Photos of the month 2018-2020
- The Eric Johnson community memorial rink
- A strange Christmas on the Lake
- Chemin-de-fer's ice wall
- Early morning at lake st. François-Xavier
- Council of MRC's mayors, November 25, 2020
- Lakes SFX & N-D, Sep 22 & 23, 2020
- Sunrise at Lake SFX
- Huberdeau – Amherst – Brébeuf Circuit
- Green Day 2020
- Pay trails?
- At the Montfort Pavilion
- Covid-19: Physical distancing...
- Tell me, when will you be back?
- Photos of LSFX, April 10 to 21, 2020
- Photos LSFX, march 18, 2020
- Minnie's 99th birthday!
- February at LSFX
- Wild turkey at lake Argenté
- January 9, 2020 at Lake SFX
- Nicola Ciccone's Christmas
- nov. 28, 2019 at Lake St. François-Xavier
- Christmas Market at LSFX
- Traffic on LSFX in winter
- Fall at Montfort
- à la Galerie d'art Montfort
- Tony Chiesa's bench
- Pontoon Boat concert
- Souper-spaghetti, 24 août
- SQ patrol at the Corridor
- Electrified barrier!
- A night at the shelter...
- 16 Ilands Lake Shuttle
- Exposition au Pavillon
- The emptying of semi-buried containers
- Sand collector emptying
- Reflections
- Green Day 2019
- Spring thaw, lake SFX & riv. à Simon
- Mid-winter at LSFX
- Christmas Market of Montfort
- Where is Sunny-Side situated?
- From image to imaginary
- Ed Clark and others...
- Bouées retirées
- Fall colors at the Lake
- 19 artists and their work
- Les stations éphémères(Ephemeral stations)
- Le tour du jardin d'Eleanor Dunford
- Lac-des-Seize-Îles
- Day of torrential rain!
- Montfort beach & Lac-Thurson road
- Green Day & Farmers' market
- Thaw at Lake SFX
- Sand collector on the bridge for the Big Hill?
- April at lake St.François-Xavier
- Photos at LSFX
- Art exhibition: Turquoise
Plainte de la tourterelle
The Eric Johnson community memorial rink
The idea could only wonderfully respond to the grief of those around him, including Dave Clark, who had just lost a childhood friend. He wants to commission a sign in memory of Eric Johnson, which will link the memory of the latter to the development of this ice rink. The skaters will have a thought for their dear fellow citizen; and it will be in the pleasure of skating on the frozen surface of this great lake that they will be able to vent their sadness. Newaygo/Montfort is also the story of a community; and for everyone here, life goes on, of course.
And now; there it is and skaters are going around!
C. Chap.
Translated with (free version)
A strange Christmas on the Lake
Torrential rains and flooding at several locations in Wentworth-Nord: "Municipal employees are currently working to correct the situation," according to a December 25 press release from the Director General.
In Newaygo, the Lake was already frozen and a large skating rink was under construction. All that remains today is the edge of snow removed from the ice. But it will be rebuilt, as many times as necessary, because this skating rink will have a message to deliver...
Huberdeau – Amherst – Brébeuf Circuit
From Lac-des-Seize-Îles to Saint-Rémi d'Amherst, the Aerobic Corridor runs approximately along the 364. Both routes end in this village. The 364 had combined with the 327 before arriving at Arundel and continuing westward, while the 327 was heading north to Mont-Tremblant. To complete our circuit beyond Amherst, we must take the 323 northeast to Brébeuf, then the Red River Road which goes down south to Huberdeau along the river. You could take the 327 instead, but you would lose all the appeal of the long sandy beaches along the Rivière-Rouge and the view of this great waterway with the rolling landscape surrounding it.
From the road, the Aerobic Corridor, which inherited the track from the Montfort Settlement Railway, passes virtually unnoticed. We find it at kilometre 51, at the height of Mine Lake (photo 1). This name refers to the kaolin mine that benefited from the passage of the old railroad. The guides indicate the presence of some museum on the site of the old mine, but we would have needed a good walk in full sun to get there.
After 56 km, the Corridor ends at Saint-Rémi d'Amherst (photo 2) Aerobic Corridor. On the tourist side, there is in the village, among other things, the access to this spring where residents, probably, come to fill their huge jugs with water. A rest stop wants to welcome us, with its superb sculpture by which one understands that the logging industry also benefited in the past from the arrival of the Montfort train (photo 3). But there are no trees here to protect us from the burning sun. Its church is pretty and well maintained (photo 4). We didn't see the old train station. We were surprised to see and hear the incessant traffic on the 323 coming from Montebello, on the Ottawa road, which crosses the village to join the 117 and the 327 after Brébeuf, on its way to Mont-Laurier or Mont-Tremblant.
