (following the departure of Mr. Licata); the position had been published. Public safety
Two bids were presented concerning the purchase of a utility vehicle, a "side-by-side" Polaris, for Fire safety, Public works services, etc. (?) (We couldn’t grasp the details here and, as the points on the agenda have been changed, this information is to be checked).
Health and environment
The terms for the Municipality and the potential users of the program Ecoprêt are adopted and explained at length. (For more details, see the proposed regulations: Projet de règlement). At the question period, Councilor David Zgodzinski will specify that the $ 200,000 amount reserved for this loan program matched the estimate of applications it would receive from individuals for modification of the septic system of their «isolated house». This amount may be adjusted according to the requests. This program will impose no fiscal cost to the Municipality.
Planning and zoning
A series of applications of derogations for buildings, the cutting of trees and other will be processed and granted here, as recommended (by the CCU?). We noted that these analyses are subject to the criteria of the "Plan of implementation and architectural integration" of the Municipality, and in which are studied the volumetry, the choice of materials, etc.
Leisure, culture and community life
Councilor Suzanne Y. Paradis, was appointed representative of the Council on the municipal Committee in connection with these services. (We have not noted the exact name of this Committee).
New business
1. It will be recommended to rebuild from this summer the outdoor Committee, will announce the Mayor and Councilor Johnston. Councilor Yvon Paradis will be the first to thank goodness for that. He will be followed by Councilor André Cliché who will even greet the opening to consultation by the Council and which could calm things down in the debates held at this table since the last election, he suggests.Mr. Ghali shows himself pleased with the success of the consultation sessions held by the Councilors Zgodzinski and Johnston. The latter had seen attentive assistance filled the Community Center at his consultation on the trails of Wentworth-Nord. He announced that, as a result of the latter, a report should be submitted within two weeks. He recalled the main points of this consultation: An historic preponderance of trails in the Montfort sector; his intention to maintain that infrastructure and to leave it in legacy to future generations; even an increase in investments. He is inspired by what is happening in Morin-Heights for example.The estimated cost of the project is of 35 million $; from which 21.6 million will come from the two levels of Government. On top will be added annual fees for management of 1.1 million and a reserve for maintenance of $100,000 per year. The Municipality's budget would increase by about $67,000.
Mr. Ghali so invites the citizens of the Municipality to give their opinion on the need for them of this Center and of their perception of the impact of the costs of the project, and therefore on the choice to be made by the Municipality. A form will be included in the next issue of the Gazette of Wentworth-Nord to allow residents to give their comment.
The Mayor and at least Councilor Johnston fear that the costs of such a project exceed the expected amount; while government subsidies will not follow,adds Mr. Zgodzinski.
Question period
- Mr. André Soucy, former councilor for district 5 (Montfort), comes back on the purchase of the Polaris and recalls that the Municipality had already bought the Argo, which then had to answer to the needs of the concerned services (Security, Fire, Public works, etc.?). Mr. Ghali answers that the Argo will be also fully used.
- Mr. Soucy noted that buoys are not yet installed in Lake Saint-François-Xavier, while the Municipality had an agreement with the Lake Association to look at replacing them for the navigation season. Mr. Zgodzinski, new councilor of district 5, answered that the agreement should always be valid and that he'll ask the ALSFX the reason for such situation. (However, a private buoy is already installed at the head of the Lake; it is therefore not an official navigation buoy. It probably replaces one of the two small rafts well damaged, the one that was positioned next to Ravens' Crag Island to indicate that the speed limit goes down under 10 km beyond to the shore. On the other hand, it visibly wasn't at its official location, determined, more or less..., by Transport Canada. The exact position of the navigation buoys is essential so that the Sûreté du Québec can come to patrol and enforce regulations.)
- Mr. Soucy asks if there will be an observer from the Council on the municipal committee on the administration of trails, did we understand. Mr. Ghali answers that there will be elected officials involved.
- Mr. André Payette, a former councilor for district 6, (also Montfort), questions on costs related to the Gazette of Wentworth-Nord. The Mayor gives many details and, in short, will indicate that the new paper is less expensive than the Échos des clochers, while being distributed to all permanent residents and cottagers across the continent... Only the cost of postage is necessarily a new budgetary item to this chapter.
- A resident of Montfort complains of the staggering increase in the snow removal costs charged by the selected companies.
- A citizen of Lake XYZ complains of nuisance caused by the presence of multiple bins imposed by the Municipality and which, since most residents on that Lake are cottagers, serve little anyway. Answer from Councilor Johnston who took charge of this issue and who has already begun its investigation and proposed changes. Indeed, the bin program seemed unsuitable for Wentworth-Nord. One of the avenues being considered is the multiplication of these huge semi-buried bins like the ones (?) already visible in Montfort and Newaygo.
- We also have a few questions for the Mayor and the Council:
- What is the part-time employees hiring process, such as for students, the process for the award of a contract for the purchase of wood or the use of the services of a notary? Mr. Ghali elaborates on the awarding of contracts, according to often the provisions of the regulation. The hiring of temporary staff is rather under the authority of the various services involved. This whole process will be studied soon to allow the determination of criteria when necessary.
- Are there developments on the issue of the dam holding back the waters of Lake St-François-Xavier at their current level and that showed leaks in recent years? Will the engineer's report ever be made public? The mayor said that this rather looks as an issue under the responsibility of the MRC; while the Executive Director indicates that municipal authorities are always required to carry out regular technical observations imposed (by the Ministry of transport).
- What is the news in recycling? Does everything we put in our bins for this purpose always find the second life promised? The mayor says that we should again go to the MRC for an answer that he is himself trying to get from it. The whole issue of recycling, will add Councilor Johnston, has likely to be re-evaluated.
By Carl Chapdelaine
City Hall administration
Item 5.9 of the agenda of the Council meeting of March 16, 'Resignation of Mrs. Raphaëlle Robitaille, the Service of the environment Director' questioned us on the future of this service at City Hall. It does not appear that the Director should be replaced; at least in the foreseeable future. In the meantime, some services previously under that service would be handed over to the Urban Planning Department. Let us recall that, some years ago, the Director-General, Mrs. Sophie Bélanger, had already been assigned that service for which she possessed the requisite qualifications.
