Crossword, quiz
Coal tit song
Crossword: instructions for use
1. You download the crossword using the link on a blue background. (It is bilingual.)
2. Follow instructions to get started (You click a box).
3. You type the word you think is right and click on ok. Your word will register in black
4. You may come back on the same boxes and click on «Solve»; the right word will register in blue.
5. Click on a new box, etc.
6. You may at any time click on «Check puzzle» to find out how you are making...
Our little world
Council Of Mayors, 2020
ministers in Ottawa, 2019
Canadian PM + Premiers 2019
Crossword: Québec Ministers, 2018
Ministres à Québec, 2018-19 Note: Ministers family names. Cabinet
Lakes in Wentworth-Nord
Crossword: Our Trees In The Other Language
You have to translate the word you are given in English or French; that's your word.