Continuing our tour, the pretty Brégeois Park, in the municipality of Brébeuf, is located next to the church whose bell tower our Pavillon Montfort would envy. It will offer us the ideal picnic area. We were intrigued by the presence of a sculptural ensemble symbolizing the railroad track; which train could it be? There is a lot of activity at the nearby "Marché du fermier"; one wonders how we can respect the containment required by the Covid-19 pandemic. This is not an opportunity for us to set foot there (photos 5 and 6).
But the exceptional attraction of this village comes from its Aux Bleuets waterfall, its bridge that crosses the Rouge River, the immense beach that it offers to a multitude of bathers and all these rocky surfaces, carefully polished by glaciers or torn by the movements inflicted on the bedrock. We find the short track to go down there and the section of the old dam to access it. On the other side of the bridge, well beyond the turbulent waters of the waterfall, the beach is not free; but the problems of promiscuity known at Montfort's beach do not seem insurmountable (photos 7, 8, 9)… All the other access points to the beach that stretches along the river hide private and formal notices of prohibition to pass.
From Brébeuf, and to complete our circuit, we will take this Red River road; certainly one of the most picturesque sections of our hike. Far from any village, we will have easy access to the water's edge*. The sandy bottom gives it a brown colour in its shallow passages. But first a small circuit by the path of the Tour du Carré to admire the Prud'homme covered bridge built in 1918 and recently closed to all traffic by concrete barriers. The view and the visit of an old vegetable cellar are almost as amazing as the bridge. Old farm buildings still stand here and there, behind new constructions that give a prosperous air to this beautiful agricultural countryside.
*Wouldn't it be better to direct bathers from urban centers over there rather than to the tiny beach at Montfort or on other overcrowded lakes in the Pays-d'en-Haut? Well, it's not that simple: light train from Saint-Jérôme; since the Montfort’s one no longer exists. Other investments. And agreement from local residents... But, one day, the needs will have to be met; with the growth of the population through immigration, the highway congestion and the forced passage at Saint-Sauveur; the increasing number of heat waves; etc.
By Carl Chapdelaine
Green Day 2020
At 10:15 a.m., a little patience was needed to wait, in 10° C weather, to enter the courtyard. Many who had arrived earlier were happy to leave with a large bag of garden soil under their arm or on a cart. Another, with a small basket of strawberries in hand.
At the Montfort Pavilion
Covid-19: Physical distancing...
Tell me, when will you be back?
Minnie's 99th birthday!
Nice reception at the Café-rencontre on Wednesday; to celebrate Minnie Johnson who turns 99 on February 21st. What will it be a year from now?
Wild turkey at lake Argenté
Nicola Ciccone's Christmas
The hall of the Montfort Pavilion was full for the Christmas concert of the municipality of Wentworth-Nord on Saturday, December 14, were we told. The spectators probably came from the four corners of the region; though bad weather had forced the less brave to cancel their reservation. Several residents of the village would bite their fingers for missing another great opportunity.
The performance went off without a hitch; everything was running smoothly. Nicola Ciccone's highly discernible kindness had already helped to seduce many. By such prestigious representations, Mayor Ghali had certainly won his bet; in Montfort, the Municipality could line up with the big leagues. Let us hope that the Council may one day find a way to make us relive, in sounds as much as in photos, the moments of pure happiness that its parishioners were able to live in this new temple of entertainment...
With Google Translate and Linguee.
By Carl Chapdelaine
Tony Chiesa's bench
Tony Chiesa's commemorative bench and the other one at Lake Chevreuil need to be revarnished. The authorities, or a small ad-hoc group, should perhaps take charge of their maintenance... They are not the only benches on the Corridor (km ~ 13); and, again, it would take some consideration to keep all in shape for years to come... Look in Bulletin Board.
Pontoon Boat concert
They would tell you:
We had the honor of having with us Mrs. Nathalie Bourassa, trumpet player and Mr. Réal Trépanier, guitarist (Laurel Ma Muse) for this pontoon concert on the Lake. The atmosphere offered by our musicians was of the "cool jazz" type.
You had to go west of the Newago marina, past the Trestle bridge, with your pontoon or any other light craft (rowboat, kayak, canoe, etc.) for the departure of the musical pontoon. You could be in "towing" mode with a pontoon, as we were going around the Lake between 2 and 6 pm.
A voluntary contribution ($) was accepted (and well deserved ...) Google drive
The emptying of semi-buried containers
Sand collector emptying
The Enviro Sani-Nord team is supported by signalwomen and supervised by Transport Québec. The caution is well justified if one thinks of the three young cyclists who rise up at the top of the hill and descend, in single file, at full speed ... The sand trap!
Nicole Larivière and Nadine Legendre will introduce you to the surprising approach of their photographic works. And if the performances baffle you a little, linger over the endearing color scheme or the intriguing charm of many.
From June 1st to July 14th, 2019 at the Galerie d'art Montfort.