Furthermore, the municipality is currently recruiting an agent of planning and environment inspection. It is a student job of "full-time for a period of 12 weeks beginning on May 10, 2016". The person will have, among other things, "knowledge of the Landscaping and Urbanism Act and the Quality of the Environment Act. He (she) will also have plenty of work ahead... Inspection Officer
Outdoor and culture
Two committees in particular existed under the previous administration, 'Plein Air Wentworth-Nord' and 'Loisirs et culture et vie communautaire'. The first consisted of representatives of organizations or individuals involved in various outdoor activities. What happened to these committees? Who, if they exist, are the new representatives of the population in this field? What form will have the consultation advocated by the new administration at City Hall and just recently pointed out by district 6 Councillor, Mr. Eric Johnston?
Concerning the Comité consultatif d’urbanisme (CCU) and the Comité consultatif en environnement (CCE), we know that they are maintained, but that their members have all been replaced by decree. The CCU is a standing committee required by provincial law.
With the use of Microsoft Translator
Carl Chapdelaine
Council of the Mayors : report
Session of the Council of mayors of the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut, of March 13, 2018
(Held at the Pavilion of Montfort) Partial report
The session is presided over by the prefect, Mr. André Genest; M. Jean-François Albert, temporary Deputy Director, replaces Ms. Jackline Williams, Executive Director, on leave.
In the files of the prefect, item 3.3.1, it is question of the follow-up to the meeting with Pallia-Vie (Journal Accès, page 10).
At 3.3.3, Mr. Genest announced that there will be soon a Regional meeting of the prefects’ Council and of the elected officials in the region of the Laurentians. It is also question, in 3.3.6, of the sports complex where we should soon lead to a call for tenders; and, in 3.3.7, of the participation in the Congress of the Union of municipalities of Quebec.
In item 3.5.6, Public safety and fire protection, the MRC is looking to take advantage of the program of the Ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l’Électrification des transports (MTMDET) to improve road safety in order to identify the most dangerous places on the roads.
In Economic development, Me. Hugo Lépine, Director of the service of economic and territorial development, tables his monthly report of activities. It is question, among other things, of the launch of the consultation at Mont Gabriel (?); of discussions between the directors of the economic services of the MRCs; of the 20 projects received on the Culture and Heritage Fund; of the participation in trade shows; and of the publication of a map of the Aerobic Corridor.
In Cultural development, Me Lépine speaks (4.3.3) of the resumption, in the fall and after a moratorium, of the discussions between the MRCs on the integrated project of landscape diagnosis of the linear Park of Le P'tit Train du Nord. A sum will be lost if not used for such item.
Under item 4.5, Recreational development, it is matter of a grant application for the Route Verte, as part of the fiscal year 2018-2019. There is also a grant application to the Fonds d’appui au rayonnement des régions (FARR), for the Aerobic Corridor. The MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut and the MRC des Laurentides will provide 20% of the cost. The MRC des Lauentides will apply and will administer the Fund. (All to be checked with Me Lépine.)
At 4.5.3, we learn that the contract for the completion of the path for Vélocité is given to Morin-Heights. This year, the circuit won't come in Wentworth-Nord, specifies the prefect.
At point 4.5.5 (Agreement with the municipality of W-N for the management of recreational facilities), it is well about an agreement to entrust the management of the hiking tour of La Montfortaine, of the Montfort Pavilion and of the Aerobic Corridor (shared way) to the Municipality of Wentworth-Nord. The Coop des 4 Pôles loses the contract, following the express request of Mayor Ghali at the Council of mayors. No report of the prior representations that were done by the Mayor of Wentworth-Nord to his colleagues on the subject as well as by the Association of Lake St-François-Xavier, through the voice of its president and unknown from its members, would be unveiled at this meeting.
At the Question period, pleas expected on the part of supporters of this municipal takeover as on the part of those defending the management by the Coop, will remain in their notebooks. Only the satisfaction and the thanks of Mayor F. Ghali to his colleagues of the Council of mayors or the regrets, combined to incomprehension, of the losers will be expressed.
The prefect will however have thanked all those who contributed in the past to the transformation of the abandoned Church in a recreational and community Pavilion; while those he thanked, Mr. Roger Ponce or Mr. Gérard Chartier, are sometimes close to tears, as the latter who, after fifty years of volunteer work to patch up the Church-Pavilion and urgently needing to get rid of its keychain, swears that he would not be taken again...
The prefect also had a good word for those responsible for the Coop des 4 Pôles, in our view unfortunate scapegoat of popular vindictiveness and questionable treatment, to say the least...
Mr. André Soucy will speak on the issue of the Sûreté du Québec and will look for news on the next steps concerning the studies and the rehabilitation of the old dam ($: W-N/MRC, 40%/60%).
Newaygo residents plead for the right to drive on Chemin-de-fer, the right to build, etc., while questioning the authorities on the services rendered based on the taxes imposed on them. The prefect will say that he takes these issues to heart, promising to bring the MRC and its Government partner to seriously look at them, while saying the MTMDET somehow might habe the last word.
The district 5 Councillor, Mr. David Zgodzinski, will at length question mayors about the responsibility of the MRC to protect the access to the Lake by the land it administers, in the face of the danger of introduction of invasive species into Lake Saint-François-Xavier. The president of the ALSFX, Mr. Raymond Noël, will pick up the same theme. The prefect will not engage the MRC in responding more positively to the Councilor in this issue. (It seems so obvious that this monitoring work may now be the responsibility of the Municipality...)
The undersigned asked:
-the prefect, if the Pavilion and all adjoining facilities, including those of the Aerobic Corridor (parking, feeder road, dock, part of the old dam, rental equipment, etc.) shall remain property of the MRC and if this last will always be in charge of their maintenance (restorations and renovations of the roof, septic, and health facilities, etc., heating, insurance and other.) The prefect’s response will be if so.
-the Mayor of Wentworth-North: which direction of the Municipality will be responsible for the management here given in point 4.4.5; who will be the employees and what is, broadly speaking, the operating pro forma budget. Mayor Ghali will answer that a committee was already at work on these issues and that we had no reason to worry.
Note: This summary report does not claim to report faithfully the comments heard at the session of the MRC; readers should refer to the possible publication of the minutes by this supramunicipal body or contact the authors of the comments in question.
