(Lake Health) Maps on periphyton, vulnerability, water, etc.
Call of the mallard
LSFX hydrological Data on map
Use full screen. Click on an item to find it on the map or click directly on a box or a marker on the map. A note opens.
Periphyton, vulnerability & water quality on Lake SFX (Map)
This map locates the three variables in title. First enlarge the map to be able to work by sector. And then click on an item in the legend of left*to find it on the map or click directly on a box or a marker on the map. A note opens. (Do not confuse the two symbols in the form of bubbles and the bands.)
Notes on periphyton and vulnerability have links to photos on the Lake.
Vulnerability areas identified are still as research; a response team should be established to define and evaluate them.
*See its icon, top left.
C. C.