Mid-winter at LSFX
Between - 12 ° to - 15 ° C; grey sky and not windy. Not bad for the first Sunday of February. The visitors from France had been proposed to use the Aerobic Corridor at Deer Lake, for a hike to the village of Montfort. But the entrance on the green lane by the Montfort Road, full of snow, was inaccessible. It was also without knowing that only skiers are allowed, will we be informed later by the young attendants at the Pavilion. A track in each direction; not to be massacred by the passage of walkers, they say.
It is close to 11: 30 and the parking lots of the Pavilion are virtually full. Faithful for the mass and skiers were before us. As soon as we step inside, the itinerant priest, in liturgical garments, seems to welcome us with open arms. He is behind the double glass door separating the lobby of the nave, and he is obviously addressing the small religious community who has momentarily regained his place of worship. Shut!
The snack before the hike; but no soup, no coffee and no coffee maker prior to the end of the mass; the equipment is in the kitchen, at the front of the Church, do we understand.
We have a look at the exhibition of paintings, at the beautiful bell which stands at the foot of the choir and at the piano under its blanket.
There is up to one or two meters of snow in the forest; for the pleasure of skiers. But joining the cottage left in early November, by the Mount trail and with badly attached snowshoes, with gaiters left in the bag back and inappropriate sticks, is madness... One sinks almost as much as in simple boots. The sticks are also unnecessary; unless they can reach rock or another hard mass. It is full exercise.
The visitors merely walk all along the Lake; their three weeks of looking for winter in Quebec have been rewarding... It is a shame to close them by this "inching" while getting back to Montreal, on our beautiful Laurentian Highway; with the threat of freezing rain pointing-up ahead.
With the use of Microsoft Translator and Linguee
By Carl Chapdelaine
Christmas Market of Montfort
Photos from France Massie
It was a wonderful and successful event, says Ms. Chartier, host at the Montfort Pavilion.
A dozen stands had been staged in the great Hall (nave) of the Pavilion. They were essentially manned by local artisans. People of the village, and nearby probably, also came in number and their interest explains the success of this market.
And the visitors were not only contented with looking at the superb and multiple exhibits; they have also purchased. At the foot of their Christmas tree for the great day of gift exchange, their findings will not go unnoticed. What could be more original, valuable and useful to offer or receive a Catalogne (rug) made by an artisan of the village? We can also imagine that the event was for many the opportunity to meet friends and neighbors, as formerly just in front of the Church, an irreplaceable lost tradition.
Congratulations to the Table de concertation des Arts et de la Culture de Wentworth-Nord, volunteers, the authorities and especially artisans that allowed such an achievement.
With the use of Microsoft Translator and Linguee
By Carl Chapdelaine
Where is Sunny-Side situated?
We surprise land surveyors of the firm Madore, Tousignant and Bélanger, from Lachute, coming and establishing the geographical coordinates of sites on Sunny Side Street.
They will have to focus on a geodesic benchmark already implanted on a rock outcrop, near the intersection of the Newaygo Road and the Rue du Chemin-de-fer, at the height of the separation between the East (Montfort) and West (Newaygo) basins of Lake Saint-François-Xavier. They install instruments on which they will later focus at a distance from Sunny Side Street and determine with an accuracy of a few centimetres the location, longitude, latitude and altitude, of the sites to locate. Our hiking GPS, were we explained, cannot be more precise than a few metres.
"Over the years, surveyors have established a network of points of which the exact coordinates are known: the so-called 'geodesic points'. These official landmarks are of a precision of a few millimeters; they are found everywhere in the municipalities." Denicourt, Quebec land surveyors
"The Department has established a basic geodesic network which includes 57 000 points of the planimetric network and 22 000 points of the levelling network. This infrastructure materializes the geodetic reference system and the levelling-base height reference system..." Expertise géodésie
We do not however know the report between our geodesic benchmark and those points established by the Ministry of Energy and Natural Resources, or whether it is even one of them. Hope that a professional will enlighten us...
With the use of Microsoft Translator and Linguee
By Carl Chapdelaine
From image to imaginary
Beautiful paintings are still on display at the Montfort art gallery. In the main building, at the rear of the nave of the Chapel, Denise and Pieter Meyer, the inseparable couple, give a retrospective of their art from October 20 to January 13. Photos of flowers, remodelled electronically, sometimes enlarged, will become works of digital art.
Ed Clark and others...
Fall colors at the Lake
End of season at Echo Aloha
5 October and it has been cold for a week already. Storage of the stand-up paddle boards will be elsewhere. Jokingly, we say that a new regulation will force to wash them before leaving the Lake next year... In fact, they are damaged and the club is thinking to replace them with new ones for the 2019 season. They will be sold if possible. Echo Aloha has also other kinds of boards, inflatable.
The club is still active in winter; there are learning courses in the pool, on boards that are attached. This allows even so to practice owns balance and prepare for next summer. The club is present in five municipalities, including Mont-Tremblant.
19 artists and their work
Day of torrential rain!
Sand collector on the bridge for the Big Hill?
Engineers must find more ways to collect the sand of the Big Hill.