With the use of Microsoft Translator Carl Chapdelaine
Meeting of the mayors: ordre du jour
Session du 13 mars 2018
2.1 Assemblée régulière du 13 février 2018
3.1 Services financiers
3.1.1 Registre des chèques de février 2018
3.1.2 Rapport d'autorisation de dépenses
3.2 Services administratifs
3.2.1 Avis de motion et dépôt du projet de règlement 360-2018 modifiant le règlement 359-2017 établissant
la date, l'heure et le lieu des réunions du conseil de la MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut et fixant la date de la
vente des immeubles pour non-paiement des taxes
3.2.2 Amendement de la résolution 318-11-17 - Comités externes - Tricentris
3.2.3 Dons de bureaux à cloison
3.3 Dossiers du préfet
3.3.1 Suivi sur la rencontre avec Pallia-vie
3.3.2 Nomination du préfet à titre de membre du comité consultatif sur l'offre de services de
garde éducatifs à l'enfance
3.3.3 Conversation régionale du Conseil des préfets et des élus de la région des Laurentides
3.3.4 Souper de la fondation des écoles de Ste-Marguerite
3.3.5 Souper Prévoyance envers les ainés
3.3.6 Suivis complexe sportif
3.3.7 Congrès UMQ
3.4 Ressources humaines
3.4.1 Embauche de M. Jean-François Albert à titre de directeur général adjoint temporaire
3.4.2 Modification de salaire temporaire pour Anne-Marie Langlois
3.5 Sécurité publique et sécurité incendie
3.5.1 Policiers cadets de la Sûreté du Québec
3.5.2 Modification du schéma de couverture de risques en incendie
a) Lettre au conseil des maires
b) Projet de résolution
3.5.3 Nomination d'un représentant - Comité de sécurité incendie
3.5.4 Priorités annuelles en sécurité publique (sécurité des aînés, application des règlements
municipaux et sécurité routière)
3.5.5 Nouvelle entente SQ
3.5.6 Programme du ministère des Transports, de la Mobilité durable et de l'Électrification des
transports pour améliorer la sécurité routière
4.1 Développement économique
4.1.1 Dépôt du rapport mensuel d'activités
4.1.2 Adjudication de contrat pour l'organisation du sommet socioéconomique 2018
4.2 Développement touristique
4.2.1 Demande de subvention dans le cadre de l'Entente de partenariat régionale en tourisme:
document de projet
4.3 Développement culturel
4.3.1 Modification aux règles de régie interne du comité culturel
a) Faits saillants
b) Projet de résolution
4.3.2 Nomination de la présidence et de la vice-présidence du comité culturel
4.3.3 Projet intégré de diagnostic paysager du parc linéaire Le P’tit Train du Nord – confirmation d’engagement et autorisation de signature
a) Faits saillants
b) Projet de résolution
4.4 Développement social
4.4.1 Stratégie jeunesse en milieu municipal
a) Invitation à la conférence du 15 mars
4.5 Développement récréatif
4.5.1 Demande de subvention à la Route Verte
4.5.2 Demande de subvention au FARR pour le parc du Corridor aérobique
4.5.3 Octroi de contrat pour la complétion du trajet VÉLOCITÉ à Morin-Heights
4.5.4 Défi de juin: lettre de vélo Québec
4.5.5 Ententes avec la municipalité de Wentworth-Nord pour la gestion d'équipements récréatifs
a) Entente Circuit de randonnée la Montfortaine et Pavillon de Montfort
b) Entente Corridor aérobique
c) Projet de résolution
5.1 Aménagement du territoire
5.1.1 Service de gestion intégrée des ressources naturelles
a)Renouvellement de l'entente intermunicipale de fourniture de services professionnels concernant
le programme d'aménagement durable des forêts (PADF) :
i) Lettre du MFFP
ii) Lettre de la MRC Antoine-Labelle
iii) Projet de renouvellement de l'entente
iv) Projet de résolution
b)PAFI-O : consultations publiques du 3 au 27 avril 2018. Les modalités restent à confirmer.
5.2 Matières résiduelles
5.2. 1RIDR - Adoption du règlement 38.1 modifiant le règlement 38 décrétant un coût supplémentaire à
l'ouverture des soumissions pour la construction d'une installation de compostage et aménagement
d'une aire de maturation située dans une partie du bâtiment de l'ancien centre de tri.
a) Règlement de la RIDR 38.1
b) Projet de résolution
5.2.2 Projet FARR : Agent de sensibilisation et d'accompagnement des ICI- projet de résolution
5.2.3 Appel d'offres GMR-bacs-2018-2019 : Fourniture de bacs roulants - Octroi de contrat
a) Prix des bacs
b) Projet de résolution
6.1 Bordereau de correspondance
6.2 Informations d'ordre général
7.1 Municipalité de Saint-Adolphe-d'Howard - Projet de réouverture d'école
7.2 Maison des jeunes de Sainte-Adèle - Demande d'appui à une demande de subvention
7.3 MRC de Pontiac - Transports adaptés et collectifs ruraux
7.4 MRC des Appalaches - Pôles régionaux d'innovation
7.5 MRC Maria-Chapdelaine - Financement des chemins forestiers
Mayors’ Meeting on the 13
The monthly meeting of the Council of mayors of the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut will be held at the Pavilion of Montfort Tuesday, March 13, at 1:15 pm. It is the only municipal administration which is still regularly holding a meeting of its Council on the premises. This is also an annual opportunity for residents of Wentworth-North, and especially for those of the Montfort area, to take advantage of the question period to ask elected officials on what concerns them regarding the administration of the MRC, as the Pavilion or the Aerobic Corridor among other things. You are probably best placed to assert your point of view, whatever it may be; the others will certainly do so.
Carl Chapdelaine
W-N vs Coop des 4 Pôles
The Executive of the Association du lac Saint-François-Xavier asks the opinion of its members on Wentworth-Nord’s "plans to take over all activities currently performed by the Coop des 4 Poles".
It seems that the publication of an article in the weekly newspaper Access on the conflict between the Municipality and the Coop, added to the success of a petition asking it to immediately see at the maintenance of the Orphans’ Trail and the reopening of the Refuge, has produced a reaction at the Lake. It's by e-mail that the request was made to members and that most of the answers should travel.
"After listening to the concerns voiced by lake citizens and those of other Montfort residents, the Wentworth-Nord municipal council passed a resolution..." ... "Do you support the efforts of the municipality to carry out these responsibilities...?"
Carl Chapdelaine
Confrontation is not the solution (editorial)
Voters have decided; they have changed the guard at Wentworth-Nord’s City Hall. A good proportion of the residents of the Municipality had trusted their previous administration and was considering continuity while wishing improvements. Others, as on the side of Lake Saint-François-Xavier, had grounds to recrimination, claims and rights they believed might be threatened: property rights, right to drive on their way home, right to enjoy their environment, right to be listened to and to be properly represented by their elected officials. They probably were to look for a change at the head of the Municipality. A probably large number of residents was also very sensitive to the promises of significantly improved services and accelerated modernization of Wentworth-Nord.
Two parties, more or less identified as such, clashed with these municipal elections; each claiming to offer citizens the most appropriate responses; but also, and one cannot blame them, with their vision of municipal administration, the development of the municipality, the participation of citizens in this administration, and on many other issues. According to the perception of the undersigned, one of the two parties, one clearly advocating radical change and accelerated renewal, at the expense perhaps of continuity and a smooth control of the evolution of the Municipality, has largely been adding up votes. With the clearly expressed mandate to hold the reins of the municipal administration, it was quick to impose its approach. But, apparently, the speed or the abruptness with which this regime change occurred and its implications led to confrontation.
Some residents were engaged in the life of their community and may have wanted to be even more. They had mainly any partisan purpose and did want improvements in the area of their involvement as in all other sectors. Was it the case of the members of the municipal advisory committees in urban planning or in environment? One thing is certain; all could wish that, in the wake of municipal elections, they work together in citizen collaboration for the betterment of their municipality.
The reading of the minutes of the municipal meetings of November and December 2017 confirms that the members of these two committees were dismissed and replaced by a majority vote of the «group» now in power and without further procedure. « Il est proposé par M. David Zgodzinski, appuyé par M. Eric Johnston de révoquer le mandat des membres du comité consultatif d'urbanisme. » …« considérant que les mandats des membres du comité consultatif ont été révoqués; considérant qu'il est requis de nommer de nouveaux membres pour permettre la tenue des rencontres du CCU ; Il est proposé par M. Eric Johnston, appuyé par Mme Suzanne Young Paradis de nommer à titre de nouveaux membres au comité consultatif d'urbanisme pour la durée restante des mandats : Mme Céline McSween; Mme Chrystel Durivage; Mme Danielle Bourassa; M. William Gagné, M. Diane Ouellette; M. Claude Millette.»
The same procedure and the same result for the CCE which sees all its members replaced by (for) Montfort: Adrian Hausermann and Marc Fillion; (for) Laurel: Johanne Laurencelle and Joann Mactavish; (for) St-Michel: Josée-Anne Tsigadas.
And at the December meeting: «de nommer les membres du Conseil municipal à titre de représentant, tel que défini ci-dessous : Monsieur Eric Johnston au comité consultatif de l'Urbanisme; Monsieur David Zgodzinski au comité consultatif de l'Environnement».
At the same time, contracts that had been awarded to the Coop des 4 Pôles for the maintenance of trails are not renewed: «Considérant la volonté des membres du conseil de revoir la vocation (l'utilisation) du réseau du sentier des Orphelins; considérant que les membres du conseil souhaitent consulter la population afin de déterminer les activités qui seront autorisées sur le sentier des Orphelins; il est proposé par M. Jean-Luc Groulx, appuyé par M. David Zgodzinski, d'abroger la résolution 2017-10-324 autorisant la directrice générale et secrétaire-trésorière Mme Sophie Bélanger à négocier et renouveler pour et au nom de la municipalité, le contrat de gestion du réseau du Sentier des orphelins avec la Coopérative des 4 Pôles...» «Après discussion sur le sujet, le vote est demandé…» Ditto for the contract of the Coop des 4 Pôles for the maintenance of the paths of the multi-activities center outside of Laurel: «considérant la volonté des membres du conseil de revoir la vocation (l'utilisation) des sentiers du centre multiactivités extérieurs de Laurel; considérant que les membres du conseil souhaitent consulter la population afin de déterminer les activités qui seront autorisées sur ces sentiers…».
Remember that the Association of Lake St-François-Xavier, in probably the name of the vast majority of its residents, was fighting to see the abandoned orphaned land given to the Municipality dedicated to stay 'green spaces', and the Orphans’ Trail was somehow achieving this orientation.
We understand that the Municipality wants to take in charge the maintenance of these trails, as long as their vocation is maintained. The Coop des 4 Pôles, which emerged under the previous municipal administration and which has its headquarters at the Pavilion Montfort, actually sees there a sure will from the new administration to push it out; that's what one reads in this week edition of Accès. The co-op also had the contract of the MRC for the maintenance of part of the Aerobic Corridor and of La Montfortaine, in addition to the management of the Montfort Pavilion. The Municipality also seems to want to rob it of these contracts and offer their own services to the MRC to run some. It is obvious that depriving the Coop of these contracts has a significant financial impact that puts its life at risk. The current promotion of recreational tourism by the MRC and the Coop des 4 Pôles among other things, on the side of Montfort mainly, would seem also rejected by the new Municipal Council and would guide its action. This is happening while, at the same time, les Pays-d’en-Haut are developing a policy for the protection of trails. Accès. p. 6 et 7; Accès, p. 8
Moreover, at item 2017-11-386, the new Council gives to prosecutors of the Municipality the mandate «de reporter les procédures dans certains dossiers d'infraction relatifs au service de l'environnement et de l'urbanisme». «Considérant que les membres du conseil municipal souhaitent s'enquérir des dossiers d'infractions du service de l'environnement et de l'urbanisme pour lesquels des procédures ont été entamées par nos procureurs; il est proposé par M. Jean-Luc Groulx, appuyé par Mme Suzanne Young Paradis, de mandater les procureurs de la municipalité de Wentworth-Nord afin de reporter les procédures dans certains dossiers d'infraction relatifs au service de l'environnement et de l'urbanisme.» Some, including protection of lake associations, oppose such an intervention of the elected officials in the administration process of the regulation on the protection of the environment for which they fought.
These measures and procedures of the Council, of the most questionable in our view, have generated numerous interventions and run-ins during the question period of the municipal meeting, which was attended by several tens of citizens, were we reported.
According to us, regardless of the result of the vote of the people, the approach of the municipal administration and the current confrontation it gives rise with many actors, including experienced volunteer teams, cannot be the expression of its will. It was obviously the orientation to avoid. There is no way out for confrontation. Would it not be better today to readjust the shooting, consult with people again and look for compromise? And, in any event, it will well have to be explained to the voters, to the population, why there is confrontation, not cooperation. Should elected officials not also, throughout these four years of reign, make sure that they understand the perception of the mandate entrusted to them by their constituents?
November minutes; December minutes.
With the use of Microsoft Translator
Carl Chapdelaine
Interactive map of Wentworth-Nord?
On an interactive map, you check the variables you are interested in and they appear on the map. It's a way to add an indication of place to the delivered information. A lot of information available on the website of the Municipality and others could be provided on the map, as the boat washing stations, socio-recreational centers, beaches, marinas, bicycle-stops, restaurants, recreational trails, exhibitions and other events, public phones, etc.
Lots mapping and geomatics
You want to see on an interactive map of the MRC which lots correspond to what addresses or numbers? You can find them by indicating the street and address using the search on the interactive map, titled: "mapping and interactive excerpts from the assessment roll". The corresponding lots will appear in orange on a map of the municipality. The MRC had of course to invest substantial amounts in this operation for which it has established a program of sharing of services, while seeking financial assistance from senior governments. Search your lot
Note: This is the Geomatics (geography and Informatics), this new science, which allows to process and deliver information categorized and attached to a point or a space on the ground. Its preferred tools are aerial photography, satellite imaging, digitization of existing documents and paper maps or even field surveys, including using GPS. It is therefore increasingly important to associate various statistics and other standardized data to their location. This is in theory the case with the zip code. Geomatics then lets you create interactive maps for cadastral configuration, agriculture, the distribution of the population, traffic, trade, etc. Wikipedia
One could consider, for example, to build-up and to add an interactive map on which would appear the relief (bathymetry) of all the lakes for which there is a bathymetric map in the Atlas of the lakes of the Laurentians. It would be a complementary tool to the relief profiles obtained with Google Earth, but which are not yet able to penetrate beneath the surface of the lakes. By combining them, it would so be much easier to characterize the watershed of these lakes and learn useful data.
Available data (rate of renewal of the water of a lake, etc.) might then more specifically assess the risk of overflow during exceptional floods or the thaw, for example, based on the forecasts of precipitation, of the cover in snow and the temperature. By including all streams, one would be able to produce the equivalent of applications that allow us to track the weather, fire danger, the snow conditions of the ski slopes, etc. The idea is topical following the never seen for 100 years spring flood of 2017. In Saint-Jérôme, it fell 226 mm of rain from April 1 to May 7; a record according to a history of 30 years of data. This rain was obviously combined with melting snow to cause the seen flood. "The challenge of spring floodwater management: Crues printanières.»
In fact, there already are interactive maps * on the watersheds in Quebec. The Watershed Committee of the Chaudière River (COBARIC) tells us the potential of this tool; but it still seems to miss a third dimension: the combination of statistical data spread across the territory. It simply locates different projects. Interactive map, Cobaric . Abrinord has its interactive map of wetlands: Wetlands
*An interactive map superimposes a series or "layers" of information.
Carl chapdelaine
Municipal Advisory Committees
What are these municipal advisory committees? Who creates them and according to what rules? You will not find all the answers here, because we couldn't put our finger on a definition or a regulation on the website of the Ministère des Affaires municipales et de l’Occupation du territoire (MAMOT). The Advisory Committees in urban planning (comités consultatifs en urbanisme : CCU) seem to have a bit more attention, and it's the data that we will use. Their existence is also decreed by Quebec.
These advisory committees are appointed by the municipal councils and municipalities do not seem to have to comply with special regulations in this process. The advisory committee normally includes one or more members of the Council, as in the case of the CCU, representatives of citizens and organizations in the community, as well as municipal employees (sometimes without the right to vote). You may also require some expertise and/or experience in the field concerned, as well as, furthermore, to respect the municipal vision... It would be ethically inappropriate that these committees be, for example, made up only of elected officials, emphasises the MAMOT. It looks like it is also to the Council to define the tasks and responsibilities of these advisory committees. "The CCU is a working group composed of at least a member of the City Council and residents chosen by the latter to guide, direct and support its planning action."
As a first step, the Council normally adopts a regulation which creates and regulates each committee in particular, determining its structure, functions, etc. This was the case in Wentworth-Nord for the CCU and the Environment Advisory Committee (Comité consultatif en environnement : CCE). Under the previous administration of W - N, there were two other committees: the Economic community development Committee (Comité de développement économique communautaire), involving initially the municipality of Lac-des-Seize-Îles, and Wentworth-North Outdoor (Plein air Wentworth-Nord). The task for this latter was to establish a network of trails and possibly to mark out them in collaboration with the Coopérative des 4 Pôles. The CCU and the CCE were composed of "two citizens of each of the sectors of the Municipality", Saint-Michel, Laurel and Montfort.
The composition of the CCU would immediately be reviewed by the new Council; but the Municipality’s website kept the names of its former holders at the time of our visit. The CCE has just suffered the same fate. However, no public call for applications, as was the custom in Wentworth-Nord, came to our knowledge in one case as in the other. In the municipality of Saint-Augustin, the appointment of the Chairman of such a Committee by the new mayor had generated a legal appeal and forced the restoration of the displaced Chair. The appeal used a provision of the regulation of this municipality. Bisbille au Comité Consultatif en Urbanisme
Advisory Committees: fully representative consultation bodies or the extension of the authority granted to our elected officials? What do citizens think? Only the first formula seems to us matching the aspirations of most of our residents and recent voters. Their perception of the recommendations of the advisory committees may in any case be dependent on the actual choice between these two approaches. The undersigned, formerly a member of the former Advisory Committee on orphaned lands as representative of the ALSFX, had the impression that the formation of these committees in Wentworth-Nord followed an open call at the population, with notices of recruitment. It was so obvious that a body such as the Lake Association or other be represented.
In the Montreal borough of Saint-Laurent, the CCU is composed of at least six members, two elected officials and four residents. These are selected based on their expertise. Residents are encouraged to attend the monthly meetings of the CCU.
Carl Chapdelaine
Advisory Committees in urban planning, MAMOT
Advisory Committee in urban planning (W-N) ; W-N, CCU, rules
Advisory Committee in Environment (W-N)
Economic Community Development Committee
Wentworth-North Outdoor
With the use of Microsoft Translator
Schooling and field of study (W-N and MRC)
[Highest certificate, diploma or degree and field of Study for the population aged 15 years and over in Wentworth-Nord and in the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut, 2016 Census - sample (25%)]
On 1 280 individuals 15 years and over of Wentworth-North, 305 or 24% (170 men / 135 women) had no certificate, diploma or degree; it was 14% in the MRC. 330 or 26% (145m/190w) had a high school diploma; it was 23% in the MRC. Finally, 645 or 50% (330m/300w) had obtained a postsecondary certificate, diploma, or degree; it was 63% in the MRC. 180 of these 645 had obtained a Bachelor's degree or more (75m/105w).
Among the 645 of postsecondary graduates, 175 had chosen architecture, engineering and related services, 125 business, management and public administration, 70 personal, protective and transportation services, 70 health, 65 social and behavioural services and law, 55 education.
C. Chapdelaine
Language at work, W-N and MRC
[Language used most often at work and other language used regularly at work for the population aged 15 years and over who worked since 2015, 2016 Census - (25%) sample data.]
Of 725 individuals of Wentworth-Nord aged 15 years and over, who worked since 2015, 565 or 78% had French for mother tongue, while for 100 others it was English. The language used most often at work by these 725 people was French (570 or 79%) or English (90 or 12%)*. 70 individuals, or 10%, were also most often using both languages. 38% of those using French also used English; while half of those using English also used French.
From the 23 115 corresponding individuals at the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut, 88% had French as their mother tongue and the language used most often was French (19 530 or 84%) or English (1 970 or 9%). 1525, or 7%, also most often used both languages. Like in Wentworth-Nord, 38% of those using French also used English.
Of the 725 people at work of Wentworth-Nord, only 155, or 21 percent, were aged 25 to 44 years, against 28% for this age group in the MRC; 430 or 59% were aged 45 to 64 years, compared to 51% in the MRC. (A part of the explanation would be that the 25 to 44 years accounted for only 13% of the population of Wentworth-Nord, against 17% in the MRC. The 45 to 64 years constituted 43% of the population of Wentworth-Nord, against 37% in the MRC).
In Wentworth-Nord, about 60% or 8% of the 725 individuals were immigrants, of which around 60% used mostly French at work. Of the 23 115 individuals of the MRC, 1 790 or also 8% were immigrants, whose two-thirds used mostly French at work in addition to the 12% who use both languages.
*In 2006, it was 75% for French (68% in 2001), 19% for English (22% in 2001) and 4% for both languages (9% in 2001). (At the same time, the percentage of the population with English mother tongue declined between 2001 and 2016: 21% to 19%.) In the MRC, French was already at 84% in 2006 and at 81% in 2001. (Community Profiles)
Carl Chapdelaine
Language at work, 2016 Census PS: The tables offer many combinations of variables on the language used, the level of education, mother tongue, age and residency
Journey to work (W-N and MRC)
(Place of work, industry and sex for the employed labour force aged 15 years and over, census divisions and subdivisions, 2016 Census - 25% sample data.]
In May 2016, on about 565 Wentworth-Nord’s individuals (half men, half women) of the employed labour force aged 15 years and over, 415 travelled to a fixed place of work; 70 worked from home. In the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut, on 19 390 individuals, 14 180 travelled to a fixed place of work. Others worked either at home (2 515), to no fixed workplace address (2 590) or abroad (95).
For Wentworth North, retail trade (75), health care and social assistance (75) and construction (70), had the largest number of staff. Following were the transportation and warehousing (45), as well as professional, scientific and technical services (45). Among the 45 individuals engaged in these services, more than a third worked at home. Health care and social assistance personnel were purely consisting of women.
In the MRC, retail trade was in head (2805), with health care and social assistance (2340). Then were professional, scientific and technical services (1655), construction (1625), educational services (1525); manufacturing (1395) and accommodation and food services (1350). Health care and social assistance were to near 80% made up of women. By combining the different "industries" or activities, we see that work in the MRC is almost all based on services.
Carl Chapdelaine
Category and place of work, W-N
Category and place of work, MRC% of the income on housing *
The 2016 Canadian Census tells us that, on 740 households (non-farm main residences) of Wentworth-Nord, 675 are owners, or more than 90%. In the MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut, only 76% of households are owners, from 78% in 2011.
50% of the owners of Wentworth-North have a mortgage on their house; it is 60% in the MRC (58% in 2011).
590 of the 740 households of the municipality, or 80%, spend less than 30% of their income on housing; it is only 76% in the MRC (74% in 2011). In Wentworth-Nord, owners without a mortgage are more likely to spend less than 30 percent of their income on housing, 330 against 220 with mortgage; it is the opposite in the MRC.
Among household owners spending more than 30% of their income on housing, in the municipality, 92% have a mortgage; it is 87% in the MRC (84% in 2011).
Source: Shelter-cost-to-income Ratio... Note: Click on 'More key indicators' (right); and then on 'Source: 2016 Census of population' of the first key indicator. Then, click on «Geographic Index» and use the drop-down list of the «Table of contents» until you find «Les Pays-d’en-Haut» (1794) and Wentworth-Nord, ME (1803). Click on either of these entities for the data tables.
- Wentworth-Nord
- MRC des Pays-d’en-Haut (2016); MRC des Pays-d'en-Haut (2011)
* Rounded figures and, as a result, approximate percentages. 25% sample data. (There are no data for W-N in 2011).
With the use of Microsoft Translator
Carl Chapdelaine
Income of individuals and households in W-N
According to the Census of Canada 2016, the median total income of 98.4% of the population aged 15 and + of Wentworth-North, that is the amount which divides the income distribution of these 1,250 individuals into two halves, was $ 28,203. It fell to 25,856 after income tax. On 740 households regrouping these persons in the Municipality, the median total income was for its part of $51,584, and $44,992 after income tax.
6.3% of the aged 15 and + in Wentworth-Nord received social assistance benefits, against 3.5 percent in the Pays-d’en-Haut.
The equivalent Income for the 15 years old and + in the Pays-d’en-Haut was $ 33,072 for 35,560 individuals and $29,402 after income tax. For its 20,695 households, the median total income was $58,800, or $50,737 after income tax.
These data are taken from the tables:
- 1. " Income Sources and Taxes and Income Statistics "; it also gives the median amounts for the various sources of revenue involved: jobs, investments and governmental transfers. Revenues of 15 and + [Note: Scroll the list of ...provinces, census divisions and subdivisions (MRCs and municipalities «MÉ») on the arrow for Canada to find Des Pays-d’en-Haut and Wentworth-North.]
- 2. " Household Income Statistics and Household Type " Revenues for households
Another table, "Low-income Indicators, Individual Low-income Status... in Private Households ", teaches us that 20.4% of those private households of Wentworth-North are referred to as with low income. It is the income after tax in 2015. (You can also have the percentage of people under the low income cut-off (LICO), a different data.) In the Pays-d’en-Haut, 15.6% of people are with low income. Persons wiht low income
Carl Chapdelaine
Presentation of de candidats at the 2017 elections
Presentation of the candidates for Mayor as well as for Councillors of districts 5 and 6. Districts
One of the objectives of the "Lake St-François-Xavier’s Friends" website is to add information and awareness on the protection of the Lake and its environment for the residents of Montfort/Newaygo. We believe that the role of elected municipal officials is vitally important in this last goal, where our approach to them. Our offer was intended to be non-partisan and therefore addressing all current candidates known or in the future; all responded.
We hope that it will help voters to know their profile; even better, to identify their approach to the issues of this environment, the kind of appropriate development they see for Montfort/Newaygo, etc. The same for the type of relationship that they intend to take with their constituents as well as with the Government or the municipal Council which they would fall under and which will be decisive in the success of their eventual mandate.
With our sincere congratulations to all the candidates for their commitment; wishing them the success they are seeking on November 5.
Note: The order of presentation of the candidates here was drawn randomly. We also allowed us to make a more equitable use of bolded or underlined passages.
Translated with the use of Microsoft Translator
Carl Chapdelaine
Diane Théorêt, Candidate for Mayor
Who I am
Like many of you, I have spent my summers in Wentworth-Nord on a lake since childhood. I now enjoy this exceptional natural environment on a full-time basis since 2004. My pre-retirement part time work as a teacher frees me to spend most of my time working for the well-being of my Wentworth-Nord community.
Environmental Implications
Like many of you, I am working to keep the lakes of Wentworth-Nord healthy. As president of the Association for the Protection of Lake Wentworth for 9 years, I was actively involved in raising awareness about issues related to this fragile environment among members of my association. I put in place the actions recommended by the voluntary lake monitoring network. I have also encouraged the municipality to put in place several measures to better protect our lakes and I continue to defend these issues.
Involvement in Wentworth-Nord
In my role as municipal councilor for the past 8 years, I have been active in all the council committees. I have also sat on numerous boards of local organizations, and thus developed an in-depth knowledge of the social, economic and environmental issues facing the municipality and the concerns of the citizens of Wentworth-Nord.
My priorities at the town hall:
· Protect the quality of our environment
o Work with lake associations for the protection against invasive species
o Protect lands bequeathed to Nature Conservancy Canada around Lake Notre-Dame
o Create the Réseau des Orphelins municipal park around Lake St-François-Xavier
· Improve the quality of life of our citizens
o Improve the existing road network (recharging, drainage, dust suppressant)
o Follow the development of the offer of high-speed internet and full cell phone coverage
o Attract proximity services for families and seniors
o Promote existing services
o Improve the offer of activities for our citizens
· Increase citizen participation in municipal council decisions
o Establish participatory democracy
o Work with councilors who are free to defend your ideas, who want to make a positive difference.
To get the true facts, VOTE FOR Diane Théorêt, an honest, active and committed Mayor.
450 226-3549 theoretd@gmail.com
Mr. Fernand Janson, candidate for mayor
Je me présente, Fernand Janson candidat à la mairie de Wentworth-Nord le 5 novembre prochain.
J’ai 67 ans et j’ai fait carrière à Hydro-Québec à titre de Conseiller en formation informatique.
Je fréquente la municipalité de Wentworth-Nord depuis que je suis né. J’habite maintenant à Laurel en permanence depuis 15 ans.
Je suis le président fondateur de la « Société d'Histoire et du Patrimoine des Trois Villages » : Montfort, Laurel et Saint-Michel-de-Wentworth.
Voici quelques éléments que je désire mettre de l’avant durant mon mandat.
1. Administration générale
« Mettre de l’avant l’approche client-fournisseur
« Demander une étude technique afin d’agrandir l’hôtel de ville
« Convertir le chalet en Maison de la Culture
« Transférer les réunions du conseil du lundi soir au samedi après midi.
2- Mettre à niveau le réseau routier
« La route Principale de l’intersection Rivière Perdue jusqu’au chemin Lac Farmer
« La montée Millette
« Chemin Lac Farmer
« La rue du Domaine
« Rivière Perdue (de l’ouest jusqu’au resto de la Rivière Perdue)
3- Environnement et aménagement
« Enseigne d’accueille (Chemin Jackson, montée Ste-Marie, Montfort, Saint-Michel-de-Wentworth et Rivière Perdue)
4- Plan d’urbanisme
« À revoir et crée une nouvelle affectation, patrimoniale
« Déclaré le Lac Notre-Dame et ses versants : zone à protégée ou zone patrimoniale
5- Le développement
« Revoir l’offre récréotouristique au Lac Saint-François-Xavier
Ces quelques éléments ne sont pas exhaustif, d’autres pourront s’y rajouter.
Mon slogan de campagne est simple :
Je vote pour Monsieur Janson
Fernand Janson
Mr. François Ghali, candidate for mayor
It is a time for a fresh perspective and a new team. There are too many problems in Wentworth-Nord to leave municipal politics to those who have steered the ship for the last decades.
Being mayor is not an objective in itself; I am committed to finding, with you and with new elected councilors, solutions that meet the wishes of our citizens. I hope that we will elect a team that is genuinely unattached to the past or to developers, with no malice or hidden agenda, with great integrity and commitment to listen to citizens ; a team who can then turn residents needs and desires into decisions that benefit the community.
For my part, I wholeheartedly support MM. David Zgodzinski and Eric Johnston. Through their long commitment to your community, they have demonstrated that they will be able to defend, tooth and nail, the interests of Montfort.
For my part, my commitment to you is to put my expertise, my long experience, my networks of contacts and my life-long integrity to make of our municipality a haven of peace and joie de vivre. Similarly, Wentworth-North is full of citizens with exceptional resources who have told me of their willingness to get involved and to contribute to the same goals. Together, we will build a more united and inclusive and dynamic community.
Do not hesitate to call or write to me to discuss our municipality's issues. Whether it is environmental, citizen services or public administration, your ideas and solutions are welcome.
François Ghali
514 573 0569
Follow me on FB
Mr. Louis Quenneville, candidate for district 5
Note: As from October 11, M. Quennevlle's name is not on the list of candidates.
I have been a resident of Monfort for close to 25 years. I am both an enthusiastic and devoted resident of Lac St.-Francois-Xavier.
I have spent most of my career working in the field of Human Resources and have been involved in improving organizational processes. I have a Bachelor degree in Business Management. I believe in consensus and advocate the following: A specific problem; clear answer.
My focus would be these top three initiatives:
· Home care for people with reduced mobility
· Road conditions
· The Environment.
I will be looking for an economic action plan that will enable the municipality to render various future services. This economic action plan will take place under the vulnerability that overshadows our city, i.e., the population decline (aging population that is leaving to get closer to hospitals, their grand-children, etc.). I will be looking to decrease the weight on the municipal budget.
The issue of boats coming into our lakes directly from other lakes is a central issue that requires our vigilance - there is no place here for errors. While waiting for a permanent solution, I am recommending that part of the revenues from the ‘Coop des 4 Poles’ be distributed to our lake association.
I am asking you to elect me, a candidate who is motivated to enhance the life of its citizen and who will be looking to increase environmental awareness while the diminishing economic risks inherent to our municipality. Altogether, let’s generate a renewal in our actions, all in ensuring a decent life for our citizens.
Louis Quenneville
Mrs. Mélanie Côté, candidate for district 5
To be your ears and voice!
We are about to witness a change in our municipality. Many new councillors will be elected as well as a new mayor. In addition to this, Bill 122, aiming at increasing municipality powers and independence are items that depend on the decision you will take on November 5th.
A citizen of Montfort in the last 9 years, I have seen many changes happening in our sector. I am also very aware of the divisions that exists in our community. In order to ensure positive and sustainable development, it is crucial to gather everyone's idea and values into common goals. One way to achieve this is to develop a collaborative budget per sector, in other words, to have sector 5 and 6 allocate a budget for the elected members of the council and managed by citizens to reach their common goals. In my opinion, citizen involvement is the best way to ensure we feel listened to and involved in our municipal affairs.
I am the person who will stand on the bridge of Monfort to garanty that your voice will be heard in all languages.
Be confident in my integrity, my professionalism and dedication to our living environment. You can trust my organization skills to move forward with municipal affairs.
A wind of change is coming for Wentworth North, be the instigator of positive development and vote.
Best regards
Mélanie Côté
M. David Zgodsinski, candidate for district 5

I have been a full-time resident of lac St. Francois Xavier for seven years. I have had different careers as a geologist, a stockbroker, a journalist and advertising salesman. I am retired now.
If I am elected councillor in district 5, I will vote to make sure that the municipality provides the best possible basic services in the most cost effective way.
I will work to stop all promotion of lac St. Francois Xavier and the Montfort district as a whole, as a tourist destination.
Chemin Principale through the village of Montfort should have a 30 Km/hr. speed limit. The SQ should enforce vehicles stopping at the Stop signs.
The MRC must clearly designate Chemin de Fer from the Pavillion to the end of the residences in the bay as a multi-use corridor - a bike path, but also open for pedestrians, dog-walkers, and resident vehicles. Signs should be posted to reduce speeds for biking to account for shared use.
All development projects will be scrutinized carefully to make sure there is as little risk as possible to our community or the environment.
Protection of the environment is absolutely essential. I will work to have functioning septic systems and emptying mechanisms for all lakeside residents.
The best option for protecting lac St. Francois Xavier from invasive species is to ban all visiting watercraft. If any visitor wants to go boating on the lake they should rent the watercraft they want from the Coop des 4 Poles. That organization should monitor the lake.
If the MRC does not want to ban visiting boats, that organization should pay for boat washing and monitor the lake as well.
Mr. Eric Johnston, candidate for district 6
I want to let everyone know that I will be running for the position of Municipal Councilor for District 6 in our Municipality of Wentworth-Nord. District 6 includes the lakes St. Victor, Notre-Dame, Diez–d’Aux, Edouard, Rond, all addresses along Jackson Road and the area south to Lac Gustave.
What motivates me to become your councillor?
Significant change will occur this election and as an advocate for our community, I would like the opportunity to strongly represent our interests at the Municipal Council while also helping to shape our future together.
Bio: Age 63, semi-retired entrepreneur, I have been a part-time resident in the Montfort area for 23 years and now own a chalet on Lac Notre-Dame.
Chalet: 450-226-8166
Cell: 514-248-6620
Mrs. Danielle Desjardins, candidate for district 6
Independent candidate, district 6 - Montfort
As a resident of Montfort, I am involved in several committees and associations in our community. My career as an organizational psychologist has made me contribute to the growth of large organizations and accompany smaller ones towards remarkable successes.
My program is focused on important issues for our community. Thinking “sustainable development" is a natural reflex for me. Protecting our lakes, our environment and living in harmony are my priorities. Implement a long term vision for increased protection of our lakes, strengthening short term residential lease regulations to ensure harmonious cohabitation for all, or providing activities and services to support our growing population of seniors are achievable goals.
I will work to ensure that our lake associations are recognized as essential contributors to the protection of our lakes and our environment and I will allow them access to the financial resources necessary for the continuation of their mission. As I promote participatory democracy, I will set up a District council regrouping sectors 5 and 6 of Montfort with and allocated budget.
You would agree with me that the recent passing of Bill 122 recognizing municipalities as local government urges us to redefine the rules of governance and ethics. This is a crucial issue for a small municipality like ours.
I have the passion and availability to serve you as a municipal counselor. Let’s talk about your concerns: 450-226-5643 or desjardinscc@gmail.com
On November 5th, get more for your vote
Census 2016 W-N & MRC

Far behind the time, between 1981 and 2006, where the figure of Wentworth-North went from 593 to 1353 people; in part because of the conversion of cottages in permanent residences. (Profil socio-économique des Pays-d’en-Haut, CLD).
As, in 2006, the total of private housing were of 1927 units, from which 669 (34.7%) were occupied by permanent residents, and that on 1989 private dwellings in 2016, 741 (37.3%) were so, the proportion of second homes would have then been on a slight decrease during this period. Was then the conversion of cottages as permanent residences going on? This situation would have been slightly reversed between 2011 and 2016 (38.0% of permanent residences in 2011 against 37.3% in 2016).
We can also make the assumption that the decrease of the population is in part related to the reduction in the size of households. Youth would have left the family home to live in another municipality? Elderly people would have moved in residential homes outside of Wentworth-North?